#oc: kynwyl (he/him)
the-desert-beast · 5 months
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touched up an old kynwyl sketch teehee! reminder that this man is. 8'6" ft tall. goddamn.
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astralarias · 9 months
I hope you feel much better A.S.A.P. char!!
I'm gentely holding up Soft OC Facts for you 💖💖
Kynwyl has a habit of being his polycule's Living Heater lmao One of his boyfriends, Fedsy, will sleep underneath him like Wyl's a weighted blanket
Kynwyl's in the habit of surprising of his lovers with Treats (A pretty trinket he knew they'd like, their fav snacks, etc) when they're upset and having a bad day. Said "Treat" sometimes includes or is instead snuggling together and being Disgustingly Cute to one another
Maelgwyn never ever purrs Except when he's waking up with his partner in the early mornings.
Gwynnie's not an early bird whatsoever (good luck dragging him out of bed before Ten) and has an iron grip in his sleep so. his partners sometimes Do Not Have A Choice except to snuggle with him.
Maelgwyn is awfully bad at The Emotions but he tries his best to cheer up his partners however he can. His defaults are tasty meal and Pester Them With Physical Affections
Bonus facts: Kynwyl cannot bake ANYTHING to save his life, despite how much he adores baked treats. (he also loves sweet steamed treats) Maelgwyn will kill you on sight if you disrespect his partner. They are both very much WifeGuys(Positive.) one way or another.
@the-desert-beast Again best wishes to you char <33333 May the bees take a nap and leave us with peaceful headspace for more than one day soon 💖💖💖
AAH I LOVE THEM soft cute stuff like this is my weakness they're perfect ;w; I am giving Kynwyl some of his favourite baked treats :D and thank you so much, same to you <333
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kingofthenorth · 7 years
If I didn’t have way too many rp blogs as it is, I’d repurpose an old OC as a DF muse now that I’m returning to dfrp.
I’m not sure how many of you remember/knew about Kynwyl, and I’m certain the few of you who know him don’t know much about DF, but damn he would make a great Summer Court Sidhe.
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the-desert-beast · 1 year
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Your dark prince is here to sweep you off your feet, will you dance with him?
Careful, he might never let you go.
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the-desert-beast · 1 year
A hopeless romantic.
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"Rest with me awhile, won't you?"
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the-desert-beast · 11 months
anet has given me too much power now i want to give him this "little devil fit" for the spooky art party,,, with some more stereotypical "cute devil" dyes maybe
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kynwyl slutty spellsword moment godblESS
I was gonna bring kynwyl & gwynnie to the art party dressed as a nightmare court knight and an arch demon respectively buuuuttttt i coooouuuuuldddd bring wyl as an archdemon and maelgwynnie as a little devil,,,,,,
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
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the-desert-beast · 7 months
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the blorbo blingus
also @silvesi did that kynwyl chibi go look at her art OR ELSE 🔪 ✨
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the-desert-beast · 10 months
Maelgwyn is juuuuuust on the edge of being a sugar daddy if im honest with you. What could POSSIBLY be a better use of his beloved unnecessary amounts of money than showering his partner with jewelry and clothing and gifts they enjoy? there isn't one. He LOVES the amount of money he has and he consistently makes. He adores the luxuries he can afford and does not want to lose them. It's the main materialistic trait he has. He doesn't really care about money on it's own it's more that he wants the ability to spoil his partner, afford the food and luxuries he enjoys, and have enough at any given moment to be able to help someone else who really needs it. It's not the money it's the things he can do WITH the money.
it is also the money a little tiny bit though.
Kynwyl adores being able to buy his partners their favorite foods, gifts, surprise romantic dinners, taking them shopping etc. he. kind of. is. a sugar daddy if I am honest with you and myself. like I think he would give a partner of his a portion of his income if he could afford it and it would help them out of a bad spot. bonus if it also means they can buy themselves whatever they like. idk. he has those vibes to me. assertive but soft dominant of a boyfriend that will take you shopping and hold all the bags and shower you in compliments whilst you are simply Vibing. thats pretty much part of kynwyl, yeah.
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
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The fifth of the dusk firstborn to awaken! He's a very kind, caring, considerate man. The most charismatic and charming of all the dusk firstborn. He's a guardian, a friend of the cavaliers & the sunspears. He trained with both the cavaliers & sunspears before much later training in Cantha to become a Willbender. His closest friends of the other firstborn are Faeryl, and Cerwyn. He's a hopeless romantic, and polyamorous. He is my excuse to have access to those very sexy well-read Willbender voice lines and my excuse to have a black & pink sylvari. black & pink is a fucking GOD TIER color combo. (and an excuse to have more hot sylvari on my account because i am So Normal about sylvari men swearsies.)
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the-desert-beast · 1 year
A villain AU for Kynwyl.
Take all of his good traits, his diplomatic tendencies, his perceptiveness, his memory of little things about people and their preferences, his charisma, his way with words. And corrupt them. Someone so cunning, so deceptive, so subtly monstrous, that you're in too deep by the time you even realize that something is wrong. A man who can so easily make you feel safe and welcome, slowly but surely isolating you. Promising you that life in his court will be better for you, you'll be safe there, he can watch over you there, no one can hurt you there, you'll be safe. The effort it would take from a courtier to slowly erode Kynwyl's outlook on life; Kynwyl tries to be understanding of everyone, to be good faith and give good will to people unless he's seen them cross a line he cannot forgive. It's exceptionally difficult to convince him of someone being truly irredeemable. They can do that themselves in his eyes just fine. But rumor and gossip means next to nothing to him. Heilyn tries to get his hooks in. He tries, slowly but surely to coax Kynwyl to his point of view. To welcome the Nightmare. To see that others are as cruel as Heilyn is, that even Kynwyl has done cruel things like those strangers. A note, about this AU, is that, Heilyn basically has a less than 5% chance of his bullshit working- even if he plays the really really really slow game. Kynwyl would very quickly catch him. So pretend with me for a moment that Heilyn has 10 more charisma and 5 more braincells in this AU. That's the only way he could pull this off. And slowly but surely it works. Slowly Kynwyl can see the cruelty Heilyn points out, he can see the "poison" in the actions of the ones he loves, the subtle malice in their words that Heilyn has noted. Eventually he agrees to go with Heilyn to his court. And he gets worse from there. Heilyn's words convince him that others are just as bad as the court, convine him that only he can save them, that only they can see the truth. Only they know what's best. Sylas warms up to Kynwyl quickly; The both of them are corrupted knight types, though Kynwyl has much stronger knight vibes than Sylas does. They both enjoy the hunt, they share in the fun of being cruel; the dreamers deserve it after all, they're the ones lying to the saplings of the grove. Luc, however, despises Kynwyl. Kynwyl is everything Luc has pretended to be. Heilyn and Sylas love Kynwyl, they almost worship him. (Though it isn't completely genuine, at first.) Luc begins to feel like he's being replaced as Kynwyl settles in, and he's not entirely wrong. Kynwyl is still kind to Heilyn and Sylas, he still romances them, he still gives them that hopeless romanticity he has in his heart even still. Despite how corrupted it now is. Eventually Luc and Kynwyl are genuine enemies as Luc gets worse and worse and starts acting more and more malicious and violent to Heilyn and Sylas, and even Kynwyl himself. However those threats get Luc into more trouble because Kynwyl still doesn't suffer self-absorbed fools (funny how hypocritical that is in this AU.) Luc gets cast out and is left to be hunted by his now-previous Duchess. Morgana takes a hell of a liking to Kynwyl, and once Luc is gone, Kynwyl beseeches her to forgive Heilyn and Sylas, as using her beloved daughter as a weapon was mostly Luc's idea. Sort of using a, "Look at me, am I not evidence of Heilyn's prowess and dedication?" kind of argument. It works, much to Sylas and Heilyn's nervousness. They do appreciate it however.
Kynwyl in this AU has become a frightening weapon of the Nightmare Court. A beloved precious dark knight of Duchess Morgana's. A man who used to be such a kind and caring, attentive hopeless romantic, is now controlling and obsessive. He's still attentive and sweet, but only for the ones who behave. He might throw you away for his next romance if you prove to be not interesting enough, or you simply weren't "the one." Even Heilyn and Sylas have lost his interest now and again. A man who was once so dedicated to his loved ones is now genuinely convinced that none of them know what's best for themselves. He used to look up to and idolize his older brother (he still does deep down) but now he's awfully convinced that his older brother has been squandering their true potential as sylvari outside the pale dream. All of him has been truly twisted.
okay now because I love kynwyl so much im holding you at gunpoint to imagine Canon him in a snuggle pile with his polycule thank you goodnight.
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
have i continuously forgotten to mention that maelgwyn can purr. have i forgot to ever say that. i think i did.
he can purr. he doesnt do it often. its involuntary for him and he has to feel extremely safe or extremely happy and neither of those happen very much. he is always on guard. trahearne is like the only person who consistently hears him do it but even then its almost never when gwyn's conscious.
this isnt exclusive to maelgwyn- dusk tree sylvari at large can purr.
Rhosyn does it as easy as humming, when youre minding your own business walking somewhere, humming while you work, those kinds of situations.
llacheu has never purred. ever. not once in his life. nope. no. why would you say that. never. hes the only firstborn who cant. yeah. its real. (do not ask morven about his llacheu cant purr hes telling the truth no dont ask mor-)
faeryl only ever sort of starts doing it when she's with rhosie, but gets embarrassed about it and it stops. (only to start up again in a few minutes and the cycle repeats lol)
cerwyn genuinely has never purred. hes always on guard, he doesnt even relax in his sleep.
kynwyl purrs a lot. big boy much love to give much kindness in his soul 💖💖💖💖 anyone can hear it he doesnt care.
morven only ever purrs when it's working on something. reading, doin magic stuff. studying. practicing. that kind of stuff.
evnyssyen does but only very rarely. its never the same situation when it starts.
lynette purrs EXTREMELY LOUDLY when she's sleeping. and then shes back to being annoying and bitchy and bratty when shes awake.
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
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Kynwyl why are you so handsome and sexy. how dare you.
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
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dunno if ill have the energy to attend either day of tyria pride but if i do i'll be there on NA servers as one of these lovelies!!
If you spot me as Firstborn Kynwyl or Maelgwyyn, feel free to say hi uwu
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
rotating Kynwyl some more
His hobbies include: cooking, which hes pretty good at. writing, specifically journalling, and he has expensive books and pens laying about his apartment. (Probably also has a candlelit notary desk, for any love letters he wants to write.) and jewelry making, specifically ear rings. he's got a few small jewelry boxes filled with ear ring sets he, doesnt want to sell, doesnt want to gift because they arent good enough, and doesnt want to toss because well thats hobby progress.)
Kynwyl is a protective guy, but he won't take over a situation if it looks like his partner can handle themself. If his partner(s) waiver, though, or at all seem like they're afraid, want to run away, are becoming overwhelmed, he'll step in. He wants his lovers to feel like, if he has control, then they're safe. He won't let them get hurt. "You can trust me with yourself," is the energy.
He's a super relaxed kind of self confident. The kind of man who really won't care if someone tried to start something with him in a public place, like a bar. Especially if he was there with someone, and a stranger tried to pick a fight. He would essentially just, "Oh No. Anyway-" said stranger. He's a really chill and relaxed man.
if you kiss the back of his neck. he short-circuits for a moment.
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
i think kynwyl buys his partners their favorite treats whenever they look remotely upset that day peace and love
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