#oc: ruby carlton
eddysocs · 25 days
Preference for your Real Housewives of Beverly Hills OCs and what they most love to do with their love interest(s)?
Camden Barnes: Workout. Whether it’s yoga or boxing, or simply just going for a jog/walk, Camden and Adrienne love being active together. And cooling off with a refreshing drink after isn’t bad either.
Janice Bailey: Talk. Janice adores anything and everything that comes out of Camille's mouth. They have this easy rapport that makes just sitting around and talking for hours feel like the most exhilarating experience. Some of the most interesting and stimulating conversations Janice has ever had have come from talking with Camille.
Jocelyn Page: Laugh. Jocelyn loves the sound of Kyle's laugh and it’s even better when she’s the one that made her do it. It can be a witty observation or sneakily tickling her while they’re cuddling on the couch. Jocelyn doesn’t care how it happens, but it always gets her laughing too.
Kira Kay: Cuddle. Any moment where Kira can claim Kim as her personal pillow is precious to her. She might not admit that she’s always been a little touch starved, but she is, and Kim is the absolute best cuddler. Kira really can’t get enough.
Rayna Max: Rehearse. A lot of performers think it’s work, and it is, but it’s also so much more. Rayna loves that feeling of getting the choreography just right for the first time, and getting a feel for how it will all come together with their chemistry on stage.
Ruby Carlton: Anything. You name it and if Ruby can do it with Lisa, then she’s on board. Though if pressed to pick a favorite it would be helping Lisa pick out her outfits. She adores her closet and you certainly won’t hear her complain about watching Lisa get changed.
Tiffany Forrester: Shop. Nothing feels better to Tiffany than some retail therapy with Rinna and Eileen. They always have the best time, and find the most beautiful things. Always an added bonus to see her girls try stuff on for her too.
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Preference requests are open!
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
Oh! Something else I don't know if you've said, so sorry if you have, but what sort of cast do you have for Bluesparks? Is it just OCs, just pre-existing characters but reimagined, or a mix of both? Because any of the above would be interesting
It's almost all pre-established! There are a couple of originals sprinkled in to fill niches I couldn't do with the already-canon characters (especially the humans); can you spot them?
Initial Autobots
The Top Brass:
Optimus Prime/Orion Pax
Elita One/Aerial
Ultra Magnus
Medical Team:
HQ Team:
Spy Team:
The Bluesparks:
First Aid
Initial Decepticons
The Top Brass:
Medic Team:
Hook (Also on Team Devastator)
Team Devastator:
Long Haul
Hook (Also on the Medic Team)
Flight Patrol:
Triple Changers:
Octane (Also on the HQ Team)
HQ Team:
Frenzy (Also on Team Soundwave)
Octane (Also with the Triple Changers)
Team Soundwave:
Frenzy (also on the HQ team)
Cybertronians for later entry
Raoul Dupont
Astoria Carlton-Ritz
Leo Price
Mel Price
Jaden Dotson
Summer Barrett
Noelle Marchand
Braeden Poole
Ruby Oliver
Dr. Arkeville
Leland Bishop
Robert Jensen
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phoenix-oasis · 5 years
Mirrors Saga
Genre: angst for sure
Pairing: Jackson x female OC, Jackson x female reader in 3rd person
Warning: toxic relationship, mopey and sad Jackson after break up
Word Count: 1251
Summary: Jackson goes back to LA with the boys, five of who don’t want to talk to him, unless they have to.  He runs into her again, but can he keep himself from giving in to temptation again?
Five story in Mirrors Saga.
DWAY –Titanic – Bad Back – Unless I’m With You – Bullet to the Heart – Faded – On the Rocks – I Love You 3000 
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Bullet to the heart
She had a new lover in her life.  One week, that’s how long it had taken her to find a new lover.  She had played him, for two god damn years.  All the things that he had done, all the people that he had let down, all the fans that he had lost, all because of her.
Got7 were in LA, for their show there, and he wasn’t looking forward to it.  As soon as he and Yugyeom and Youngjae got to the Ritz-Carlton, the receptionist gave him the key to the presidential suite.  Before Jackson could say anything, the receptionist moved on to Youngjae.  With a sigh, Jackson grabbed Yugyeom, and pulled him down the hall.
“Stay with me,” he said, as they made their way to the elevators.
“I don’t want to,” Yugyeom said, pouting.  “I was going to try to stay alone, so that I can face my fear of staying alone.”
“The room has two bedrooms. You stay in one, I will stay in the other, and I will leave you alone.  Just stay with me.”
When the two got into the suite, Jackson went to the other room, the one he had never used with Scarlet, and he left that room to Yugyeom.  Jackson threw his things onto the floor, and he lied back on the bed.  
This suite smelled just like he remembered.  There was a sweet flowery, sometimes even fruity odor that permeated the suite’s living area, and that brought Scarlet right to his mind.  Instantly anger permeated his being.
He got out of bed, and he grabbed the first thing within reach, and he launched it into the wall. That thing happened to be a lamp. It hit the wall, and shattered into a million pieces.  The door opened, and Yugyeom rushed in, his eyes wide with fright, and he looked from Jackson to the lamp.
“Hyung, are you ok? What happened?” Yugyeom asked, making his way to Jackson.
“Don’t’ worry about it,” he answered, before he walked out of the room.  
“Hyung!” Yugyeom cried out, as Jackson grabbed a key, and walked out of the hotel room.
Jackson walked over to a café close to the hotel, and he sat down after ordering.  He just wanted to relax.  He wanted to be able to walk around LA without that woman muddling his thoughts.  She had successfully gotten into his head, and he was being consumed by Scarlet and her memory.
“Well, if it isn’t Jackson Wang.”
He closed his eyes, hating the way that her sultry, deep, velvety voice made his body react.  He shifted slightly, his pants suddenly uncomfortable.  Then he turned to look at her.  Her lips were her signature ruby red, she wore a tight, black, leather skirt with a leopard print top.  She completed the look with a red, leather jacket.  
“What do you want?” he asked.
“I was just in the neighborhood,” she said, sitting down across from him.  
“Yeah, sure, sit down,” he said, looking away from her.
“Don’t be bitter, Jackson.”
“I just wish I’d known,” he answered, standing up.
“Known?” Scarlet asked, as she stood up too.
Jackson got his coffee, and walked out of the café.  Unfortunately for him, she followed him out.  She fell into step beside him, looped her arm through his, and took his coffee from him.  She took a sip, leaving her red lipstick on the lid of the cup, before she handed it back to him.
“No, please, keep it,” he said, shaking his head.  He removed his arm from hers, and glared at her.  “I wish I knew that you were an actress.  I fell in love with your impression.”  He shook his head.  “You just don’t see, do you?”
“I never pretended to be anything other than what I was,” she said, tilting her head to the side. “I was only after your body, just like you told me.”
“No, you acted like you were after my body, and sex,” he said, turning to keep walking down the street. “You were after my money and my fame, my prestige.  Everything that I sacrificed for, my blood sweat and tears went into my work, and you wanted it all.”  He grinned humorlessly.  “You know what’s funnier, if you had just loved me, I would have given it all to you, every single thing.”
Her eyes widened, and unexpected tears filled her eyes.  “You would have gotten tired of me, just like my husband did.”  She shrugged, as a tear fell.  “So I learned to use people, and to take what I wanted.  So what?”
“I hate you so much,” he said, lightly shaking his head.  “You had me staring down a barrel, with my life in your hands.  Everything that I did, the people that I hurt, the fans that I lost, it was all because you asked me to.   Imagine what I would have given you, if you had actually loved me.”
“I cared about you, whether you believe it or not.”
“I don’t,” Jackson said, shaking his head.  
He walked away, but she followed him.  “I stayed with you for two years!” she said, getting in his path.  “You think I would have stayed for two years with you, if I didn’t care?”
“As long as I had money and fame, you would have,” Jackson answered, shrugging.  “I see that now.  You and I we were toxic with each other.  You brought out the absolute worst in me.  I hurt the people who cared about me the most, because you wanted me to. I hurt you, several times, because being with you made me so angry.”
Jackson looked at her one more time, before he walked away from her.  Jackson was halfway to the hotel, before Scarlet got in his way again. Jackson looked at her incredulously, but she stood her ground.
“Are you really going to walk away from me?” she asked.
He gave her another humorless laugh, looked away for a second, before he looked at her again.  “What does it matter?  You already found another.  I wish I could tell him all that I know about you.  You’re nothing more than an elegant assassin.  Locked and loaded, you found your target, you marked him.  I’m just glad that I’m not your victim anymore.”
“I’ll leave him, if you come back to me,” she said, a frown marring her beautiful features.  “Just come back to me.”
“I don’t want you anymore,” he said, walked around her, and walked into the hotel.
When he got to the suite, he was greeted with JB, Jinyoung, Mark, and Yugyeom.  They looked at him, as Yugyeom rushed to his side.  He hugged him, and Jackson smiled.  There was one of the whole group who never gave up on him and that was Yugyeom.  He put his arms around him, and patted his back.  When he moved back, Yugyeom looked worried.
“I’m fine, Gyeom,” he said, nodding.  “I got my closure from her today.”
“What does that mean?” Mark asked.
“I ran into her.  She offered, and I refused.”  He took in a deep breath, and looked around the room. “I want to apologize to you all.” He cleared his throat, as emotions were getting the better of him.  Tears fell from his eyes, and he swallowed hard.  “I know that I messed up, and that I’ve been messing up for two years.”  His voice broke, and the guys teared up too. “I love you guys, all of you guys. You’re my brothers, and I’m sorry that I hurt you.”
“Jackson,” Mark said, before he sighed.  “You’re an idiot sometimes, but you know that you’re like my brother.  We will always be here for you, even when you’re acting like an ass.”
“Group hug!” Yugyeom shouted, before he jumped Jackson’s back.
Mark joined in, then Jinyoung, and finally JB.  They landed on a pile on the floor, before the door opened, and BamBam and Youngjae walked in.  When they saw the dogpile of people on Jackson, they looked at one another, and yelled before running to join in.  
“What are we dogpiling Jackson for?” BamBam asked, looking down at Jackson’s face, which was turning red. “What are we celebrating?”
“Jackson admitted he was being a butthead,” Mark answered.
“Yay Butthead Jackson Hyung,” Youngjae said, bouncing on BamBam, and the others.
The others shouted in protest, but Jackson hadn’t been happier in a very long time.  Despite being crushed to death by the closest thing to brothers that he had, he was happier.
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eddysocs · 5 months
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Ruby Carlton x Lisa Vanderpump Ship Board
Send me 💕 + a ship and I’ll make a moodboard!
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @atjsgf, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @kissykissymouth
Ruby Carlton: @yellowbird-flying
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eddysocs · 9 months
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Introducing: Ruby Carlton
Fandom: The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Face Claim: Hayden Panettiere
Full Name: Ruby Kate Carlton
Age: 24
Myers Briggs Type: ISFP
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Love Interest: Lisa Vanderpump
Occupation: Waitress, Aspiring Fashion Designer
Collections: Drawing Pencils
Style/Clothing: Most days when she’s not out and about, Ruby can be spotted in some sort of brightly colored track suit. She cleans up nice though, and has an eye for what works for her.
Signature Quote: "I know what people think of me, but they’ve got it all wrong."
Plot Summary: After Cedric moves out, Lisa starts feeling like her house is a little empty. Of course there’s Ken and her dogs, but Cedric gave the place a youthful energy, one that Lisa found herself missing, despite them having parted on such bad terms. And it’s not that she was ready to go looking for someone to fill the void that he’d left behind, but when Ruby Carlton applied to work at Villa Blanca it’s like fate had offered her up to Lisa on a silver platter. Though she didn’t want to make another impulsive mistake, it wasn’t long before Lisa welcomed her into her life, both helping her to pursue her dreams as well as meddling in her personal affairs. But Ruby didn’t mind Lisa's intrusions. Lisa could probably do anything to her and she’d take it with a smile.
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eddysocs · 18 days
The Reluctant Patient — Lisa Vanderpump x OC
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Summary: Lisa has overworked herself and is refusing to rest despite being ill, so Ken calls in reinforcements in the form of Ruby.
Word Count: 662
Warnings: None
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The ornate chandeliers of Villa Rosa glittered in the morning sun, casting a soft glow over the house, but the tranquility was shattered by the sound of Lisa Vanderpump’s incessant coughing. She had been pushing herself to the brink, juggling her business ventures, philanthropic endeavors, and fully packed social calendar on top of it all. And now it had all come to this. The stress of constantly being busy had taken its toll on her, and it had developed into a cold, one she kept insisting she didn’t have.
After an early morning call from Ken, Ruby arrived at the house around nine, just as Ken was trying to talk Lisa into going back to bed. “Thank goodness you’re here,” Ken said, when Ruby found them both in Lisa's closet. “She’s been refusing to rest.”
"Color me surprised," Ruby quipped, she and Ken sharing a knowing glance Lisa's way, despite the fact that she wasn’t looking. They both knew exactly what Lisa was like. Regardless she gave Ken her most dazzling and reassuring smile.
The two of them ducked out of the closet to speak without Lisa overhearing. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure she stays put.”
Ken nodded, grateful. “I’ll handle everything on her schedule for today. Just see to it she gets better.”
Ruby made her way back into Lisa’s closet, where she found her shuffling through a row of button down shirts in every shade of pink imaginable. "Ken, which one do you think I should wear. I—" Lisa stopped talking when she turned around to see that Ken had gone and Ruby now stood behind her.
“Ruby, darling, what are you doing here,” Lisa croaked, clearing her throat afterwards.
“Ken called me,” Ruby replied coolly. “Said you weren’t feeling well and I’m here to make sure you rest.”
Lisa sighed, and the hand going to her head and lingering there for a moment didn’t escape Ruby's notice. “I’m not ill," she insisted. “I have half a dozen things to do today.”
Before she could go on, Ruby piped in with, “Ken’s handling everything today.” Immediately, Lisa was set to argue. “And it will all get done,” Ruby added before she could try and convince her that she could handle everything herself. “Right now, you need to rest.”
Lisa closed her eyes, too exhausted to put up her usual fight. “Alright. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but take me to bed.” Even sick, Lisa knew how to mess with her. Ruby didn’t let her get the satisfaction that she’d feel if she saw how she’d flustered her.
She got Lisa settled under the covers of her bed, fluffing her pillows and making sure she was comfortable. She checked her temperature with the back of her hand and adjusted the blankets once more before heading downstairs to make her some herbal tea.
When she returned, Lisa was already dozing off. Ruby placed the tea on the bedside table and sat beside her, gently brushing a strand of hair from Lisa’s forehead.
Lisa’s eyes fluttered open. “Ruby…?”
“I didn’t mean to wake you up,” Ruby said softly.
“I’m feeling better,” Lisa insisted, though her overtired voice still betrayed her.
“It’s been less than an hour. I know you think you’re Wonder Woman, but I seriously doubt you got better that fast. Drink your tea.”
Lisa quietly grumbled to herself before drinking the herbal concoction meant to aid in her recovery, but the effects could not come soon enough for her liking. Any normal day she’d have Ruby running in circles doing whatever she wanted her to, but it seemed when it came to her health, Ruby wasn’t about to take any orders, except maybe Ken's.
After her tea was gone, Lisa settled down to sleep under Ruby's watchful eye. Even after she’d drifted off, Ruby stayed by her side, determined to ensure that Lisa took the proper time she needed to recover. The world could wait. Today, Lisa’s health came first.
For @sicktember
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @kenjioharashotspot
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eddysocs · 2 months
Picture Headcanon: 📷 + Ruby Carlton
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It’s this smirk, this teasing little side eye that Ruby loves the most, so to have it captured and immortalized is priceless to her. Lisa would probably complain that it’s not her best photo, but Ruby will defend it until she’s blue in the face.
Send me 📷 + an OC and I’ll show you their favorite photo they keep of their love interest(s)
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eddysocs · 7 months
💘 for Ruby Carlton
Valentine's Day for Ruby is all about pampering the hell out of Lisa. To some it might seem like she’s pampered all the time, but Ruby sees how hard she works and the toll it occasionally takes on her. So if Lisa has to lift a finger to do anything on Valentine's Day, then Ruby has not done her job. If Lisa wants to go out, then Ruby will do her hair, her makeup, she’d even dress her if Lisa would allow it. Doesn’t matter what it is, if Lisa wants it, Lisa gets it.
Send me a 💘 + an OC and I’ll tell you what they do for Valentine's Day!
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eddysocs · 8 months
Ruby: "You think you’re the boss of me just because you’re hot?"
Lisa: …
Ruby: "No, yeah, you’re right. You totally are."
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eddysocs · 9 months
Ruby Carlton Masterlist
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📷 - Ruby's Favorite Picture Of Lisa
None yet
None yet
Incorrect Quotes
The Boss
Intro Aesthetic
Ruby x Lisa Ship Board
What They Most Like To Do With Their S/O
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The Reluctant Patient 🌡️🧸
Lisa has overworked herself and is refusing to rest despite being ill, so Ken calls in reinforcements in the form of Ruby.
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Angst = 💧 Fluff = 🧸 Suggestive = 🫦 Explicit = 🔞 Dark = 😈 Humor = 🃏 Pregnancy = 🤰🏼 Sickfic = 🌡️
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eddysocs · 10 months
The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills OC Masterlist
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Name: Camden Barnes
Face Claim: Mickie James
Love Interest: Adrienne Maloof
Fic Title: That Fighting Spirit
Plot Summary: After retiring from the boxing ring as a fan favorite, Camden Barnes decided to pursue her other dreams. The first one she has in mind is to open her own recording studio. When that turns into owning her own record label, she’s launched into some of the inner circles of Beverly Hills. While at a party, she’s approached by Adrienne Maloof, a feisty little woman that Camden finds herself drawn to immediately. And while she’s mostly put her athletic career behind her, she can’t quite say no to a private training session with Adrienne and some of her friends. It’s only when Adrienne is able to knock her flat on her ass that the sparks start to fly between them.
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Name: Janice Bailey
Face Claim: Sue Perkins
Love Interest: Camille Grammer
Fic Title: Mrs. Write
Plot Summary: After her divorce from Kelsey, Camille was in no hurry to date again. And Janice, having just gone through a similarly messy break up with her a-list actor girlfriend was feeling much the same. Yet when the two meet at charity gala filled with tv writers and personalities, they just click. A friendship soon blossoms between them and Janice starts feeling the all too familiar butterflies that she just knows she’ll have to quash. Yet when Camille makes the first move, Janice will have to reconsider everything she thought she knew and decide if she wanted to take another chance at a potentially devastating heartbreak.
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Name: Jocelyn Page
Face Claim: Sydney Sweeney
Love Interest: Kyle Richards
Fic Title: Page Six
Plot Summary: Meet the charming wildcard of Beverly Hills, Jocelyn Page, a breath of fresh air in a world of calculated elegance. Her lavender marriage to a high profile fashion designer isn’t without its flaws, but largely she’s kept out of the glaring spotlight of gossip columns, at least until she starts palling around with the "Real Housewives", landing herself a spot on their show and getting herself entangled with the beautiful, and maybe not so unattainable, Kyle Richards.
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Name: Kira Kay
Face Claim: Sierra McCormick
Love Interest: Kim Richards
Fic Title: Support System
Plot Summary: Kira's mother is throwing a block party in celebration of Kira being home from college for the summer and Kira is tasked with hand delivering the invitations to the whole street. It’s a task she’d rather not be doing, but when she meets the recently moved in and newly sober Kim Richards she thinks maybe it wasn’t all so terrible. And while her mother is less than pleased when she spends the whole party chatting up Kim and paying zero attention to her other guests, Kira couldn’t care less. She’s enamored with the fun and zany Kim and wants to make the effort to be a part of her life no matter how unconventional of a relationship they might have.
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Name: Rayna Max
Face Claim: Renee Rapp
Love Interest: Erika Jayne
Fic Title: Pat The Puss
Plot Summary: Rayna Max is a pop artist making waves in the music scene with her unique sound and captivating stage presence. When she gets the opportunity to collaborate with Erika Jayne on a new single called Heat, the two quickly hit it off. Their working relationship turns into a friendship that has the other Housewives curious, and some even envious as they see the two heat up the stage, and the music video set. As Rayna grows closer to Erika, she learns that in this world, loyalty and alliances are just as crucial as talent.
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Name: Ruby Carlton
Face Claim: Hayden Panettiere
Love Interest: Lisa Vanderpump
Fic Title: Pretty In Pink
Plot Summary: After Cedric moves out, Lisa starts feeling like her house is a little empty. Of course there’s Ken and her dogs, but Cedric gave the place a youthful energy, one that Lisa found herself missing, despite them having parted on such bad terms. And it’s not that she was ready to go looking for someone to fill the void that he’d left behind, but when Ruby Carlton applied to work at Villa Blanca it’s like fate had offered her up to Lisa on a silver platter. Though she didn’t want to make another impulsive mistake, it wasn’t long before Lisa welcomed her into her life, both helping her to pursue her dreams as well as meddling in her personal affairs. But Ruby didn’t mind Lisa's intrusions. Lisa could probably do anything to her and she’d take it with a smile.
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Name: Tiffany Forrester
Face Claim: Gracie Dzienny
Love Interests: Lisa Rinna, Eileen Davidson
Fic Title: Share The Spotlight
Plot Summary: A young actress just getting her start in the soap opera world, Tiffany Forrester is thrilled to be taken under the wing of Eileen Davidson, soap veteran and icon. And when she takes Tiffany to lunch with Lisa Rinna, the three of them really start to hit it off. Soon Tiffany is joining up with them all the time for all sorts of things and while Tiffany starts to catch feelings for them both, she doesn’t know what she should do about it, and a drinking game with the whole group certainly doesn’t make things any easier.
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