#oc: mo darling
gryffieverse · 2 years
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gryffie verse main cast; gen 1
eli moore
henry van tassel
griffin mcallister
dakota “seven” austen
lorelai austen
maryanne “mo” darling
brighton “demo” buttergood/mcallister
peyton bradley
raleigh holt
felix averill
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cindersprinkledegg · 4 months
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more stickers imma making, the sketch and final the last one is my OCs Saffron and Mo, a darling fae couple 🌼
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starflungwaddledee · 2 months
Hello hello!! I absolutely adore Starstruck Dee, she’s a darling!!
I hope it doesn’t sound too strange to ask, but I finished playing through Forgotten Land’s main and postgame stories, and between that and seeing all these wonderful ocs and everything… where can I learn more about the Kirby lore/timeline? Where would I even start with it?
Is it the sorta thing where the base concepts from canon are the same but everyone has their own interpretations of it?
Are Kirby and Bandee kids?? Younger adults? Is it a Rayman situation where they grow up over the course of their games?
I know I sound very uneducated but I really really want to learn!
hi there! thank you so so much! 🥺 i'm so happy that you like her!
this isn't strange to ask at all, and you don't sound uneducated! i'm thrilled to answer for you and if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to reach out!
i'm popping all of this under a read more just because it got very long!
topics covered: the joys of 30+ years of breadcrumb lore delivery, the diverse headcanons of a very creative community, and recommendations on where to step off from if Forgotten Land was your first kirby experience
to be honest kirby "lore" is enormous and sprawling and has been spread out in tiny little crumbs across multiple platforms and medias for over three decades. if you're poking around in tumblr fandom as a starting point, one of the reasons it can be so hard to figure out what's what is because a lot of folks pick one aspect (early game dynamics, ancient anime lore, the mirror world, niche subgames, etc etc) and hyper-focus to their hearts content!
one of the nicest parts about kirby is that the lore, while comprehensive and really cool, is very very open for interpretation. the fandom is very creative, and build all their own niches and headcanons based on the bare bones that we were given in canon, and it's wonderful to see!
for this reason though, i would actually recommend (and this was my personal experience, though only incidentally) you stay outside of the fandom for a bit and formulate all your own preferred headcanons and thoughts, rather than being influenced by others right out the gate. then you can come into fandom and see brand new takes that might surprise you, and hopefully find some folks who have come to the same niche conclusions as you!
a good starting point is Wikirby, and for games specifically their series list is very helpful. it shows you the mainline games, considered 'game canon', and the smaller titles in chronological order. this is often used by folks as a sort of "timeline" for the lore, though again it's totally flexible
forgotten land in particular was an unforgettable (ha!), incredibly beautiful and cinematic game, as well as the series' first foray into 3D gameplay rather than side scrolling platformer.
if you're looking for an active suggestion for which game to play next and you want a similar experience with familiar characters, (and you don't want to do a full chronological playthrough-- this would take you a long time; i should know, i've been working on mine for months!), i would recommend that you try Return To Dream Land Deluxe.
RTDLDX is a scene-for-scene remake of an older chronological game from the modern era of storytelling with a whole additional storyline, so it's a good place to start, and it's also available for the switch which i'm guessing you must have! you'll find familiar characters in there (Kirby, Bandee, King Dedede, and Meta Knight), multiplayer mode, recognisable copy abilities, and an engaging story-- read as little ahead of time if you haven't already so that it can surprise and delight you!
Star Allies is the other mainline game available for the switch, and it was made as a kind of love letter to the series up until that point. it honours dozens of characters who appeared in previous games and is chock full of nostalgia and uncharacteristically blatant lore drops, but in my opinion you'll enjoy it much more if you have at least a passing idea of who all the allies are!
if you're looking for something other than games, i highly recommend this tumblr masterlist for translations of the light novels! other medias you can check out are the anime and the various mangas. all three of these are quite different to the games, and can be considered to have their own separate canons; some folks prefer one over the other, or will mix and match elements from all medias! some even like to bring in "lore" from the real life kirby cafes!
kirby as a creative playground is diverse and really beautiful; it's the only franchise i have ever created for and fandom i have participated in actually, because i've not seen another quite like it. if you're interested in being creative yourself, i do strongly recommend that you play around in your own sandbox (or with one or two friends who are also discovering kirby) for a little while first to get a feel for what you like!
i hope you'll have a fun time interacting with the franchise, and if you play any of the other games i really hope you love them!! if you want any other suggestions, feel free to reach out!
as for the question of ages, you'll find this question in particular gets western fandom a little more riled up than most. none of the characters have any canonically stated ages, and in japanese remarkably few have genders. kirby himself is specifically intended to be projected on by the player! technically, that could make kirby your age, and your gender, if you so wish!
japanese fandom generally focuses on a very wide range of characters and interconnected relationships, even including a lot of common enemy characters, and considers most of the characters to be of comparable ages; either all teens or all adults. western fandom focuses quite a lot on the much beloved meta knight and dedede partnership, and subsequently-- as romance centric fandoms do-- likes to play around with the idea of kirby and bandee as their kids or wards.
fandom will offer you everything in this regard; far future AUs, baby adoption AUs, even AUs where meta knight and dedede are children while kirby and bandee are adults! it's really entirely up to you, and my number one suggestion is to always be respectful and kind towards everyone's creative headcanons, even if they do not align with your own.
for me, i naturally project onto player characters, and so i always saw kirby and bandee as similar in age to myself. as such, because i'm an adult, they've always been adults to me, and i do like to imagine that they have grown from young adults to full adults over the course of the series! i actually was quite shocked to learn that a lot of tumblr folks thought of them as kids, but that's the fun of joining fandom the way i did, and why i recommend it! bake your own cake, and then hop online and find a million others of all different flavours you can try!
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ubejamjar · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
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Tagged by the darling @thevikingwoman ! Thank you ❤️
Tagging (with much affection): @viiioca @pumpkinmagekupo @paintedscales @thewitchofelpis @otherworldseekers @sasslett @khaiens
Ajisai is what happens when you take a girl from a Doman backwater, beat Imperial rhetoric into her, then set her loose in Limsa Lominsa . She’s rough around the edges, but, gods be damned, she’s trying. Very “If I don’t laugh I’ll cry.”
Remember, you can take the rat out of the street but you can’t take the street out of the rat.
1) “I’m not trying to provoke anyone,” she protests, because that would suggest she hadn’t succeeded. 2) “What in the hells is ‘crudités’?” 3) “Respectfully, I disagree— that is a stupid idea.” 4) “I am well aware this is none of my business, that’s why I’m doing it.” 5) “No no, don’t stress yourselves out, I’ll handle it.” 6) “It does sound stupid when you say it, which is why I’m doing the talking.” 7) “When in doubt, run and hide. Scream at your own discretion.” 8) “I brought you flowers because I— you look— you are— you fight well.” 9) “Actually it’s ‘And to each soul, the Fury imparts a trial; by fire and ice shalt thou be tested, and through perseverance shall thy spirit be tempered’. Honestly, it’s as if you’ve never read the scriptures.” 10) “That wasn’t a stupid question— you just gave a stupid answer. It’s indicative of lackluster critical thinking skills.” 11) “I believe I misunderstood what a ‘high society party’ would entail and I must say I am sorely disappointed.” 12) “I am not above selling my body. The problem is no one can afford me. It’s tragic, really.” 13) “It’s alright, little star. Nothing’s going to harm you, not while I’m here.” 14) “I wasn’t going to ask if you slept well, I know you didn’t. I was asking if you’d like cream and sugar with your coffee.” 15) “It’s called a ‘charcuterie board’ because the nobility would never serve their guests ‘cheese and cold meats on a plank’.” Ajisai slips on her best Ishgardian impression with a haughty wave of her hand, “Pray Reynardanaud, prepare a charcuterie, we’re expecting the Lord and Lady de Dullard for dinner this evening, and you know how the lord loves his meat.”
I don’t have any actual WiPs at the mo. For writing. I have two art WiPs and a fucking character profile I need to finish and an ask box crying, pleading to be emptied. These are like if Ajisai had dialogue as a Dragon Age companion, it's fine, let's not dwell on it.
Thanks again for the tag, lethallen!!
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monstrouslyobsessed · 10 months
…tumblr can you go and soak yourself in a burning pit of hot sauce…i never even got notifs of any of the older asks i got…
so very sorry if you've been waiting for like two months on my answers;;; and here i was wondering how dead my inbox was last month…rude, tumblr, very rude. all the asks are under the cut!
just a quick note, to the super sweet asker who send in two very long asks v recently, ima answer them separately after this one, if thats okay!! <3
tw / tags: dirty confession, monster fucking, breeding mentions, implied noncon, brief pregnancy mentions, long post, beastfolk / beastfolks characters mentioned: lady hyena, the lioness, conservative lion, papa bull, duke, cerelos, father fox, velarius
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I love Daddy Bull and Duke, (along with so many other of your works!), do you have any plans on doing a confrontation between the two bulls and the reader? My thirst is dryer than the Sahara for these two bulls. I need more content. I’m a desperate whore… 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 —anonymous
hm i'm STILL chewing on how this saga should go tbf because it really could go any way!!! i might just bite the bullet and write au's of papa bull and duke saga, even if i feel a little weird making varying storyline au's of my characters.
it was just supposed to be a bull daddy enjoying his little human, how did duke end up there lol
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I know everyone is dying over Baldur’s gate rn but have you heard of Lustful Desires on itch.io? I just got into it and I’m dying to talk about it. They literally let you have a poly relationship with 3 different werewolves it’s so good —@flameshadowwolf
i've never heard of it! ima have to check it out now, thanks for the rec <3
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Sorry if you consider this a request, but I'm very interested about your OC's yandere MBTI types (from @ddarker-dreams), so if you feel like it, can you identify them in this system? —anonymous
i…ah, am kinda bad with these mbti things. idk if its because i'm older than most writers i know (hi lock my love!! hope you're doing fantastic!), but i guess i can make my best attempt…? i'll just pick a few characters and list them for ya. if you want more specific characters or want me to make an official post with expanded explation, lmk and i'll make my best attempt
here's the link for anyone who are interested
lady hyena: reverent, delusional(?), manipulative (?), lenient, rdml the lioness: reverent, aware, honest, and strict(?), rahs conservative lion: cruel, aware, honest, and strict, cahs papa bull: reverent, delusional, honest, and strict(?), rdhs duke: cruel(?), delusional, manipulative, and strict, cdms father fox: reverent, aware, honest, and lenient(ish), rahl valerius: reverent, delusional(?), manipulative, and lenient, rdml
that's just a few! and they're all beastfolks since they're more fresh in my mind, aha. i tried my best hhh
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Thirst chat thought: Have you ever thought that Cerelos could just find a way to tie up his wife underneath him as a cock sleeve, gag her, and just walk around a bit for the day doing royal duties and stuff? The man already has a equine skirt he wears, so he can easily hide everything underneath… (Also I’d happily give this man a dozen babies because I am a simp for him 💕) —anonymous
i think i touched upon that at one point! i wanna say he did that during a large meeting, maybe with his darling magically gagged? lemme see if i can find that post…
found it! its super brief but still
well, now i wanna write that…that's one more to my long to-do list, aha.
also you're valid
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I am a simple man all I desire is your happiness. Tis all. I noticed you were feeling sad lately and I thought man next time I have extra money I'll kofi MO but recently I acquired a small fortune and I was happy to find a way to repay you for the time my friends and I giggle and go horny over your works Re-Reading your works is payment enough ….but if you wish to repay me I wouldn't mind maybe a dilf monster vampire (kinda like what you did for wolf pack? but Victorian times) or sequel to snake movie star or sequel/prequel dragon But I would rather you do what you are passionate about! Share your creations with the world! Rejoice in your delights! —anonymous
hi i love you and i swear i answered this before
i did the snek boi just for you <3 i hope you (and your friends!!) enjoyed it! he's a difficult boi to get through but i had fun writing him and his weird camera hobby
Also increase your kofi goal —anonymous
im…okay. i didn't really have a goal target in mind so i hope thats sufficient??? sdfkdfj
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Which of the beast folk are most likely to mate with humans? Like what about big cat beastfolk? —anonymous
it'd be fangedfolk, since they're canine (dogs) and are most attracted to the humans'…hm , simplicity and openness, i suppose you could say? and possibly treefolk (primates). i based my beastfolks' basic common grounds with irl animals, as canines are pack animals and dogs are more emotionally connected to us. as for primates, humans have evolutionary connections, similar social intelligence, and the shared abilities to solve problems and such.
that said, while fangedfolk are the most likely to have a human "companion", they are also most likely to have a poly pack with their human. whiskeredfolk (feline) are probably in the top-middle of that list, if we were to have a most-to-least likely ranking, with toothedfolk (rodents) due to their prey/nervous natures and seafolks (aquatic) on how dangerous/rare they are to communicate with, at the very bottom. the reason why i feel the whiskeredfolk being in the top-middle is that they can be fairly arrogant and being independent, but adores the complete attention their human can give them and how easily they are to manipulate.
that said, this is extremely generalized list, since the list is not really factoring in specific sub-groups under these categories, such as lions being social animals and are more likely to acquire a human lover, cheetahs more likely to need a service human pet to help with their anxieties, maned wolf being solitary type, etc. and other facets, like countries/areas, cultures, when/which eras, political affiliations, etc.
hope this answers your question, love!
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Hello, I've been binging your Masterlist and I just want to say your OCS are exquisite —anonymous
i think you're exquisite as well, love! <3 thank you~
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Are you eventually going to do more father fox content?? He's my favorite and I love him so much ♥️ —anonymous
ye! i have couple requests for more hcs for him~though they're all kinda pretty broad. if you have anything more specific for a hc request, hmu! i'd love to write a full piece of him someday too, since i think his quietly manipulative personality is fascinating to work with.
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Daddy Bull and Duke content soon? I NEED these two fine beasts in my life!!! And can’t wait till the cute baby arrives!!! And hopefully many more…😋🥰 —anonymous
send in a request then~! preferably something a bit less broad, aha, but yes!
i especially would love to write a full story of those two someday, maybe as a book?
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Hi hey sorry to bother you, hypothetically if I wanted to make an ai bot of one of your beastfolks, would that be alright? If not I totally understand, I just want to make sure! —anonymous
as long as there are proper credits included, go for it! just please be sure to link back to me if you do make one &lt;3
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whewwww, i...really hope i didn't miss anyone. most of them were (or looked like) a request of some kind and two i wanted to put into their own posts for me to answer soon.
hope yall are doing wonderfully and are having at least a decent holiday season!! ima try and get something nice out by christmas so heres hoping!! just...gonna decide on which i wanna do...lol.
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misshoneyimhome · 9 months
I feel so dirty for writing this request 💀 since Professor Nylander aka hockey version has been on high demand. How would William with the inexperienced feel about sixty-nine, anal play, and giving William sloppy head and William giving OC sloppy head kinda spit play sort of. I’m going to straight to the sin bin at this point. #SlutsforPresidentNylander
Darling, first of all… Never feel dirty about these requests - I’m here for it 😉 Don’t you worry you’re not alone about these thoughts 🙈
・✶ 。゚
Blurb incoming;
William absolutely enjoys exploring new things with inexperienced!reader - he loves that he’s the one who can show her new areas and ways to reach pleasure - the way he just enjoys seeing the lights in her eyes as she comes to the realisation of what she can do, both to herself and also to William for them to be reach that climax!
Given that she’s new to giving head though does require for him to let her take her time to learn just how to work his length (how much she can take in her mouth, sucking and licking without teeth, while using her hand as well) - but she quickly gets a hang of it and it doesn’t take long before he begins to push the limits a little and rock his hips, pushing his cock deeper into her warm mouth - and does not forget to praise her about how good she’s doing him!
Furthermore, he absolutely loves going down on her - he can turn her into a screaming mess in no time with just his mouth, and let’s just agree on the fact that his smug face never comes off as he sees how much pleasure he can bring her 😉 and sure it gets dirtier the more they do it - Willy def gets carried away! juices are soaking the bedsheets, mixed with sweat, spit and more - he does not care how messy it gets as long as they experience that high 💦
For the sixty-nine, Willy loves, loves, loves, how he can eat her out while she’s giving him head - it gives him both pleasure in receiving and giving - and furthermore, the way she squirms and trembles before him because he’s licking her so good and she can barely focus on working him, def makes him go feral! Like he can almost control her; the more intensely he licks her, the more eager she gets and bobs her head faster 🙃
Now for the Anal play, that’s more in the slow-mo department as that is a very new territory and requires loads of skill and patience! And it’s one many may have difficulties with at first - but Willy, as always, remains patient and simply takes the time needed for her to find the right way to feel good 😊 it can take a few times for them both to get it just right, but as soon as they do, believe me she sees heaven in a whole new way - and for Willy? Yeah he’s just more than pleased that he can play with her body in more ways now - ways that brings them both pleasure!
Hope that makes sense 🤭
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blightbear · 2 months
Hullo! :3
For the OC Relationship ask…
22, 25 and 81 for Mo'rina and Solas! :3
hiiii, thank you for asking!! :D
relationship asks
22. What is something - either character - doesn't like about the other?
Mori’na: He doesn’t like tea, who doesn’t like tea?? I made this brew in all my love and he doesn’t like it :(
She doesn’t like how reluctant he is to make the first move. She’s understanding, she tries to be patient, but sometimes she wishes he would initiate, ya know? She was elated when he asked her to dance first, she just wishes those instances would also happen when he wasn’t drunk. Sometimes makes her a bit insecure in the relationship “am I not desirable enough” will occasionally cross the mind but will be immediately squashed.
Solas: I don’t want to say childishness but I guess another word would be…naivety in how long it takes for her to accept her fate as Inquisitor. He doesn’t want her to be in that position, but he knows she doesn’t have a choice in the matter and it would be better if she came to that realization sooner. It takes her awhile to accept that fact and they’ve had a couple of arguments concerning it.
25. Do they have any pet names for one another?
The usual Vhenan, Mo will occasionally use darling. However relating to the tea thing and it coming out that he can tolerate orange zinger flavor Mo sometimes teasingly calls him her little orange blossom.
81. Did they have a meet cute? Or was it a train wreck?
I think aggressively grabbing her hand to close the rift and then becoming the joking, bashful hobo immediately after is definitely meet cute material. “Kept the mark from killing you while you slept” “Key to our salvation” Mo was definitely flustered even if she translated that into wariness and aggression at first haha (she just woke up in chains surrounded by strangers with a strange glowing hand, what else is a girl gonna do)
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aanylah-101 · 2 years
Party Night
CUSTOM OC USE; Zdinarsks love interest & maybe a script line In a future story 
Enjoy Angels! 🕊🤍
Miles's RDA department was having a party and Miles & his team were well known so, of course, he had an immediate invite. You, however, couldn't come. A little bitchy, yes but you didn't partake In their life-risking missions so there was nothing to congratulate
You sat on the bed while he got ready for the party, surprisingly he was excited to go to the party. He glanced over at  you and smirked,
"Why so blue?"
"Ha ha," you say annoyed
He laughed and walked over to you,
"Which cologne should I use?" 
You smelled both and took the one you liked best and sprayed him with It,
"Thanks," he said chuckling
"Now, really, what's wrong?"
"That damn party you're going too.."
"It's to congratulate me, aren't ya proud?"
"Of course! It's just...you don't drink do you?"
You sighed before turning away, 
"Listen darling I'm not like that, trust me" he shook you a little bit before kissing you on the cheek,
As he was getting up you pulled him back down,'
"You don't know how to adjust your tie" you said fixing It for him,
He smiled and once you were finished,
"I'll see you later cupcake" with that he left to his party leaving you alone
You had turned the TV on and tried to keep yourself from dying of boredom, you couldn't stop thinking of all the bad Influences that were going to be around Miles.
You had hope In your heart that he would control himself but there was no telling with him, and you knew It.
It had been about 2 hours since you had been up watching TV, It took your worry away and distracted you. 
You had texted Lyle knowing he would be beside him the whole time,
"Boss's doing just fine, we dared him to do shots"
"Relax, It's nothing to strong"
"Don't you think you're overreacting?"
"Don't make me come down there Wainfleet"
"Yes ma'am.."
"Just keep an eye out for me ok?"
"Will do"
You sighed and went back to watching TV, It had been 45 minutes later when your phone buzzed. It was a text from Fike.
"Hey, Lyle told me what was going on not too long ago"
"Oh, Is everything alright?"
"Boss Is straight-up drunk, you should see him"
"You might wanna come down here before the ladies get him"
You put your phone down on the bed and got up, you were about to leave when you realized you couldn't just go In normal attire.
You went to find an outfit that would suit the occasion.
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You grabbed your bag and your phone and headed out to find Miles, you had followed the location that Brown had sent you but with the loud music, It wasn't too hard.
Of course, there was a guard with a rope keeping you from entering
"Name?" The man asked you flipping through the list
You told him your name and sighed ready to be told no but to your surprise, he opened the way for you to go In 
"Have fun" he said smiling
You made your way In and It was loud, bright, & colorful
"I'm here, where are you guys"
"Upstairs, to your left twice"
You found a staircase leading up and followed the directions you were told, you found the group sitting In a room and bottles around them.
"____! You're here" you heard Zdinsrsk say
"Oh! Hi Z!"
"Don't you look stunning, you here for Boss?"
"Yes, where Is he?"
She looked around the room for you and scanned outside,
"Hes with Lyle & Lopez, come on I'll walk you down"
She held your hand and led you down to the bar with them both,
He turned to Zdinarks calling, 
"Wife's here," she said leading you Into view
"I was told you were drunk, what did I tell you," you said strictly 
He had a confused look on his face before responding,
"I haven't had anything to drink except wine, who told you that?"
"Fike did"
"Why the hell would you believe Fike?"
You paused for a moment, did you not trust your own husband..? 
He sighed, 
"I'm sorry, I worded It wrong to you sweetheart"
"Why I'm saying this is because Fike's not supposed to be here"
"Yeah, the general banned him from the event," Zdinarsk said
Miles chuckled, 
"Well since your here now, you can stay If you want"
You paused for a minute before walking over to him, he held you close to him buy your waist,
"Awww, how cute"
"Oh hush Z and go find your girlfriend," you said playfully 
She rolled her eyes before Aanylah walked up beside her,
"No need, I'm right here"
"Oh wow! I love your dress!"
"Thanks! I wanted to pick something for tonight~!"
You laughed but Zdinarsk just looked confused, 
"Come on Z~!" Aanylah said leading her by her hand back upstairs to a private room she apparently booked 
You turned back to Miles,
"I'm sorry for not believing you Miles.."
"Don't worry, I wouldn't believe me either" he said grinning 
You laughed and he kissed you on your cheek, 
In the end, you and Miles had a great time at the party and you found out the general forced you onto the list, and that's how you were allowed In.
Zdinarsk was different the next day, and Aanylah seemed happier to say the least. Mansk and Lyle got guided back to their rooms by Miles and you, Fike got In even more for lying about Miles.
The rest of the team enjoyed themselves and,
You could say...
We all had fun
And you would definitely be coming to all the future RDA parties
Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Angels! 🕊🤍
Also If you want more stories I'm also on Wattpad!
USER: Aanylah_101 / STORY BOOK: Quaritch x Reader
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Not planned...not al all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?
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Chapter 10
"If you love me, love me, love me like you say. Darling tell me all the ways, tell me all the ways!"
Something seemed to click in Roxanne's mind and she asked.
"Wasn't that the song assigned to Dude?"
Dude was the nickname Roxy had given a guy I'd had a crush on but who basically ignored me and then afterwards decided to ask me out, he lost his shot and tried later than he should've... referring to me as dude to top it off, hence the nickname
"Nooo, we don't speak of Dude alright?! Just no."
Roxanne snorted inelegantly but I was headset on changing the topic so I tried to find another song in my mind.
One comes to mind but I just can't pin point the name so I just excitedly start jumping on my feet trying to give hints to Roxanne.
"There was that song...what was the name?! You know the one with the whistling!"
Not knowing how to properly whistle I just do my best shot and at imitating sounds, which is a fail considering Roxy's face.
"You're bouncing around like a bunny Nell, relax."
I huff and try to keep still on my feet before taking a different approach at describing the song.
"You know the one from the planes movie, with all the hot guys at the beach during sunset in swim trucks?! It goes I'm not worried?"
Of course it's the description of the scene that actually makes it click in Roxanne's mind.
"Oh, I ain't worried from Top gun! Yeah, the hot shirtless guys under the sunset, does ring a bell."
And just to further humiliate me she does the iconic whistling perfectly.
"And the slow MO running, like damn no need to flaunt I might pass out!"
Roxanne laughs nodding in agreement until we both finally calm down only to notice the inner circle is still not done chatting, it's less fun when you can't actually hear their conversations.
So, already bored out of my mind and not wanting to give myself the time to process everything that's happened and panic, I walk over to Lucien's corner. Roxanne follows along after a moment giving the redhead a warning side eye from behind me while I reach out my hand for him to shake.
Lucien frowns giving Roxy a look filled with uneasiness and looking back at me in confusion. Taking my hand mostly out of habit.
"Your voice is different than I imagined but somehow it fits you... Anyways I'm Leonor and that's Roxanne my cousin! I'm guessing you aren't in on their little private chat and since they're taking a bit too long I just wanted to chat."
I give him my widest smile, to be fair when I read the first book as a teen I had more of a crush on him than on Tamlin so it's sort of fun to be able to meet him in real life.
Roxy on the other hand mostly found him annoying, especially further in the books. Although she did once admit he was fun in the first book!
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gryffieverse · 2 years
in order of appearance:
Henry Van Tassel Griffin McAllister Felix Averill Raleigh Holt Peyton Bradley Lorelai Austen Sam Coleman Seven Austen Eli Moore Will Ryder Steve Noah Darling Demo Buttergood Mo Darling Paris Gardiner Iida Barstad Tori Milligan Todd Monroe Charlie Meadows Lee Sargent William McAllister
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vakarians-babe · 2 years
NUMBER 3 FOR LA’ARA PLS??? 🤲🏻👁👁 (for the codex entries <3)
OOOOO kat ily thank you hehehehe i'll admit this is a loose interpretation of the prompt but alas.
Cullen (please rewrite this, Josie, there isn't time) Darling Dearest Cullen, Mo ghrá -
If you're reading this I've left this for Josephine to give you if I don't come back should something go wrong. I'm not sure what we'll find through the Eluvian. Please don't worry about Vivienne has insisted on coming with us, and Dorian. They've both discussed my arm at length. I'll be safer with them. I'll be fine. (no why would I write that if I'm - Josie, please make this make sense?)
I'm sorry. Tá grá agam duit. Go brách.
A crumpled paper, rippled with water spots. It looks as though it's been rescued first from a wastebin and second from an anxious pair of worrying hands.
Send me a DAI Codex prompt for one of my OCs
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ssuminshan-official · 2 years
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The huli jing Emperor.
Part 1✨️✨️
~Note~ there would be ocs (original characters) in this fic.
Btw I'm not so good with choosing Chinese names.
Jing Manor is the lavish imperial home of everyone's favorite huli jing emperor, Yao Huangdi, his friends (Team Dimple) and his close huli jing associates, who are a part of the harem. Basically he has a great huli jing army, eunuchs, servants, caretakers, and other fox spirits under him. In addition, they all would take the opportunity in pampering him, and making sure that he's comfortable. Despite being a diva who loves this type of treatment, he was still kind to everyone~ and respected them and their work. Yaoyao have never once forced them to do anything like this.
Yes he would request those kinds of treatment, but it's ok if they don't want to do it. So all the pampering was due to free will and free will alone.
And as for the huli jings who live in and around the Manor, as well as his empire, they appear as ordinary cultivators hiding their identity. Then some playful huli jings would remain in their fox form, pawling over the place and causing mischief.
Yao: *elegantly sitting, while two of his attendants groomed his tail, and positioned it to appear more graceful*
Su she: *filing Yao's nails* are you relaxing, my Yao Huangdi?
Yao: very much, Shanshan.
Su she: would you like me to order tea for you?
Yao: no need. Thank you.
Remember, we have a meeting later. In the verandah.
Su she: right Huangdi.
Some huli jings: *enters, then knelt* Huangdi!
Yao: *smile* rise.
Yes Huangdi.
Yao: Eunuch Yi (Lingyi) Hou, you can stop grooming. It was lovely.
Both: yes Bixia.
Yi: you're very gorgeous, Bixia.
Hou: Bixia has flawless skin and fur.
Beautiful speech.
And posture.
Yao: *smile* flattered.
Yao: any news?
Chuan and company?
Chuan: Bixia. Due to our cultivation techniques, we have earned a lot of meets, hence we're now stronger than ever.
Yao: that's good news. Congratulations.
Feng: some huli jings are guarding Qinghe, Gusu and Yunping, in accordance to your orders.
Yao: excellent.
Yao: we should make sure that Nie huaisang doesn't regain his memory.
Feng: yes Bixia.
But Bixia what does he want from you?
Yao: he wants me to fail.
Feng: may our Huangdi be successful in everything.
Su she: want me to spy on him?
Yao: sure, later on.
Feng: Bixia, we have something else to tell you.
Yao: what's that?
Feng: some of our huli jings had invaded Qinghe. Now they have sort of a fox problem. We're sorry, Huangdi.
Yao: oh my.
Su she: now how are we going to deal with that?!!
Yao: Shanshan, that's the Nies problem now. And my darling hulijings will never give up their identity.
Su she: that's good.
Yao: indeed.
Feng: we will move stealthily while carrying out your wishes.
Yao: yes. Delightful.
Chuan: I take your leave.
Feng: bye Bixia.
Yao: see you soon. And keep me updated.
Yes Bixia.
Yao: *smiling*
Su she: yes Yao Huangdi *immediately kneels and props his head and arm on his lap* go ahead.
Yao: *strokes head*
Mo xuanyu: *secretly spying on him, and simping*   
I wonder if Yao gege would go on a date with me.
He's elegance personified.
This Su she is always taking up the attention.
Xue yang: *sneaking up behind him* I know right. 
Mo xuanyu: *startled* xue gege don't scare me like that!!
Xue yang: then stop being weak!
Xue yang: so you're spying on Jiggybun again?
Mo xuanyu: yea. See how hot he is.  
Xue yang: for real. I want to kiss him.
Mo xuanyu: He's mine.
Xue yang: since when!
Yao: aren't you two going to come out from hiding?
Mo xuanyu: see what you caused!
Xue yang: me?!
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege!!
Xue yang: Jiggybuns. My love!
Su she: can you leave the emperor and I alone. Thank you very much.
Xue yang: cringy.
Su she: shut up!
Xue yang: lying on Jiggy's lap again?
Su she: maybe because he likes me.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege does the same to me.
Xue yang and Su she: what????
Xue yang: Jiggybun. Can you get rid of your concubine simps. I already have to deal with Lan lips.
Yao: *laughs slightly*
Chengmei I love you all equally. My harem is perfect how it is.
Xue yang: *pout*
Yao: *hands him candy*
Xue yang: you have to give me another one.
Yao: here.
Xue yang: good.
Yi: Bixia where do you get all those candy from?
Yao: bought them. And don't take yangyang for granted. In accordance to my order, all candy stalls in my districts and mini empire are owned by him.
Xue yang: *snickering* generous emperor.
Su she: I think you spoil him too much.
Yao: oh come on. Yangyang is adorable. Look at him.
Xue yang: *grinning*
Yi: I agree with my Bixia.
Yao: yes. And A-Yi. I have pampered Shanshan and A-Yu as well but I don't know why they're jealous.
Hou: because you're stunning, my emperor.
Yao: *smile* I gifted Shanshan some expensive ornaments. Yet he's ever so humble, not wanting much.
Su she: being in your aura, and being loyal to you is all I need.
Yao: aww.
Then I gifted xuanyu with library, a whole closet of fans and art supplies, as well as makeup too.
The best of the best.
Trio: *lovingly* Huangdi.
Yao: *raises hand*
Trio: *kissed it one by one*
Yao: xuanyu, how does my tail look?
Mo xuanyu: very soft, cute, fluffy and elegant.
Yao: *smile* thank you, darling.
Yao: am I the cutest of all huli jings?
Mo xuanyu: of course, Yao gege.
Xue yang: more like smoking hot!!
Su she: Huangdi is the cutest.
Yao: oh you.
Ok let's go, team dimple. We have some discussing to do.
Yi: Huangdi, your fan.
Yao: thank you.
Mo xuanyu: afterwards, Yao gege, can I go for a walk with you?
Yao: *opens fan* of course! I would love it.
Mo xuanyu: *blushing*
Now team dimple are sitting casually in one of the conplex's verandahs.
Yao sat fanning himself and trying some snacks inbetween, xue yang reclined with ease, and Su she and mo xuanyu was endorsing in some snacks and tea.
Xue yang: can I capture huaisang if he regains his memory, Jiggybun? 
Yao: lol. Chengmei, what would you do to him while he's in yout captivity?
Xue yang: harass him!
Su she: what will you feed him?
Xue yang: dry rice and beans.
Yao: *laughing*
Mo xuanyu: I would have fed him dry biscuits. For arguing with my Yao gege.
Yao: you guys can mess with him ok. But don't capture or hurt him.
Xue yang: why?
Yao: he didn't do anything heinous yet.
Hostage is always the last resort.
Su she: is it because of Chifeng zun?
Yao: no.
Xue yang: oooo. Jiggy are you still in love with your medium rare dage?
Yao: of course I do. Also I wish to pay him a visit. Hulijing style.
Xue yang: I'm excited.
Su she: when would you, Huangdi.
Mo xuanyu: obviously before Lan xichen comes.
Xue yang: for real. Huangdi is sneaky just like that!
Is dage a part of your harem?
Yao: yes. But he denies it.
And it's so fun that he does.
Su she: i believe he doesn't deserve you. Hmf!
Mo xuanyu: He's grumpy all the time.
And I think he hates huli jings.
Yao: dage is like a melon. Hard on the outside.
Xue yang: but can Dage handle your hotness? I hope you step on him, like how you did Lan lips.
Yao: *playfully hits him with a fan* mischievous.
Xue yang: Minshan? How about we party while Jiggy sneaks into Dage's hanfu. I mean his place.
Su she: sounds like a plan. If we have the permission of Yao Huangdi. *bows*
Yao: of course. *lifts bow*
But you have to tame my darling hulijings if they get drunk.
Mischief and alcohol spell disaster.
Xue yang: Jiggy Jiggy Jiggy Jiggy.
Jiggy. We got this.
Su she: sure Huangdi. We'll be responsible.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege. I love how you pamper your henchmen.
Yao: *smile* I must.
Yao: leave some snacks for me ok!
Xue yang: sure Jiggy pie!
And I'm going to cook a few meat dishes!
Mo xuanyu: I want roasted pork!!! Ah my mouth is watering!
Xue yang: you'll get it!
Mo xuanyu: xue gege is a good cook.
Su she: are there any vegetarian options? You know I hate meat.
Xue yang: yea there are. You're lucky this time. *rolls eyes*
Su she: you're really sweet. *pats head*
Xue yang: I will bite you.
Yao: sounds fun btw. Maybe I should ask my subjects to carry dage here to party. 
Xue yang: for his body to crush them?
Yao: hahahaha, where are you getting these savage things from. Lol.
Su she: he's born with it.
Xue yang: yea I was born to be a gremlin.
*grabs Minshan's sleeve and pulls him away* now let's go hunting for some animals!
Su she: we can just buy meat in the market, xue yang.
Xue yang: it doesn't taste as good!! Bye Yaoyao! You're always hot!!
Yao: see you soon.
Su she: I will keep an eye on huaisang afterwards, Huangdi.
Xue yang: come on, stop simping. Let's go.
Mo xuanyu: *smiling* Yao gege.
Yao: A-Yu.
Mo xuanyu: *caresses hand* now we're all alone.
You're really cute, Yao gege.
Yao: flattered.
Suddenly, a group of hulijings arrived to show their adoration to their emperor.
Greetings Bixia.
Yao: no need to be formal. *smile* how are you all?
Mo xuanyu: *pouting*
We're fine Bixia.
I have come to offer my respects.
You're the rarest of emperors, because of your dimples.
Dimples are a sign of beauty and sovereignty in the hulijing world.
You have made the empire flourish.
Yao: thank you so much, guys. I couldn't do it without you.
Bixia we're honoured.
Yao: but, would I still be Huangdi if I didn't have dimples?
Of course, Bixia! Because you are born to be our Huangdi. You have all the signs and qualifications of being a emperor.
Yao: aww.
Yao: later in the evening, my besties are having a party. I hope you all attend.
We would definitely attend, Huangdi.
And toast to your greatness.
Yao: lovely. I'm glad that you all would attend!
I'll be out meeting Nie Zongzhu, but will return afterwards.
May we escort you?
We'll be your imperial bodyguard.
Yao: it's not necessary actually.
There are huli jings in that area. And the Misty Spell Master (sms) is my bodyguard.
Ok. Good that you'll be safe
We care so much about you.
Yao: aw my darlings.
Yes Bixia. Now we take your leave!
Yao: forgive me, A-Yu. Let's walk.  
Mo xuanyu: it's ok, Yao gege. Everyone adores you.
Yao: yea. They're so sweet.
Mo xuanyu: *holds on to his sleeve* Yao gege. Will you be mine?
Yao: *pats his head affectionately* A-Yu I'm already yours!
Mo xuanyu: *blushing*
Yao gege, how's my makeup?
Yao: amazing, Ayu. I'll get you some more face paint.
Mo xuanyu: thank you.
You know, that I try to look pretty for you and only you.
Yao: *smile*
Mo xuanyu: now tell me why do you have to add Lan lips to the harem? I believe it should be you and I.
Yao: haha. Don't be jealous, darling. *kisses on his forehead*
Mo xuanyu: your kisses are so soft. Heehee.
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chicagosavant · 4 months
ahhh…random creative pursuits of valueless endeavor…
…or, in my SpaceOpera crossover of StarWars, the Keltiad, and Firefly/Serenity, how DinDjarin with his little Green Troll retire from the Mandalorian Thug Life, becoming content creators with an InstaMetaX account #Clanof2BeatthatPoodoo, as they travel across the Galaxy commenting on the demise of politics between the Core Parliament, the Independent Systems, New Republic, Imperial Remnant and Empire of the Hand happenings…
Erstwhile, Judah-the Operative—utilizing his newly acquired Mandalorian disguise on his mission from RiverTam/Mal Reynolds, trying to track down my OC (biokinetic medic lady who’s trying to follow her own trail of biohacked gene sequences leading to monster mutation ZombieKrakken Monsters…before Thrawn can get to them…), ends up running into another Mandalorian on Tatooine in stolen armor by the name of JodoKast…aka, Thrawn undercover (borrowing from a combo of SideTrip and TatooineGhost) in hot pursuit of the Ugliest Painting in the World concealing highly coveted transcriptase backbones for accelerated clone tech which contain ancient protobioquantum dark matter DNA (evil laugh—thanks Expanse)—all converge at the MosEisley cantina one fateful night of course…
…Leading to my Medic OFC activist breaking up a bar brawl between the usual MosEisley thug groups with the threat that they’ll have no other medic available to put them back together since they vivesected the last one who’d been dumb enough to take the job before Boba took over as Daiymo and began a reformed life of a Good Samaritan/Beneficient Gangsta sort-with the backing of transWormhole investors of the Terran Quadrant under the moniker of the MegaMaid Corp (bc she may have gone from suck to blow, but that’s sure not thecway you want to go…welcome to Mos Vespa)—funded by Princess Vespa intent on rebranding MosEisley as an ecoFriendly luxury resort-while still trying to maintain its ‘earthy-sandy-grit’ for those seeking more eclectic adventure tourism in the dusty balls of Tantooine lowlife…
…enter the Karaoke scene/aka inspired by BluesBrothers improv stage scene as they’re to escape the police—wherein Thrawn as JodoKast and my darling Medic OFC end up on stage leading the rabbulous rabble of MosVespa cantina thugs in a rousing round of an ancient Terran masterpiece which has become the cantina crowd’s favorite group song, ‘PianoMan’…meanwhile, the Ewok Accapella Consortium, The NubbNubbs, are adding to the revived cultural mystique which MosVespa is trying to cultivate, making random appearances throughout the settled systems, mirroring their inspiration of the form of the Mongolian Throat Singers by performing reduxes of Metallica—‘Unforgiven’ but sung by Ewoks…
…welcome to my mind, and this crazy SpaceOpera trying to form…
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thepaintingjedi · 1 year
✎ To-Do
“Mo” Reference Sheet
“Hysio” Reference Sheet
Quinlan Vos (Star Wars)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home)
Montgomery Gator (FNaF)
Flower Series
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 years
With Love
Note: Day 3 (Red) of @lifeofkaze’s Valentine’s Day Challenge
Summary: “These should include which houses Saoirse and Oisín were sorted into.” Or, Tadhg and Niamh are proud parents.
Setting: Dublin, September 1924
OCs Mentioned: Teddy Ellison [@cursebreakerfarrier], Gabriel Sapieha [@slytherindisaster]
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The owl swooped down into the kitchen, clattering onto the thankfully empty table. She sighed, but moved to right the owl. The bird held out its leg, hooting mournfully as its big eyes blinked.
“Okay, okay,” Niamh Lynch muttered, reaching out to untie the letters attached to the owl’s legs.
The moment the parchment was freed from its legs, the owl took off again, narrowly avoiding a collision with the unopened window. Niamh shook her head, but smiled at the three letters. Aisling’s curly letters looped across the parchment in bright violet ink, while Saoirse’s messy letters, in black ink, took up as little space as possible and Oisín’s neat, blocky letters, in blue ink, took up a reasonable amount of space.
“Good morning, mo stór,” her husband called, as he walked into the kitchen.
Niamh looked over her shoulder and smiled. His hair had started to pepper, and even at fifty, his hair was still full. He wore a red buffalo check shirt and denim trousers that cut his form beautifully.
“Good morning,” she said, as he crossed the room to meet her.
“Are those from the children?” Tadhg asked, leaning over her shoulder.
“Yes. These should include which houses Saoirse and Oisín were sorted into.”
“Whose do we open first?”
“What if we each take one?”
“That seems like a good plan. Do you want Oisín’s letter or Saoirse’s?”
Tadhg paused, and then moved to sit in one of the chairs, while she took the chair opposite him, making sure to face his good ear. She shuffled the letters in her hand, moving them back and forth in an anxious way.
“Why don’t we just choose at random? Turn them over and fan them out like cards,” Tadhg said, after their long pause.
“That sounds fair,” she replied, flipping the two letters over and shuffling them.
She held them out to Tadhg, who pursued both letters for a few moments before selecting one. Niamh turned the letter she held over. Saoirse, her darling spitfire.
“I’ll be shocked if Saoirse isn’t a Gryffindor. She reminds me so much of you with Teddy and Gabriel,” she remarked.
“Please, Saoirse’s all you. Now, which house do you think Oisín will be in? I could see him going anywhere but Slytherin,” Tadhg replied.
“I think he’ll be a Ravenclaw, like I was.”
“Yeah. Ready?”
“On the count of three.”
“One.” They looked at each other and grinned before continuing their countdown.
Swallowing, Niamh gently unscrolled the letter. It took a few minutes to decipher her daughter’s handwriting. Saoirse had never had the best penmanship, although it was never as bad as her husband’s handwriting.
“You were right. Oisín’s in Ravenclaw,” Tadhg remarked. Niamh smiled widely.
“And Saoirse’s a Gryffindor,” Niamh replied, her smile continuing to grow.
(Translation: Mo stór means my dear.)
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
Mmm here to ask random oc question:
Fav/default names any of your ocs call someone they in love with? 🔫
Don't got a specific oc I'm asking for just any you want to answer.
Oh I’m screaming this is my favorite brand of soft thank you so much
Gonna try and do as many as I can bc I love this 😭 also there is lots of overlap but this is what works for them
Alec: baby/babe, honey, dearest
Jamil: baby, love, my heart, beloved
Camia: angel, my love, my sweet
Leon: darling, sweetheart, my (insert name here)
Meredith: idiot (affectionate), cub, (very very far into a relationship) Mo Ghra
Saoirse: Mo Ghra, beloved, my dearest
Rodrigo: baby, princess (gnc), mi luna, mis estrellas (both saved for extremely intimate relationships)
Jacqui: baby, beautiful/handsome, dear
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