#oc: radrat
supercoolsuperqueer · 7 months
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he has been lobotomized and wants that stupid pathetic robot
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lostvoidling · 29 days
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Wanderer, oh i'm a wanderer [p]
Brie may be twitchy like a mouse, but she's not gonna take your shit if you try to short change her at her pawn shop.
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wewillryesagain · 3 years
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Finally finished this piece!
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Mikey and his rat. <3
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scover-va · 2 years
Mmm fuck it!! The Hex oc info dump!!! Bc my gf and I have made quite a few!!! One is not related to our rp, I just made her for fun
The wife Rust basically made up in his head thanks to having false memories. Though I'm gonna talk abt her as if she were real bc hrgrhrg pretty womf
Has short brown hair and an undercut. Had her hair dyed purple once, but it's faded and just at the tips now
Has a necklace with a lock on it. It was her idea, she thought it was funny. She also gave Rust a key necklace (which, as mentioned in my Rust hcs, he. Doesnt actually have. He thinks he does, tho)
The most memorable 'date' was to a broken down bowling alley in the wastes
Witty and humorous. Probably more likely to make a dad joke than Rust
"Don't worry, I got this all under control" She does not
Basically has a grappling hook made out of a gun to launch herself around
Prefers to use knives, other silent weapons, or just straight up kicking whoever she's fighting
She and Rust were bi4bi
Met Rust by grappling around and basically just launched herself into him and kicked him in the back so fuckin hard he fell in love (simp)
Quickly realized he was friendly tho and apologized. He was too busy staring at her with an awestruck look to even hear the apology
Died in childbirth. Too badass to be taken down by a radrat or a raider
Irving's younger brother
Specializes in using magic, as opposed to Irving preferring physical fights
Whereas Irving works in assigning jobs + defence, Sterling works in containment + mission control
Local spacemarines hate him!!! (Lazarus, Jay, and Junior)
He is NOT much better than Irving. Literally uses the Moglees as slaves. Dude get help
Gives the space crew 'points' that they can spend after a mission on stuff like decor for their rooms, upgrades, blah blah blah
Oh and also feeds dead Mogless to the Moglee slaves. Um sir please dont
The unknown killer case (Chandrelle, mentioned in my post abt my design hcs for her) has pissed him off to no end
Sterling: Fucking hell how does this stupid killer keep getting away
Irving, knowing damn well it's Vallamir possessing Chandrelle thanks to him: Luck ig idk man
Twink. Who needs to punch things when you can use fire? Very effective
Is always either dressed in dark academia clothes or like a whore, no in between. Work attire? Whos she?
Irving and Sterling's older sister
Has been fucking busy since shortly before the "Lionel wants this" incident, so she like. Vaguely knows who Reggie is. That's abt it tho
Works in diagnostics/logistics and bug fixes, so she doesn't often go around the actual game characters
Was her brother's impulse control until she fuckin left for work for 20+ years and they went mad with fucking power
Unlabelled sexuality, doesn't have much time to care or think abt romance. If she likes someone she likes someone, big whoop
If her brothers caused any trouble she'd put them on time out in the corner and put a cone of shame on their head/heads
Could easily take Sterling in a fist fight. Her and Irving are probably 50/50 odds
Sick and tired of her boss (Lou)
Hasn't slept in 20+ years someone fucking help her p l e a s e
She has survived purely on coffee
She's uh. She's had a few auditory and visual hallucinations thanks to being sleep deprived
Another lil fucked up 'Lionel forgot to save his fuckin progress and Gameworks went ham' scenario
Basically, humanized Radrat
He came up with the name himself. Soooo creative /s
He likes oranges!
Very fucking feral, will scratch on sight
Rocky found him and immediately decided Rade was friend shaped
Local apocalypse dads hate him!!! Yes Ive used the same joke twice shut up!!!
Rade can and will bite anyone except Rocky bc he has also decided Rocky is friend shaped and that Rocky is the sole being he can trust in this hellscape
Though he could probably also be tamed with a couple weighted blankets. Not because he can't move, though that definitely helps, he's just instantly calmed down
Probably why he finds Rocky to be friend shaped bc Rocky's weight could def equal at least a couple weighted blankets. Ive never used a weighted blanket so idk how heavy they are
Audie McLachlan
The only non-rp character in this list
Comes from a murder mystery game called ‘Eagle Eye’, a game similar to your typical 'look around and find clues' murder mystery game. Takes place in London, England
Time period of her game is kinda wonky. Has some victorian stuff, modern stuff, basically Lionel did No research for her game
Was created in Lionel’s high school years for a computer science project. Was never released to the public
Never got more than one case to solve, and is patiently waiting for another
Was found by Jeremiah shortly after Combat Arena X was released (before Secrets of Legendaria was being made). Jeremiah twisted the truth on the abandonment to make Lionel sound like a bad person (well, to make it seem like the abandonment was Lionel being an asshole, and not just a teen being done with an assignment)
After FPP/??? was found and favoured for Jeremiah and Reggie’s narrative, Audie was instead sent to join Gameworks and spy on Irving’s work
Doesn’t reside at the inn, and is not present for Lionel’s death. She can instead be found in Jay’s section of Vicious Galaxy 2 as an easter egg (similar to Wizarro in WW + VG, or Rebecha’s cameo appearances in each game). Finding and talking to her unlocks a flashback scene that can be accessed post-finale in the chapter select menu
One of 4 main characters from Eagle Eye (Others include the suspect, the murder victim, and Audie's side kick)
Trans mtf and lesbian. She's trans bc I wanted an excuse to have Lionel make a lead female character despite the whole 'Carla told me to make girls even tho Steambot Willy's genderless' thing. Audie figured it out on her own and just kinda went 'oh!'
Aaaand I think thats it! I'll update this later with ref pics, that or I'll just make a new post with said ref pics
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korkro · 4 years
Please tell us some facts about your favorite ocs!
Ooh, thank you for the ask!! I'll talk about one from each of my main fandoms!
Ryan Shepard: formed a band with his two best friends as a teenager that he played with until his death (lead singer and bassist). First instrument he learned was violin. Joined the Alliance at nineteen and shocked /everyone/ around him. First tattoo was three jam jars on his forearm he got with the twins (their first initials spell out J A R lol) but his favorite is the cheesy heart with Cal's name. Of the places he's lived in the galaxy, his favorite was Mexico and he wanted to move back with Cal eventually
River Kim: was a janitor in Vault 76. Loves to cook, his mom hates it and taught him the dishes her mom taught her so she wouldn't have to do it lol (though their ingredients in the vault were definitely very limited). Not a lot of friends growing up but outside he meets Sal (@3rd-r8-watrbendr 's character) and they become best friends. Fluent in Korean. Very close to his grandma for the first five years of his life (closer than he is to his own mom) (saying goodbye to them was the hardest thing she's ever done). Has a pet radrat named Wood Scrap that he dresses in tiny clothes! Eventually gets abducted by aliens
Avaltis Ulon: ashlander and the vestige. Exiled from his clan (probably for his obsession with the dwemer, still working on this) and his older brother joins him to form a new one. Makes jewelery. Alchemist - honed his skills to make potions for Zenibi (brother), who is trans, that help masculinize his features. Proficient with restoration magic. Has a pet dwarven spider named Clank. Meets Ahm-Taeed, an argonian sorcerer, and they fall in love!
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scorpio-skies · 5 years
Interview with an OC -Nora Hart
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(I was tagged by the lovely @lothrilzul and very likely other people but my inbox is messed up and I lost track T^T But thank you very much for thinking of me! ♥ ) 
Tagging: @eluvisen @mrninjapineapple @sociallyacceptablemadness @ariejul @alexaberkeley @marvilus73 @prezs @mars-colony @charomiami @leporidaefluff @solesurvivorkat (feel free to ignore if this is your second tag -- and if you have yet to do this dear reader, then consider this your invite and tag me >8D)
Important to note; this is Nora from an upcoming collab-fic and she’s not the sole survivor in this verse! (Honestly this is my favourite universe and story for her so there’s a lot different from her typical canon!)
1. What is your name?
“Nora Hart, at your service! Lucky to my friends!”
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“My actual name, not a clue. My nickname though? I once won several jackpots in New Vegas, survived a lot of things I shouldn’t and have yet to lose a game of cards. Scout tried to rig a game once and somehow his card ended up in my hand and I won again. It’s like magic! But that’s why they call me Lady Luck!”
3. Are you single or taken?
“Taken and part of a happy family -- I would introduce you to our daughbear, but Sarge is doing his side of the parenting right now.”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“Well, there’s my luck, obviously. Kammie says I have gift for making dangerous friends but uh… we don’t talk about Richard. Oh! Also there’s my ability to get out of the boring jobs! Can’t be a member of Houdini Squad if you can’t break in or out of places, right?”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“...I’m Nora Hart? I thought we weren’t drinking in this interview… do you need a lie down?”
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
“Black -- maybe dark brown? It gets a little warmer in colour when I’ve been in the sunlight too long. I did not appreciate that Nuka-World sunshine by the way, no sir.”
8. Have any family members?
“Houdini Squad are my family -- and Kaelyn and Nate! If I had to narrow it down further, Sarge is my partner, Hayley is our daughbear, Kammie’s my brother. Sure, we’re not blood but our bond’s stronger than that and his Ma and cousin adopted me when I was in the Mojave, so!”
9. Oh? How about pets?
“Let’s see there’s the radstags, Sarge’s babies Maisie and Booker, Blanche the radgull who lives on our porch, Luna and Celeste the cats… You’re waiting for me to mention Hayley, aren’t you? Well, let me tell you that little bear is our daughter, not our pet. She’s also a member of Houdini Squad so… check your bag before you leave.”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
“Needles, I… and I don’t like the dark overmuch, or ferals. Or raiders. I really, really hate raiders… ugh can we just… next question!”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“Good switch! So I like to hang out with squad, play hide-and-pray when we’re skipping duty and Sarge comes looking -- that’s gotten harder, by the way. Think he’s finally realised how to use that voice and those eyes and… and I also like raising animals! Training the radstags! Trying to teach Hayley to be better behaved, but let’s be real. Those big brown eyes and little round earses and pawsies! How can you call her a bad bear! She’s the best bear! Queen of the bears!”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“... I’ve hurt more people in more ways than I can count. And I don’t wanna talk about it.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Yeah. It was always in self-defence though, and you don’t survive a place like Nuka-World without getting blood on your hands...”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“A magpie. I’m gonna be straight with you. I see a shiny? I like the shiny, I take the shiny. But I do it fairly through buying or gambling!”
15. Name your worst habits?
"Oh boy this might take a while… so I clearly have a gambling problem. I mean, it’s not a problem coz I never lose but I know I do too much of it. I tend to want to adopt every animal we encounter, I guess I can be kinda judgemental, yet ironically I definitely befriended one of the absolute worst people on the planet...”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Sarge is one helluva leader and keeps us all together and I adore him. Kammie’s always had my back and has great intentions -- and Kaelyn. I’d be dead several times over and worse without her. She had to make some ugly but necessary calls and she always did it for everyone else, never herself. I don’t know if I could be so selfless, but I admire her greatly.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“I’ve only ever been with Sarge, but I can appreciate everyone!”
18. Do you go to school?
“Never went -- feels like I’m there when Sarge makes us stand in the naughty corner to think about what we did and write him an essay though.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I’d love to get married and have kids, yeah, but… I don’t know if I can have kids of my own, and I don’t know if Sarge is ready to get married yet. But that’s okay! We have our daughbear and she’s beautiful!”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“Well, not to brag but I did gain a small following in New Vegas who wanted to bask in my winnings! Kinda felt embarrassing though. Houdini Squad are all the cheerleaders I need!”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Being abandoned and left alone.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“My hat, a duster, some riding gear and body armour with a few hidden weapons… yeah, I never grew out of the habit after Nuka World…”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Snack Cakes! They’re just great, y’know? Sweet little pieces of heaven you can eat!“
24. Am I annoying to you?
"Nah. You’re nosy but I like you! You bought me lunch for this interview!”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
“Good! I don’t think the others are done setting up your ‘surprise’ yet.”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“Honestly thanks to the winnings in New Vegas, I’m probably high class. Definitely new money though, I mean the looks those Upperstanders give me when I prove I can buy their houses, sheesh!”
27. How many friends do you have?
“Too many to count! I have eight I can fall back on without question though, and they’re the ones that matter most to me.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Pie is second only to snack cakes -- Dandy Apple pies mm-mmm!”
29. Favorite drink?
“Sunset Sarsparilla! I mean, I love how Nuka-Cola flavours glow and all, not so much how they make your teeth and tongue glow too...“
30. What’s your favorite place?
"Ever been to Sunshine? Me, Kammie and Sarge own it. We’ve turned it into a beautiful ranch and its just an amazing place to live. Safe, beautiful and surrounded by my animals and family. Who could want more than that?”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“Already told you I’m with Sarge, and I’m exclusive when it comes to relationships.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“Well, I mean, you called me Mary Sue earlier so its not the worst thing you’ve said so far...”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“Oh god how about neither? You ever seen a queen or king lurk before? How about a gatorclaw?“
34. What’s your type?
“Kind, compassionate, brave, intelligent, believes in the greater good and fights for those they care about… I don’t know, just go see Sarge! I never met anyone else like him, but he’s my type!”
35. Any fetishes?
“Yeah, okay. This is the most stupid question! That stuff’s private you kinky radrat!”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Camping is more secure and you can get plenty of outdoors while camping, so why not both?”
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supercoolsuperqueer · 7 months
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a shitty comic thing befoerw bed B]
Radrat and Joshua did not get along at first lol
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supercoolsuperqueer · 5 months
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fucking freaks....... god...
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^ Real Carson Radrat Reaction ^
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supercoolsuperqueer · 8 months
My courier OC trying to slide into General Oliver's DMs before immediately getting blocked and a hit put out on him
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supercoolsuperqueer · 6 months
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heartaches by the number :[
this is what he gets for following radio signals for shits and giggles
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supercoolsuperqueer · 7 months
In honor of me finally finishing Honest Hearts
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I sure hope he had fun while enjoying his national park vacation!!!! :]
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He gets lobotomized next week!!! :3
fr tho, getting through that DLC was so fucking difficult because I didn't pay attention to the beginning warning and I went in at like level 11 instead of 15 like I was supposed to :[ I made it tho!!!
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supercoolsuperqueer · 6 months
Look who's back from Big MT!!!!!
here are all his scars so far :3
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Info abt them below the cut (TW: SH MENTION)
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More info about each scar!!! :
He has no nips bc it's wasteland top surgery. They could not be salvaged rest in peace nipples...*
This one's pretty obvious. He does run his fingers over it when he's thinking, tho.
Got too silly in a bar and got fucking glassed*
Was slashed across the face in combat and was also attacked by a gecko there
It was a baby, BUT STILL
He doesn't remember getting those, but he was probably around 17 or 18??? *
7, 8, and 10. Despite getting his brain back, Radrat decided he liked not having to worry about those extra bits. He didn't mention it until he was cuddling with Arcade and the lack of heartbeat gave was disturbing to say the least.
9. His SH scars are from when he still lived at home. He doesn't fully remember the injuries themselves, but he has fragmented memories of the nights spent crying at home.
*no memory of event
I could not be bothered to draw his full back view or feet sorry lol
fr tho idk how to draw feet
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supercoolsuperqueer · 7 months
IK he isn't House aligned but this is him asking for shit to have in the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite bc it's funny
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supercoolsuperqueer · 7 months
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this is lazy but im still oc posting :3
that's his official formal outfit that he stole and wore to the Strip
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supercoolsuperqueer · 6 months
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she dead on my money till I begin again
version w/o writing and more oc lore below cut
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Welcome to the Sierra Madre!!!
Radrat found himself here after following a mysterious radio signal out of curiosity. He misses his friends but at least he's going to have an epic situationship with some ghoul who's a former pre-war star :]
Fr tho he is terrified and miserable!!!
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