#oc: delia hastings
eddysocs · 25 days
Soup-er Apology — Tony DiNozzo x OC
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Summary: Tony bothers Delia on her day off, only to find out she’s sick, so he takes it upon himself to try and make her feel better.
Word Count: 690
Warnings: None
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Tony DiNozzo stretched out on his couch, relishing his day off. He’d planned a day of relaxation, maybe a trip to the movie theater to stuff himself with popcorn and take in the latest action flick, but a nagging thought kept distracting him. It was Delia’s day off too, and he couldn’t stop wondering what she was up to. Maybe she wasn’t doing any thing either and would want to go to the movies with him. Without thinking, he grabbed his phone and dialed her number.
“Hello,” Delia answered. She sounded sleepy, her voice coming out a little raspy and strained. It was just after noon, wasn’t she up yet?
Tony couldn’t help but quip, “Well, have a little too much fun last night did we?”
A pause, then a sigh. “I’m not hungover, DiNozzo. I’m sick. What do you want?”
Tony winced, realizing his mistake. “Sorry, Dels. I didn’t know. You sound awful.”
“Gee, thanks,” she replied dryly. “Was there something you needed?”
“No, I just wanted to check in, see if you wanted to catch a movie, but I, uh, hope you feel better,” he stammered, feeling a pang of guilt. He ended the call, but he couldn’t shake the image of Delia, sick and alone. It wasn’t long before he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
About an hour later, after a trip to his favorite local deli, Tony stood outside Delia’s apartment, juggling a bag of soup containers and a bouquet of daisies he’d picked up on a whim. Tucking the flowers under his arm, he knocked gently, hoping she wouldn’t be too annoyed at his intrusion.
Delia opened the door, wrapped in a blanket, looking even worse than she had sounded. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Tony? What are you doing here?”
“I brought you some soup,” he said, holding up the bag. “And flowers.”
Her expression softened into a smile, one that didn’t quite fully reach her tired eyes, and she stepped aside to let him in. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I felt bad about earlier. Thought I’d try to make it up to you.”
“Come in, then. Make yourself at home.”
Tony set the soup on the counter and handed her the flowers. “You got a vase for these?”
Delia nodded and pointed to a cupboard. While she filled the vase with water, Tony ladled out some soup and brought it over to her.
“Here, sit down. You need to eat.”
Delia accepted the bowl gratefully and sank into her couch. Tony sat beside her, watching as she took a few sips. “How are you feeling?”
“Like death warmed over,” she replied with a half hearted chuckle. “But the soup helps. Thanks, Tony.”
He grinned. “Anything for you, Delia.”
As they sat in comfortable silence, Tony’s eyes wandered to the stack of DVDs on her coffee table. “Hey, what’s this?”
Delia glanced over. “Oh, just some of my favorite movies. I like to watch them when I’m sick. Helps take my mind off things.”
Tony picked up a DVD and examined it. “You mind if we watch one?”
“Sure,” she said, smiling. “Pick one you haven’t seen. If that’s possible.”
He selected one called Medicine Man and popped it into the DVD player. As the movie started, Tony glanced over at Delia, who was already looking more relaxed. He felt a warmth spread through him, not just from doing something kind, but from being close to her.
Halfway through the movie, Delia leaned her head on Tony’s shoulder. He froze for a moment, then relaxed, enjoying the closeness. He knew they weren’t officially together, but this felt like a step in the right direction.
When the movie ended, Delia looked up at him with a sleepy smile. “Thanks for coming over, Tony. You made me feel a lot better.”
He brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Anytime, Delia. Anytime.”
As he left her apartment, Tony couldn’t help but feel hopeful about what the future might hold. Today had been a small step, but it was a step he was more than willing to take.
For @sicktember
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile
Delia Hastings: @nathan-ocs
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niennavalier · 3 years
OC Ramble Pt 3!
Alright, this is gonna be my last OC post for now (unless I feel like unleashing the D&D character creation hell onto the internet) (which is a possibility but idk, cause I actually can't include all of them anyway). Just gonna do a little bit of a talk about my other ship, which I tend to call my City Boys, because a suggestion from a friend stuck. Also a few of the characters connected to their story. Which I will talk about... someday. Also the world for this. Which isn't fully fleshed out yet, aside from being sorta... medieval/renaissance vibes? (I clearly know history). But essentially kinda how fantasy vibes work, just minus magic. But the whole story has been centered around the one city that they're both from, which has really strict economical divides and such.
But okay, gonna start typing on the boys, here we go, hopefully won't be writing too much here (it's late and I'm sleepy).
Alaric Hastings: Mid-20s ish, born into a noble and really traditionally minded, old school type family (the really haughty, uptight sorts - basically just huge dicks, to be concise). But it's not the kind of life he likes - big social gatherings and keeping up appearances and having to present yourself in a certain way just to maintain your family's pride. He's very much an introvert, gets anxious and nervous really easily in these sorts of situations, and has never really had a way to deal with it? (He got basically thrown into the deep end with this sorta stuff at a young age and isn't naturally a people person. Which didn't really get him any friends that could make this all easier, and it's just amplified by his parents being super uptight, even compared to other nobles. It's all a big mess, really). When his parents find out he's gay, that goes as well as you'd expect and he ends up disowned.
(tbh if you check my other posts, he's the one that I posted the song for. The idea of male!Elsa lives in my head rent-free and made it into this character)
Then there's y'know, plot stuff that I'm too tired to get into. But in general, he's real warm-hearted and gentle - lots of very soft vibes here. (even if that's coupled with self-esteem issues and such). (Although he's also the type of person who will really latch onto something as a way to cope, whether healthy or not? AKA alcoholism is uh... a thing. But hey, this is what plot is for - to address things).
Random fun fact: he's actually one of few males characters I have who doesn't fit into that super pretty aesthetic? He's more conventionally handsome, although he himself doesn't really care much about his looks. Which is a nice lead in to...
Silas Reyes: The other half of this pairing! He comes from the poorer part of the city (but a much better family environment. He didn't know his dad but his mom is wonderful) (Actually, cause I did come up with some story stuff for his parents, his dad is also a noble, but from a much nicer family, and has some big idiot golden retriever energy). But he's the charismatic people-person of the two. Without getting too far into the worldbuilding, he basically worked his way up into this crime syndicate of sorts, and ended up becoming their negotiator and face, so to speak. He's just good at reading people and understanding what they want, and he knows how to sort of dance around those desires and play whatever part he needs to, so long as it gets whatever outcome he wants. Which is the more sinister side of what he's capable of, but he's just really adaptable when it comes to social stuff. Outside of that, though, when he's able to take off all those masks, he's genuine and... I guess blunt? He'll say what he thinks, albeit in a way that still comes off as friendly and ribbing and generally warm, not cold (though he does have a somewhat sharper way of speaking, especially compared to Alaric. It's sorta hard to just explain without examples though).
Him and Alaric meet under...not so great circumstances - lying is involved at the early stages - but, again, plot and development and etc etc.
And as for why there was that attempt at a transition up above: he cares a lot about how he looks. Presentation and stuff. It's important to him that he looks put together, especially in the presence of other people (ie. people he's not super close with). Especially his hair? He's particular about it and puts a lot of time into it (because it was actually an early part of his character design IRL. I had an idea, and said idea had me actually looking up stuff like medieval techniques to dye hair).
Emerson: Again, no last names, but she's one of Silas' friends. Two ish years younger that him, hardcore insists that everyone calls her Em. She's got this big and exuberant personality. Very talkative and just a bit dramatic (more than a bit). She loves being involved in all the goings-ons and has been known to basically be the local rumor mill. That whole nosy side is really on display when she's with Silas and Bennett (who I'll talk about a bit down below). She loves knowing what their plans are, especially when it comes to their love lives (she's very invested in all of that. When she first met Alaric, she shipped the two of them from the start and was more or less determined to make sure they worked out their issues). She's panromantic and ace, and so when the boys talk more on the sex side of all of this, her opinion is the "okay I'm glad you two enjoy this but also why? Aren't there better parts to talk about?"
Bennett: Alright, I mentioned him above and frankly, I don't have him fully figured out - just some bits and pieces I wrote to get an idea of his voice. But he's the other one of Silas' friends, and of the trio, the sorta more serious one. He's much more grounded (no-nonsense seems a little too harsh, so I'll go with grounded) and gives off this air of just knowing how to deal with situations. He's much more of a listener than his two friends, but also naturally intuitive (especially when it comes to reading Silas. The two of them met as teenagers, so there's a lot of unspoken stuff that he can read. They didn't meet Emerson for another handful of years, at which point she just sidled up to them and became part of the group). But also, all of that can go out the window when he's with the two of them - especially Emerson. They'll just bicker and banter with each other constantly over whatever weird topic of conversation someone brought up.
Side Notes: Yes, most of these characters are attached to Silas, but to be fair, Alaric's parents are huge assholes and I've just not cared enough to flesh them out. They suck and that's all that matters for now - whatever excuse they think they have for not accepting their kid is dickish and dumb (to be fair, I do have their reasons in mind, and yeah, bad parenting). Also, I do have another character in the works who's connected to Alaric's backstory - a brief, past love interest that he meets again later. But I don't have a lot of ideas for how that all goes, so I haven't experimented hugely with his character (although I do have a name I like!) And other last thing: I do have Silas' parents worked out a bit - Delia Reyes and Alonso Oriol - and have actually written down how they meet (it's incredibly stupid and fitting). I just didn't feel like going into them too much here? Maybe I will later idk; his dad is a riot (big dumb idiot who just adopts people).
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eddysocs · 1 year
🍼 Delia Hastings x Tony DiNozzo??
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Name: Andrew DiNozzo
Personality: Sweet, funny, passionate
Who they like better: Delia
Who they take after more: Tony
Personal headcanon: Tony gives him the middle name of Jethro after Gibbs and Tony also calls him 'Little Boss' as an affectionate nickname when he’s really young.
Name: Joy DiNozzo
Personality: Overachiever, clever, dedicated
Who they like better: Tony
Who they take after more: Tony & Delia equally
Personal headcanon: She’s a hell of an athlete and participates in many sports throughout school, earning her a full scholarship to an ivy league college.
Send me 🍼 + an OC x canon ship of mine and I’ll make their child(ren) on faceapp
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eddysocs · 2 years
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Introducing: Delia Hastings
Fandom: NCIS
Face Claim: Bethany Joy Lenz
Full Name: Delia Marie Hastings
Age: 28
Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Love Interest: Tony DiNozzo
Occupation: NCIS Agent
Collections: Old Dog Tags
Style/Clothing: Suit jackets and matching pants or skirts make up Delia's typical garb, as well as chunky heels. She’ll go with a t-shirt and cargo pants with combat boots for something more casual.
Signature Quote: "Imagine fighting for your country overseas only to get blown up back home."
Plot Summary: Delia has seen war, has seen countless lives lost. And when she trades in her military uniform for a job with NCIS, she’s all business. But a certain special agent Anthony DiNozzo makes it his own private mission to get her to loosen up. In this battle of wills, who will come out on top?
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @antonybridgertons, @foxesandmagic, @eleanorstulip
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eddysocs · 2 years
NCIS OC Masterlist
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Name: Delia Hastings
Face Claim: Bethany Joy Lenz
Love Interest: Tony DiNozzo
Fic Title: Free Agent
Plot Summary: Delia has seen war, has seen countless lives lost. And when she trades in her military uniform for a job with NCIS, she’s all business. But a certain special agent Anthony DiNozzo makes it his own private mission to get her to loosen up. In this battle of wills, who will come out on top?
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Name: Karina Simms
Face Claim: Brittany Snow
Love Interest: Abby Sciuto
Fic Title: Morgue Matchmaker
Plot Summary: When Jimmy moves on from NCIS, Karina steps in as Ducky's new assistant medical examiner. She quickly bonds with her new mentor, as well as with Abby. Formerly an online matchmaker, Karina is useless when it comes to finding love for herself. However, Ducky easily spots her chemistry with Abby and encourages Karina to pursue it. And, during her time working with the team, sees some tension between Tony and Gibbs and uses her former matchmaking background to get them together.
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Name: Leah Massey
Face Claim: Marina Ruy Barbosa
Love Interest: Jethro Gibbs
Fic Title: Rule Breaker
Plot Summary: After a disastrous morning, Leah Massey decides to treat herself to breakfast and finds the place filled. The only seat available is across from a stoic looking silver haired man. It’s only when she joins him that she’ll realize that he’s possibly about to become her boss, as she has an interview at NCIS later that day.
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Name: Nicole Mitchell
Face Claim: Emmy Rossum
Love Interest: Jenny Shepard
Fic Title: Madame Director
Plot Summary: Nicole is the assistant to the Director of NCIS, only recently hired before Jenny replaces the current Director. As both of them adjust to their new jobs, they bond and Nicole goes and gets herself a little too personally involved with Jenny and her connection to Gibbs' team.
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Name: Tia LeBlanc
Face Claim: Antonia Thomas
Love Interest: Donald "Ducky" Mallard
Fic Title: Kindred Spirits
Plot Summary: Tia Leblanc is a medical examiner for NCIS down in New Orleans, but a major case brings her up to DC to work with Gibbs and his team. Working closely alongside Ducky, she realizes that she has more in common with him than practically anyone she’s ever met. His kindness and the compassion with which he deals with the dead is exactly the way she’s always operated and despite her whole life being back in New Orleans, Tia packs it all up and becomes NCIS's assistant medical examiner in DC.
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eddysocs · 2 years
Delia Hastings Masterlist
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FaceApp Kids: Andrew & Joy DiNozzo
None yet
None yet
Incorrect Quotes
None yet
Intro Aesthetic
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Soup-er Apology 🧸🌡️
Tony bothers Delia on her day off, only to find out she’s sick, so he takes it upon himself to try and make her feel better.
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Angst = 💧 Fluff = 🧸 Suggestive = 🫦 Explicit = 🔞 Dark = 😈 Humor = 🃏 Pregnancy = 🤰🏼 Sickfic = 🌡️
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