#oc: bayarmaa / cyrielle varlineau
paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Family
"Come now. No need to tease your brother about his limbal ring. Last I remember, both of you were just as nervous and excited to get your own."
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paintedscales · 5 months
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XIV Swap Prompt: Giving or receiving a flower.
Estinien helped them outshine him in giving their mother flowers.
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Minon & Mount
Minions :: Gaelikitten // Butterfly Effect // Hunting Hawk Mounts :: Chocobo // None // Garlond GL-II
Getting two for one, and late at that. Thanks DDoS attacks for making me late.
Hamignant doesn't get a mount because in these sets, he's currently a student and there's no way Sharlayan would allow him to just ride willy-nilly around the island.
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paintedscales · 11 days
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Fourteen
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Prompt: Telling Characters: Chotan / Fleurette Varlineau, Bayarmaa / Cyrielle Varlineau Word Count: 230
Master List
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“You’re--!” exclaimed an angry Fleurette as she sat there in the dirt, knees scraped and ankle slightly swollen. Tears were pricking the corners of her eyes as she stared up at her twin sister, Cyrielle. She was embarrassed and upset, having just taken a tumble down the hill because she missed the upturned rock before making her way down.
Meanwhile, Cyrielle had been attempting to keep in her laughter. However…for a seven year old who just watched her sister fall down the hill reminiscent of one of the local lemurs falling out of a tree… Well, it was hard to rein in the giggles that escaped her pursed lips as air escaped her nose, and the laughter bubbled from her throat.
“You’re such a swiving sheep’s arse, Cy!” Fleurette shouted, utilizing such colorful terms she had learned from both her father and mother. Tears were now falling down her face as she tried to pick herself up. Her ankle had been twisted, and she winced and cried more when she put weight on it.
“Those are bad words! I’m telling Mother!” Cyrielle gasped, jabbing a finger at her sister. Kicking her while she was already down, it seemed.
“I’m telling Mother that you laughed at me when I fell!” Fleurette screeched back. She did her best to storm off back toward the cabin, limping and sniffling as she did so.
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Introduction
It's the Cinnamon kiddos! Cyrielle, Fleurette, and Hamignant! :>
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Hobbies + Friends
Ballroom dancing with Bruveaux Sieruet Preparing to draw with Aergwyda Rhitwyr Sparring with Numeria Sylvius
Another two for one because I've been juggling a few things.
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> City-State
"So this is where our lives change, is it?" "Let us hope for the better? <giggle> Mother and father turned out quite well." "How does it feel to be back in Sharlayan knowing you'll be a student?" "Exciting! I can't wait to learn more!"
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paintedscales · 3 months
WoLstinien Week 2024 :: Day 7 :: I Love You
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Sometimes, the island life away from the hustle and bustle of everything else beyond it brings out the simple pleasures. This morning is no different. Especially since it had been some time since Estinien was able to spend time with Nomin and the twins.
Word Count: 919
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Warmth… The bed was warm and soft, and next to him was one of his favorite people that he found solace in upon the entire star. His arm was wrapped around her as she slept comfortably next to him, his arm cushioning her neck as she pointed her head upward so that even in her sleep, she did not accidentally poke him with either of her horns.
Normally, the two of them would be up by now, but their lives had gotten a lot more busy.
Leaning in, Estinien gently pulled Nomin closer to kiss her temple before sliding his arm out from underneath her so that he could get up. He watched her momentarily, hearing her sigh softly before she shifted her sleeping position and continued to slumber. Seeing how she seemed to be in a content state of sleep, Estinien got up and got himself prepared for the morning.
Dressed and ready for at least the morning routine, Estinien walked the familiar route from the bedroom door to the stairs. The mirthful sounds of giggles caught his ear, and running past the lounge were two little girls who were content with playing about the cabin with their toys and imaginations. Estinien paused, managing to crack a slight smile when he saw them.
“‘Tis quite early for the two of you to be awake,” Estinien said, resuming his descent.
The girls stopped, looking back at Estinien with grins upon their faces. They hurried to the bottom of the stairs, waiting for him to fully descend.
“Is Mama awake, too?” asked one of the girls. Estinien looked down at her -- the one who asked was Cyrielle. Telling them apart had been much easier since their scales started to grow in differently from one another.
“Nay…she still yet rests for now,” Estinien replied. He started to head for the kitchen, tailed by both of the young girls. “Your mother should be awake soon, however. Knowing her, she’s likely stirring and waking now.”
“And you can take us to the caves today!?” It was the other young girl’s -- Fleurette’s -- turn to speak.
“... I don’t see why not, I suppose.” Estinien took to getting some fruits situated from the decorative bowl in the kitchen. For a brief moment, he washed up, and then set to peeling one of the apples he collected. He then looked back at the girls as he worked. “Have the two of you eaten?”
It was a silly question. The girls at this age were still wont for burning the energy they had nigh inexhaustible reserves of. Estinien was also sure that Nomin did not yet teach them how to prepare food for themselves, either. Though, with the knife in his hand, he thought better of it himself.
“We were waiting for you and Mama to eat,” Cyrielle replied, crawling up into one of the chairs at the dining table. Fleurette was not far behind her, crawling up into her own chair and looking at Estinien with that lingering grin.
A low huff of endeared amusement fell from Estinien’s nose as he cored the apple and then started to slice it into smaller pieces for the girls. In relative silence, he continued to prepare fruit for his daughters, listening to them as they conversed at the table -- rather, played at the table. They continued their games of make-believe and playtime, earning a small smile on Estinien’s face as he glanced up from what he was doing.
Soon, he departed the kitchen, two bowls in hand and then placed upon the table. After the girls thanked him, Estinien turned and steeled himself quickly to avoid the start that creeped up on him. Standing in the transition area between the dining room and the lounge was Nomin leaning against the frame, a soft smile on her face as she watched him.
“Good morning, Mama!” Cyrielle happily greeted from her seat, crunching into an apple slice as she and Fleurette gave little waves in Nomin’s direction. Of course, Nomin offered a small, silent wave in kind before she returned her attention to Estinien.
“I see you're up and about,” Estinien said, walking over and giving Nomin a chaste kiss upon her head.
“As are you.” Nomin leaned over momentarily, looking over at the twins as they ate their breakfast of fruit. She then lowered her voice so that only Estinien could hear her: “They’re really happy you’ve been back.”
“And you?” Estinien asked, lowering his voice in kind. A slight smirk found its way upon his lips.
“You could have stayed away on your adventure longer,” Nomin teased.
“Oh? I shall keep that in mind. Perhaps the only time I shall come back to the island is in secret so that I can spend time with just the girls instead of you.” Estinien’s tone had also turned to gentle jest.
Nomin scoffed, amused before she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Estinien. “Well, you know what they say: distance makes the heart grow fond. Or something.”
“‘Or something’...”
Sighing lovingly, Nomin affectionately and softly bumped her horn against Estinien’s chest. She then looked past him once more before looking back up at him, her expression remaining warm. Estinien leaned down, his lips once again meeting her head in another chaste kiss.
“What are you thinking?” Estinien quietly asked.
“I’m thinking…that I really love you,” Nomin replied.
Estinien scoffed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he then held Nomin in an embrace. “And I love you, Moonlight.”
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paintedscales · 9 months
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Starlight on the Island Sanctuary...
Done for the FFXIV Swap Discord's prompt of the day being WoLkids.
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Glamour
Summertime Adventurer // Casual Prep // Evergreen Tree
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Living Space
As long as we don't forget who we are or why we're pressing forward, it matters not the distance nor the change of scenery.
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Job / Class
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paintedscales · 1 year
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AuRaugust 2023 - Day 13 - Fang and Claw
"We knew full well the risks of my coming back here. Unfortunately for you, you dared come after our children, and now we bare our fang and claw."
When visiting the Steppe to introduce the kiddos to it goes a wee bit wrong.
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paintedscales · 1 year
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Thank you @vasheden, @theworldwalkersdiaries, and @fuyumeh for the asks, and sorry it took me so long to get to this one! ; w ; Between AuRaugust and now FFXIV Write on top of real life stuff, the plate has been rather full, as it were!
Also, I'm not neglecting the 🌸 / picnic emote. I just have the energy to draw this for this (belated) ask. :')
The Wardrobe Meme
They're a mandragora family! Nomin as the Mandragora Queen, Estinien as the grumpy Tomato King, and both Fleurette and Cyrielle are wee kidragoras. :>
I like to imagine that Estinien has learned that karma is, in fact, real and that he's paying the rather minimal price back from sending Aymeric the gaja suit those years ago. :y I also like to imagine that the costumes weren't just spotaneously bought, but were instead sent to them by Ameliance who is MORE THAN THRILLED AND PREPARED to dote on the twins and make sure they have matching costumes.
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paintedscales · 1 year
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WoLstinien Week - Day Two -> Nap
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paintedscales · 11 months
disc.01 :: Tending Wounds
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The twins learn that playing stupid games earns them stupid prizes.
(I don't know what to make the summary. It's late, I'm tired.)
Word Count: 1,271
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The sound of pained wailing was more than enough to have Nomin drop everything that she had been doing in the island cabin. To the deepest pits of hell with whatever it was, even as the ceramic bowl shattered at the bottom of the sink, and the water still ran. The feeling of her heart dropping straight into her bowels as her legs moved on instinct alone made Nomin extremely tunnel visioned as she rushed outside and looked around before bolting in the direction the wailing was coming from.
Hurrying past foliage and through the desire trails, Nomin soon came across a scene where she steeled herself to stay as calm as possible.
One of the twins was curled on the ground, whimpering and wailing as she clutched her bloodied arm. The other twin had a look of horror etched on her face, an all too familiar lance in her possession. That look of horror melted away into guilty sadness as the standing twin started bawling now that their mother had arrived, the lance slipping from her grasp. It fell to the ground with a muffled metallic clatter against the dirt.
“What happened!?” Nomin asked, attempting to keep any anger or panic free from her tone. The anger was easier to keep out than the panic, as it turned out.
“F-Fleur cut m-m-me!” the twin on the ground sobbed. Her arm was coated in scarlet, the other hand clamped over the wound and doing its best to keep pressure on it as Nomin and Estinien taught them in the past.
Letting out a sigh, Nomin hiked up her shorts and then knelt down next to Cyrielle, frowning as she looked over what she could. Holding out her hand, Nomin recalled how the aether felt when she focused on casting Vercure. As the aether pooled and created a healing white light accompanied by gentle wind, Nomin gently reached out with her other hand and placed it upon Cyrielle’s head.
“Come now… Let me see the wound so that my magicks can work more efficiently…” Nomin calmly instructed.
“I-I’m sorry, mama. I…I d-didn’t mean to…” Fleurette sniffled. She was rooted in place, her hands coming up to messily wipe away her tears.
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to, Fleur,” Nomin replied. She kept her attention both on Cyrielle and keeping the flow of healing aether going. Seeing the cut for herself, finally, however, made Nomin give a silent sigh of relief. The cut was not too terribly deep -- deep enough to leave a scar, but not deep enough that some simple curative spells would not have done the trick overall.
Fleurette’s bottom lip trembled as she sniffled again and hesitantly said, “... I’m sorry, Cy.”
“You’re to apologize to your father as well when he returns home,” Nomin sternly said. “He will not be happy that Nidhogg has been taken from his armory for the type of play the two of you decided to get yourselves in.”
At this, Fleurette’s eyes widened as she blanched at the very thought.
“C’mon, Cyrielle, up we go. That should ease the pain for now, but we need to get you bandaged up…” Nomin said, slowly rising to her feet as she offered her hands to help Cyrielle up onto her own. All while sniffling and hiccuping, Cyrielle allowed Nomin to help her up. Meanwhile, Fleurette was still in stunned silence, her gaze having gone to the ground.
Walking over to the discarded Nidhogg, Nomin picked the lance up into her possession, frowning as she did so. She looked over at Fleurette and sighed once more. “I’m not even going to ask how you managed to get into your father’s armory. The important part is that your sister is not going to die, nor will she lose her arm, if you were ever worried about that. However…that does not change the fact that both of you will need to be punished somehow.”
“But it was an accident!” Fleurette sobbed, burying her head in her hands.
“Accident or no, you could have seriously harmed your sister, Fleurette. If not harm, then potentially have even paralyzed or even killed her with your father’s lance…” Nomin replied, keeping Nidhogg in her grasp as she placed her free hand on Cyrielle’s back. She was still babying her arm, though at least her wailing had died down to small hiccups and sniffling now that her arm had healing aether to aid her.
“Why am I…why am I b-being punished, too?” Cyrielle asked, taking in a stuttering breath as she bit back her crying.
Motioning the girls back toward the cabin, Nomin considered her words carefully. The experience was traumatic enough, surely, without her having to chastise or yell at them to get her point across. So…she finally gave her response: “you see, Cyrielle…even if you were the unfortunate victim in this bout of play with Fleurette, you still went with it. Both of you know that your father and I teach you what we can not so that you may play with one another with what you’ve learned, but so that you may defend yourselves or even each other should the time arise for such things.”
“But…you and father always look like you’re having fun when you fight…” Fleurette protested, folding her arms over her chest as she walked alongside the other two.
“Your father and I have spent many years of our lives training in our own ways and methods of combat. We know our limits,” Nomin replied. There was a moment where she paused, though she elaborated on her statement: “I was… Admittedly, I was made to learn combat against my will for much of what I know. Your father chose his combat lifestyle for his own reasons. I'm sure he’ll tell you once he feels you’re old enough, or the time is right.”
Once the garden was in view, Nomin urged Cyrielle forward and nodded to Fleurette to go into the house. Looking down at Nidhogg, Nomin’s expression grew distant before she frowned and tightened her grip upon the shaft. She felt his essence that still stained the steel, even after all these years. Likewise, she felt that familiar tug of malice and turmoil within the twins themselves.
It was nauseating at times, though Nomin shook her head and took the lance back inside. She glanced in the girls’ direction, noting how they had taken up their seats in the dining room. Satisfied for now, Nomin took Nidhogg and got it put away back in the somewhat sizable walk-in closet space that both Estinien and Nomin used for their arms and armor.
There was a moment where Nomin paused. She looked back to the armor that Estinien typically wore and placed her hand against the cool steel of it where one’s heart would be.
“... Ysayle…you would protect them, too, right?” Nomin softly asked. She knew her question would go unanswered, but she liked to believe that some trace of her lingered outside the aetherial sea. That she truly watched over them.
Dropping her hand back to her side, Nomin took one last look at the armor before leaving the room and making sure to lock the door behind her. Striding back into the dining room and then into the kitchen to retrieve a medical kit, Nomin placed it upon the counter while getting some soothing and healing salve, along with some bandages.
“Well, looks like you two are going to learn some basic triage today. We’ll discuss the punishments you two should have to do after I teach you both how to care for wounds without magic.”
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