#oc: s'cathe
thecipherlegacy · 3 years
oc ask game: sleep edition - 6, 9, 12 - S’cathe !
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6: Do they prefer to sleep in a warm room or a cool one?
Being from Hoth, S'cathe prefers colder temperatures and overheats really easily. It's rare when she even uses blankets.
9: Do they share a bed with anyone?
Yes! She shares her bed with her wife and husband, Cathilia and Andronikos.
12: Do they sleep on their side, back, or stomach?
Scathe has always been a side-sleeper.
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
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S’cathe and her wife, Cathilia. A beautiful blue raspberry power couple 💙❤️️
Cathilia belongs to my lovely GF @midnight--siren 
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
Send me an OC and I will give you a list of 5 things that would be on their search history - S'cathe and Mavasha?? 👀
"How to tame a Nexu"
"Chiss history and culture"
"Most relaxing vacation spots"
"Child safety measures for starships"
"Ancient Sith torture methods"
S'cathe has a lot on her mind and tends to swap from subject to subject quickly. One of the most common things others catch her reading about is Chiss culture. She was seen as flawed by her parents and never got the chance to learn about her people before getting shunned and sent away, so she takes it upon herself to research and learn.
Family is also incredibly important to her so she attempts to get a good pet that can act as a guard animal if needed, safety for her children after they're born, and she longs for a nice relaxing vacation away from the war with her family.
Shes also very interested in Sith history and new ways to get information from their prisoners and enemies. Thats on the bottom of her list though since she's already a pretty threatening Sith lord.
"Lekku buffing kit"
"Red Mobquet Flare-S Swoop bike for sale"
"Romantic surprise ideas"
"How to upgrade a 2V-R8 unit"
"Top 10 Horror Novels in the galaxy"
After Mavasha settles down while she raises her children, she decides to treat herself to the things she was never allowed to have or do. She allows time for self pampering, date nights with her husband, relaxing time to read, and one of her favorite pastimes, tinkering.
Growing up on Nar Shadaa she learned a lot about speeders and droids, especially how to take them apart and put them back together. Her dream was to have a swoop bike of her own, so once she has the time and credits, she finally buys one. She also hated having the "nanny" 2V-R8 unable to protect her home and children, so she looked up the best ways to upgrade him.
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
Negative Traits
Tagged by the lovely @palepinkycat !
Thanks for the tag! I'm gonna do this with the master/apprentice duo!
RULES: bold what always or almost always applies, italicize occasional or situational.
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | careless | cold/cold-hearted (depends on who she's talking to) | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
(Dating sim) I'd date the heck out of S'cathe🥺
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She would be so flattered to hear that and try to hide it behind her cocky attitude! She's a loyal and very caring partner that can certainly get overprotective at times as well.
In the world of a dating sim to take her route you'd have to break some rules, maybe some laws, and make many dark side based decisions. Her favorite times to meet up with you would be in the dead of night where she would want to be free from her duties as an apprentice and just relax. She would be shocked when the player confesses, but hide it behind confidence as she admits to feeling the same way.
I'm so glad you love her so much 🥺 S'cathe deserves more posts here thats for sure, she's an absolute babe!
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
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S’cathe and her wife, Cathilia, my lovely chiss got a new outfit!
Cathilia belongs to my dear @midnight--siren
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
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The wives had more fun together the other night
Cathilia belongs to @midnight--siren
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
King of Cuddles is a good title to have, Herald of Hugs and Ambassador of Affection would likely be close seconds lol but anyways onto a question... Well seeing as how a lot of these question have been a little on the sad side of things lately let's try something nice! Which of your OCs has the best smile?
Okay so if he had to choose i guarantee that Talen would prefer ambassador of affection lol how dare you come up with a better title!
And who has the best smile?? Ooooh thats a tough one!
The sweetest smile goes to Chasaadia, she doesn't smile genuinely too often, but when she does its really soft and kind
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BUT if you was the best sultry/sexiest smile you would have to turn to S'cathe. She can charm anyone with that grin.
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
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Master and Apprentice in battle 
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
🌟 for Scath?
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"A secret desire of mine is to take a vacation with my partners. This war is stressful for everyone in Cathilia's family as well our own. I know how her father is about supporting the empire, but everyone needs a break every now and then, even sith lords."
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
I'm really curious about Ari and the reunion with the young slave girl she knew. So any of those that fit the bill honestly, I just want to see that/know more about it 💕
OKAY SO THIS IS QUITE THE STORY and i'm very excited to infodump about it. (There's a little drabble for the prompt meme at the end don't worry)
So, Arianness was taken from her home and sold to a Hutt when she was just 6 years old. She was a cute kid people would fawn over, but she was mostly there for cleanup after parties until she got older. 
Through her first year she proved to be very kind, responsible, and caring for her age. She would sometimes give her rations to the younger kids and if something went wrong she often took blame so no one but her got punished.
Because of her responsible nature she ended up being put in charge of the new addition to the Hutts collection. A little baby sith pureblood. A bounty hunter hadn't realized or cared about what she was and sold her off. The hutt was proud of owning a pureblood sith child, and like most aliens owned by Hutts, she was nothing more than a trophy. 
Arianness ended up taking care of the pureblood as best she could for a 7 year old, and they ended up growing up together there until 10 years later. The little pureblood only trusted Arianness and was a loose Canon. She barely spoke and couldn't even say the Twi'leks name. She called her Ar-Ar instead, and since she didn't have a name, Arianness just called her Red. 
At 17 and 10 the two were ripped apart as Arianness was then put with the adult slaves. When the pureblood put up a fight and continued to demand her back they told her the Twi'lek had died. (A lie, of course) and Arianness was given the same news about the little girl she had come to consider a sister. 
Here is where paths cross. Mavasha, my torguta sith warrior, hears about this little pureblood slave causing some strife to a Hutt. The little girl is force sensitive so she was told to scout her out. With her husband, Malavai, she arrives and decides to adopt and train the little girl, naming her Cathilia and giving her a home and two sisters. 
A few years later Arianness finally breaks her bonds and kills her Hutt master before her full escape in an imperial ship, where she ends up with Toovee, the Droid that looks after the ship, as her first crewmate. 
Time skip to after Arianness gets her brothers back from the empire and has her full crew and her two kids. She ends up on Tattoine for a refuel and runs into a confused Sith in the spaceport. A little Chiss/Human girl, 15 years old and confused about her path in life. She didn't want to be a Sith lord like her parents and she didn't feel inspired by the Jedi code either. Kenaas, the grey Jedi in Arianness's crew, steps up and takes her as a Padawan to train her in both ways of the force, as he had been taught. 
After a couple years of training she feels whole again, and even had fallen in love with Arianness's daughter.  She begs them to take her home to see her parents again. 
They happily oblige and arrive at Mavasha's home, where Cathilia, her chiss wife S'cathe and their husband Andronikos waited for their runaway daughter eagerly. They certainly weren't happy that their daughter decided to not be sith, but they were glad she was safe. 
Now, at this point Cathilia and Arianness hadn't see each other in years. More than a decade. They assume the other is dead at this point, and from here I'll write a drabble for you of their reunion using #11 a kiss in joy.
"So, my daughter took up with some famous smugglers? I'm not certain that I'm filled with confidence about how safe she's been." Cathilia scowled as she walked about the kitchen, making some fresh caf for the large group that had shown up. "And she's dating a republic soldier no less. Can't say I'm very excited about that either."
Arianness chuckled, letting any intended offense roll off her back. "To be fair, my daughter works specifically as a repair woman that happens to be under a military contract for now" she corrected. "Also, it wasn't just smugglers on my ship. She was also with two sith lords, an ex imperial agent, a bounty hunter and a turned Jedi. She was plenty safe." She peered out the doors of the kitchen as she listed them off to see Noshiir making jokes and palling around with Andronikos. "And at least our husband's hit it off right away."
The sith looked at the same scene, also observing the rest of the group. The two sith were talking with her own mother and the agent was having a polite conversation with Malavai. "At least no one is fighting. That would have been a mess." She sighed. "Look, I appreciate you lot taking care of my daughter, but you really should have just brought her home…"
The Twi'lek could tell the mother had been stressed, worried, restless. Even the Chiss was all over their daughter, looking her over for wounds or scars and hugging her tightly. "I get it… trust me I do. I don't know what I would have done If Sevara had run away like that…" she admitted. "But look at how comfortable she is in her own skin. I think that this trip she took was worth it. She may not be the black wearing dark lord your family expected, but she's happy. It took guts for her to take this road of self discovery. You should be proud of her"
The other woman glanced at her, then looked back out at her family, who was surprisingly having a good time with the odd crew. "I am." She finally said. "I can see she was with good people. But I refuse to ignore how I felt when she left home. Even her grandmother was rendered sleepless."
A gentle pat on the shoulder made her flinch, but she relaxed a bit once she realized it was meant to comfort her. "You're a good mom. Now, why not try to enjoy yourself? My crew may be strange, but we're the best group you can ever party with."
Cathilia gave a small smile and nodded to her. "Sure. Let me go wash some cups for the Caf" she said and went to the sink. Arianness leaned against the counter with a smile. She was glad they were able to chat civilly. For a sith family, they were very understanding and welcoming. "Hey, captain. Can you turn off the machine? It should be finished."
Arianness gave her finger guns and winked "I've got you, Red" she said surely. Cathilia dropped the cup she was holding in the sink. That simple gesture, the phrase, the nickname. All of it flooded memories back to her and her eyes instantly burned as she whipped around to look at the other woman. 
"Ar-Ar?-" her voice came out as nearly a whisper. It couldn't be her, she had been told the woman was dead years ago. 
The nickname stopped the Twi'lek dead in her tracks and her heart stopped. "That's a name I haven't heard in a long time…" she mumbled and directed her attention back to the pureblood. "I… thought you died"
Cathilias chest bubbled with joy and she felt like a child again "It is you!-" she choked on any other words she wanted to say, but found herself running and hugging Arianness close. The other woman hugged back just as tightly with tears in her eyes. 
They parted briefly and the older girl gently held Cathilias face to look at her closely. "You grew up so beautiful too- and you're a mom! Aw Red! I never thought I'd see you again!" She sniffled with a bright smile before kissing her face all over. After covering the womans whole face in familial kisses she returned to the tight embrace. 
"I thought you were dead too… I begged for you to come back for years." Cathilia whimpered. "I have never been more happy to be wrong than I am right now…"
Arianness buried her face in her shoulder. "I thought about you every day. Every slave we freed, every child we saved… I always did it in your memory. You have always been my little sister"
The pureblood smiled even more and wiped her eyes as the hug finally ended "I feel similarly, Ar-Ar" she chuckled in joy. "We have a lot of time to make up for. I guess you guys are staying for a while then" 
"If your mother doesn't mind. I'd like to hear every detail of what I've missed, get to know your kids, your wife and husband, all of that. Get ready for long nights of talking, kid!"
Cathilia grinned and reached back to turn off the machine for the caf, then looped her arm around Arianness's to join her family in the next room "I look forward to it" 
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
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S’cathe got to spend some time with her wife, husband, and father-in-law💜
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
31. "Don't forget me" for S’cathe <3
So, fun fact! S'cathe is actually Mavasha's loyal apprentice and eventual in-law as she marries Mavasha's adopted daughter, Cathilia 💛
More Quinn family dynamics and S'cathe being a little bit of a sap below the cut :)
Learning that you were in a romantic relationship with your master's daughter certainly was a shock. She had been training under Darth Scorn for years, Malavai Quinn aided her on missions when needed, and yet she never knew that Cathilia had any relation to them at all.
She supposed that the lack of resemblance could be to blame, and that they didn't talk of their home life often because in the field work came first. She continued to pace in her quarters on her master's ship. Was this appropriate? Did that matter? Would this change how Master Scorn saw her? S'cathe was usually very well composed and calm, but Mavasha was not someone she wanted to be on the bad side of.
As if the woman could hear her thoughts, Mavasha stepped into the room. She always looked so imposing. Her eyes a piercing red, her skin a milky white framed by blood colored lekku, and her height. She was a tall woman and always had intimidatingly good posture. "Master" The younger one greeted and bowed respectfully. "What can I do for you?"
The darth's eyes scanned her. "You're worried. I would have been able to feel your discomfort from Hoth, S'cathe. What troubles you?" 
The chiss woman grunted and crossed her arms. "It's trivial. Nothing you nor Quinn need to trouble yourselves with, Master."
A smirk played the older woman's pale features. "No, I'm certain Quinn wouldn't be able to help you handle any troubles dealing with anxiety. Especially over something like love. The man isn't known for being knowledgeable on that subject, trust me" she teased. 
The younger sith felt her cheeks deepen in colour. "Ah. So it's that obvious?" She asked. 
"Of course it is. Now, are you worried that I am upset? Because I couldn't think of anyone else I could trust with my precious daughter." she explained. "Are we done here?"
Straight to the point. Short and sweet. Either she really didn't want to have this conversation, or it truly didn't matter. "Thank you, Master. I really do care for Cathilia. She is one of the few people who have earned that right." 
The torguta nodded. "We know, dear apprentice. Now come, we have somewhere important to be." 
S'cathe nodded. She felt relieved,but also anxious. Mavasha was very quick to respond to her woes, then dismissed them. Something was wrong here. "I'm with you, master" 
Together the group stepped off the ship and onto the blazing sands of Tatooine. S'cathe hated this planet. It was too hot. She couldn't understand how Mavasha and Malavai could stand wearing the thick dark clothing that they always wore here. She overheated easily as is, being born on Hoth, but Tatooine felt like she was being cooked alive. 
"So what is our objective, Master?" She questioned as they left the spaceport and entered the heart of Mos Ila. Malavai shot down the occasional idiot that dared to try and approach them and start a fight, but it was otherwise an uneventful walk to the Cantina. 
"I have no objective here, besides finding a possible cocktail. You, on the other hand" she stopped there and insisted S'cathe walk into the cantina first "you are going to aid another apprentice in their objective here."
S'cathe looked at her master in confusion. "Aid… another apprentice? I've never heard any master ask such a thing" 
Upon stepping in, she spotted a familiar crimson skinned figure at the bar counter, rolling her eyes as her beastly companion talked to her. The purebloods eyes lit up when she saw the group, then she approached them with the same grace her mother carried. "It's very good to see you, mother, and you father" she greeted with a smile, then turned to S'cathe. "Looks like today we get to be partners, mother arranged it with my master, claiming you could help me get the artifact my master wants twice as fast." She explained before her blue skinned lover could ask.
The chiss woman chuckled. "Well, she is right. You know my lightsaber skills are worth their weight in gold." She bragged. "I am learning under the best, you know"
"No need for flattery, apprentice. You've already earned my blessing." Mavasha scoffed. "Now go, I know Zash can be pretty demanding. When you're finished come back to the ship. I expect to hear all about this excursion and all of the damage you two inflict." She stated with a raised brow, before turning her attention back to her daughter. "We've missed you dear. Im sure you're excelling in your trials for your master"
Cathilia gently pressed her forehead to her mothers, a soft show of affection. "I will see you when my trials are over, Mother with plenty of stories to share."
"Continue to make us proud, my heart." 
With a nod, Cathilia waved to her parents and left the cantina with S'cathe, where she started to untie her pet raptor to ride across the desert. "I'm sure this came as a surprise to you. My parents being so accepting." She said with a devious chuckle in her voice. "After you called me, my mother and I had a good laugh about it and then she arranged this, just to truly prove how much she trusts you. And as a test to see how well we can fight together."
The chiss nodded with a grin as she watched the other woman mount the lizard. "So, where to, love?"
The other woman opened her log, looking over the information she had received from the pirate she met. "Time to spill the blood of renegades and sand people." Came her answer with a wicked glint in her eye. "Khem, I will meet you back at the ship. You aren't needed for this." She added. The deshade grumbled as he glared at the little chiss warrior before going back to Cathilias ship. Once he was gone the sith rolled her eyes.
"I hate that beast. I reserve my care for my family only, but he really gets on my nerves." She growled and held a hand out to help S'cathe get on the raptor. 
"And don't forget me" the other woman winked as she firmly took her hand and climbed up behind her. 
"Darling, you have my whole heart." Cathilia assured her before a gentle kiss was shared. S'cathe was so overjoyed by this day that she had nearly forgotten the heat beating down on her.
"I'm very glad to hear that, Cat, now… speaking of hearts-" she started as the raptor took off into the desert. "Lets go cut some out of those fools who hold your artifact, hm?"
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss - 2 for S'cathe and Catilia 👀
Kiss prompt #2 Goodnight
I'm so sorry this one is so darn late!! 😭 I had to work on a final for college and didn't have time to finish/edit it, but!! Its all done now! Thank you so much for the prompt! Love these gals 💛
As usual Cathilia belongs to my dear gf @midnight--siren
Hope y'all like it!
The small family had just gotten a home of their own and it was Cathilias first time being without her parents in a living space. She thought she would be over the moon, but she was actually homesick.
Andronikos was also out for a few days, running some jobs to bring home money. When either him or S'cathe were away, Cathilia always worried. She had fears of abandonment and loss and always lost sleep at night when people she loved were too far away from her.
S'cathe had just finished her final patrol of their home and spotted her wife staring out the window once she stepped into their room. "You remind me of your dad when you do that, you know" she told her.
Cathilia made a noise "ugh, don't say that-" she whined and turned away from the night sky with a frown. "I just hope he's home soon. You know how I worry about the two of you." 
The chiss woman slid on her nightgown and nodded "yes, I'm aware darling but we aren't going anywhere, that's a promise." She said before sliding into bed. "Now, why don't you come to bed and stop fretting."
The pureblood hesitated, huffed out a breath before giving in and sliding under the blankets. "You know… it's weird." She mumbled and stared at the ceiling. "By now I would hear my mom and dad heading to bed… my youngest sister giving dad a big hug before going to her own room."
S'cathe listened to her with a sympathetic expression. She didn't know what that was like, her family had disowned her years ago, but she cared for Cathilia and knew how close that family had been.
"On nights I felt like this" she continued "even as an adult my mom and dad would sit with me and help me go to sleep. Did you know my dad could sing?" She had a sad smile and bagan to hug her knees with a sigh. "Now they're a whole planet away, in a totally different part of the galaxy. Just like Andronikos. It's weird. And not a good kind of weird like I thought it would be. I actually miss my family, even my dad."
S'cathe sat up and rubbed her shoulder soothingly "for a Sith family, you all were very close" she began. "It makes sense you miss them. I've just been living anywhere I could, but for a long time there I lived on your mother's ship, as her apprentice. Now, to be a Lord and to be without her direction… it's strange." Their eyes met briefly. "I may not be able to fully relate to how your feelings, love, but I am here and I won't be leaving your side." 
Cathilia let out a sigh and hugged her "Thank you… I suppose the mix of homesickness and worry isn't going well for me, that's all." 
The other hummed thoughtfully and rubbed her back "perhaps you should call your mother, would that help?" She asked. 
The hug broke a moment and she hesitantly nodded. "Perhaps." She looked rather embarrassed, feeling weak because she was this upset. 
S'cathe got up from the bed to grab their holocommunicator. She then got prepared to call Mavasha before handing it to her wife. 
Cathilia stared at it for a long while before hitting the button to start the transmission. It wasn't long before Mavasha's form projected. "Cathilia? Are you alright? What's wrong?" Were her immediate questions. She could read her children like books. 
"I'm quite alright mother, just calling to wish you and father a goodnight." The younger one lied. 
Her mother smiled fondly "Very sweet of you. Which is unusual. Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?" She teased.
Cathilias cheeks deepened in colour and she grumbled "I will not hesitate to hang up."
And of course before her mother could respond she heard her father. "Is that Cathilia?- is she alright? She isn't in danger is she? Because I certainly won't hesitate to cross the galaxy-" 
"She's fine, Malavai, see? Just fine. She's just saying goodnight. Sleep tight, our beautiful girl. May your dreams be filled with all of your enemies getting crushed underfoot" Mavasha said as Malavai was now in frame.
"Yes, goodnight, dear girl. We will see you soon I hope" He added with that gentle smile he had reserved for only his family.
She couldn't help but match that grin. "Goodnight mom, goodnight dad we'll visit soon." Cathilia assured them. Her parents looked incredibly proud, she hadn't realized before just how proud they truly were that she had gotten a place of her own to start her own family.
"We love you." Mavasha stated gently.  "Wish S'cathe a good night for us as well. Goodbye darling"
"Call if you need us" Malavai interjected before the communicator turned off. 
Cathilia sighed and leaned back against the headboard. "I feel a bit better… I suppose. But at least I still have you here to make my loneliness go away" she looked at her wife and smiled. 
"Always will, even if I get struck down I'll come back as a force ghost and live with the others in your head" she chuckled, which earned her arm a soft smack.  "Now, how about we attempt some sleep? We get to fully explore the lands around our home tomorrow. Maybe kill some wild beasts"
Cathilia nodded in agreement, but she couldn't lay down right away since her spouse decided to slip her arms around her. "What happened to getting sleep?" She teased.
S'cathe shrugged "I can't sleep without a kiss from my favorite Darth, now can I?" 
"Cheeky" was all she got in return before the chiss met her for a deep kiss. Both women liked their kisses passionate, even if it didn't lead to anything. They just enjoyed the feelings it caused. 
Once they parted, the two smiled at each other and slid down comfortably in bed. S'cathe cuddled up close to her, even though they both knew she'd separate later thanks to her overheating quickly, and they began to drift off into deep slumbers.
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
Cipher Legacy Character List
Also this isn’t all of them, Just some main ones I play as
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Noiren(Sith Warrior):
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Kenaas(Jedi Counselor):
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Sesh’eer(Jedi Knight):
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Aidesan(Sith Inquisitor):
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Orkra(Imperial Agent):
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Grentun “Ren”(Imperial Agent):
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Mavasha-Scorn(Sith Marauder):
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More below cut
S’cathe(Sith Warrior):
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Chasaadia(Bounty Hunter):
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Darrina(Republic Trooper):
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Nova(Imperial Agent):
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Talen(Sith Inquisitor):
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Vijeko(Jedi Knight):
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Hisk’ash(Sith Warrior):
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Family trees/Alliances:
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
🖋🖋🖋 for Nova, Elsheena and an OC of your choice 💗
Nova♡- He only dresses in the proper agent uniform when meeting superiors. Otherwise you'll find him in his typical gear that he's wearing in his picture
Elsheena♡- She hates being outdoors. She's a city girl that just hates nature. She is professional and basically created the rulebook, but the moment she has to do anything in a jungle she will complain the whole time.
S'cathe♡- She is Mavasha's apprentice and is completely devoted to her master.
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