#oc: laere sedhri
alma-amentet · 2 years
Skyrim Asks
I forgot that I was tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom gods know when... This was just staying in my drafts way too long but I had fun doing it. Perhaps I need more OC ask games...
Not tagging anyone, but you can just take it if you want. And tag me, I’ll gladly read about yours ;)
1. Favourite Tavern
Bannered Mare. That’s where she met Uthgerd, good memories.
The Winking Skeever because beds with blankets and sheets, not just hides!!!
2. Favourite Drink
Wine. Simply like myself because, honestly, I didn’t give it much thought... But Laere would certainly prefer good wine to mead, and is not a fan of something stronger.
3. Travel Companion
Uthgerd, for sure. Wife and companion (also a bodyguard, sometimes the voice of reason, lol). But also Mjoll (she’s really nice and talkative) and Brelyna (same, they’ve become friends).  
(Uthgerd retired and started running the house after Laere reached level 30... probably weary of all her fighting and adventuring, wanting a calm life... Laere would probably stick with Lydia for awhile, but needs someone else) 
4. Wealthy or not?
She can make some good money... and spend it gods know on what, because... she has expences, you know ;) Then feel broke as hell... 
5. Worships the Aedra or the Daedra?
Azura. It’s a family tradition: long time ago, back in Morrowind, Laere’s ancestors secretly have sympathised with dissidents and worshipped Azura. She’s not very faithful, though.
6. Biggest Fear
As of now - failing somehow. All this mess has gone too far, but what if it’s all a mistake, she’s not a real Dragonborn, there’s someone stronger than her?
(facing some people from the past... returning to her family failed, having to do what her parets say and assume they were right, they won).
7. Pet Peeves
Those filthy nords (and other men and mer, dunmer too) who are fond of Barenzia stories too much, thinking all dunmer girls are like this. Laere’s not. 
8. Do they like being dragonborn?
She didn’t like training at Hrothgar because too much discipline, waking up early etc - not her thing. But assunming it didn’t last long, others (like Ulfric) spent way more time on this - OK. Shouting out flames is fun, for sure!  And she’s curious, at the same time. Not the type to give up and leave (all my OCs have concience and feel responsibility for their missions). She has people to support her, so she finally sticks to it... 
Also she doesn’t want to go back to Cyrodiil and her family.
9. Favourite faction
Not any I can think of. 
She’s only with Winterhold so far. Blades want Partuurnax dead, which is not a chance an option. Companions want her to become a werewolf, the author steps in saying “no werewolves or vampirism ‘cause I’m through with all this goth stuff”.
10. An object of sentimental value
Her leather armor. She made it herself and valued it.
It’s not even in the game, just my headcanon: Laere had it on since the very beginning. And that captain lady from Helgen was imagining trying it on... it would be small for her anyway.
11. Hobbies
Crafting some stuff (selling it later would bring some cash). And... erm, just sleeping =) resting from all those adventures wnenever she can ‘cause that;s important.
12. Favourite city
Solitude because it’s rather Imperial. Pretty much familiar, relatively warm and comfortable.
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alma-amentet · 2 years
4, 13, 19 from the Skyrim asks
4. What are your Dragonborn’s philosophies, mantras, codes of honor and the like?
Guess, it's something like "do what you want, and let it be". Laere is rather adventurous, sometimes hot-headed... It may be even childish at times, she may get herself into troubles with spontaneous actions.
13. Does your Dragonborn have any hobbies?
Crafting and enchanting light armor. Actually a long-time family business, which they were proud of. She didn't want to be fully a part of this, spending lifetime in her family's workhop... And that’s why one day Laere left home wearing one special set of leather armor she created for herself. But she didn't ditch crafting at all. It helped at times.
19. If your Dragonborn didn’t want to be Dragonborn, what would they have rather been?
Mercenary, graverobber, treasure hunter - just like she was before she decided to flee to Skyrim and got into that Helgen mess.
Thanks for asking =) Everyone else - ask more, questions here https://alma-amentet.tumblr.com/post/691775022873919488
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alma-amentet · 2 years
Questions about Dragonborn : 5,7, 28 😏
5. favorite province and Dragonborn’s least favorite province?
Laere was born in Cyrodiil, that's most probably her favorite province. Skyrim is too cold, she had hard times getting used to it... Maybe that's why she likes Solitude most of all: it's warmer and more Imperial. There are even real good beds there, with blankets, not fur and hide.
Least favorite might be Morrowind. I doubt she has ever visited it, but it was surely a good riddance for her family who moved to Cyrodiil some years ago.
7. Dragonborn’s preferred school of magic? How good are they at it?
Destruction and restoration. Like, burn with one hand, heal with the other. Just the right thing for hot-headed adventurers, yeah. She's rather good at both of them. Enchanting is a thing too, as I've already said... But she's not so good at it.
(I'd like her to be good at improving magic armor one day)
28. What did your Dragonborn feel when they killed their first dragon?
She was reaaly happy she could make it. She didn't believe she could and deep inside felt like "I didn't die in Helgen, maybe it's over for me now..." But she could and was astonished herself.
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