#oc: heloise
jasmariswonderland · 5 months
🌟Sweet Dreams with my Twst OCs Part 3🌟
“You will become the protagonists of your own fairy tales…”
Hello everyone!
So…how about that most recent update in EN?! With everyone on the Isle of Sages currently in a deep slumber, I thought it’d be fun to explore just what my ocs are dreaming of. In this final part, we’ll be looking at the dreams of Vidaira, Heloise and my RSA oc Florine!
What is your oc’s ideal dream world?
Warning: Vidaria and Heloise’s dreams include spoilers for Book 7 content not yet available in EN
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I recently touched upon this in an excerpt I posted of her overblot AU, but I’ll add upon it here.
In Vidaria’s perfect dream world, not only are the Draconia’s defeated by the Silver Owls but they never again regain power to retaliate against the Cheriths. It’s not known if Malleus still exists in this dream but regardless, Vidaria is in no danger of being forced to wed him. Her betrothal to the infant prince of dawn is then set to proceed and twenty one years later, she marries him. Her dream begins while she’s preparing for her wedding. 
Heloise is still in her life and still her faithful handmaiden and  even Iman is there too to be her maid of honor. They talk about her future ruling the Land of Swords and its revealed that Vidaria and Silver have grown to love each other similarly to how they have in real life. They both love horses, fencing and the prince loves hearing her play the harp and sing. They also share the same dream of everlasting peace between human and fae and look forward to ruling the Land of Swords together to make it happen. Iman muses how theirs is a match made in Heaven and it’s true. 
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Now, Heloise’s perfect dream world is interesting because in her dream, the Cheriths are still in power but she and Vidaria still attend NRC with the Diasomnia crew. They all still get along well enough, albeit a bit closer than before. Ane because the Cheriths are still in power, Heloise is never taken hostage. 
Her dream begins with her, Vidaria and Igraine enjoying an early morning flight around the Isle of Sages before classes begin for the day. In history class that day, it’s further revealed that in this dream world, the Cheriths and Draconia’s actually formed an alliance against the Silver Owls and drove them off the land they tried to take from the fae. But in time, the humans and fae also came to some sort of understanding as well. Later, she, Vidaria and Iman have lunch together where they talk about a trip to the Southern Isles they’re planning to take together when school lets out for the summer. 
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Florine’s dream begins a few months earlier right before the cultural festival. Initially, she wanted to take part in the VDC but her anxiety about being around Neige for so long prevented her from auditioning. By that point, he had already picked Lilianne to lead the girls’ team and was not being very subtle regarding his feelings for her, making Florine feel pretty insecure. 
But in Florine’s perfect dream world, not only is she part of the RSA Diva’s but she’s also their leader. She makes quick friends with all her teammates and she has a lot of fun creating a performance with them. Neige also takes notice of her and they quickly form a very sweet bond. It’s not known if the RSA Diva’s still lose or if Neige still wins but for Florine, it doesn’t matter. She’s finding her confidence, making more friends and best of all, her crush is taking notice of her. 
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fruitpuppi · 1 year
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i know bliss lies in ignorance 🌹
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nebulous-apocrypha · 1 year
19, 26 and 34 for the oc ask game?
okay so since i haven’t really mentioned her here at all, i’m going to answer this for heloise.
19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off? - heloise, despite outwardly being a very serene person, is very quick to anger. she gets angry at anything she perceives as a slight of some sort, especially if it’s directed towards her family and their circumstances; her family once carried significant prestige as considerably powerful magicians, but had a gradual fall from grace in recent generations. it’s a touchy subject for her.
26. how do they move? are the clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids? - heloise has a very decisive way of moving, if that makes sense. she tends to walk briskly and quickly, and doesn’t really stop to let people pass by her.
34. how would they describe themselves? - i think that heloise would very much describe herself as a victim of her circumstances. not with that exact phrasing, of course, but that’s the way she tends to paint herself.
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star-synth · 24 days
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Tried something a little different for the shading, I really like it tbh
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some imagined boardgame cards featuring my ocs :)
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seepylilthing · 2 months
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Oc time ! This is Gabbles . Her lore ties in with the secretary au , she was created by Citrine (the secretary) ! She's going to take on an irresponsible aunt type role to the warner kids .
Gabbles is an adult . Around 27 like Citrine is in the story , but she calls Citrine "big sister" .
This was a small bit I wrote to depict their dynamic
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She's taller than the warners , but still pretty small . I headcanon yakko around 3 feet so for me she's probably 4 feet !
Yes ! It's okay to draw her ! Please tag me in it if ya do
And feel free to ask me questions about her in my ask box <3
Oh , and she uses she/he/it ! Nonbinary :]
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cdmodule · 1 year
Been seeing too much negativity lately so new tag "game" time: Object show fans and artists, reblog this and talk about your favorite object show artists in the tags (and maybe what you like about their art)
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eldstunga · 2 years
I have no idea how to even start to present most of the art we’ve been doing, there’s FOLDERS of this stuff but only like 10% of it is decently finished, presentable drawings. Most is inane, silly scribbles in ms paint or aggie that CONVEY SO MUCH CHARACTER but are like... 
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featuring the art and characters (Hel’s bestie Kristín and unnamed I.T rat shrew Mouse) of @kwerpp
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Invincible OC: 6/?
STATUS: Anti-hero (active)
Heloise Contraire, AKA Hellcat
they're @plasmacandle / @dasinclair's oc!!
"My mom's got the whole 'fitting in with humans' thing down a lot better than me, but she never ripped open a hole in reality at her fourth birthday party. That's one infernal power that skipped a generation. It isn't all bad, though - not everyone is lucky enough to know exactly where they're going when they die."
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brudrak · 1 year
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[oc] The shark pirates have got in the news headline for the first time, this calls for a celebration!! ... For some, at least
Rigel is tired of Kai and Galen putting them in trouble all the time, he just wanted to avoid unnecessary conflicts as much as possible! But it seems they have other plans :‘)
My spread for the @/opoczine [twitter / instagram] !!! Ft. a few from my OC’s crew 💞  I had a great time meeting everyone and their OCs aaa 🥺💖
The zine is FREE and still is up to download, come check it out it has tons of amazing arts, writings and merchs!! <33
Untold Stories of the Grandline: A One Piece OC Zine
Instagram | Twitter
⚠ Please, DON’T repost and don’t use this artwork;
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grottweiler · 1 year
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He's not short, he's fun-sized!
My laptop died the other day, so I'll be using pen and paper until I can get it fixed.
Special thanks to @eldstunga for letting me use their lovely fox girl Heloïse.
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jasmariswonderland · 2 months
"Any who dare threaten our dorm shall recieve a harsh lesson...from yours truly!"
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🦋Heloise's Dorm Uniform SSR🦋
With a special apperance by her familiar Igraine! Voice lines coming soon!
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dasinclair · 2 years
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scientist & supervillain after-work rendezvous on the roof of some government building
[og picture under the cut]
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ephemerallibrary · 2 years
TWST OC Profile: Heloise
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info below the cut~
Technical Information
Name: Heloise Levasseur
Japanese: エロイーズ・ルバスール
Voice Claim: TBD
Character Theme: lasah × sasakure.UK / taixu
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Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi (male leaning)
Relationship Status: Has a (cat)boyfriend
Age: 19
Birthday: January 26th 
Starsign: Aquarius
Height: 183 cm (6')
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Light blonde
Homeland: ???
Family: Father, Mother, older brother, younger brother
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Professional Status
Occupation: College Student
School Year: Sophmore (Original World), Freshman (RSA)
Clubs: Archery Club
Best Subjects: Animal Linguistics, Astrology, Flight
Worst Subjects: Potionology, Ancient Magic
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Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Potato Au Gratin
Least Favorite Food: Coffee
Dislikes: Public speaking,
Hobbies: Archery, writing music (can sing and play piano, harp, and some guitar), cooking, handicrafts, fantasy novels, mmorpgs, anime
Talent: Sight reading
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Heloise is a tall and slim girl with short, flaxen hair. She has a generous smattering of freckles across her face as well as on most of her body. She's long been self conscious of her height, particularly her long, lanky limbs which she considers ungraceful.
She favors clothing that's comfortable and easy to move around in. She's comfortable wearing both pants and skirts.
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Heloise is a shy but kind-hearted girl. Having grown up with highly critical parents, she's often wary of making bad impressions so tends to behave in an agreeable and polite manner. Often anxious, she usually defers to others around her and declines to speak her mind. The exception is her strong belief in standing up for the weak, she won't stand for bullying or injustice, even if she might later regret getting involved.
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Signature Spell
Her signature spell is "The Echo" (超える力). When cast, it allows her to perceive other's movements slightly ahead of time, making it easier to dodge attacks and strike. (She sees the big orange aoe circles on the ground and simply moves out of them lol)
It seems to also be able to grant brief glimpses of a person, place, or item's past, but she has little to no control over when this happens.
Wokin on it
Notable Relationships
Mirabelle Hourlinet [(Former) Best Friend]: The two of them met in elementary school and became inseparable. Mirabelle has the more assertive personality so Heloise would often rely on her encouragement to help her speak up for herself. Due to their falling out in their senior year of high school, they haven't spoken in almost a year and she misses her dearly. She's unaware of Mirabelle's fate and the fact that she also found her way to Twisted Wonderland.
Oscar Citrinitas [Boyfriend]: He pretty much swept her off her feet the moment they met. She admires his passion, bravery, and cheerful, outgoing nature. The two of them can often be seen together between classes. She's really shy about pda but loves holding his hand when they walk together!!
Neige LeBlanche [Friend]: They met when he overheard her singing and complimented her. The two chatted away about their favorite music and became fast friends. Of course, someone eventually informed her that he's a mega celebrity and she was worried she might be too anxious to hang out with him anymore. Fortunately, Neige is so laid back that she still feels like she can be comfortable and casual around him.
She likes to play songs from her world on the piano for her classmates. Chenya says she should have just said she wrote them but she's too modest to lie like that.
Neige really wanted her involved with SDC/VDC, she helped arrange the song for his performance. He wants to write original songs together too but Heloise is a bit worried that they won't be to the standards his fans expect.
She used to be really into cosplay and would hand make her own costumes.
She loves reptiles, particularly snakes
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star-synth · 1 month
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Every second you're not running, she's getting closer
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scarfprincess · 2 years
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hello please look at my beautiful Heloise i love her so much 🥺👉👈
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