#oc: kaanrenar
I can see Kaan and Lily being a very bad influence on each other. Vicious, malicious, quick tempered bitey Viper boy and a fiery vengeance demon with dubiously grey morals and no qualms about killing people who's been trained by stabbity Cats. Chaos. But if she did get to the point of actively liking him then she'd be a totally loyal friend.
Omg yessss I can see Kaan falling lowkey head over heels in (platonic) love for Lily the first time they meet, just like “oh man she’s a demon and she’s stabby, I’m in love”
They would have so much fun hanging out, being wild and malicious and murdery together I love it🥰🥰🥰
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Would LOVE to know more about Kaan, he seems so damn cute and floofy! :D I just want to give him a hug! :'D
You mentioned describing my OC (His name is Bruno and he a bear witcher :3) so here is some info on him. Bruno is very socially awkward but he looooves animals and actually has a soft spot for most monsters. He likes people but hes very scared and nervous around them, kind of like a frighten animal but he really wants friends. : ( He has poor memory, and tends to get lost as well, and forget he has an assignment (Literally think winnie the pooh mixed with Eeyore XD) Common isn't his first language so it takes him awhile to answer people, has a HEAVY accent (German or Witcher equivalent to German is his first language) He loves to carve things out of wood especially bears, he really loves bears XD
He is very tall 6'8, built like a brick and super super hairy (which he is very self conscious about) has thick dark brown nearly black wavy hair (going like around the nape of his neck) and a thick beard , bright green hazel eyes and tanned leather skin. People are super intimidated by him cause he has resting (I hate everyone) face but really that's just his face : (
He can shift into a bear as well which he does often cause hes more comfortable as a bear than anything XD Will actually be playful and silly as a bear, loves honey and sweets honestly, and fluffy things. However if anyone hurts an animal or a child or Bruno will go ape shit >:T literally goes into a blind rage its bad and messy :T
Sorry that was a lot haha , I would love to see Bruno and Kaan interact: they are both huge dudes and Kaan seems like a sweet goofy sweetheart and Bruno would be like :D fren! even though he doesnt really know how to people XD
Ooh gosh!! Well I hope it’s not too much of a disappointment but Kaan is MEAN. I talked about it more recently here and here; he’s definitely not a nice guy.
That having been said: he would be incredibly loyal to the people that do manage to become his friends. He would be loyal and silly and wild and fun with them, and he would definitely crack skulls and more if anyone he cared about got hurt.
More under the cut!
Kaan is more than a little feral, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to hurt animals randomly. He might chase them for fun (only predators though cause prey animals run from anything, they’re not a challenge), so I can see him chasing that bear for shits n giggles, probably laughing maniacally, and then running into Bruno, who misinterprets his chase for killing intent, and they have an impromptu violent wrestling match in the middle of the woods. Kaan is malicious and mean to anyone who is rude to him or just is a dick in general but he absolutely respects anyone who stands up to him with stony and real resolve without being an asshole, so I think he would respect Bruno for protecting the bear and after their fight (likely ending in a draw?) he would probably be like “no hard feelings man, I’ll leave bears alone from now on unless they attack me first” and then they would get along in the way that a feral and wild extrovert gets along with a quiet awkward introvert.
Consider: Kaan carrying Bruno slung over his shoulder, running full tilt down a mountainside, yelling excitedly the whole time, Bruno covering his eyes and praying that they come out of the whole thing intact😂😂 Kaan and Bruno power duo, they would be terrifying looking together, both super tall and v broad and hairy and a little wild looking
I do think they might disagree on animal hurting policies somewhat, though, cause Kaan absolutely eats meat and probably kills most of his food by himself. As for children, Kaan probably wouldn’t physically hurt them but he’s very capable of scaring the shit out of any kid who’s rude to him without touching them at all, and he definitely would if he felt like it.
But overall I can see them being buds!! Kaan would love being able to have a training fight with a literal bear😆
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Early morning fish-catching encounter🐟🐻
This time the bear exits stage left pursued by Kaan
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Tell me everything abt Kaan 🥺🥺🥺
YES OMG okay putting this under a readmore
Okay so, he’s a little bit of a polar opposite to Letho in my mind, at least in some ways. They’re both tall and BUILT (Kaan is chunkier around the middle), also they’re both very intelligent (Letho is just a bit smarter), but where Letho is steady, quiet, and driven by the desire to have his school/family again, Kaan is feral, vicious, and driven by malice. He’s smart, and he uses those smarts to fuck with/fuck up people as much as possible. He’s just… an asshole.
At rest/when he’s comfortable, he moves slowly, has half-lidded, lazy looking eyes, and talks slowly, similarly to Letho, but more relaxed/sloppy. However, it’s very easy to rile him up, and if you do he’ll go wide eyed and fuckin crazy. If he likes you, he gives great (still slightly scary) hugs, and if he doesn’t like you, you’d better not get within grabbing distance because he can and will use his very long arms to crush your ribs and snap your spine like a twig. He’s also infamous for biting during fights, and his teeth grew in sharp during his mutations so when he bites it does serious damage.
He doesn’t have many actual friends, but I can see him getting along okay-ish with Letho, Serrit, and Auckes. He and Lambert would be like fire and gasoline, and he would annoy Geralt, but he would leave Eskel very much alone. (Nobody fucks with Eskel tbh, not even Kaan)
I am already shipping Kaan with Gaetan. Vicious cat meets even more vicious viper kinda thing. Kaan would take an instant liking to him, and tease the shit out of him. 1000/10 would call him “kitty”. He would absolutely be a bad influence on Gaetan and I love that for them.
Also Kaan is 1000% a sub-leaning switch in the bedroom, mostly just enjoying feeling wanted, but also happy to do his feral thing if desired. He still bites though.
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Sketched another OC, a big viper boi this time (based off an albino imperial boa constrictor)
His name is Kaanrenar and he’s completely unhinged
He’s tall af and has really long arms
also watch out, he bites
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