#oc: julian acker
moar-pixxls · 6 years
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i dont think he really actually needed much of an update but... gotta do them all so :P
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…let it be known that the man Julianus Janssen - known by alias’ of Todd or Fox is a persons who has committed crimes against the crown. He captains a commandeered ship by the name of The Strike, and by his acts of piracy is a wanted man. A hefty reward is offered for either his capture, or death.
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supesissuper · 4 years
🧐😒 for Widya, 😱😡 for julien?
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🧐 - something that makes your character suspicious?
Widya does not trust when people are overly nice, not overly nice in the way that they’re really kind and caring but in the way where it feels like they’re compensating. She thinks of herself as a good judge of character and thinks that is a BIG red flag. She also does not trust anyone who wears silver.
😒 - something that makes your character wearily annoyed?
Widya is annoyed by uh, a lot of things. She's a very irritable fairy. It’s mostly little things, like loud eaters, slow walkers, people who ask questions at the end of class, daredevils, people who take unnecessary risks. Men annoy her the most though lol.
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😱 - something that makes your character afraid?
Julie has hella social anxiety and usually tries to overcompensate for it by being overly confident and flirty. Saying that he is terrified of confrontation, and people raising their voices at him, or calling out his behaviour, it makes him shut down and shut up until they go away.
😠 - something that makes your character angry?
People! People make Julie angry, ignorant people, rude people, arrogant people, people who act like he's dumb or people who expect way too much from him! One wrong move from even Julie’s favourite person can make him insanely angry.
character ask game - emotions!
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moar-pixxls · 6 years
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Julian is far more accommodating ;)
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moar-pixxls · 7 years
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                                                       ☓  ☠  ☓
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moar-pixxls · 7 years
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hi so here’s some Jules      (=ↀωↀ=)✧
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moar-pixxls · 7 years
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In the dead of night strange things happen    In the dead of night the world goes cold      When the lights go out all around, whispers fill the air         In the dead of night, better hold on tight                                      |
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" I may have been called The Fox, but he was a wolf. He had such a fury inside him - so much choked hurt and fear. A person made and brutally cut from tragedy, and all the wrongs done upon him.
When I was a young man he was my first love. Today, he is still my greatest sorrow."
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moar-pixxls · 7 years
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supernatural & fantasy you ask?? in that case have a warlock Jules (・`ω´・  )
                               and have some mood music to go with ♪ ♪
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supesissuper · 4 years
What do your Magic School OCs do for the holidays?
Okay so at the school all students are given the option of going home for the holidays or staying a school, a lot of the students will choose to go home, spend time with their family, all that wonderful stuff. That's the case for a lot of the Gang who are close to their family. So let's talk about their plans lol
Kalli stays some years later on in her school career but for the first two or so goes home to be with her Mum, however, the Amazons don’t celebrate any holidays so she doesn’t do any celebrations. But sometimes she does do a bit of gift-giving with the rest of the gang.
Kori is required to spend the holidays with her celebrity Dad, who celebrates Christmas. She likes to take the whole gang shopping in the town centre before school ends to buy them gifts before she has to go spend a whole 2 weeks with her Dad in wherever he's staying that year.
Julie will talk a big talk about what he's going to do over the winter holidays but will most likely spend it at the school because he doesn't want to brave the cold winter waters with his family when he could be curled up in his bed watching cheesy movies. While Mermaids and Selkies can celebrate holidays they usually just have a big meal with the whole extended families, which Julie is more than happy to miss.
Celsus celebrates Christmas with his Dad back in Hawaii, and spends most the time before going home baking holiday snacks for all his friends, the holiday season is Celsus’ favourite because it’s an excuse to do a LOT of baking.
Widya and Mary both go home to their respective families, and have a small celebration, they enjoy the gift-giving and big meal. And decorating. Mary spends around a month decorating their common room and making gifts for all her friends. Widya isn’t so invested in the holidays and much rather chooses to spend her free time curled under a blanket with hot cocoa.
Noah! Noah goes home every holiday until his sister joins the school, at which point they both stop returning home until Summer Holiday, when they literally have no other choice. As Marlocks they celebrate the Winter Solstice, and spend the rest of the holidays resting and putting aside work to rejoice and spend time with family.
Karmon celebrates Hanukkah and goes home to spend it with her Dads’ family, including her siblings and extended family who all come to visit. Her favourite part is giving gifts to some of the younger students before she leaves. She also likes when people put up mistletoe around the school so she has an excuse to kiss Celsus all the time.
Finally! Sabrina, she is required to go home during the holidays and spend it with her parents, there is usually a big ball/meal on the 24th which she enjoys attending, apart from the talking to fancy nobles she doesn’t particularly like.
So mostly everyone goes home to spend some well needed time with their families after being away so long! But one rare year, when they all stay and spend the holidays together, wrapped up in blankets around the TV and watching animated movies, is one of the best holidays they will ever have.
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moar-pixxls · 7 years
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because every new male hair must be tried out on him it’s law 👍
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moar-pixxls · 7 years
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(  (  ♫  )  )
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moar-pixxls · 7 years
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because even if blank backgrounds are boring as hell I’m never gonna get tired of Julian *finger guns*
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moar-pixxls · 8 years
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Here have this quite crap edit that I’ve had sitting around for like a month HAH. Now I’m off to find cc blankets; the Tiny Tea-Lover is AWAY! *flops off*
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moar-pixxls · 8 years
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