#oc: elena von riegan
lapinbunwrites · 11 months
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So apparently there is @fe-oc-week going rn and I almost missed it! So I am going to clump as many of the prompts as I can.
Day 1: Introductions
Her name is Elena von Riegan! The illegitimate daughter of Godfrey von Riegan and his mistress Setsuna. She was born in the year of 1153. When she was about six years old, her and her mother left the Leicester Alliance to get to another country, but they end up in Fraldarius territory where they stayed. When the plague hit, it took her mother, leaving her by herself with no family left to speak of. She is a dark flier and her pegasus was a gift from Lambert and was once his first wife's pegasus.
Elena is very energetic, cunning, and stubborn. She loves her pegasus, dancing, singing, purple butterflies, rose acacia flowers. spicy food. Here interests includes learning new tactics, exploring, new training styles, and scheming. She does not like her father, disorganization, heat, and swimming. Elena is one year younger than Glenn and she is 9 years older than Felix.
Day 2: Relationships
She was part of the next generation of Faerghun four which includes Glenn Govan Fraldarius, Colby Frey Galatea, and Miklan Anschutz Gautier.
Glenn: Her childhood friend who she bonded with instantly. Over the course of their lives, they became best friends and did everything with. Eventually the two did fall in love with each other, but never acted on it because of Glenn's betrothal to Ingrid. She is the one that Glenn trusts the most.
Colby: They are very close and are childhood friends. They are pure chaos with each other and have zero braincells when they are around each other. They do care about each other deeply and Colby trust her to the point that he told her that she is a trans woman and wants to go by Astrid instead of Colby.
Miklan: The two used to be so close, like brother and sister, and did everything together. They both trained in axes and war tactics under Matthias and magic under Miklan's mother, Raven. They always competed with each other to see who was best. Elena always won. But with the birth of Sylvain, that's when their relationship broke. They constantly fought and she did everything she could to protect Sylvain from Miklan's terrible behavior. With the way Miklan treated his younger brother, she lost all feelings towards him and felt relief when he left/died.
Holst: They are friendly with each other and get along very well. They usually train with each other or have a little tea party to catch up on life since they don't see each other all that often. Sometimes they are at odds with each other, but usually they come to an agreement.
Balthus: As much as Elena likes Balthus, she gets very frustrated with Balthus. Most of her frustrations come from cleaning up his mess with Holst. She constantly questions their friendship and wonders how is still alive most of the time.
Claude: Elena cares for Claude so very much. Whenever they are around each other, they get into so much trouble and have so much fun. They pull multiple pranks on people, especially on the Gloucester family. They constantly give Judith and Nader heart-attacks. Elena also is very motherly towards Claude.
Godfrey: Elena despises her father and can't stand him. She went no contact with him after her and her mother left Riegan Territory. From what she remembers of him, she didn't feel like he cared for her or her mother. She also felt like she was like she was never meant to exist and that she was a plight on the Riegan name. So she never cared to keep in contact with her father when she got older.
Amelia: Elena always felt loved from Duchess Fraldarius, as she was the daughter Amelia never got. The two of them are very close, and they treat each other with a lot of respect.
Rodrigue: Rodrigue is like a father to Elena. He treats her with such kindness, softness, and gentleness. If she had any opinion on how a father should be, it would be Rodrigue. He trusts her with a lot of information and has her as his advisory, not only for him, but for his wife and his son Glenn.
Lambert and Aisla: Elena is like a daughter that they never had. They are like a third family to her. They care for each other deeply and trust her with so much.
Dimitri: Elena is like an older sister Dimitri and one of his closest friends. She would do anything to protect him, even at the cost of her life and in turn he would do the same. She believes in him and the future he wants to create. She is also very motherly towards him.
Ingrid: Elena and Ingrid don't get along with each other at all. She wanted to befriend her and be nice to her for Glenn's sake and because she would become Ingrid's advisor in the event she becomes the next Duchess Fraldarius. But that always failed with Ingrid's jealousy and hatred towards her. Elena does everything possible to avoid Ingrid.
Day 3: Backstory
Elena was born the only, and illegitimate, daughter of Godfrey von Riegan and his mistress Setsuna. She is also the niece of Tiana von Riegan and cousin to Claude von Riegan.
Setsuna's and Godfrey's relationship was kept in secret, and when Elena was born, her existence was also kept as a secret. Shortly after Godfrey's relationship and daughter found out, Setsuna feared the worst for her and her child, she took Elena and left the Alliance Territory. Setsuna fled towards Duscur in hopes of saving Elena from her family and all the backlash.
On their way to Duscur, they ended up in Fraldarius, only hoping to stay the night. While they were there, Elena befriended Glenn instantly. After that, they stayed there. Setsuna became an advisor to Duchess Fraldarius, Amelia and Elena enjoyed her childhood in Fraldarius.
Because of her mother constantly traveling, Elena was able to befriend Colby/Astrid Frey Galatea and Miklan Anschutz Gautier. She was able to train in axe and tactics under Matthias and reason magic under his wife, Raven. She would also travel with Amelia and Glenn to the Alliance Territory, where Elena was able meet Balthus and Holst.
With her friendship with Glenn and the Fraldarius family, she grew close to the Blaiddyd family. She learned how to hunt, ride a pegasus, and light magic because of the Queen Consort, Seraphina. Once Seraphina passed away, Lambert gifted Elena with his wife's pegasus because he knew no one would be able to ride her and Elena would be able to take care of her.
Growing up with Glenn, she fell in love with him. He was always so kind, so gentle with her, and he gave her all of his trust. They always confided in each other. As they grew, it always pained her that he would end up with Ingrid to the point where she debated leaving the Fraldarius family. She stayed anyways with the family, coming to the conclusion that she was content being with Glenn even if he was going to marry Ingrid.
Much to her delight, Glenn decided that after his travels to Duscur, he would end his betrothal to Ingrid and truly start his relationship with Elena.
Day 4: Tragedy
Elena was cleaning some rooms in Castle Fraldarius for when Lambert, Matthias, and a few other visitors came for some business. While she did that, she found a notebook that belonged to Lambert's first wife. While she read through it, she thought it would be best if he saw it because it had some incriminating info about Rufus and what his plans were for the throne. When she went up to Fhridiad to discuss negotiations with Duscur, she forgot the notebook and Lambert, Glenn, and the small army to wait a couple days. If she wasn't back from Fraldarius with the notebook, to go ahead and leave without her.
When she was on her way back to Fhridiad, she was ambushed by the TWISTED. She fought off as many as she could, but she wasn't able to survive the attack. She ultimately died along with her pegasus. In her last moments, she wished Glenn all the happiness in the world and hopefully he loves someone as much as he loved her. Her body was taken back to Fraldarius Castle where she had a proper funeral. Her pegasus was taken back to Fhridiad to have a proper send off of her own.
Day 5: Joy
In another world, she gets to Fhridiad in time and saves her life and the life of many, including Glenn's and Lambert's. Because of this, Glenn was able to call of his betrothal to Ingrid and they began to date, eventually getting married. They ended up having two children, Akari and Hotaru. They had Akari when Felix went to the academy, right around the time he receives the Aegis shield. Then they had Hotaru during the five year war.
Day 7: Endings
She will only have one canon ending and that will be with Glenn.
"After the war had ended, Elena went back to House Fraldarius with her beloved husband. Both Glenn and Elena rebuilt and restored Fraldarius Territory to its former glory, even making it better than the previous Duke and Duchess. It was often said that the Duke and Duchess spent much time in the kitchen with their children, filling the castle with laughter and celebrations. The recipes that they had, were passed down from generation to generation and became pillars of what food that started a culinary revolution, setting a new trend in the culinary world."
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outerspacebun · 2 years
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Waaaaaahhh I’m so in love with these commissions I got from @kwoojii!!!! They are of my FE 3H Oc’s and of Rodrigue. From left to right, we have my version of Glenn Govan Fraldarius, my OC of his best friend Elena von Riegan, GlenEna, and Rodrigue with my version of his wife Amelia! Thank you so much for doing this, I love all these precious babies.
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outerspacebun · 1 year
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I got really bored and made a character card for one of my OC’s, Elena von Riegan, using @paintsfireemblembrainrot template! Info under the undercut!
Personal Information:
Name: Elena von Riegan
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 167cm
Crest: Riegan
Class: Commoner
Affiliation: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Personal History:
1153: Born the illegitimate, and only child, of Godfrey von Riegan and his mistress
1159: Leaves House Riegan and stays in House Fraldarius
1165: Mother dies of the plague and starts to learn how to be an advisor of House Fraldarius
1176: Was killed by unknown assailants on her way to House Blaiddyd
Different training styles
Different tactics
Purple butterflies
Rose Acacia Flowers
Spicy foods
Her Father
Status: Advisor of House Fraldarius
Closest Allies:
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lapinbunwrites · 2 years
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Was drawing while I was getting my car fixed and apparently when I got home I decided to keep going.
First two pictures: Amelia von Atalanta/Amelia Fraldarius. Rodrigue’s wife and the mother of Glenn and Felix.
Third and fourth pictures: Elena von Riegan, the daughter of Godfrey von Riegan.
Fifth and sixth pitcture: Glenn Govan Fraldarius. 
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lapinbunwrites · 1 year
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Title: The Ones We Lost
Rating: Gen
Warning: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Characters: Claude von Riegan, Hilda Valentine Goneril
Additional Tags: Verdant Wind Route | Golden Deer Route, During War, Angst, Grief/Mourning, No Happy Ending, Mentions of Death, Mentions of my OC
Word Count: 2,175
Ao3 Link
Claude shifted around in bed, being unable to sleep. Many dreams and memories flowed through his mind as he tried to sleep. Memories of his father and mother walking with him in the castle garden at night, dreams of what could happen after the war, memories of his brother trying to kill him, and even memories of a woman he hasn't seen in ten years.
He felt a twinge of pain in his chest as he sat up in his bed. He hadn’t thought about his cousin for so long, and remembering her was painful. Claude remembered the day hearing about her death and remembering being with Judith and his grandfather. He felt numbness when he heard about her death, and felt anger at the terrible words that his grandfather had said about his cousin. It only got him thinking more of what his goals were; the tragedies that befell Faerghus and Duscur were even more reason to end the war. To break down the prejudices that people have so he didn’t have to lose another person, especially someone like his cousin.
Claude rubbed his temple, hoping to release those bad memories from his mind. Not that it would go away anytime soon, they will always be with him. He looked out his window, seeing the stars shining brightly. Maybe a walk around the monastery would help. As he walked through the dorms, and down the stairs, he finally felt the exhaust set in.
He didn’t know where he ended up, but he was glad he was able to see the stars. Looking up at them, it brought even more memories into his mind. The stars reminded him of the stories his mother, his father…his cousin told him when he was a child. The one that stuck with him the most was one that his cousin had told him when she was helping him get through Fodlan.
"Elena..." Claude whispered as he closed his eyes. "I wish I could hear you tell me another story of the Star Lovers."
"Oh, there you are, Mister Leader Man," Hilda chirped as she walked towards him.
"Bah! Hilda, don't sneak up on me like that!" Claude gasped, as he turned around to great her.
"Hehe, sorry!" She joked.
"What do you need?" Claude asked.
"Oh nothing, just doing some rounds and making sure everyone is sleeping," Hilda replied with a giggle.
"Oh, the lazy Hilda is actually doing something," Claude teased.
"The last thing I need is someone tired for me to do more work," Hilda teased him. "Which brings me to you. Why aren't you asleep?"
"I had a restless night," Claude admitted, his voice becoming more somber.
"Ah," Hilda faintly smiled. "There is nothing I can do about that."
"Actually, there is," he smiled.
"And what would that be?" Hilda sighed.
"Stay with me for a little bit. It'll put me at ease." Claude said.
"If you're sure," Hilda sighed and groaned. "So, what's this story about the Star Lovers?"
Claude faintly smiled, feeling the ease in his heart as she stayed. "It's about two people. A commoner girl leaving her ruined village, going to a territory more bountiful than her own."
"Uh-uh," She said softly as she listened to every word of his story.
"There she met a nobleman and the two slowly fell in love with each other," he went on, recalling the memories of when his cousin told him the story. He remember the cool fields that they walked through. His fondest memory of that day was sitting by a tree, having lunch, and the both of them exchanging childhood stories. He felt bliss that day, that the pain he was feeling melted away, and that there were truly good people out there. "They eventually got married and had a child. But soon after they had their son, war broke out and they were no longer able to see each other."
"Hmmm," Hilda murmured out, placing her finger on her cheek.
"Hilda?" Claude asked, giving her a confused look.
"No, it's nothing. Keep going," she insisted.
"Very well," he nodded, taking a deep breath. His hands were shaking as he tried to continued to tell the story his cousin told him. "The man died in a war, unable to go back to his wife and child and became a firefly. Because of this, everyone forced the woman and child out of the territory. They traveled around, doing everything they could to make ends meet. Eventually the time came for the woman to pass away, leaving behind her young son. When she passed, she became a firefly floating around until she found her late husband. When they reunited, they traveled up into the sky, becoming two stars."
"Claude," Hilda whined. "That is so sad."
"It is," Claude agreed, holding out his handkerchief.
"What became of the son?" She asked, sniffling taking the fabric.
"I don't know,” he said, trying to repress his shaking voice. “It was a story my friend was going to tell me the next time we met in person.
Hilda wiped the tears she shed off of her face before speaking. "That sounds like a story that Holst told me as a child."
"Oh, really?" He asked, intrigued.
"Yes, really," she giggled.
"Please tell me," he said, softly.
"Are you sure? It's a sad story," she told him.
"Yes, please?" He insisted.
"Okay," Hilda agreed, taking a deep breath in and exhaling. "The story is about a woman that helped a man in a noble house. The two fell in love and had a daughter. But that love soon turned sour and the woman took her child and left. Soon she ended up in another nobleman's home and stayed there. Her daughter fell in love with the nobleman's son, but it was forbidden since the son was already betrothed to another woman."
Hearing Hilda's story, it reminded him of Elena and what she went through growing up. He could feel Elena's stabbing pain she felt not being able to be with Glenn as he closed his eyes. He could see her running to her room, climbing into bed, and crying because it hurt her to be around him and yearning for him. He could feel all of her feelings, and it pained him to the emptiness he felt.
"What did they do?" He asked, opening his eyes.
"They had to hide their love. Whenever they left the son's home, they both went underground and stayed together doing Goddess knows what," she replied. "When they got older, a war broke out. The son was sent to fight and he lost his life. During the war, there was also a pandemic. The daughter caught it herself and passed away. The son became a blue butterfly while the daughter became a purple butterfly and the two eventually reunited."
"What happens next?" He asked, smiling through his gritted teeth.
"They both floated around in the world until they came across two different mothers. They flew into their cups before they both had a drink," Hilda responded with a low tone.
"They were swallowed?" Claude gasped.
"Yes," she chuckled. "The two were hoping to be reborn into a new life so they could love each other openly. Or at least that's what my brother told me."
"Heh," he laughed.
"Heh," she laughed along with him. "He told me in Faerghus' culture when people die, they become butterflies and float around into someone's cup to be reborn again."
"That's very sweet and not too far from what's here in the Alliance," he added with a smile.
Hilda nodded in agreement. "The story is called The Tale of Two Butterflies."
Hearing the title to Hilda's story, Claude's smile grew bigger as he suppressed his tears. It pained hear that the story was much like the life Glenn and Elena had lived. It pained him even more when he realized that Elena didn't take his words to heart saying that they should eloped if they truly wanted to be together. But he knew that was childlike wonder thinking that everyone would be able to do that. It wasn't the same for his cousin like it was for his mother.
"Claude? Are you okay?" She asked, visibly concerned, as she handed him his handkerchief back.
"Yes, I'm fine," he stuttered, still trying to repress his tears, as he took the cloth back.
"It doesn't look like it," she disagreed as she placed her hand on his shoulder.
"I assure you, I am fine," he insisted, rubbing his eyes and face.
"Okay," she sighed. "Anyway, who is this Elena person? She sounds familiar."
Claude placed his hand on Hilda's, squeezing it softly. "She was a...friend," he whispered, softly so she couldn't hear the shakiness in his voice.
"A friend?" She repeated.
"Yes," he breathed, feeling a twinge of pain in his chest. "She was a good friend. Elena helped me get to Daphnel and we talked so much on our way there. After I got into Judith's care, we sent some notes to each other."
"Oh how sweet!" Hilda rejoiced.
"It didn't last long though," Claude shot down, feeling the numbness take hold of him.
"What? Why?" She choked.
"She died," he said, moving her hand off of his shoulder. He turned to face her to show her the tears that welled in his eyes.
"Claude!" She panted, squeezing his hand even tighter. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, I am fine," he reassured her, feeling the numbing pain in his heart turn to emptiness.
Hilda nodded, knowing that he was lying. "Do you know what happened?"
"No," he sighed out. "All I know is that she was found dead by her pegasus."
Hilda frowned and felt the tears start to roll down her cheeks. "This sounds so familiar."
"How so?" Claude asked, letting go of her hand and giving him his handkerchief again.
"I remember my brother had this friend in Faerghus," she sighed, wiping the tears stroll down her face. "Two actually."
"Really?" Claude asked, feeling his eyelids getting heavy.
"Yes," she reassured him.
"What do you remember," he asked.
"I remember a woman from Fraldarius would bring her son and I think her daughter to  Gonriel. They would often train and hang out with Holst and Balthus," she replied, thinking long and hard of what she remembered. "I remembered a girl who had brown hair and green eyes. She also wielded an axe. I also remember a boy that had blue hair and blue eyes. He wielded a lance."
Claude sniffed as she continued to speak. He didn't realize how close his cousin was to the Gonriel family, but it was nice to know she had friends like them.
"Oh, Claude," she whined.
"I'm fine," he sniffed. "What else do you remember?"
"I remember that they came less and less as we grew older. Then they stopped all together," Hilda replied, tears welling up in her eyes. "Then I remember Holst being holed up in his room and Balthus drinking endlessly. The worst I have ever seen him, the both of them."
"Hilda," he softly spoke.
"Yes?" She asked, trying to compose herself.
"Do you know what year that was?" He asked, looking her in her eyes.
"I believe it was 1176," she replied.
Claude went quiet for a few seconds. "That was the year Elena died."
"Oh Claude," Hilda said, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry."
"It's...alright," he reassured her as he hugged her back. "I'm glad, though."
"Why is that?" She asked, releasing him.
"It was nice to know that my friend was good friends with Holst and Balthus," Claude replied as his voice perked up. "And to know that there were other people that cared for her."
Hilda shook her head in agreement. "I remember it destroyed my brother and Balthus. They both cared so much about her."
"How did you react?" He asked.
"I don't remember. I just remember being really sad," she replied, crossing her arms and leaning her head against his back. "How about you?"
"I went numb," he replied, letting out a low sigh.
“I’m sorry,” she replied, hiding the tears that she didn’t want him to see.
Silence grew between them, and it was killing Claude the most. He was beginning to relive all the pain he once felt all those years ago, again. Not even the stars were calming him down. The silence was cut short as Hilda’s heels clamping against the dirt as she began to walk away.
“I’m going to bed Claude,” she said with a sigh. “I have had enough sadness to last this lifetime.”
“Yeah,” Claude muttered out as he watched her walk away.
Claude placed his hand on his shoulder, feeling a presence wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Elena, my dear cousin and friend, I know parts of Hilda’s and Holst’s story are true. I hope you and Glenn are reunited and love each other with all your hearts. You were loved,” he sighed out as tears finally rolled down his face.
So a couple of weeks ago I was talking to a friend about OC's and I was being angsty. In 3 Hopes it is stated that Claude has a cousin/Godfrey has a daughter and decided to roll with it. While I was also talking with my friend and I brought up how Claude (Holst's, and Balthus') reaction to his cousins death and how Hilda dealt with it. Just a lot of pain and nothing getting better.
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