#palepinkycat on blog
thecipherlegacy · 2 years
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So sorry this OCkissweek response was so late! I got a new job and needed time to adjust ^^;; But here they are at long last!
@palepinkycat's beautiful OC, Asha, and My lovely Mavasha having a make-out session after a successful battle. DAMN, I loved drawing these fine sith ladies 👀
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Playing around with picrews. Decided to do a drink based on your blog aesthetic.
Kinda curious to see what drinks people might make so some no pressure tags for @swtorpadawan​, @starknstarwars​, @blitzindite​, @chaoticspacefam​, @palepinkycat​ and anyone else that wants to be a little silly and make themselves a drink.
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Get to know the blogger
Tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad (thank you ♥)
1. Why did you choose your url?
Tbh I just wanted to change my previous url to something funny. I don't think current url is funny, but at least it's accurate (procrastination is probably the only thing I've mastered).
2. Any sideblogs?
Two: @local-star-wars-kinda-nerd (it's supposed to be my non-SWTOR blog, but I very inactive there, even if I have things to post), and @spacetagram (blog for my SW version of Instagram, but I'm also not posting often. Though I want to be more productive there. have anyone seen my motivation).
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Created account sometime in 2018, started posting somewhere mid-2019, so not for very long time.
4. Why did you originally start your blog?
My memory doesn't give me a certain answer, unfortunately (it was awkward at the beginning, so I guess my brain pushed memories away). Maybe because I've been seeing SWTOR blogs with their cool OCs and other SWTOR related posts, so I decided to share my SWTOR stuff.
5. Why did you choose your icon?
Because I'm sort of proud of that edit with Jett, plus she's basically main character here (but sometimes I change icons just because I want icon to match with new color schemes for blog).
6. Why did you choose your header?
Because I adore this commission from @palepinkycat ♥ (though I'll probably change sometime soon).
7. What is your post with the most notes?
This one
ofc it's a meme, I wouldn't expect anything else
8. How many mutuals do you have?
Tbh I'm still not sure who's considered a mutual (does it count even if we've never talked? or if we haven't interacted in months?), but I think there are more than 3, which is surprising, knowing that I can't maintain interactions well.
9. How many followers do you have?
215, wow (it's a lot to me). Some of them are inactive, but it's ok.
10. How many blogs do you follow?
101. Huh, I thought this number was higher.
11. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Some of my very first posts were shitposts (probably), so shitposting is the name of the game.
12. How many times do you use tumblr a day?
Uuhhhh... a lot. It's one of my 2 main social media now (the other is reddit), which probably says something about me, but these two are more comfortable for me.
13. Have you ever fought another blog?
People do that? Even so, I haven't because one of reasons why I moved to tumblr is avoiding constant fights and toxicity of Russian-speaking platforms, so I don't need that again tyvm.
14. How do you feel about “need to reblog” posts?
50/50. I don't mind them (because more often than not it's important), but I admit - I pretty much never reblog them (recent months aside, and even during that time I didn't it often). Mainly because I want to relax and not think about real world for some time.
15. Do you like tag games?
Y E S! I always get excited when I get tagged, and then passing it on (though thinking about who to tag is a struggle sometimes).
16. Do you like ask games?
Apply previous answer here.
17. Which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
Maybe no one, but how'd I even know?
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I don't have a crush on mutual, but I love you all ♥ (it makes sense in my head).
I don't know who hasn't been tagged yet, so leaving it open (also coz no energy to think, sorry).
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blueburds · 4 years
Follower Meme
How your character acts as if they were an In-Game Follower!
I grabbed this from my old RP blog but i thought it’d be fun to bring it back! No pressure tags: @sleepswithvillains @palepinkycat @walk-ng-d-saster @shanfamilydrama @swtorpadawan @ajoloart @reucrion @darth-bagel @seilune​ @trixcuomo
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Altrethir Valran
Selection Line:
“What would you ask of me?”
“Let us vanquish our foes.”
“I am here.”
“My blade is ready.”
Class: Sorcerer
Weapons: Lightsaber; Force abilities 
Battle Lines:
“Foolish to oppose us.”
“They shall fear our might.”
“The Force guides me.”
Exiting Battle:
“And so, they fall.”
“A worthy fight.”
“Taken care of.”
KO’d/Low Health:
“I will not last!”
“No--it is not my time.”
“Not like this.”
“I shall learn from my mistake.”
“A second chance. Thank you.”
“Perhaps I made a miscalculation.”
Misc. Click Lines:
“What is our mission?”
“Not now. I’m thinking.”
“Do not allow your pride to swell into over-confidence; for that may become a weakness your enemies shall exploit.”
“The Force is with us today.”
“You appear restless. Perhaps I should recommend you meditate?”
“The littlest detail may determine the outcome of a battle. Take note, [player class.]”
(Rare!) “Theron should have returned by now...”
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vihola · 4 years
Follower Meme: Merkara
How would your character act if they were an In-Game Follower/Companion?
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Tagged by @sith-shenanigans​, @mimabeann​, @starknstarwars​, and @raven-of-domain-kwaad​, thanks! 💜
Class: Sorcerer (Lightning)
Weapons: One-handed purple lightsaber, Force abilities
Selection line:
I’m not following you, you’re following me. 
I’m bored, give me attention. 
*flirtily* I will stay if you ask me nicely. 
I’m a delight!
Battle Lines:
*hums a lighthearted tune*
*hums something that sounds like a creepy lullaby*
Ugh, don’t bleed on my clothes. 
Don’t you know I’m a god? 
Touch me and I will tear you to shreds.
Exiting Battle:
It’s not murder if they deserved it.  
They never learn. 
Why fight them if you could manipulate them instead? 
Aw, I was just getting started. 
KO'd/Low Health:
Fair warning: I never stay dead. 
*breathlessly* I… will… repay. 
I’m immune to death, you fool.
Well, I had this coming. 
I told you that I don’t stay dead.
Don’t worry, I was chilling with the ghosts.
*excitedly* Back from the grave!
*cheerfully* They hurt me today, I will destroy them tomorrow.
Misc. Click Lines:
Scanners show beautiful life forms in this area…Oh, it’s only me.
Want to hear a joke about paper? Never mind, it’s tearable. 
Accidentally buried someone alive. It was a grave mistake.
Two egotists started a fight. It was an I for an I!
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a cantina…You can't tell me that's just a coincidence!
Bad puns… it's how eye roll.
Want to join a cult?
Love: Cultural artifacts
Oh, I could kiss you!
You know how to make a girl feel appreciated.
*in a singsong* Here comes my next research!
Favorite: Luxury, Courting
Ooh, shiny!
I know you love me.
Like: Imperial Memorabilia, Republic Memorabilia
Little precious pieces of knowledge!
Aww, you do care.
I guess it’s the thought that counts. 
Uh... thank you?
Likes: Revenge, attention, forbidden knowledge, flirting, cleverness
Dislikes: Slavery, using power against the weak, prejudice
Tagging @rainofaugustsith, @sunsetofdoom, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, @actualanxiousswampwitch, @palepinkycat, @starlightjedi, @goldleaf-blog, @cyrraluu, @swtorpadawan, @nusaran, @opalxempress, @kyber-heart, @hothian-snow, @shabre-legacy, @a-master-procrastinator, @gothwarlocks, @berriku, @wilvarin-chan​, @storyknitter​, @greyias​, @chaosandwonder​, @villainship​, @darth-bagel​
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nhylluan · 4 years
That 5 works meem
tagged by @actualanxiousswampwitch, thank you so much! this blog is almost a year old by now, i remember i got tagged around this period last year but i had like...only 2 drawings up and couldn’t do it lol but now there are some more so: This Camilla Hect piece gets the first place This is hilarious because i drew this in two hell of days in which i was confined into my room waiting for my covid test results. I started drawing basically to not overthink shit and holy shit it worked. It’s also the first post i did for a fandom in which at the time i’ve never set foot to, and it went surprising well for some reason, so i’m fond of it, despite all the tecnical errors that now i can see more clearly Reverend Daughter Harrowark Nonagesimus gets the second place I’m disgusted by bones. They makes me puke and i can’t stand the sight. I proceeded to look at bones for 48 hours straight to draw this and i think that deserves some respect Ianthe “love my twin, also murder” gets the third place I love blonde mean women. I also love painting blood. Soulsborne ruined me. This piece is basically a whole ass gathering of all my tastes in everything and that’s why i love it Starwar siblings reunion gets the fourth place This is an old swtor piece but man i had tons of fun experimenting with special  effects. I think it’s pretty clear that i had no idea what i was doing but i do like it nonetheless Squadron captain and her whipping girl gets the fifth place Another old swtor piece that features two of my main characters. If i have to be honest this is basically a star wars AU of an original story that i was getting togheter at the time. It’s not perfect, and neither that good as an artwork, but i do like the concept tagging: @sotc @kornyo @sheyshen @moonlitalien @palepinkycat @gingeredmink @harrowerrrr @verbose-vespertine @sith-shenanigans @roguescarlett either art, writing or edit, if you want to share I’d be glad to see your works (:  I apologize for eventual double tags and also if i’m forgetting someone: if you see this and your name isn’t in that list i either was too afraid to bother you (very likely) or my memory just failed (also very likely). But please do share your works and say that i tagged you if you feel like doing this
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thedinalixlegacy · 4 years
30 Questions tag game
Tagged by: @darth-bagel Thank you so much😊
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Dina on the internet, irl I sometimes get called “little song” in my mother tongue because that sounds like a short version of my name haha
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 160cm or 5′2, I’m pretty short too
Birthday: 12th of january
Time: 20:49 as I’m typing this, but probably a bit later by the time I am done and post it :')
Favorite bands: It’s almost embarrassing how few bands I know or listen to. The only one I can think of is Twenty One Pilots, but I only really listen to them when I’m doing bad mentally. Can be useful though, when I start listening to their songs again I know I need to watch myself hahah.
Favorite solo artists: John Denver
Song stuck in my head: Nothing actually atm, surprisingly enough
Last movie: A Barbie movie with my sister, I don't know what the title is in English
Last show: Star Wars Rebels
When did I create this blog: Last november I believe, but I've been around on Tumblr since about 2016
What do I post: Swtor mainly! Every now and then a little bit about kotor
Last thing I googled: “160 cm to feet”, now you guess why I searched that hahaha
Other blogs: @justanothermainblog is my main. I’ve got a whump blog too with which I do awfully little anymore depite it having 800+ followers, and an art blog that totally flopped ahaha
Do I get asks: Yeah luckily! I’m so happy some of you send things in when I reblog ask games and such, I cannot thank you enough!
Why I chose my url: Because it’s the name of my main legacy in swtor. The name Dinalix itself is a name that I thought of years ago that’s based on another fandom (if you can guess which one I applaud you!)
Following: 1002 holy crap😂
Followers: 68 lovely people
Average hours of sleep: I think 7 ish?
Lucky number: 9
Instruments: I used to be able to play the recorder but that was a long time ago😂
What am I wearing: Pyjamas hahah, I just got back from feeding the horses and I was sooo cold. Two hours of standing in the pasture in freezing temperatures and then biking all the way back home (30min) with my gloves soaking wet because I had to get the ice out of their troughs :’) But a quick shower and lots of blankets and I'm warm again😊
Dream job: I do not know, honestly. Something to do with marine life or fisheries would be cool, but honestly I just want a job that makes me happy, doesn't really matter what
Dream trip: I would love to visit Japan sometime, but also Greenland and/or Iceland and Curaçao
Favorite food: Bread is the best thing in the entire world
Nationality: Dutch
Favorite song: "To the wild country" by John Denver
Last book read: Thrawn: Alliances. Finished it last night so now it's time for book 3!
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
1. Star wars, obviously :')
2. Kingdom Hearts, especially Twilight Town
3. Lord of the rings would also be cool!
Tagging: @palepinkycat @blitzindite @gothwarlocks @raven-of-domain-kwaad @shanfamilydrama but only if you want to, and feel free to skip questions if you're not comfortable answering them!
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gothwarlocks · 4 years
30 Questions
Tagged by: @thedinalixlegacy and @shanfamilydrama thank you both!! 🙈💖💖
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Julian / Jules
Gender: Male
Star sign: Leo (sun & moon lol; Sag rising)
Height: 5′6″
Birthday: August 6th
Time: 5:20PM
Favorite bands: (at the moment) uhhhh Kanga and Led Zeppelin. if we’re talking fav or all-time, I have too many to count :(
Favorite solo artists: it’s a tossup between several people but I would have to say David Bowie. seeing Ziggy at a young age really did help transgenderfy my brain 😌
Song stuck in my head: I’ve mentioned her already but Dissonance by Kanga is a fucking bop and I’m obsessed with her music at the moment 🙄
Last movie: If you want the dignified answer I rewatched Dune (1984) last week (I still love it v much). But the honest answer is I’m a dumb stoner and watched Beavis & Butt-head Do America a couple nights ago lol.
Last show: Uh still Twin Peaks season 3 I think. My roommates and I finished the whole series right around new year’s.
When did I create this blog: February 2019! I had no idea if I’d even use it much though, so I didn’t really start interacting with people until last spring lol.
What do I post: mostly swtor and wow, sometimes other stuff (but I try to keep it on my main blog)
Last thing I googled: “worst sun moon sign combination” 😐
Other blogs: my main blog which I’ll give out to anyone interested, but you gotta dm me lol. I’ve had it since 2011 and oh god it sucks having the power to look back on what you were interested in/saying at like 15/16 lmao.
Do I get asks: yeah thanks to all you cool people!! I love doing ask memes/games :’)
Why I chose my url: originally to poke fun at myself for my 2 mains in WoW both being warlocks (and gay). now it just sounds fun to me so I’m having trouble changing it haha.
Following: 133
Followers: 86 which is WILD hello
Average hours of sleep: 6 but there is no average really lol
Lucky number: i dunno!
Instruments:  I was trained fairly well in piano as a child but honestly I haven’t touched an instrument in like a decade. I do own a guitar and want to push myself to learn it if even a little eventually.
What am I wearing: hoodie, sweats, warm socks.
Dream job: I really don’t know anymore lol. I had several goals that fell through over the last few years so I’m honestly kind of stuck on this question at the moment. I do love museums though (science or art-centered), so if I ever get to work in one in some way that’d be very nice. I’ll figure it out.
Dream trip: somewhere tropical and right on the beach, maybe a month-long with nothing in particular to do lol.
Favorite food: soup.. I love soups so much... most underrated food..
Nationality: American 😔
Favorite song: I’d never be able to pick a favorite omg. There’s a lot of 80′s classics that would count I guess, but I’m corny so I’ll go with a song from my teens years. Amesoeurs by Amesoeurs 🖤
Last book read: bruh I didn’t read shit in 2020 <3 anyway I PLAN to read the Hellboy comics next.
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
Star Wars (on Coruscant? maybe..? 😂)
LOTR, specifically the Shire, Middle-earth. lol I think this is the best answer.
put me in mf Suramar City a couple thousand years before Legion goes down
Tagging: @raven-of-domain-kwaad @clonethoughts @nhylluan @palepinkycat @blueburds if any of your would like to :)
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
🏹 🐇 for Noiren <3
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"A secret item I carry with me? Well... I have nothing from my childhood to hold onto, but now I carry a picture of Kenaas around. He keeps me calm in times my anger may get me into trouble. Dont tell him that though.
As for a talent I wish I had... Well, my sister has the ability to charm even the most prude jedi master. Im sure I would be able to do more for my crew and family if I could rely on words like she can."
IC ask meme
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inventedbyawriter · 4 years
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Okay, so gracious @palepinkycat tagged me to do this halloween chart and I thought “Why not?”. I also could work with some stylistic icons, so it’s a double pleasure (even if I failed at that). Also also I understand that I included other swtor chars, yet to appear in this blog, but hey, it is as good entry point for them as any. And only SWTOR ones, adding other OCs would surely overwhelm me. And lastly, I did multiple chars on one prompt, just because I think they would several things, so here’s that (hope I didn’t do it wrong). Anyway, explanations. Dresses Up: Aiventillu (Smuggler, 1) would be dressing as either Jedi (he likes too pose as one, despite the fact he’s the only non-Force sensitive in a family of well, Force sensitives) or a Sith, just to mock Aishatei... friendly-like of course. Arzaxxeit (Bounty Hunter, 2) as well as Ar’santia (Agent, 4) both like to change costumes and appearances even on regular basis, let alone on Halloween night, when they show their imagination skills aplenty. And Aishatei (Warrior, 3) just strolling across the base in Jedi robes in very serious matter, confusing anyone. She also dressed up as Terror from Beyond once. That was quite a show indeed Goes to Party: Aiventillu and Arzaxxeit usually attend it together (’cause they are buddies). Ar’santia likes to mingle. Arjanveissa (Trooper, 2) also up to socialising. And Arkansheiv (Jedi Consular, 4) is quite possibly organising this and then making sure everyone having fun. Not like it’s his cup of tea, but everyone else likes it, so... Eats candy till they pass out: Only Aiventillu would be so uncontrolling to do such thing, really Goes trick or treating: Again, Underworld buddies usually go do that together. Aiventillu also brings his twins as well as other’s children with them. Who would’ve known a Smuggler could be so successful at charming his way to someone else’s pocket... Binge watches horror movies: Despite him being scaredy cat in real life, Aiventillu loves to watch all of the horror classics (and then stay awake past midnight of course). Sometimes he watches them with Arjanveissa, less scary that way. Veissa just sit there stone-faced and unmoved (but having fun nevertheless). Scares the shit out of children: Well, Aisharr (Inquisitor, 1) just do this unintentionally and naturally. By passing through the gathering of children, he is able to disperse it at a moment’s notice. Dark Side V can do that to ye. And Arzaxxeit is loves to share with kids some absolutely real stories about strange creatures and Force abominations. He is usually berated and yelled at for it, but he can’t help himself. Tries to summon a demon: Naturally, Aisharr as a Sith Sorcerer cannot pass an opportunity to invoke some horror from another plane or whatever to various reasons he would like to keep to hmself. And Arelianni (Jedi Knight, 2) summoning it to slay it of course, in the name of justice, valor and all what is good. Probably there is a reason why these demons do not return her calls anymore...
Okay, this is quite a mess but I think it’s worth sharing. Not sure how I can tag anyone, because I think everyone was tagged at some point and my circle is a bit shallow for now, so anyone watching - feel free to participate in my invitation. One day I’ll navigate this social conundrum... I hope
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Get to know the blogger
Got tagged by @blitzindite for this one. Thanks Oliver!
I’ll give some no pressure tags to @starknstarwars, @swtorpadawan, @sleepswithvillains, @a-master-procrastinator @palepinkycat and anyone else that sees this and wants to give it a go.
1. Why did you choose your url?
I wanted to make a Star Wars blog and I also wanted to show that I was a big fan of the old pre-mouse EU. So I took my favorite EU character, Tahiri Veila, and played around with her experiences to make my url. During the New Jedi Order book series, Tahiri was experimented on by Yuuzhan Vong and an artificial personality, Riina of Domain Kwaad, was created in her mind. I simply replaced the name Riina with my own internet handle Raven and got Raven of Domain Kwaad.
2. Any sideblogs?
This is technically a sideblog actually.
Main is @the-raven-of-highever which is mainly Dragon Age stuff
I also have @ssv-raven which is a mess of Mass Effect, sci-fi, fantasy and other assorted nonsense
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I think it was 2014 when I first got onto tumblr
4. Why did you originally start your blog?
Originally I made my main for the Assassin’s Creed fandom. Oh boy was I obsessed with AC. Fell hard in love with the Kenway family and Ratonhnhaké:ton / Connor in particular. I was sad when the tumblr fandom just sort of fizzled away and died after being such a fun and big group that I really liked.
5. Why did you choose your icon?
@palepinkycat gave me that incredible piece of my OC Amarra Kine for my birthday and I was immediately head over heels in love with how it looked. I just had to make it my icon so I could always admire it.
Love you Pinky! Thank you so so so much for the gift and all of your amazing artwork for the fandom!
6. Why did you choose your header?
That was another @palepinkycat piece actually and my very first commission. It is of my OC sisters Ryscha and Amarra Kine. They are the main focus of my SWTOR canon so I figured it was appropriate to put them up there as my header.
7. What is your post with the most notes?
This one which I made as a joke after the Echoes of Oblivion trailer came out. Just a silly bit about how Knights and Warriors must be very sick of the Emperor by that point.
8. How many mutuals do you have?
Not a clue. I know I have a number of SWTOR mutuals though
9. How many followers do you have?
115... now excuse me as I go and listen to the song of the same name from CoD Black Ops Zombies lol
10. How many blogs do you follow?
200 but a lot of those haven’t posted in years. Lots of old Assassin’s Creed, Overwatch and trans fem blogs that got lost or just stopped posting after the various fandoms died and the porn ban cracked down on people.
11. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Lol this is tumblr buddy. Of course I have
12. How many times do you use tumblr a day?
Uh... lots. Though in my defense it is my only form of social media. Never had a facebook, twitter or anything else and it is probably going to stay that way.
13. Have you ever fought another blog?
Nope. Is that a thing people do? It sounds exhausting.
14. How do you feel about “need to reblog” posts?
You know how after watching commercials you are filled with the desire to actively avoid the product being advertised? Yeah that is generally what happens to me with those “need to reblog” things. Like buddy I have come to tumblr to unplug from all the atrocities that are happening in the world. You telling me I need to focus on this makes me want to actively ignore it.
15. Do you like tag games?
I do! They are fun and I enjoy reading the answers that other people give.
16. Do you like ask games?
Definitely. I don’t always answer the asks in a timely manner but I do love writing about my OCs
17. Which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
Not a clue. Got some mutuals that seem to be well established and appreciated members of the SWTOR fandom but no one appears to be tumblr famous.
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Funny story. My partner and I actually met because we were tumblr mutuals. We were both in the Mass Effect fandom and just started DMing each other about our OCs. Started playing Mass Effect 3 online matches together and eventually decided to try out a long distant relationship. It worked and we’ve been living together for five ish years now.
Don’t currently have any crushes on any mutuals but my partner and I are poly so who knows what may happen in the future lol
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
Send me an OC and I will give you a list of 5 things that would be on their search history - S'cathe and Mavasha?? 👀
"How to tame a Nexu"
"Chiss history and culture"
"Most relaxing vacation spots"
"Child safety measures for starships"
"Ancient Sith torture methods"
S'cathe has a lot on her mind and tends to swap from subject to subject quickly. One of the most common things others catch her reading about is Chiss culture. She was seen as flawed by her parents and never got the chance to learn about her people before getting shunned and sent away, so she takes it upon herself to research and learn.
Family is also incredibly important to her so she attempts to get a good pet that can act as a guard animal if needed, safety for her children after they're born, and she longs for a nice relaxing vacation away from the war with her family.
Shes also very interested in Sith history and new ways to get information from their prisoners and enemies. Thats on the bottom of her list though since she's already a pretty threatening Sith lord.
"Lekku buffing kit"
"Red Mobquet Flare-S Swoop bike for sale"
"Romantic surprise ideas"
"How to upgrade a 2V-R8 unit"
"Top 10 Horror Novels in the galaxy"
After Mavasha settles down while she raises her children, she decides to treat herself to the things she was never allowed to have or do. She allows time for self pampering, date nights with her husband, relaxing time to read, and one of her favorite pastimes, tinkering.
Growing up on Nar Shadaa she learned a lot about speeders and droids, especially how to take them apart and put them back together. Her dream was to have a swoop bike of her own, so once she has the time and credits, she finally buys one. She also hated having the "nanny" 2V-R8 unable to protect her home and children, so she looked up the best ways to upgrade him.
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
(Dating sim) I'd date the heck out of S'cathe🥺
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She would be so flattered to hear that and try to hide it behind her cocky attitude! She's a loyal and very caring partner that can certainly get overprotective at times as well.
In the world of a dating sim to take her route you'd have to break some rules, maybe some laws, and make many dark side based decisions. Her favorite times to meet up with you would be in the dead of night where she would want to be free from her duties as an apprentice and just relax. She would be shocked when the player confesses, but hide it behind confidence as she admits to feeling the same way.
I'm so glad you love her so much 🥺 S'cathe deserves more posts here thats for sure, she's an absolute babe!
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
🌸 and 🔪 for Nova!
🌸How often do they say "I love you"?
Nova isn't very good at being verbally affectionate, though his tight hugs, gentle caresses, and passionate kisses usually say it for him. But, if Talen says it first then Nova will always say he loves him in return.
🔪Do they try to be a good influence on their S/O or do they not care?
He definitely tries his damnest, but Talen is a loose canon thats gets himself into trouble on a regular basis regardless of Novas influence.
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"You know I care for you, darling, but why must your self preservation instincts be that of a womp rats?"
"Because I know I'll always win, and that you'll always be there to patch me up after."
"... perhaps..."
"You love me anyway, you know you do"
*sigh* "I really do..."
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
😃 🙂 😱 for Mavasha!
😃: When does your muse smile the most?
She smiles the most often and most sincerely around her family. The times she's the most happy and comfortable is at her home with her husband and their three daughters.
In the field she will smile wickedly or smirk, but it's sinister and not due to true happiness like it is at home.
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🙂: Can your muse keep a poker face?
Oh absolutely, after everything she had been through in the past it would be a crime for her to be bad at keeping face in front of her enemies.
😱: What mortifies your muse?
The idea of losing everything she's worked and fought for. She started her life at the bottom, and now she's an esteemed sith lord with a loyal partner and children she is incredibly proud of, as well as her own apprentices, to pass her knowledge to.
The idea of losing it all and seeing her family perish is all very terrifying to her. Otherwise she doesn't really have a weak stomach.
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
31. "Don't forget me" for S’cathe <3
So, fun fact! S'cathe is actually Mavasha's loyal apprentice and eventual in-law as she marries Mavasha's adopted daughter, Cathilia 💛
More Quinn family dynamics and S'cathe being a little bit of a sap below the cut :)
Learning that you were in a romantic relationship with your master's daughter certainly was a shock. She had been training under Darth Scorn for years, Malavai Quinn aided her on missions when needed, and yet she never knew that Cathilia had any relation to them at all.
She supposed that the lack of resemblance could be to blame, and that they didn't talk of their home life often because in the field work came first. She continued to pace in her quarters on her master's ship. Was this appropriate? Did that matter? Would this change how Master Scorn saw her? S'cathe was usually very well composed and calm, but Mavasha was not someone she wanted to be on the bad side of.
As if the woman could hear her thoughts, Mavasha stepped into the room. She always looked so imposing. Her eyes a piercing red, her skin a milky white framed by blood colored lekku, and her height. She was a tall woman and always had intimidatingly good posture. "Master" The younger one greeted and bowed respectfully. "What can I do for you?"
The darth's eyes scanned her. "You're worried. I would have been able to feel your discomfort from Hoth, S'cathe. What troubles you?" 
The chiss woman grunted and crossed her arms. "It's trivial. Nothing you nor Quinn need to trouble yourselves with, Master."
A smirk played the older woman's pale features. "No, I'm certain Quinn wouldn't be able to help you handle any troubles dealing with anxiety. Especially over something like love. The man isn't known for being knowledgeable on that subject, trust me" she teased. 
The younger sith felt her cheeks deepen in colour. "Ah. So it's that obvious?" She asked. 
"Of course it is. Now, are you worried that I am upset? Because I couldn't think of anyone else I could trust with my precious daughter." she explained. "Are we done here?"
Straight to the point. Short and sweet. Either she really didn't want to have this conversation, or it truly didn't matter. "Thank you, Master. I really do care for Cathilia. She is one of the few people who have earned that right." 
The torguta nodded. "We know, dear apprentice. Now come, we have somewhere important to be." 
S'cathe nodded. She felt relieved,but also anxious. Mavasha was very quick to respond to her woes, then dismissed them. Something was wrong here. "I'm with you, master" 
Together the group stepped off the ship and onto the blazing sands of Tatooine. S'cathe hated this planet. It was too hot. She couldn't understand how Mavasha and Malavai could stand wearing the thick dark clothing that they always wore here. She overheated easily as is, being born on Hoth, but Tatooine felt like she was being cooked alive. 
"So what is our objective, Master?" She questioned as they left the spaceport and entered the heart of Mos Ila. Malavai shot down the occasional idiot that dared to try and approach them and start a fight, but it was otherwise an uneventful walk to the Cantina. 
"I have no objective here, besides finding a possible cocktail. You, on the other hand" she stopped there and insisted S'cathe walk into the cantina first "you are going to aid another apprentice in their objective here."
S'cathe looked at her master in confusion. "Aid… another apprentice? I've never heard any master ask such a thing" 
Upon stepping in, she spotted a familiar crimson skinned figure at the bar counter, rolling her eyes as her beastly companion talked to her. The purebloods eyes lit up when she saw the group, then she approached them with the same grace her mother carried. "It's very good to see you, mother, and you father" she greeted with a smile, then turned to S'cathe. "Looks like today we get to be partners, mother arranged it with my master, claiming you could help me get the artifact my master wants twice as fast." She explained before her blue skinned lover could ask.
The chiss woman chuckled. "Well, she is right. You know my lightsaber skills are worth their weight in gold." She bragged. "I am learning under the best, you know"
"No need for flattery, apprentice. You've already earned my blessing." Mavasha scoffed. "Now go, I know Zash can be pretty demanding. When you're finished come back to the ship. I expect to hear all about this excursion and all of the damage you two inflict." She stated with a raised brow, before turning her attention back to her daughter. "We've missed you dear. Im sure you're excelling in your trials for your master"
Cathilia gently pressed her forehead to her mothers, a soft show of affection. "I will see you when my trials are over, Mother with plenty of stories to share."
"Continue to make us proud, my heart." 
With a nod, Cathilia waved to her parents and left the cantina with S'cathe, where she started to untie her pet raptor to ride across the desert. "I'm sure this came as a surprise to you. My parents being so accepting." She said with a devious chuckle in her voice. "After you called me, my mother and I had a good laugh about it and then she arranged this, just to truly prove how much she trusts you. And as a test to see how well we can fight together."
The chiss nodded with a grin as she watched the other woman mount the lizard. "So, where to, love?"
The other woman opened her log, looking over the information she had received from the pirate she met. "Time to spill the blood of renegades and sand people." Came her answer with a wicked glint in her eye. "Khem, I will meet you back at the ship. You aren't needed for this." She added. The deshade grumbled as he glared at the little chiss warrior before going back to Cathilias ship. Once he was gone the sith rolled her eyes.
"I hate that beast. I reserve my care for my family only, but he really gets on my nerves." She growled and held a hand out to help S'cathe get on the raptor. 
"And don't forget me" the other woman winked as she firmly took her hand and climbed up behind her. 
"Darling, you have my whole heart." Cathilia assured her before a gentle kiss was shared. S'cathe was so overjoyed by this day that she had nearly forgotten the heat beating down on her.
"I'm very glad to hear that, Cat, now… speaking of hearts-" she started as the raptor took off into the desert. "Lets go cut some out of those fools who hold your artifact, hm?"
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