#oc: henry van tassel
gryffieverse · 2 years
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gryffie verse main cast; gen 1
eli moore
henry van tassel
griffin mcallister
dakota “seven” austen
lorelai austen
maryanne “mo” darling
brighton “demo” buttergood/mcallister
peyton bradley
raleigh holt
felix averill
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gryffneedsabreak · 2 years
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oc aesthetics: henry van tassel
henry’s parents are rich and famous so certain expectations were laid upon him from an early age. he’s all set to inherit his father’s company but is that really what he wants? oh, and what about the love triangle he doesn’t know he has going on with his girlfriend and his best friend? not to mention his younger twin siblings, who are causing scandals for the family’s reputation faster than their mother’s pr team can clean it up.
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Dejaremos a continuación una lista con historias que pueden servir de inspiración o de base para rolear en el Dark Universe. Les recordamos que los personajes OC son totalmente bienvenidos. Para consultar los personajes ocupados visiten aquí: 
En el caso de personajes de literatura, históricos, cultura popular, etc. recomendamos tres opciones para encaminar la historia:
- El personaje con sus años originales y una explicación lógica de porqué es tan longevo. Ej: Vampirismo, magia, posesión, ciencia, entre otros.
- Un AU moderno/actual del personaje elegido.
- Los descendientes del personaje en cuestión. Ej: Una tataranieta de Van Helsing. El último sobreviviente del apellido Frankenstein. 
Les enseñaremos unas minifichas para terminar de completar el ejemplo. Pueden tomarlas al pie de la letra o usarlas como referencia para la creación del personaje. 
*"Adam" Frankenstein. El monstruo creado por el famoso doctor Frankenstein en 1795. El primero de las resurreciones del doctor, qe también adquirió habilidades fuera de lo común. Se las ha arreglado pars vivir oculto hasta la actualidad tras haber pasado por muchas tribulaciones en esos tiempos.
*El Monstruo de la Laguna Negra. Una criatura humanoide anfibia que apareció en 1954 por primera vez en una expedición y causó todo tipo de estragos, sin estar muy claros de su origen, está actualmente atrapado en los cuarteles de Prodigium.
*The Hollow man. El más reciente de los monstruos, un hombre producto de un experimento que terminó mal, y su cuerpo ahora tiene la capacidad de hacerse completamente invisible. Buscado desde hace años por Prodigium por una serie de asesinatos.
*Agente Ethan Chandler, miembro importante de Prodigium y uno de los más útiles agentes gracias a su puntería impecable con cualquier arma.
*Katrina Van Tassel. Agente de Prodigium. Bruja longeva cuyos orígenes datan desde 1820, fue reclutada en 1900 como uno de los primeros miembros, tras el regreso del Jinete sin cabeza.
*Vanessa Ives. Agente actual de Prodigium gracias a sus poderes videntes. Fue adoptada por el Dr. Henry Jekyll, convirtiéndose luego en uno de los miembros más importantes.
- Relato o adaptaciones de Jekyll and Hyde.
- Relato o adaptaciones de Frankenstein. 
- Relato o adaptaciones de Drácula. 
- Relato o adaptaciones del Jinete sin Cabeza.
- Relato o adaptaciones del Hombre invisible.
- Relato o adaptaciones del Fantasma de la Opera.
- Relato o adaptaciones del Hombre Lobo.
- Relato o adaptaciones de Dorian Gray.
- Relato o adaptaciones de Jack el Destripador. 
- Historias de  H.P. Lovecraft.
- Historias de E. A. Poe.
- Historias de Clive Barker.
Se aceptan sugerencias aquí https://darkuniverserol.tumblr.com/ask 
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gryffieverse · 11 months
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the van tassel-austen family, gen 1
leonard van tassel, camille anderson, henry van tassel camille austen, samuel austen, henry van tassel, dakota "seven" austen, lorelai austen
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gryffieverse · 2 years
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Character Profile
Full name: Henry Maxim Van Tassel
Meaning of name: Henry - House ruler, Maxim - greatest
Nickname: Love (by Eli), My love (by Eli, when they’re married)
Reason for nickname: Eli is an idiot and lame
Birth date: September 23rd, 1967
Zodiac sign: Libra
Libras born on September 23 are energetic factfinders. These highly verbal people combine a love of learning with good taste -- the hallmark of their sign. September 23 people manage to project an image of seriousness while still maintaining their charm.
Age: 26 (as of the beginning of the story)
CONTENT WARNING: mental illness, abusive parent, alcohol and drug abuse, violence
In a nutshell: Henry is the first-born son of a rich and influential family. His father is the CEO of an investment company, while his mother is a high-profile politician. He has never lacked anything and has been living the high life, not caring who he hurts in the process. When he’s twenty-five years old, he gets taken hostage by a group of people posing as only his mother’s political enemies (although their true motivations turn out to be even wider reaching) and his mother refuses to pay the ransom they ask for the safe return of their son. Henry spends a year in the clutches of his captors, only escaping with the help of a mysterious man who goes by Steve and doesn’t give a last name.
Once safely back at home, Steve reveals that the people who kidnapped him are still after them, and that Henry must help him put a stop to their plans before it’s too late. Embroiled in the mystery are also other characters from Henry’s past some of whom he thought were dead. Who is really behind it all? What do they want? And can Henry keep his loved ones safe from whoever is coming after them?
Physical appearance
Faceclaim(s): Young: Emjay Anthony, Main: Matthew Daddario, Older: Eric Bana
Height: 6ft 3 (190.5 cm)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark brown/black
Tattoos, scars, distinguishing features, etc: No tattoos, we imagine the runes don’t exist in Shadowhunters
Usual fashion of dress: business casual
Jewelry or accessories: expensive watches and cufflinks
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Henry takes after his mother in his ability to be extremely personable. He is able to befriend and then use people for his own gains fairly easily. He’s charming, rich, and good-looking (a fact of which he is very aware of and takes advantage of often). Henry is extroverted and enjoys big gatherings and being surrounded by his friends and loved ones.  He has a jealous streak, and he is possessive of people and things around him. He doesn’t want to lose anything, ever.
Despite his love of people, he also has a side that detests the political machinations of his mother and who jut wants to move to the countryside, never to grace the parties of New York’s elite again. He would describe himself as quite boring behind the scenes. He is compassionate and caring, willing to go to any lengths to help those he cares about. He is also very forgiving and falls in love easily.
Greatest joy in life: His siblings, his friends, cooking
Greatest fear: Something bad happening to those he loves
Why? He is very dependent on the people close to him and handles loss and/or solitude poorly. He feels responsible for his younger siblings, especially after he realizes that his mother isn’t the best parent in the world.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The death of either or both of his siblings.
Character is most at ease when: At home cooking, or anywhere with his close friends just having fun
Most ill at ease when: His mother asks him to do something he knows is wrong.
Enraged when: Someone or something threatens the things and people he cares about.
Depressed or sad when: He feels lonely
Priorities: His family
If granted one wish, it would be: He wants to step down from business and politics and open a restaurant of his own.
Character’s soft spot: His little sister Lorelai, later on his children
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes.
Greatest strength: Henry is compassionate
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Jealousy, obliviousness, having been born into wealth.
Biggest regret: Trusting Demo and that time when he and Eli weren’t speaking.
Minor regret: Not standing up to his mother.
Biggest accomplishment: Getting his shit together and getting together with Eli.
Minor accomplishment: Quitting his job at his father’s company
Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: Henry was kind of a an asshole in high school and is embarrassed about all the things he did and the people he hurt back then.
Character’s darkest secret: While escaping captivity, he shot someone, and it shook him deeply.
Does anyone else know? Steve, who was helping him escape at the time.
Other: Henry suffers from PTSD from having been held hostage for a year. He has debilitating panic attacks and struggles to come to term with it.
Drives and motivations:
Henry was raised to follow in his mother and father’s footsteps into politics and business. He starts out wanting to fulfill his parents’ wishes and it’s very important to him that they approve of him. Once he realizes it’s not what he actually wants, his goals change and he wants to find his own interests, including opening the restaurant and carving his own path in life.
Immediate goals: To get back on his feet after his ordeal, to win back his girlfriend and settle things with his family.
Long term goals: To figure out what the people who kidnapped him want and stop their plans, to be set free of his family expectations.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: He has no idea at the beginning of the story, and he doesn’t want to involve any of his friends in the mess. It becomes quite clear quite fast that he’s not cut out for the job though, and he ends up getting help from many people. As for winning back his girlfriend and being set free of his mother’s expectations, well…
How other characters will be affected: Henry’s parents will be upset and will have to make other arrangements. Many friendship dynamics in Henry’s life will change and the way the world sees him will too.
Hometown: New York City, New York, USA
Type of childhood:
Henry comes from generational wealth and has always had great expectations thrust upon him, even form an early age. He was also quite privileged and travelled often, especially to Europe.
Most formative childhood memory: When he was fifteen, there was a fire in his family’s apartment that nearly killed his sister. It was long thought that the fire was caused by their brother Seven, but when the truth came out years later when they were adults, it was shocking for everyone.
Childhood hero: Luke Skywalker, his mother
Dream job: A chef
Education: MBA (Master's in Business Administration)
Religion: He was raised protestant but he’s not religious.
Finances: Wealthy
Current location: New York City
Currently living with: He lived alone prior to his kidnapping, then lived a short while with his parents before moving back into his old apartment.
Pets: He gets a dog when he is older.
Occupation: Chief marketing officer (CMO) in his father’s company
Finances: Wealthy
Mother: Camille Austen, née Simmons
As a child and a young adult, Henry and Camille share a good relationship. He is definitely her favourite child, and she places a lot of trusts and expectations upon him. He is also the most alike to her, or so she thinks. As an adult, Henry starts to disagree with her mother and see through her lies. They grow more distant and have explosive arguments. Eventually they manage to somewhat reconcile and remain cordial until her death.
FC: Famke Janssen
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Father: Leonard Van Tassel
They’re in good terms, though Leonard is often out of the country and in lieu of spending time with his son, he sends him money. They’re not close.
FC: Matthew Del Negro
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Stepfather: Samuel Austen
Samuel and Samuel married when Henry was only three years old. Henry has known him for most of his life and considers him a family member. Samuel is the father of Henry’s younger siblings and Henry has a good relationship with him.
FC: JR Bourne
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Brother:  Dakota “Seven” Austen
Seven loves his brother but is often jealous of him and the love their mother showers him with. He compares himself to Henry and this causes issues in their relationship. Henry is protective of Seven and worries about him often. Nevertheless, they would both drop everything to come to the other’s aid, and they both know it.
FC: Miguel Herrán
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Sister: Lorelai Austen
Lorelai is the younger twin, and thus the baby of the family. Henry is especially protective of her, which frustrates Lorelai to no end, though she does appreciate a big brother who has her back. She and Henry talk a lot and at one point team up against their mother’s schemes while Seven still believes her.
FC: Carlson Young
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Love interests:
Mo Darling (ex-fiancée)
Henry and Mo started dating in high school when she was sixteen and he was eighteen. They dated on and off for many years. They were together when Henry was kidnapped and resumed their relationship afterwards, though things weren’t going very well for them before. They even got engaged, though neither was really sure if continuing to date is the right way forward. During their attempt to make their relationship work, Mo got pregnant, but they broke up due to Henry’s feelings for his best friend. They remained friends and shared the custody of their daughter.
FC: Alycia Debnam-Carey
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Eli Moore (husband)
Henry and Eli were best friends since they were sixteen and fifteen respectfully. They were inseparable and once Henry started dating Mo, Eli was often included in the couple’s plans. Henry didn’t realize he had any sort of romantic feelings towards his friend until Eli got himself a boyfriend when they were already adults, but Eli had been in love with Henry for years, which Mo knew. Once Mo and Henry got engaged, Eli took it hard. Henry ended up finding out about Eli being gay when the pair kissed while Henry was still together with Mo, which caused them to put their entire friendship on hold and Henry’s engagement to fall apart.
Losing Eli made Henry realize he might have had feelings for him all along. He didn’t deal well with this and ended up going a drift, partying, and sleeping around. He met and started an affair with Demo at this time (which annoyed Eli). Slowly Eli and Henry start to build their friendship back up and eventually get together.
FC: Joe Sugg
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Demo Buttergood (ex-boyfriend-adjacent)
Henry and Demo met when Henry’s life was pretty much spiraling out of control. They didn’t exactly date, but spent time together for a while, mostly partying. When Demo turned out to have been working for the enemy all along, the affair came to a sudden end and the pair became enemies. Henry and Demo clashed many times but once the real villain was uncovered, managed to make peace, and became friends. Demo is the godfather of Henry’s daughter.
FC: Daniel Sharman
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Daughter: Marylou “Lou” Van Tassel
Lou was born at a time when her parents were at a crossroads with what to do with their relationship. They resolved to split up, but Lou had a relatively happy childhood, nevertheless. She loved both her stepparents, getting along especially well with Eli. Henry dotes on his daughter and has to be reined in, so he doesn’t buy her everything she asks.
FC: Benedetta Gargari
Son: Archibald “Archie” Van Tassel
Archie is Henry and Eli’s adopted son. He is fourteen years younger than Lou and came into the family when he was five. His parents were loving and supportive, and he didn’t lack anything his whole childhood.
FC: Young: Jacob Tremblay, Adult: Cody Fern
Color: Blue
Music: Classic rock
Food: Enjoys gourmet dishes
Literature: Non-fiction
Form of entertainment: Movies
Mode of transportation: His car
Hobbies: Cooking, running, watching movies
How they would spend a rainy day: Watching movies with Eli
Spending habits: He has money to spare so he’s not overly conscious about saving money
Smokes: If you ask him, he’ll say no but he sometimes smokes
Drinks: A lot
Other drugs: Only occasionally, especially after breaking up with Mo (and Eli)
What do they do too much of? Worry
What do they do too little of? Think about the consequences of his actions
Extremely skilled at: Cooking
Extremely unskilled at: Using firearms
Optimist or pessimist
Introvert or extrovert
Daredevil or cautious
Logical or emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing
Confident or unsure of themselves
Animal lover? Yes
How do they feel about themselves: Henry is quite sure of himself, though he hides some deep-rooted insecurities inside. They’re mostly to do with his sexuality and the fact that he doesn’t want to be a businessman.
One word the character would use to describe self: Boring
What does the character consider their best personality trait? Generous (actually it’s compassionate)
What does the character consider their worst personality trait? Anxious/cowardly (actually it’s jealous and possessive)
How does the character think others perceive them: As rich and powerful but rather boring and basic
What would the character most like to change about themselves: He would like to be brave and good in a fight instead of suffering from PTSD from his experience at the hands of his kidnappers.
 Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: He loves people and spending time with them.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes, if need be but not around his friends.
Person character most hates: Demo Buttergood (formerly), William McAllister
Best friend(s): Eli Moore, Demo Buttergood, Mo Darling
Person character goes to for advice: His mother (formerly), Samuel, Mo, Demo(on and off), Lorelai
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Seven and Lorelai, later on his children
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Peyton Bradley. Mo dates him when she’s not dating Henry.
Person character openly admires: His mother (formerly), Demo (on and off)
Person character secretly admires: Peyton Bradley
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Eli
After story starts: Also Eli
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gryffieverse · 2 years
in order of appearance:
Henry Van Tassel Griffin McAllister Felix Averill Raleigh Holt Peyton Bradley Lorelai Austen Sam Coleman Seven Austen Eli Moore Will Ryder Steve Noah Darling Demo Buttergood Mo Darling Paris Gardiner Iida Barstad Tori Milligan Todd Monroe Charlie Meadows Lee Sargent William McAllister
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gryffieverse · 2 years
Introdcution: Generation 1
in order of appereance:
Henry Van Tassel Eli Moore Raleigh Holt Lorelai Austen Seven Austen Griffin McAllister Steve Demo Buttergood Sam Coleman Leah Summers Mo Darling Camille Austen Peyton Bradley J McAllister Noah Darling William McAllister Charlie Meadows Tori Milligan Todd Monroe Felix Averill Will Ryder  Paris Gardiner Lee Sargent Iida Barstad  Evelyn Summers
The happenings take place in New York and are revolving around solving the mystery of kidnapping Henry Van Tassel after his safe return home. A plot that mixes in everyone from your normal collage students to scientists, politics and even the mob. 
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gryffieverse · 2 years
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through the years: henry van tassel
i guess, i guess i got what i wanted i never knew what i needed leave it up to me to blow it up without a good reason i know, i know that it was my own fault i never picked up that phone call oh lord, all these broke hearts but mine's the one bleeding
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gryffieverse · 2 years
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Intro to Gen 1; Season 1
1993; A year ago Henry Van Tassel was kidnapped for ransom which his mother refused to pay. His family has accepted that he’s dead and never coming back but his best friend Eli Moore is not ready to let the matter go. Eli is soon to be vindicated, when Henry is found after having escaped his captors with a strange man going only by “Steve”. 
Henry struggles to adjust back to his normal life and to make peace with the fact that his mother didn’t deem it worthy to pay for his release. Against his better judgement, Henry had expected life to stop for everyone else too. His siblings, Lorelai and Seven, don’t seem to need him around much anymore, his girlfriend, Mo, has a new boyfriend, and Eli? Well, Eli is a whole different ordeal. What about Steve and the people who are still after them because of their escape? And maybe, most importantly, the suspicious test tubes Steve grabbed with him before they left?
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gryffieverse · 11 months
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gen 1; the outer worlds au, version 1
eli moore as the captain
henry van tassel, mo darling, and raleigh holt as crew members of the unreliable
steve milligan as phineas welles
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gryffieverse · 2 years
| Eli Moore | this is me trying | Character study of Eli Moore In the video: Eli Moore Henry Van Tassel Mo Darling Peyton Bradley Will Ryder Jodie Moore Steve Milligan Camille Austen Hannah Moore
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gryffieverse · 2 years
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gen 1 au: the raven cycle (2020)
henry as richard campbell gansey III
eli as blue sargent
seven as ronan lynch
griffin as joseph kavinsky
(featuring seven and griffin’s old faceclaims)
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gryffieverse · 2 years
| Henry Van Tassel | Happiness | Character study of Henry Van Tassel (the blue toned scenes are present and warm one’s are past) characters in order of appearance: Henry Van Tassel Eli Moore Will Ryder Mo Darling Steve  Demo Buttergood Peyton Bradley Lorelai Austen Seven Austen  Camille Austen
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gryffieverse · 2 years
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Ship edit: Eli Moore & Henry Van Tassel
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