#oc: hinata
cyberneticcelestia · 7 months
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Hinata, certified repressed teenager who cries at mob the first time they ever meet each other
awakening under the cut
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doodlemeimpressed · 5 years
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no braincells detected
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twin-stars-writing · 5 years
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Commission from @clearwillow for art of Hinata! She looks awesome.
Couldn’t decide between short hair or long hair, or the black dress or purple dress. So we went with both.
This is the other uniform to Meiou Academy for the female high schoolers.
Same as Youko, Hinata is 15 here.
If you have any questions please ask!
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enfubu · 6 years
the triplets: facts
just some stuff abt the triplets under the cut 
aito is the oldest
hinata is middle child
kage is the youngest
aito and hinata are identical, kage is fraternal
they were born on February 3rd
this makes them Aquariuses 
aito is the leader of the pack
hinata and aito are extroverts, kage is an introvert
aito would be annoyed by anybody putting his name last or after his brothers’ 
kage has had his appendix out, hinata and aito have not 
aitos main hobby besides soccer is listening to music
hinatas is flower pressing and drawing 
kage’s is playing video games 
aito likes spicy food, hinata likes sweet, kage likes salty and savoury 
kage dislikes cockiness and arrogance in everybody but aito 
children love kage but he finds it hard to be around them 
kage has depression and generalized anxiety and takes medication for this 
kage somewhat lives in his elder brothers’ shadows
he prefers it this way 
hinata can be rather flighty
kage is the most down to earth sibling 
they all wanted to be world famous soccer players growing up 
hinata is the only one who has a plan for if this doesnt work out 
his plan is to be a florist
in high school, kage goes through a depression spell and quits soccer 
after a while he eventually returns to it, but during that time, the triplets all feel somewhat lost 
they all love to ride bikes 
their favourite sports besides soccer are: aito prefers basketball, hinata likes baseball, and kage likes snowboarding or skiing 
ice cream wise: aito prefers chocolate, hinata prefers strawberry, and kage prefers vanilla 
aito doesn’t believe in luck, hinata does, and kage doesn’t care either way
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doodlemeimpressed · 5 years
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Just guys being dudes
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doodlemeimpressed · 5 years
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Pollitos número uno y dos (Baby chickens number one and two)
I want you all to know that their respective classmates don’t know either of them are twins because they're both in different courses and are almost never seen together at school.
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doodlemeimpressed · 5 years
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doodlemeimpressed · 5 years
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“Chicken quirk?”
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doodlemeimpressed · 5 years
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My two support department boys.
I knew I wanted to make someone that could easily get along with Yuu, and completely skip the communication gap and I also knew I wanted to create two twins that could swap quirks back and forth so I made Hinata, one of two twins. His quirk allows him to read and project his own thoughts into other’s minds! and since we’re talking quirks, Yuu’s makes him completely silent! He can speak but no noise will come out and any noise his body makes (footsteps, clapping) is silent.
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enfubu · 6 years
1, 3, 5, 16, 20, 26, 28, 29 for the triplets?
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Aito: He has Hinata and Kage, his identical and fraternal triplet (respectively)! He’s closest to Hinata, probably due to them being identical and both more similar in personality. 
Hinata: Aito and Kage, again, because, triplets. He’s, again, probably closest to Aito because of the same reasons. 
Kage: Aito and Hinata. Closest to Hinata, probably because Hinata is more mellow compared to Aito and Aito is more domineering and imposing. 
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Aito: He gets along well enough with his dads. He was closer to both of them as a small child, where he thought the world of them. He uses them more as leverage as a sign of how “Destined” he is to be a great soccer player, however. 
Hinata: He gets along with Shirou better than Yuuma. But he gets along well with both of them! They have a loving relationship. 
Kage: he gets on well with them. They don’t always know how to help bring him out of his shell, though, an worry about him at times. 
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Aito: money, wallet, student id card, license for the Games™. candy wrappers. 
Hinata: picked plants he shoved in there to draw later, a pencil or pen, wallet, id, license. 
Kage: wallet, ID, license. he’s a simple guy when it comes to what he carries.  
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Aito: Success will bring happiness, is how he views it, so success if he had to pick one. 
Hinata: Happiness. 
Kage: Success. He bases a lot of his self-worth on this. 
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Aito: He views himself as above others, so self-validation, I suppose– 
Hinata: He doesn’t concern himself with other people in any manner, really. 
Kage: He self-criticizes a lot. He views others as above him, at times, even though his brothers repeatedly assure him he’s “better than most folks”. He has a bit of a complex. 
26. How does your character behave around children?
Aito: He ignores them, mostly. He and his cousin Mine don’t get on well because he just doesn’t prioritize children and doesn’t enjoy being around them. He also looks down on them, so this adds strain. 
Hinata: He gets along well with kids! They like his bubbliness and he’s always willing to play with kids- but his brothers take priority, and he follows after Aito a lot. 
Kage: He’s awkward around children, but they like him because of his silent nature. He’ll sit quietly while they talk at him, silently worrying on the inside and not noticing that they enjoy his listening. 
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Aito: He avoids it, if only because he thinks he’s above it. 
Hinata: Avoids it. He doesn’t like violence.
Kage: The same as Hinata, but lesserly so. he will defend himself if he must. 
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Aito: He wanted to be a world famous soccer player. He’s working on it- and it comes true. 
Hinata: wanted to be a world famous soccer player, and retire to being a florist. He loves plants and flowers.
Kage: World famous soccer player. He was unsure of what to do afterwards- jus do whatever Aito wanted, he supposed.
thanks sm for sending some in!!!!
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