#oc: shae wulfe
voidthewanderer · 7 months
For the OC Ask Game! ✨Creating your OCs✨
1, 3, 8, 12, 16 and 19 for Ripper, Shae and Arsenic!!!
Please :))
Pretty please :)))
(Don’t make me whip out my quadruple chin!!!)
@anonwyvern || Questions About Creating Your OCs
Under cut for length; I needed to talk about my babiesss.
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Shae: Shae was appearance, though and through. She'd gone through so many changes; species changes as she traveled through fandoms and back and forth between getting pulled from them to be from original concepts. Being online during the massive point online where "Mary Sue bad and you're a terrible person for making them!", she kind of just went onto this backburner with everything; looks, appearance, story, everything.
Ripper: Mostly appearance, but a super loose as hell backstory as well. Rips was originally a Left 4 Dead OC and of a concept that never actually made it to the game at that. Most of what did exist of his backstory was just that he was an asylum escapee who was turned. Rather than the straight jacket being closed up, his arms were free. He's had the most changes over his entire timespan.
Arsenic: Appearance 100%. He actually was originally a concept made by my nephew! He wanted a zombie chef, so I made a zombie chef!
3. How did you choose their name? 
Shae: I honestly don't even remember where her name came from. It wasn't exactly a popular name when I made her, damn probably about seventeen years ago now? Maybe longer, I think.
Ripper: Was originally a sort of punny name. "A scream ripping at one's throat". Where Joseph Trumoil came from, is one of those things that just... happened. Sometimes names just get stuck in my head. I'll quote him directly from the WIP of Chapter 26 of Mnemonic Impressions for why it's still Ripper: "Thanks to my old line of work, if it were humanly possible at that time, I could rip someone apart and know exactly how to do it to cause the most damage; didn’t help I used t’ do some body building. My friends were… fucked up t’ say the least."
Arsenic: I kinda thought it would be funny for an undead, zombie chef to have his name be the same as a poison.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
Shae: Let's just say that I am actually very mouthy like Shae it. And, just like with her current situation with Sinjin, I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut so I don't get hurt.
Ripper: There's actually not much story wise I relate to with Rips. If anything, I'm envious of my own character. He's charismatic, charming, his style is impeccable. I guess he did get a lot of my "do no harm, but take no shit" personality.
Arsenic: The cooking! Arsenic is literally probably the person I would become (sans the murders) if I actually stayed in the food service industry.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Shae: It's actually been difficult to keep her silver tongued, combative, defiant, but also keeping her... alive. In all honesty, she would probably be dead by now if I didn't mellow her out a bit. She's legit supposed to be as vile as Sinjin is, cutting some completely reprehensible stuff, but I also know that she would have been long since dead before her story even started.
Ripper: No lie, actually nailing down his official design. Every time I think I have something solid, I go "oh, this would work with him!" and then things would change. Rinse and repeat. Now it's more just trying to nail down exactly who I wanna build his facial structure off of, because William Treat is EXACTLY how he smiles, but I also adore him having sharp features like Dum Dum from Cyberpunk 2077 has. Trying to blend the two together is... fun.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
Shae: Her story. Like, god her story is fucked up and just the fact that so much about her kids was kept from her and knowing everything she's gone through, that she's the way she is through so much tragedy and just out of a necessity to survive.
Ripper: Also his backstory, but also like... this man is such a sweetheart and sensitive. Be it because he's just being so goddamn cute or because he's going through an existential crisis, he's probably gonna say something that would either turn me into a mushy mess or bawling my eyes out because why did I hurt you this much.
Arsenic: There's two things with him. When he lets his walls down and lets people in, showing that he's not just a hardened ghoul who hates everything around him. Also, if anything were to happen to Crow, this man's heart would absolutely shatter and he'd probably lose his goddamn mind. That sort of mental torment of feeling like he's lost his soul mate, knowing how he'd react to it, especially now with them in his life again.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Shae: Not so much of a fact of the character itself (because imho anything I really say with her will give away parts of Addicted), but the fact that she's the second OC I've ever created! She's my second oldest OC, being seventeen (plus) years old.
Ripper: He's only second generation American born in his family! His parents are the first born, his grandmother is from Palermo, his grandfather from Verona.
Arsenic: No matter what, Arsenic was meant to cook and I don't mean that just by his concept alone. He's someone who would be considered to have a natural born talent for what he does and I genuinely cannot think of anything else I would have ever even considered putting him in. If it wasn't a chef, it would've been a cafe owner.
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voidthewanderer · 1 year
15 for any OC? *also feel free to add specific songs, of you'd like as well!*
@darling-leech || Misc. Small Detail Ask Meme
I’m gonna answer for the core group, since this is a pretty not as word heavy response for everyone. I’m also going to run under the “more music besides what we hear in game exists, it’s just not popular” idea. Songs linked!
Arsenic: He mainly enjoys things that would be considered alternative. He definitely leans more towards Nine Inch Nails sort of alternative, but can also dad rock or recently released songs by certain “older” rock/alternative bands; regardless of it's actually considered alt at that point. He actually has two favorite songs: Closer by Nine Inch Nails and Cleopatra by Train.
Crow: They adore anything that's storytelling, however will lean more towards folkpunk and steampunk styles. There's something about the general tone and vibe of the music that resonates with them. Their favorites include things like Another Cog In The Machine by The Cog Is Dead and Give And Take by Poor Mans Poison.
Ripper: Despite his punk attire, he loves dance songs. Sure, he listens to and enjoys everything, but if you really wanna see a grown ass adult open up, put on pop dance songs. That being said, his favorite song is the exact opposite of pop dance, being Dragula by Rob Zombie. Though, he can also very easily be caught listening to Me Too by Meghan Trainor. (I will say, however, if he knew that daycore was a thing, he'd listen to the daycore version of Me Too more than the original)
Shae: Country. It’s starkly contrasts her personality and general vibe, but she loves country music. She has two songs that she wouldn’t be able to pick between as favorites; The Big Black Snake by Pink Williams and Ain’t No Grave by Johnny Cash.
Viorel: He’s only ever known what’s played on Diamond City Radio. However, had he a chance to hear something more, he’d most likely like show tunes that are almost rock opera style. He’d honestly be completely enthralled by the idea of movies like Repo! The Genetic Opera, just seeing how some people viewed the future. Music with a similar tone would also be greatly loved. He’d probably adore songs like Night Surgeon from RTGO and The King Of Villains by Aurelio Voltaire.
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