voidthewanderer · 7 months
For the OC Ask Game! ✨Creating your OCs✨
1, 3, 8, 12, 16 and 19 for Ripper, Shae and Arsenic!!!
Please :))
Pretty please :)))
(Don’t make me whip out my quadruple chin!!!)
@anonwyvern || Questions About Creating Your OCs
Under cut for length; I needed to talk about my babiesss.
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Shae: Shae was appearance, though and through. She'd gone through so many changes; species changes as she traveled through fandoms and back and forth between getting pulled from them to be from original concepts. Being online during the massive point online where "Mary Sue bad and you're a terrible person for making them!", she kind of just went onto this backburner with everything; looks, appearance, story, everything.
Ripper: Mostly appearance, but a super loose as hell backstory as well. Rips was originally a Left 4 Dead OC and of a concept that never actually made it to the game at that. Most of what did exist of his backstory was just that he was an asylum escapee who was turned. Rather than the straight jacket being closed up, his arms were free. He's had the most changes over his entire timespan.
Arsenic: Appearance 100%. He actually was originally a concept made by my nephew! He wanted a zombie chef, so I made a zombie chef!
3. How did you choose their name? 
Shae: I honestly don't even remember where her name came from. It wasn't exactly a popular name when I made her, damn probably about seventeen years ago now? Maybe longer, I think.
Ripper: Was originally a sort of punny name. "A scream ripping at one's throat". Where Joseph Trumoil came from, is one of those things that just... happened. Sometimes names just get stuck in my head. I'll quote him directly from the WIP of Chapter 26 of Mnemonic Impressions for why it's still Ripper: "Thanks to my old line of work, if it were humanly possible at that time, I could rip someone apart and know exactly how to do it to cause the most damage; didn’t help I used t’ do some body building. My friends were… fucked up t’ say the least."
Arsenic: I kinda thought it would be funny for an undead, zombie chef to have his name be the same as a poison.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
Shae: Let's just say that I am actually very mouthy like Shae it. And, just like with her current situation with Sinjin, I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut so I don't get hurt.
Ripper: There's actually not much story wise I relate to with Rips. If anything, I'm envious of my own character. He's charismatic, charming, his style is impeccable. I guess he did get a lot of my "do no harm, but take no shit" personality.
Arsenic: The cooking! Arsenic is literally probably the person I would become (sans the murders) if I actually stayed in the food service industry.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Shae: It's actually been difficult to keep her silver tongued, combative, defiant, but also keeping her... alive. In all honesty, she would probably be dead by now if I didn't mellow her out a bit. She's legit supposed to be as vile as Sinjin is, cutting some completely reprehensible stuff, but I also know that she would have been long since dead before her story even started.
Ripper: No lie, actually nailing down his official design. Every time I think I have something solid, I go "oh, this would work with him!" and then things would change. Rinse and repeat. Now it's more just trying to nail down exactly who I wanna build his facial structure off of, because William Treat is EXACTLY how he smiles, but I also adore him having sharp features like Dum Dum from Cyberpunk 2077 has. Trying to blend the two together is... fun.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
Shae: Her story. Like, god her story is fucked up and just the fact that so much about her kids was kept from her and knowing everything she's gone through, that she's the way she is through so much tragedy and just out of a necessity to survive.
Ripper: Also his backstory, but also like... this man is such a sweetheart and sensitive. Be it because he's just being so goddamn cute or because he's going through an existential crisis, he's probably gonna say something that would either turn me into a mushy mess or bawling my eyes out because why did I hurt you this much.
Arsenic: There's two things with him. When he lets his walls down and lets people in, showing that he's not just a hardened ghoul who hates everything around him. Also, if anything were to happen to Crow, this man's heart would absolutely shatter and he'd probably lose his goddamn mind. That sort of mental torment of feeling like he's lost his soul mate, knowing how he'd react to it, especially now with them in his life again.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Shae: Not so much of a fact of the character itself (because imho anything I really say with her will give away parts of Addicted), but the fact that she's the second OC I've ever created! She's my second oldest OC, being seventeen (plus) years old.
Ripper: He's only second generation American born in his family! His parents are the first born, his grandmother is from Palermo, his grandfather from Verona.
Arsenic: No matter what, Arsenic was meant to cook and I don't mean that just by his concept alone. He's someone who would be considered to have a natural born talent for what he does and I genuinely cannot think of anything else I would have ever even considered putting him in. If it wasn't a chef, it would've been a cafe owner.
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OC smash or pass
thanks @typosandtea for tagging me)) i'm tagging @thewastelandlosers @grimbothefool @viperra1 @frac @anonwyvern
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Garlic Loaf, the Sole Survivor
Small and short, very cute
Thick ass
Quite calm
Good sense of humor, her jokes are smart and mostly mild, not agressive
Flirty and likeable
More likely she will not bother you with her problems and trauma
Tender lover
Not loyal romantically/sexually. BUT will warn you about that first. She is very honest (and she is very loyal friend)
Not very handsome though, specific unusual for US face
But very flirty and you will be surprised how many people are charmed by her
Sad postpartum titties
Functional alcoholic. Harmless, but non-drinkers can be bothered (presumably she will not hang out with non-drinkers). She is mostly funny and silly, nostalgic or horny when drunk
Nervous about hygiene
Very busy with her own buisness, have a little time for romance and relationships. Very pragmatic.
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anonwyvern · 6 months
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Three strangers convolute their lives, in what would seem to be for God's sheer enjoyment of entertainment. A contract so paper-thin it risks being torn, a bounty hunter on the run from his own well-kept secrets, and a mysterious woman who can't seem to find her way home. All convene on a case that proves sometimes letting go, is the best form of goodbye.
**Prior Readers: Please Read from Beginning**
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voidthewanderer · 9 months
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I will gladly read, write, and draw the same things over and over again if it makes me happy 😌😌
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Thanks for tagging me @typosandtea UwU
RULES: post a 24-hour poll containing two truths and one lie about your oc. have your followers try to guess which is the lie.
Garlic Loaf
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Tagging @anonwyvern, @viperra1, @capcollector, @auntiemurdoc and everyone who wants to join =^__^=
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voidthewanderer · 6 months
For the OTP Prompt Challenge!
20. Date Night
24. Washing Dishes
((( thank you c: )))
@anonwyvern || OTP Prompt Challenge
I adore that this is also essentially dealer's choice 👀👀 It's been rattling around in my brain for a little bit what exactly I wanted to do for this one, but then it came to me and I get to write two ships for the price of one. It was all I could think about writing when I got home from work on the fourteenth. Tagging @bleumanouche for this as well, as Sweetjane is his! Yeah, I could have also done these spicy as well, but I already knew this would be a long one, didn't want it to be super incredibly long. This entire piece made me an absolutely mushy baby writing it. Lots of moments that I think would bring some of these guys to their knees honestly. A much longer one, but yeah.
Rating: T (mature themes mostly only implied, though also spoken about/teased) Word Count: 2939
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An aggravated growl sounded from the ghoul chef as he tried to prepare for the evening’s meal. It was bad enough that he didn’t have his partner there to help him out, but they’d been busy working on a project that they were keeping a secret from him. He narrowed his eyes at the tanned ghoul perched on the bar stool across from his workspace, slowly starting to get more and more fed up with the badgering.
“C’mon, Arsen, please,” Ripper begged, giving the other a charming smile. He knew this wouldn’t work on the other, but he still had to try, “You can make it after you’re done with this stuff, I know you can! I wanna do somethin’ special for Sweetjane!”
“Then make it yourself,” Arsenic growled back, “Just stay outta my way.”
The elder ghoul pursed his lips for a moment, contemplating what he could do to get out of actually cooking something. What he wanted to do for her was far beyond what he knew he could make. Perhaps a little tease wouldn’t hurt…
“If ya do this for me, I’ll tell ya what Crow’s makin’.”
This caught Arsenic’s attention, his brow perking at the thought, “What makes ya think I wanna know?”
“Caught your attention, dinnit? Make this for me an’ I’ll tell ya.” He wouldn’t really ruin the surprise, but he could see that Arsenic was actually considering the offer now. Arsenic studied Ripper for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not he was telling the truth, “Ya’d really break their trust?”
Ripper shrugged, “Act surprised when it’s actually done, ain’t no big deal. You’re gonna find out eventually, anyways.”
Another growl before Arsenic finally gave it, “Fuckin’ fine. This better be worth it.”
Ripper nearly sprung up from the chair, shoving a list of stuff he’d wanted into Arsenic’s hand, “Thank you!”
Just as he was about to run off, Arsenic reached over the counter, tightly gripping the other’s wrist, “Ah, not before ya leave. Speak.”
“O-oh right, yeah! Uh… let’s just say that… eh…” He had to think fast “-You’re gonna be in th’ same place as me pretty soon.”
Arsenic’s grip lessened slightly, his gaze casting to the ring on his finger for a moment. It gave Ripper enough time to pull himself free and dart off into the farm. He had a lot to prepare for; making sure the kids were gonna be alright for the night, among other things. All the while, Arsenic just stood in his kitchen, frozen with the thoughts that swam in his head now. If what the conclusion he came to was right, there was no way he’d be able to keep it a secret that he knew… Hopefully, he could. Crow seemed to want to keep whatever it was one and he didn’t want to crush that.
“Ya ready t’ head out?” Ripper smiled at his wife, grabbing the basket he’d filled with everything he needed for their first date night since getting married. Sweetjane gave a nod, “Lead th’ way!”
Ripper gave Arsenic a nod, who only returned it with a half-hearted wave as he served the ghouls waiting for their dinner. On the way out, he gave Amy a hug, “Be good for Crow an’ Arsen. We’re gonna be further up river than we normally go, I don’t want ya wanderin’ off if ya really need us without ‘em, alright?”
“I will! Bye, Dad! See you later, Mom!”
This caused Ripper to hug his daughter just a bit tighter, trying to not cry happily at hearing that. Crow couldn’t contain their coo at the couple, though otherwise kept their mouth shut. They could see that Sweetjane had a smile on her lips, trying to not let out a happy cry as well. They practically pried Ripper off the child, “Go have fun, you two. We’ll keep these two safe, don’t worry.”
The pale ghoul practically shooed the two out the door; Ripper quickly taking the lead towards the riverside. He held Sweetjane’s hand tightly as the couple carefully tread along the small trail they’d started to wear into the embankment. Sweetjane spoke up, “’At was sweet, wasn’t it?”
Ripper nodded, “Not gonna lie, didn’t think either one of them were gonna call you mom. Know ya told ‘em that ya weren’t here t’ replace Amelia, y’know? Or t’ like… come up with their own thing t’ call ya.”
“She’s a good girl, she is. Wasn’t expectin’ anythin’ ‘at soon, anyway.”
The worn pathway faded from beneath their feet, Ripper taking more care to not drop the basket, but also making sure Sweetjane didn’t fall into the water either. He didn’t lead her too far away from The Slog; though the settlement wasn’t exactly in view either. Just a nice little spot that seemed to have recently been dug out, perfect for the picnic he’d planned.
He laid out the blanket, getting everything out of the basket before setting up a couple of pillar candles to light. After, he held his arms out, giving her a bright smile, “Ta-da! A nice little place just for us! Been comin’ out here t’ make a flat place when I could. Was thinkin’ maybe could make a little gazebo or somethin’ int’ th’ hill a bit, be a nice place for us t’ have our dates an’ a place for us t’ bring th’ family for little outings too.”
“Aww, Rippa, I love it,” Sweetjane crooned at the ghoul, her arms snaking up around his neck and shoulders. His arms found their home at her waist as he dipped his head down slightly for a kiss. He broke the kiss only to lift her up off the ground and spin her around, “Nothin’s gonna change now that we’re married. If anythin’ I wanna make this a regular thing.”
“O’course! This’ll be a great spot t’ get away. How long ya been doin’ this fer?”
Ripper shrugged, sitting on the blanket, and gently pulling Sweetjane down next to him, “Dunno, like three months or so? Figured it was a good place, has good cover with trees, right by th’ water, good fishing spot. If we get some sort of seating or canopy up, think this might be a good place too ‘at Cody would wanna spend some alone time when he wants it, so he doesn’t coop himself up in his room all th’ time, y’know?”
Sweetjane pressed her hand against Ripper’s cheek, him tilting into it slightly, “Chiriklo, it’s perfect. Yer perfect. Now, c’mon… tell me whatcha got goin’ on.”
Handing off a bowl, Ripper opened up the old thermos that Arsenic had provided, pouring out the soup that was inside, “Rabbit stew! I know it’s a bit warm still for hot soup, but I know ya said ya hadn’t had it in a while. An’ for dessert…” He shifted the two bottles of Nuka Cola that had been leaning on a box to the side, pulling up the box, “A cake! I dunno what Arsen decided to bake for it, but it looks good!”
Sweetjane took a spoon, setting the bowl to the side for a moment to open one of the bottles of soda. She couldn’t help but laugh, “Whatcha gotta do t’ get ‘im t’ do alla dis?”
“I may or may not have teased him about what Crow’s been up to.”
“Rippa! Ya know they wanna keep ‘at a secret!”
“I didn’t tell him! Not outright anyways! He’s not gonna know exactly what they’re making. An’ ‘e already knows they’re gettin’ married anyway!”
Ripper put a spoonful of the stew in his mouth, forgetting for a moment that he’d never actually had rabbit before. Well, he certainly realized now, though seemed to be rather pleased with what he’d eaten, rather than concerned. Sweetjane chuckled at him, “What were ya expectin’? Chicken?”
This caused the other to give a playful little pout, “Ey! Ain’t ever had it before!”
“Clearly ya like it,” she mused. He nodded, “’S good.”
Before he took another spoonful, he quickly leaned over, giving the tip of her ear a little nip, “Ain’t nothin’ like what I could be eatin’.”
“Later,” her tone had been rather nonchalant, only pushing Ripper more on edge. He pulled her to lean against his side, the two savoring the calmness of the evening. Stolen kisses between bites, nuzzles into hair, it made for a perfect first date after wedding. Eventually, bellies were full and the two found themselves laid back into the blanket, Sweetjane tucked close to Ripper’s side. His arm had been wrapped around her waist, keeping her close.
She gave a light kiss to the side of his neck, feeling the other shudder at the touch, “Tesoro…”
Shifting to straddle against his hip, Sweetjane couldn’t help but smile down at her partner, it only growing as his hands lightly caressed her thighs, “We got all night yannow…”
“I know…” he hummed, “An’ I want it t’ last that long…”
Sweetjane arched forward, pressing her lips heavily against Ripper’s. His hands lightly trailed up her thighs, resting somewhat firm on her hips; holding her in place. As the session progressed, his pressed his hip up slightly, drawing out a breath from his partner. She was the one to break the kiss, blue eyes intent on his hazel ones. His lips had been curled into a smile, “Ya drive me wild, ya know that, right?”
Ripper pushed himself up so he could be seated, shifting Sweetjane’s legs so she was still sitting in his lap, just a bit more comfortably. His arms rested at her waist, hands locked behind her back, “Tell me… ya wanna have dessert first?”
“I got choices now… don’t I?” Sweetjane hummed, the teasing tone in her voice making him chuckle, “Suppose ya do… Or… We can indulge in all of the sweet things we have here.”
Now that? That sounded like a plan. Their lips locked once more… the first course seemed like it would be one of the sweetest things they brought with them…
Knock knock knock
“Who’s there?” Crow called out of their studio, the only noise otherwise coming from the old greenhouse being the music on the radio.
“’S me, babe.”
“Hold on!”
Now there seemed to be a bit of a ruckus going from the inside. Crow had blocked out the lower portion of the windows with old boxes. Arsenic called back inside, “Can ya come out? Would like ya t’ have one more meal before bed!”
Arsenic kept his back to the door, his eyes trained on the two kids who were standing next to him. Crow quickly shuffled out of the room, shutting the door quickly behind them, “Sorry, I got-”
“Caught up in th’ project. I know. You’re better with th’ kids than I am anyway… Dunno if ya wanted t’ do somethin’ with ‘em before they turn in for th’ night too.”
“We don’t need babysitters, y’know,” Cody muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. Crow could see Arsenic take a sharp breath, them lightly touching his arm, “Go to the kitchen, alright? I’ll be right there.”
It took a moment for the other to budge, but did so. Crow waited until he was out of earshot, “I know you guys don’t, but he’s trying. I think spending time with you guys is more for him than it is out of being asked by your father to watch you guys. He’s… eh…” They didn’t know how to explain the mood Arsenic was in. Mourning, maybe? Realizing he’d lost the ability to ever get to partake in.
“He seems sad,” Amy pointed out, causing Crow to nod, “You’re not wrong Amy. Part of him is sad. He lost something that I don’t think he really realized he wanted before it was too late.” Crow glanced back up to Cody, “Don’t take what he does personally. It’s gonna take a long while for him to adjust. If you guys wanna do your own thing, please, go right ahead. Just remember your dad wants you at least back in the house before the sun’s completely past the horizon. And no leaving the settlement.”
“Can we make something to drink before we do anything else?” Cody asked.
“Of course, you just know the rules with the communal kitchen. We’re gonna be cleaning up in a little bit.”
The trio headed back into the pool house, Crow and Amy finding seats at the bar stools. Cody went to pull a couple of mugs from the cabinet, but Arsenic stopped him. He seemed to handle Cody a lot more gently than others who invaded his space at least, “Let me. What were ya makin’?”
“I was gonna make tea for me and Amy before heading back to the house.”
Arsenic placed a small plate of food in front of Crow before turning to pull something out of a cabinet, “’S th’ last packet I have, but how about hot chocolate instead for th’ kid?”
This raised some excitement from Amy, making Crow smile softly at Arsenic in the process. They went to work on their food, eating silently as their fiance made a cup of hot chocolate and ash blossom tea for the kids. The two took the cups, Amy letting out a rather excited ‘thank you’ as they headed to their house. Crow rested their elbow on the counter, cheek lightly pressed in their hand in the process, “You’re really starting to blossom, you know that, right?”
“I mean it, love. I adore that you’re trying to be good for them. And you’re doing a lot better at not just immediately reacting to Cody’s teenage angst thing he’s got going on. ‘M proud of you.”
“Yeah, yeah…” he sighed softly, pulling the empty plate away. Crow shifted off the stool, making their way around the counter to pull Arsenic into a hug. His arms were tight around them, burying his face against the top of their head. They hummed softly, “You’re wonderful, Arsen… you really are.”
Before pulling away from the hug, Crow shifted to give Arsenic a kiss. His hands fell to their hips, fingers curling against their skin lightly as he tried to pull it deeper. They managed to break free, “Let’s clean up first, how about that?”
He gave a nod, begrudgingly breaking away from the hug to start cleaning up the counter. Crow shuffled behind him to run water in the sink to start dishes. It didn’t take him long to wipe down the counters, quickly finding his place to the left of his partner, scrubbing down each dish and utensil. As he finished each one, he handed it off to Crow, who was content to rinse and dry off each item. He couldn’t help but glance over at Crow every time they’d brush elbows with him, unable to keep his thoughts at bay. They were doing it on purpose, he knew they were, but it still made him feel things.
They hummed softly, giving him a small glance. Oh, the feeling that gripped at his heart… he loved when they looked at him with those sweet eyes…
“I… I should probably tell you…”
“Arsen, if this is about what Ripper said, I know. He told me.”
This made his stomach drop, “Wh- And you’re not-”
“Of course not. You already know we’re getting married, I dunno why you’re bein’ all shy about it. He told me to assure me that he didn’t tell you what I was working on. That’s still a surprise. You’re somehow the most observant, but most oblivious person I’ve ever met and I love that,” they laughed. Arsenic shifted on his hip, feeling a bit embarrassed that he didn’t realize sooner that Ripper hadn’t actually told him anything. Crow pressed up against his side, “Did what he say get your mind reeling?”
He nodded, swallowing hard before speaking again, “A-a bit, yeah.”
Glancing back down at them, his expression finally softened to match their soft smile, “Tell me.”
Arsenic took a small scoop of bubbles from the sink, brushing the suds against what was left of Crow’s nose ridge; making them laugh. He hummed softly, “’M just… excited. ‘S been so long since we got engaged, y’know? Dunno what ya got planned for everythin’… but goddamn I can’t wait t’ see ya in what you’re gonna wear… whatever ya got planned for th’ rings… Gettin’ t’ call ya mine.”
“You get to do that already,” Crow laughed. Arsenic ducked down, surprising them with a kiss, “The process makes it even more special.”
He handed off the last few dishes to be rinsed and dried, drying off his hands before hugging Crow close to his chest, resting his chin on top of their head while they finished up. When the last of the dishes were done, Arsenic spun Crow around, easily scooping them up and sitting them onto the counter. Their arms draped over his shoulders, lightly holding him close, “Arsen…”
No other words were exchanged, the ghoul pressing his lips to the other’s. He lightly pushed their legs apart slightly, just so he could get between them; quickly relaxing when they locked their legs around his waist. They felt him take a breath, his hands shifting to grip at their thighs. Crow gave a soft laugh, “We goin’ home?”
He gave a chuckle in response between his trailing kisses, “Not ‘nless ya wanna fuck here…”
“Just a little longer…”
“Gladly…” He wasn’t going to object getting to be this close to Crow, even if it meant prolonging what he wanted.
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voidthewanderer · 9 months
Get To Know Me!
Tagged by @anonwyvern thank you! Open tag, mostly because I think everyone I normally tag has done this already? I don't remember lol
Last Song: Gibberish (feat. Hoodie Allen) by MAX I'm considering reintroducing Max to Crow; the song is kinda their dynamic (think Crow referencing the song about Max). Wanted to try to get into the toxic vibe for brainstorming stuff.
Favorite Color: Purple, specifically tyrian purple. I just adore the shade of it, it's not something you see often.
Currently Watching: The Masked Singer; it's more background noise, but I am also trying to catch up to where I'd left off.
Last Movie/TV Show: Before currently watching; Bones. We kinda just put on whatever we love watching the most. So it's most likely going to be Bones, MASH, or Midsomer Murders.
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Don't ever let anyone tell you that being on those weight loss medications change your taste profile, because they do. I've been on Wygovy for about six months and I no longer like sweet foods at all. I definitely lean more towards savory and spicy because of this. I've always loved spicy foods more than anything else, but my getting that severe crohn's flare in 2020 has lowered my tolerance a lot for it.
Relationship Status: I've been in a closed relationship coming up on one year on the fifteenth.
Last Google Search: How tall is Niecy Nash. I like knowing the heights of the hosts of TMS to try and help with guesses. Does it help? No. But it's still fun!
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anonwyvern · 10 months
Welp. That was fast.
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anonwyvern · 1 year
Ghoul meets girl, and all the problems that come with it.
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