#oc: felrielen
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Warden Felrielen
Some of my fave shots of the ones @rhunae took for me! Thank you for being such a wonderful person and getting these shots for me even with the difficulties :D 
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Warden Felrielen -- Inquisitor -- Herald of Andraste
I did this a while back for my other kiddos and you can find those HERE
I was tagged by @star--nymph! Thank you darling!
tagging: @trans-aloth, @acepavus, @trashmage, @veridium-bye and whoever! sorry if you got double tagged!
Template by lavellanlove
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(For the OC gift thing) A small, sealed note on top of a package reads as follows " Fe, I hope all is well, my love. While our group was traveling through the Orlaisian countryside, I found some comforts you will hopefully enjoy. Be home soon, Shia" In the package is an assortment of silk hair ties of many colors, a small package of lavender bath salts, a royal purple throw blanket and a new pair of leather gloves.
Felrielen finds the package on his bed in Vigil’s Keep and slowly opens it, reading over the words carefully. Da’nuvin babbles in his arms and he kisses the side of his daughter’s head. 
“Mamae will be home soon.” He tells her warmly, opening the rest of the package. He lets his daughter smell the salts and she recoils, the whine easily hushed with a kiss on the nose to make her giggle. He sets the hair ties aside, noting that he will have to do Da’nuvin’s hair with them soon. He quickly wraps her up in the purple throw blanket that smells like Shia and smiles at the embroidery on them. Shia was always good at picking out fine gifts. 
He was looking forward to having her home safe again.
[send my character a note or gift and my character will respond with their reaction!]
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Warden Felrielen & Shia’Laevel Lavellan
Big thank you to @keeperscompanionsdai for these wonderful sketches of @mistressmage and I’s characters! aka terrifying husband and wife, warrior and mage couple.
Thank you so much! :D
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Warden Constable Steward Felrielen “Fe” of Ferelden
Orphan | Orlesian | City Elf | Dalish Elf | Warden
Can I keep my hero on the ground You're like a bird Gone with the cold winds Where did you Mystery man I will not lose you now 'Cause we surpass The universe
who are you?
Big giant thank you to @wardenofmyheart for these lovely screenies of my boy Fe! I love them so much and she is always super considerate and wonderful to work with :) <3
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“Now that’s not the evil magister I know.” Smile widening to grin as Dorian blushes skin warming and darkening under Felrielen’s hand.
@apostatetabris wrote me THIS wonderful giveaway prize and I got super inspired to draw something for it! Once again, a giant thank you to apostatetabris!
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Felrielen: Warden-Constable & Steward of Vigil’s Keep
“Warden Fe is an accomplished Senior Warden and has been a strong diplomatic Steward for Vigil’s Keep since Warden Commander Tabris left five years ago. He is a level headed, calm and professional man, keen to look for non-violent situations and compromise. His head has kept many situations from spiraling into violent confrontations, especially with the Mage Templar war right on our doorstep. Despite his Orlesian background, those in the Arling took a shine to him, stating much the same of him being a fair, loyal, and considerate Steward. Undoubtedly  he should be more than up to the tasks given to him and I daresay he will think of a dozen other ways to solve your issue without you asking....or him asking for permission before implementing such solutions. Rest assured, he has the best interests of everyone at heart.”
--A letter from Senior Warden Weston in regards to his superior officer
I got inspired by @wardenofmyheart,and her lovely Warden character Rosie, to make my own Warden/Inquisitor character! I honestly didn’t expect to fall in love with him as much as I have and gosh darn I’m super invested now in him and what’s going to become of him!
Some facts about him below the cut:
1. He is 35 years old and has been a Warden for ten years now. He was conscripted when he was 25 and generally isn’t keen to talk about the circumstances surrounding it.
2. In general he isn't keen to talk about his past before he became a Warden and is prone to extravagant lies if asked about before he became a Warden.
3. He is pansexual! He’s got a giant crush on Cassandra.
4. He has the barest hint of magic to him; it’s not enough for him to be able to cast spells, but the connection does mean he remembers the Fade when he sleeps and can be taunted by demons and spirits. His unnatural eye color is a result of this connection.
5. He doesn’t have a surname, prefering to be called Warden Felrielen, Warden Constable, or Fe. Most can’t pronounce his name (Fehl-ree-el-ehn) so he goes for just Fe (F-ee).
6. He isn’t a true Warden-Constable as in he was the second in command to Warden Commander Tabris. After he left, Vigil’s Keep was run as a bit of a collective until things started to come apart as things that are run by collective do. It started interfering with his ability to keep Kar’Hirol manned correctly, so he took to circumnavigating the leadership at the Keep so things would run correctly within the Arling. Rather than dismantle his power, the collective decided to pass off leadership to Fe by saying his organization of things was him volunteering. Thus, he became the Warden Constable without really trying for it.
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Me @ bioware: Hey uhhhhh gimme some buff elves pls, I’m begging you.
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Warden Felrielen + In Hushed Whispers
aka local elf wonders when he will get to start managing things because they really, really need managing.
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I wanted to do this meme for Fe since he needs a bit more of an introduction in a way~
Screenie by @wardenofmyheart
Full Name: Warden Constable Steward Felrielen “Fe” of Ferelden
Gender/Sexuality: Non-binary/Pansexual
Pronouns: He/Him/His!
Ethnicity/Species: Dalish Elf/City Elf
Birthplace & Birthdate: The Val Royeaux alienage in 9:06 Dragon. His mother died in childbirth and his father died of pneumonia when he was seven.
Guilty Pleasures: Bashing a training dummy to bits, fancy wine from Orlais, ignoring paperwork, reading cheesy plays/novels from Orlais.
Phobias/Fears: Chevaliers and burning buildings. He saw a lot of violence in the alienage growing up and was deeply angered/upset by the burning of the Alienage.
What they would be famous for: Being The Warden Constable of Vigil’s Keep and Ferelden, along with the Arl of Amaranthine. Also as an accomplished Senior Warden of the Grey Wardens. Later, he’d be known as the Herald of Andraste and Inquisitor to the Second Inquisition
What they would get arrested for: Murder, fraud, thievery, hiding an apostate. Activities he did in his youth.
OC you ship them with: My friend @mistressmage​‘s character Shia’Lavael, a fellow elf he met in the Denerim Alienage when he was sixteen. He later fled with her and her parents to the Dalish after her magic manifested. The two were later married and had a daughter, Da’Vunin. But he became estranged from her and their daughter when he joined the Wardens. He hasn't seen her in many years.
OC most likely to murder them: Ooooo Shia would like to murder him for dozens of reasons, all valid. He did leave, didn't tell her where he went and didn't come back for starters.
Fave Movie/Book genre: He enjoys reading about history and other dense topics of the like. He is a voracious reader and during Inquisition he took to collecting all sorts of history books. The ease of which he could find books from vast distances is incredible to him. Before while in the Wardens he could get varieties of book, but they were often at great costs and he didn’t have the budget.
Least fave movie/book genre: He doesn’t really have a genre he hates.
Talents/Powers: He’s on the cusp of magical abilities and they flare at times with the power in the mark. It isn’t enough to really cast spells, but he can create orbs of fire, lighting and ice if he concentrates. Beyond that, he is a Reaver and a Warden, so he’s got potent/dangerous blood. The more bloodied he gets in a fight, the more worse off his enemies are.
Why someone might love them: He is a Warden and Wardens are wonderful, but beyond that he's very level headed and in control of situations. He is quite tall (6 foot even) and even then it feels as if he takes up more room. He’s like a stoic, reassuring presence that is also very deadly with a sword and shield. He is quiet, but very well spoken.
Why someone might hate them: He is an elf with a great deal of power and nothing but himself to keep that power in check. He does have his advisors and confidants, but he is left to the choices he deems are correct ones to make. He is above reproach in many settings. To have that much power as a elf is cause for hatred in many people, especially since he looks to be dalish. He can also be smug about his abilities as a warrior.
How they change: He grows more as a leader--even beyond his days as Warden Constable--to where he is one of the greatest leaders both in military and in diplomatic strength. There’s no denying that with the evidence of his work in Ferelden after the Warden Commander left and in saving Orlais. But, he also grows much more tired. It wasn’t as if he was disillusioned by the world before, but he kept the lot of it to himself. With everything going on, it’s hard to keep that inside. He grows much more cynical. He also grows more afraid of his inevitable death. He’s been a warden for ten years and he doesn’t know how much longer he has before he has to leave everything behind. 
Why you love them: I love Fe because I’ve wanted a character who is much more level headed than Darva or Dimitri and is more mature in the way he conducts himself. Fe fits well into that and I love thinking of ways he would approach situations that would be more mature/diplomatic. I’ve also wanted a warden character for a long while too and he’s perfect. Plus, his face is just super cute and I love him.
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I was tagged by @heraldofwho and @ielmoe for this character meme!
I’m gonna tag: @myronmuse, @smolpocketmonstercoffee, @kadara-skies, @acepavus, and anyone else who hasn’t gotten tagged who wants to be tagged! Go for it! Also no obligation to do this!
I couldn't add everyone ever to it, but this is the main crew for Darva’s world state and Dimitri’s world state. (minus Miriam and Daniel since they’re both cheering mcdonalds).
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OC’s Flirting
I was tagged by @myronmuse! Thank you!
Find gifs that best describe how your OC’s flirt!
I’m gonna tag: @trans-aloth, @mistressmage, @ielmoe, @pink-lyrium and anyone else who is so inclined! Go for it! :)
Darva Lavellan
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Darva....he tries, bless his soul and he does have his moments of being smooth. But more often than not he’s kinda a graceless little baby bird when flirting. He doesn’t have much practice and he gets too embarrassed for it. Dorian’s flirting is enough for the both of them.
Dimitri Enallasani
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He....isn’t much into flirting. He will kinda try at times, but he is more one to make his intentions known if he is feeling inclined. He is more inclined to pine for someone in a corner and not show it. But, if someone who strikes his fancy is all about flirting with him, he ain’t gonna say no as long as they know what they could be getting into.
Warden Felrielen
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A grade A smooth talker all the time. He does enjoy flirting with people and it fits right in with him being Orlesian and with his political sense. He isn’t without his charm. Him and Dorian were relentless in their flirting and teasing for a long while, partially because the gossip was worth it.
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Not at all a flirter, but more of a confessor. it’s part of him being honest and part it just getting the awkwardness of flirting out of the way. But he is inclined to show affection and “flirting” through actions and words. He thinks it means more and is funner that way.
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OC interview meme
I was tagged by @pink-lyrium! Thank you darling!
I’m gonna do this for Fe!
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1. What is your name? Warden Fe 2. What is your real name? You mean full name? Fine. Warden-Constable Felrielen, Steward of Vigils Keep. Happy? 3. Do you know why you were called that? Yes because it is my name and my title granted to me by Warden Commander Tabris-Surana. 4. Are you single or taken? Debatable 5. Have any abilities or powers? Vaguely, but not enough for it to matter to anyone in charge. 6. Stop being a Mary Sue. What?  7. What’s your eye color? Purple. Product of magical blood. 8. How about your hair color? Black 9. Have you any family members? ......Yes. 10. Oh? What about pets? Does my horse count?  11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like. I People with a lack of understanding about Wardens. And most Ferelden foods. 12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing? Yes. I’m not a serious warden all of the time. 13. Ever hurt anyone before? Yes. Many times 14. Ever… killed anyone before? Yes. Been a trend lately however. 15. What kind of animal are you? Excuse me? 16. Name your worst habits. Not sleeping in a proper bed. Give me a chair to sit in and a wall to lean it against and I am fine. 17. Do you look up to anyone at all? Metaphorically? I have surperiors who I look up to naturally. Beyond that, people like Cassandra and Leliana are ones I admire. 18. Gay, straight, or bisexual? Doesn’t matter much to me. 19. Do you go to school? No and I never had an education.  20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? Does it count if it’s already happened? 21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls? Blegh, I hope not personally. No doubt they exist however with being the Constable as well as a Warden 22. What are you most afraid of? I will not say. 23. What do you usually wear? Warden armor. Beyond that, a linen shirt with pants and a good pair of boots are fine enough for me. I do have a gaudy signet  ring I have to wear at times. But we do have very nice formal Wardne attire. Almost reminds me of home. 24. Do you love someone? Did love someone. 25. When was the last time you wet yourself? Last trip to Kar’Hirol. Got ambushed when I was taking a piss. Not a good situation overall. 26. Well, it’s not over yet! Ugh. 27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class) Low class. I’ve never had much and the Wardens have given me much, but I do live by the basics.  28. How many friends do you have? Many. They are all back at Vigils Keep however. 29. What are your thoughts on pie? One good thing about Ferelden 30. Favourite drink? Orlesian wine. My homeland does one thing well at least. 31. What’s your favourite place? My room back at Vigil’s keep or with the Mabari. 32. Are you interested in someone? .......Yes. 33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy? NO. 34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? I would pick a lake since I have not seen the ocean. 35. What’s your type? Type...? Blegh, not answering. 36. Any fetishes? Once again....NO. 37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive? None of your business. 38. Camping or indoors? Indoors. The Deep Roads do not count. 39. Are you wanting the interview to end? Yes. 40. Now it’s over! Good.
Gonna tag: @rhunae, @smolpocketmonstercoffee, @underthedreadwolfsgaze, @ielmoe, @kadara-skies, @nbtakumi, @dirthara-mama! Only if you want to or have done this already! If you wanna tag yourself, go for it!
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*In Hushed Whispers*
Man: The invitation was for Master Lavellan only.
Fe: It’s Warden Constable Felrielen of Vigil’s Keep, if you would be so inclined.
Dorian: But don’t worry. I’m here, I’ll protect you.
Fe: A mage says to a man with a rather large mace.
Dorian: A pointy stick, if you will.
Fe: A clubbing stick.
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A Fe thing or two:
—He isn’t THE Warden. He’s A Warden. He did spend a good five years under the command of the Hero of Ferelden. (Who is related to my main Warden Eth in being her younger brother). So he knows Warden Commander Tabris-Surana quite well. Fe wasn’t left control of the Arling and the Wardens by his orders, but since the Warden Constable at the time wasn’t able to do the job himself, he delegated and took Fe’s complaints to volunteering.
—Thus he has a unique title: Warden-Constable Steward. It’s more of a technical term for the Wardens so to not mix him up and the actual Constable. He’s Commander in all but name since Tabris-Surana still holds that honor and Fe doesn’t want to go to Weisshuapt.
—But causally he’s just Warden Fe or Felrielen or Senior Warden Felrielen. Depends on company and familiarity.
—He does make Blackwall a Warden and immediately takes him under his command. It keeps him from being shipped far away from where he’s needed in the Inquisition. Despite him lying to Fe, they do end up as a good friends. He was honestly waiting for Blackwell to say something and give it up, but he supposed he had his reasons. The Warden talk of duty, sacrifice and honor is grand to Fe, but he knows his Wardens and the people they were before. It takes all kinds and he knows why people would do what he did.
—Fe is also a reliable sparring partner for Blackwall. Oddly, he will spar with just about anyone. Like Cole, Vivienne, Iron Bull or anyone really. He’s very much “class blind” in training. He knows how Mages and rogues move so he can better coordinate where his people are going and what they are doing. Plus walking a mile in someone else’s shoes is good.
—He becomes a Reaver for a good couple reasons: the blood aspect. The dragon’s blood mixing with his tainted blood on top of the magic in him is all highly intriguing to him in how he can use those powers. It keeps his versatile. He also does borrow a few Champion moves from Blackwall that he teaches him just so he can be a versatile fighter.
—He does have fancy Warden armor/garb he wears to the Winter Palace. It’s all very ornate in deep blues, silvers, warm leather and fur. It’s got a long cape with wing like patterns meticulously and beautifully woven into the fabric down his back and the collar is covered in grey fur. Plus he does his hair up in a fancy braided bun near his ear with feathers casted in silver as pins.
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The thing with Fe and Mages is that he’s lived in a world that is “class blind” most of his life. In the clan the Mages had different training and he knew it well considering Shia, but even then she knows how to shoot a bow and use a sword if needed. In the Wardens he could spar with a mage, a rogue or a warrior and it would be pretty evenly matched.
He knows Mages can handle themselves since it’s all he’s known. That doesn’t mean they don’t have incidents, but even as such Fe isn’t going to let one ruin everything. They are trained like people and treated like people.
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