#oc: ichiko takeda
missmako-chan · 4 months
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I think about Kyosuke way too much and I have to make it Ichiko's problem. I haven't even watched Den-O yet
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gemlighter · 3 months
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some more kiyomi thoughts ft. @missmako-chan's ichiko
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missmako-chan · 3 months
I think ISAT infected my brain because I've put a lot of the character into Ichiko. Which one? Yes.
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Reblog will contain more sprites that have spoilers up to the Act 6 secret, this one is spoiler free!
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missmako-chan · 2 months
Me to my own OC: "fuck you" *reverses your role*
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Ichiko as an Imagin, now named Yukikos after the Yuki-on'na! Her host is Kyosuke, who she is normal about :)
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missmako-chan · 3 months
Stayed up til 5 in the morning to make this dumbass meme, look at it (click to view the full thing)
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missmako-chan · 4 months
Hey wouldn't it be crazy if I made an OC for a game that isn't even out yet and that we only know like half the characters from? That'd be wild. Anyways here's my Ride Kamens OC
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Everyday she wakes up in the RK universe, they curse out Decade. They don't see the Ride Kamens guys as actual Kamen Riders, only thinking of them as cheap knock-offs using their armor, though she puts on a cheerful persona so no one suspects a thing.
Also I may or be not be shipping them with Kyosuke what who said that
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missmako-chan · 2 months
Ichiko: "We're back!"
Naomi: "Oh! How was the trip, you two?"
Ichiko: "It was fun!! We met this lady who knew Ura, and she called him a… an um… What did she call you again? A man…"
Urataros: "A-Ah, Ichiko-chan, you should really just forget what she said—"
Ichiko: "Oh!! I remember now!!!"
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Ichiko learns a word she shouldn't have, and Ura is now banned from babysitting Ichiko by himself
Momotaros, finally done laughing at Urataros: "Alright, Ichiko, that was fuckin' hilarious. But don't say that word again."
Ichiko: "Okay! Hey what does 'fuckin'' mean?"
Momotaros, with everyone else glaring at him: "Uhhhhhhhhhh—"
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missmako-chan · 3 months
"Crap, that kaijin's headed our way!"
"None of the Riders will be able to get here in time. What do we do?"
"We'll be fine."
"Eh? What do you mean—!"
"I-IS THAT—!?"
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So, fun fact! Ichiko knows how to use a gun! She was taught by Ryutaros when she was a teen. Was that a good idea? Probably not! Did the other Imagin get shot at by accident? Absolutely! Do either of them regret it? Not really!
All this to say Ichiko is packing heat and she won't hesitate to use it if it gets to that point
(Niko is by @kirider and Aine by @cantarella-rose)
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missmako-chan · 3 months
POV: You are Jo Ride Kamens
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Akihiko belongs to @cantarella-rose, Niko belongs to @kirider, and Kiyomi belongs to @magicalgirlsirin!
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missmako-chan · 3 months
Round 2 fuck it, 38 for the meme
38. What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Riding a motorcycle, probably. She's friends with Kamen Riders, after all. Minatsu might offer them a ride but they'd be like "Ah, no thanks! I don't do well with motorcycles…" If she actually went on rides with the others, she might start bonding with them! Could you imagine that? (Chat they don't know they're already getting attached anyways)
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missmako-chan · 18 days
Ichikyo and Giramie for the ship thing? -🟡
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Yeah I think about Giramie a normal amount
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And of course them. Speaking of which about that new Kyosuke outfit—
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missmako-chan · 3 months
31 Ichiko :3
31. Cursed/turned into an animal
"So… how did you turn into a cat?"
Ichiko just stares at Lance.
"…Right, guess you can't answer like this." He sighs, holding up Ichiko's necklace, "It's a good thing you had this, otherwise I wouldn't have known this was you."
Ichiko nods as best she can, stretching her feline body. Ryu-tan would probably think they're the cutest thing in the world like this…
Dammit, now they got herself sad over Ryutaros.
"Aww, your ears drooped! You grumpy?" Oh, Q's fronting now. "I think I have just the thing to cheer you up!" He turns to grab something from a drawer.
Okay, she definitely doesn't trust that. They should probably get out of there before— holy shit a red dot. Fuck whatever she was worrying about, she needs to catch that dot now now nownownow.
Q smirks, moving the laser pointer around the room as Ichiko follows. If he accidentally left the laser on one of Lance's things for a bit too long, that's a Lance problem.
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missmako-chan · 3 months
And finally, our favorite guy to put in situations, Ichiko with 15 (Soulmates), 16 (Meeting past/future self) or 60 (Truth Serum/spell) (apologises they all sounded very good I couldn't pick, I'll leave this hardship to you) -🟡
16. Meeting past/future self
Ichiko looks at… well, Ichiko. They're not exactly sure how a young version of them is here, and they're not even sure that should be possible if they're— ugh, 21 years old and they still get a migraine thinking too hard about time travel.
"So what's it like in the future?" MinIchiko asks, kicking her little legs up on her seat, "Do we get to become Riders?" she gasps, "DO WE MARRY—"
"NOPE! NO!! STOP!!!" They stop her before she says too much. Fuck, they almost forgot she used to have that stupid childhood crush on Momo. They would very much like to forget all about it if the other Imagin would stop teasing them about it and threatening to tell Momo. "To answer that last question, no, we don't."
"Aww…" kid-her whines, fiddling with the straps on her overalls.
"But…" Ichiko smiles as they see her eyes instantly light up, "We find someone else. He's a bit like Momo, but still pretty different."
"Well, for one…" they lean in close and whisper into her ear, "He has a dog."
MinIchiko lets out a loud gasp, "HE DOES?!?!"
They nod, "Yep!"
"But Momo—"
"I know!!"
Kid-her looks like her entire worldview has been shattered, but in a good way. "Woahhhh… My future must be awesome!!!"
Ichiko chuckles, but their laughter slowly dies down. "It is, but it takes a lot of time to get there," they say, fiddling with their necklace, "It gets rough, and sometimes you'll want to ignore the present and go back to the past, but you have to remember that there are people with you who care about you."
"Well, of course I do!" she beams, "I have the Taros!"
They crack open a small smile, "Not just them."
"Then… Naomi? Deneb?"
"Not just them, either." MinIchiko furrows her brows in confusion. Ichiko just smiles and ruffles her hair. "You'll figure it out eventually, I promise."
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missmako-chan · 2 months
5 for Ichiko
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Haha, nope! Their ass is Not equipped for public speaking or feelings talk!! But if they did, it'd probably be after the corruption arc, and moreso a lecture on how time travel works which just leaves people with more questions than answers
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missmako-chan · 3 months
Hello I bring guys to put in situations: 13 (Drunken/drugged/sleepy confessions) with Kyosuke -🟡
Ichiko sighed for the umpteenth time as they continued to drag a drunk Kyosuke back to his room. "How did this even happen? You know you're underage, right?"
"Doesit matter?" Kyosuke asked, words slurring together, "I beat Artist Jerk at a drinkin' contest!"
"Yes, and because of that, you can barely stand, much less walk," she shoved him onto his bed, his body practically ragdolling onto it, "Gaim, how the hell was I the one stuck with taking you home…"
He turned to look at her. "Wuzza Gaim?"
"Don't worry about it." If she was lucky, he'd forget about it in the morning. "Just go to sleep."
As she said this, she stifled out a yawn. 'I should probably get some rest, too.'
Kyosuke giggled, "You're cute when you're sleepy."
"H-Huh!?" They looked at him with wide eyes.
"'s true!" His eyes then lit up like he just got the best idea ever, which Ichiko definitely didn't find cute at all, "Hey, wanna sleep with me?"
"Ya heard me!"
"I— Bwuh— B-But Kamui and the others—"
"The others don't hafta know!"
Her blush deepened. He didn't even realize how… weird that sounded out of context! It was like when Momo would accidentally—
…When… When Momo would…
Ichiko sighed, "Just… go to bed." She got up and left the room, closing the door behind them. Kyosuke wouldn't remember this in the morning, which was good.
It meant it might be a bit easier to ignore the way her heart raced just then.
Might be.
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missmako-chan · 3 months
Haha, meta fic go brrr
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