#oc: taron martell
thesadboy · 1 year
The Sons of Daenerys and Maron Martell
"Whether Daenerys loved Daemon, as those who rose for the Black Dragon later claimed, who could say? In the years afterward, Daenerys was never aught but a loyal wife to Prince Maron..."
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Nymerion Martell
"The Prince Nym"
"Prince Valyrian"
"Nymerion the Brave"
"Steadfast, dutiful, and eager to please, the heir of Daenerys and Maron cared not for what the rest of the Seven Kingdoms had to say of his father or his father's people. Only the people of Dorne mattered to him, for they were his people too and a part of him as much as his Valyrian heritage"
"The Blackfyre pretenders spoke of the great love between Daemon and Daenerys, with some even whispering that Nymerion was sired by Daemon and not the princess' Dornish husband, using his lighter coloring as a means of backing their claims. Yet those claims suddenly grew silent when the young prince, newly ten and six, had gone to court looking like the strapping young man the late Elder Prince Nymerion looked"
-The first and only one of Maron's sons to take more after his mother in skin tone
-Named after Maron and Myriah's father, with Maron doing so partially in the hopes that his people would accept him as heir
-Like his cousin the Breakspear, his taking after his maternal family more brought him under scrutiny. Many, particularly Blackfyre supporters, spread rumors that he was actually sired by Daenerys' half-brother Daemon. Another reason these rumors started was that as a babe, his hair was a fairer color, being blonde. It was only when as he grew, with his features starting to look similar to Maron and Maron's father and his hair darkening to brown, that the rumors died down.
-Often desired to be recognized and accepted by the other Dornish lords and ladies who were reluctant to do so when rumors of him being Daemon and Daenerys' bastard were still prevalent. Larence Uller, the head of House Uller at that time, was particularly vocal about this displeasure and even once mockingly called him "Prince Valyrian" stating that he had simply misheard his name when questioned about it.
-Skilled at both spear and sword, he often practiced shirtless in Sunspear's training yard, which got him lots of attention from the female servants. His parents were concerned that the attention could cause him to be like his grandsire though thankfully, that didn't happen
-Known for being adventurous, often trying out some rather dangerous things like teasing snakes out of their hiding places or trying to climb the tallest of trees
-At first, he tried to be cordial with his bastard uncle Daemon out of a desire to keep peace in the family and for a time, it seemed to work...until he reached his majority at ten-and-six and his uncle became cold and rude to him and had mocked his youngest brother. It's suspected that Daemon initially humored him out of the belief that Nymerion was actually his.
-Fond of playing cyvasse and it was said that it was how he bonded with his family. In particular, he loved playing it with his father who often would train him as heir while they played a game of it together. Maron would ask him questions as Nymerion was making his move, wanting to test if he could still remember his lessons. The prince found it to be rather stimulating
-Close to his cousin Baelor, the two bonding over the massive amounts of scrutiny they were placed under due to looking more like their mothers. During their youth, they could often be found training together whenever one visited the other's parents. It was even Nym himself who had suggested to him that he look to the Stormlands for his princess consort.
-It was said that the Dondarrions had initially planned to decline the offers to betroth Jena to Baelor, wanting her to marry Nymerion instead due to him looking "less Dornish." Though the validity of this claim is often contended.
-Took to wife, a Carmela Qorgyle, who was a month older than and distant kin to him. Her father was a cousin of Maron's from a secondary branch of House Martell, the same as Manfrey's in the present day. Prince Nym decided on the marriage as it was convenient and practical for many reasons: it would reaffirm his status as a Martell prince, Carmela being a Sandy Dornishwoman would mean their children would be more easily seen as Dornish, the Qorgyle line that had nearly died out during The Young Dragon's attempted conquest would be ensured to continue at least in blood, and perhaps most importantly, it would also show that House Martell did not forget their fellow Dornishmen. Together, they learned to love each other over the years and would have two children, first a girl named Nymeria then a boy named Mors.
-Fond of dogs and had a whole retinue of different dog breeds he had purchased from different breeders. It was said that the prince's dogs lived a life of luxury and that they could be seen with golden jeweled collars and led on the finest of silk ropes. Some believe that he even had requested that after death, they be buried in the same place he would be. His daughter also had a dog of her own, gifted by him, that she called "Garin" after Garin the Great.
-During an assassination attempt on Maron's family, he managed to save his wife and children, having heard their cries for help from his chambers. It was noted that despite being outnumbered two to one and the sellswords being twice his size and strength, he succeeded in killing them, giving him the moniker of "Nymerion the Brave." There are rumors that he didn't kill one of the sellswords but instead, had him brought to Larence Uller as a "token of friendship" so that the Lord of Hellholt may exact tortures of any kind on the assassin.
-Although he tended to to keep his distance from the Dornish smallfolk, he did do his best to make life easier for them, often passing laws that would protect them.
-After Carmela died from a burst belly, he fell into grief which he tried to drown out with wine, leading to him siring a bastard son named Oberyn Sand. It was said that he was never quite the same after she passed, often looking as if he carried the whole of Planetos on his shoulders.
-Was fluent in Rhoynish, having done the best he could to perfect it, his vassals would say that he had an "elegant grasp" of the language and this had helped in earning the loyalty and respect of his bannermen
-He would follow his beloved wife a year after due to a snake bite. Some speculate that his drunkenness had caused him to be careless, as the prince's knowledge on the different snakes of Dorne would mean he knew that said snake was dangerous, while others say that it had been intentional as he couldn't bear to live without Carmela.
-Elia, Oberyn, and Doran descend from him matrilineally via his daughter Nymeria, his grandson Daron, and his great-granddaughter (their mother) Loreza.
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Taron Martell
"The Prince of Sculptors"
"Taron the Good"
"My Dusty Star"
"While all the other men presented fragrant flowers and declarations of devotion and love, The Prince of Sculptors presented her with his devotion carved into stone. A statue made in the likeness of Alma Dayne. 'Flowers would wilt but stone is ever hardy and it takes centuries for it to wear down', the Prince had said. The same could be said for the Prince's love for his Lady Dayne as their marriage stood strong and proved fruitful"
"The fourth son of Daeron the Good and the second son of Maron Martell married the daughters of House Dayne for love"
-Born ten minutes before his twin Garon, making him the older one between them.
-Known for being reserved and quiet, often just observing his surroundings. Some would say that his many times great nephew Doran is much like him, though more dour.
-Most maesters believe that Maron partially named him after his wife's family, though most Dornishmen in the present would laugh at this claim. The truth is Maron had named his elder twin son after his favorite aunt, Tara Martell, who is forgotten in most history books.
-He had a real artistic talent, being able to carve rocks and wood into all sorts of intricate designs and sculptures. He even made some cyvasse pieces in his spare time
-He and Garon often loved wearing coordinated clothing that were like inverted versions of each other's. Taron in particular wore outfits that were yellow accented with red and orange.
-As a child, he and Garon often accompanied their father to the Shadow City, where they would see that he was a man of the people. Maron would listen to the grievances of the city's inhabitants and help them as best as he could with his twin sons at his side and as such, they grew to befriend many of the inhabitants. Though Taron only kept in touch with a few of these friends well into adulthood, and even convinced his wife to let them and their family work as part of Starfall's household.
-Loved dancing and it was something he often practiced while Garon would watch, entertained and amused. Whenever Sunspear had guests gracing its halls, he would dance to impress them while Garon would sing to accompany him.
-It's said that Trystane, one of the contemporary Martells, bears a passing resemblance to him.
-He was fluent in High Valyrian, often switching between it and the Common Tongue while talking with Maekar. As for Rhoynish, he was good at understanding it when reading but speaking it was a different matter altogether.
-He made busts of him, his brothers, and his parents, wanting to make sure they wouldn't be forgotten. Later on, after he taught his children how to sculpt, it would become tradition for those of Taron's line to do the same for themselves and their direct family. Taron's busts of him and his family are stored somewhere in Sunspear, but time has worn them down a bit and the sculptures are missing some features such as noses or ears.
-Was close with his cousin Maekar and it was said that he was one of the few people who could get the normally stern and closed-off prince to smile or even laugh. Learning that Maekar died hit him just as hard as when he learned his twin died.
-Fostered at Starfall when he was ten and during his time there, he became close with the children of House Dayne. He would later fall in love with Alma Dayne, who was older than him by three years and was to be the Lady of Starfall after her mother Alsana. While Alma got lots of suitors vying for her hands, she chose Taron for his gentleness and humble nature.
-Maekar would visit him during his fosterage at Starfall and that was how he met his eventual wife, Alma's cousin Dyanna. It was rumoured that Taron and Alma even tried to deliberately set them up together.
-Married Alma in a joint wedding ceremony with Maekar and Dyanna. It was often joked how Taron danced gracefully while his bride had two left feet, but the prince could care less since all that mattered was that he married the woman he loved. He also danced with his cousin and his new goodcousin, getting both of them to laugh. It was said that that was one of the happiest times of Maekar's life
-Even after his marriage to Alma, he didn't stop sculpting, in fact he sculpted so much that Alma often found him with his hands and arms covered in dust. This is how he became affectionately called "My Dusty Star" by his wife.
-He had seven children with Alma. His children in order of birth were: the twins Allyrion and Allyria, a son named Asher, a son named Garin, a son named Tariq, a son named Uthor, and a daughter named Carisa.
-He died peacefully of old age, after having outlived all his siblings and even having met his great-grandson, who was the one who discovered that he had passed away in his sleep.
-Ashara, Arthur, and their siblings descend from him via his son Asher, his granddaughter Annara, and his great-grandson (their father) Alek. Additionally, House Allyrion also descend from him since his daughter Allyria married the heir of the House during their time and had with him, a son named (funnily enough) Allyrion Allyrion (there were no end to the jokes about his name).
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Garon Martell
"The Shadow Prince"
"Garon the Gregarious"
"The Prince of Bards"
"In the city of shadows, many knew of the younger of the Martell twins. He was larger than life, a man of the people like his father was, openly talking and befriending all who were drawn to him whenever he ventured through the Shadow City. And many were indeed drawn to him. While his twin helped the city from afar, Garon helped the city as he wandered the streets, starting projects to ensure it would thrive long after he was gone"
"The only one to have loved Daeron's mad son as much as his Lady Arryn was the third of Daenerys' sons. When Prince Garon had witnessed Rhaegel's fits of madness, he held him in his arms as a mother would."
-Born ten minutes after his twin Taron, making him the younger one between them.
-Like his twin, he often accompanied Maron to the Shadow City and watch as their father listened to and helped their people. But while Taron was content mostly just watching and staying back, Garon took to actively befriending the inhabitants of the city and even in his later years, he had many close friends and allies coming from there. So great was his attachment to the city that he even had a hovel of his own there, built with his own hands with the help of his wife. He'd alternate spending time in Wyl, Sunspear, and in this hovel.
-Very lively, charismatic, and charming. He made many a friend in his lifetime, be they highborn or lowborn, often inspiring a deep loyalty in them.
-Very fluent in the Rhoynish language, so much so that he could easily switch between Rhoynish and Common Tongue in a conversation.
-He and Taron often loved wearing coordinated clothing that were like inverted versions of each other's. Garon in particular wore outfits that were red and orange accented with yellow.
-He was said by many to have a lovely voice that, accompanied with his skill with the lute, made him a rather talented musician. During his travels around the Shadow City, the people there would enjoy listening to him stroll as he sung and strung his lute, calling him "The Prince of Bards." Many a lady were also said to have been charmed by his musical skill, and there even exists a bawdy song about how he presumably conceived one of his bastards while singing, though that song isn't very popular within Dorne.
-During his trips to the Shadow City, he would lend support to various businesses there and helped with various developments. Schools, orphanages, healing clinics, wells, and even some man-made oases were built in the city, with Garon getting input and advice from its people during the development of these projects.
-He formed his own "Shadow Guard," an order of assassins and spies mainly situated in the Shadow City who could easily blend into the crowd. The main purpose of this order was to protect the smallfolk, especially those vulnerable to abuse, and as such, they had been spread all over Dorne. If a Lord had done something unjust, he would be swiftly punished, with rapes being a crime that would never be swept under the rug by the Shadow Guards.
-He composed and wrote his own songs, some of which detailed events in Rhoynish history or mythology. He even translated some ballads and songs written in Rhoynish to the Common Tongue so that more of Westeros would get to appreciate these works. Some records of his translations are kept in a chest in Sunspear, though the scrolls and parchment he wrote these translations on are rather old and the words have faded a bit over time. It was said that in their youth, Elia and Oberyn would spend hours poring over these writings, trying their best to decipher what the faded text said.
-Only Garon and a select few of trusted people knew of the Shadow Guard, but that didn't stop word of it from getting to his brother Nymerion, who gave him the choice to either disband the order or limit it to only the Shadow City. Garon chose the latter and while it still stands today, it had fallen on some hard times. The deaths of Elia and her children were considered ruefully with much regret by its current members, who wanted to follow the princess to Kingslanding, but decided against it out of respect for their founder's decision.
-He was close to his cousin Rhaegel and often defended him when people spoke of him with disdain, fear or mockery. He also often calmed him down whenever he had panic attacks, not caring that the Kingslanding court would see him openly embracing and cradling him. It was said that the sound of Garon's voice or his lute would help Rhaegel calm down and that Garon was "ever grateful" (his own words) that Alys Arryn loved Rhaegel as much as he did.
-Was sent by Nymerion to foster at Hellholt not long after his twin was sent to Starfall for his own fosterage. This was one of the ways that his older brother reaffirmed House Martell's ties with their vassals and to an extent, it had worked as Larence Uller grew fond of Garon. It is believed that some of Garon's Shadow Guards were even bastards of House Uller who joined the order out of loyalty to Garon. Ellaria could even recall her grandmother speaking of what she heard about the prince's time there
-Married Wylla of Wyl, who was the head of her house. This arrangement was brokered by his brother Nymerion in order to strengthen the defense of the Dornish Marches as well as the bond between their houses. While Garon and Wylla didn't immediately fall in love with each other at their wedding, they did have a great friendship. They even had an agreed-upon open marriage as both took paramours, though they only did so after their twin daughters were born.
-He had many bastard sons, most of which, were born in the Shadow City. These bastards were called "The Shadowsons," due to both their father's title and the fact that all of them had joined the Shadow Guard.
-While he was blessed with many children, his only son with Wylla was stillborn and the same had happened to his only bastard daughter years later. After each of these occurrences, it was said that he had become "half a ghost" as he wandered around the Water Gardens, muttering "my sweet babes" in a forlorn tone.
-Died from a heart complication, though it's a commonly believed myth that he died from a "broken heart" since his death occurred not long after his bastard daughter's birth and death, which also occurred around his favorite cousin's death. In reality, it had just so happened that there was a short time gap between the events.
-House Wyl descends from him via his trueborn daughters, while many distant cousins of House Martell descend from him via The Shadowsons. Additionally, some branches of Houses Cafferen and Oakheart can possibly claim descent from him. It's speculated that he and Wylla arranged for two of their granddaughters to marry the sons of the Houses as a way of making amends for the Widow-lover's crimes, though it's unclear whether or not this is true.
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Martyn Martell
"The Prince of Oranges"
"The Salty Husband"
"Martyn of the Maesters"
-Because he was the youngest of the princes, he was often the one given the most freedom.
-A very quiet and soft-spoken young man, he talked even less than his brother Taron. Whenever he did get to talk about a topic that he learned about or was interested in, he would become very talkative, something his family found endearing
-Known for being very well-read, devouring every book he could find. Daenerys joked that the library was actually his bedchamber, since he often ended up falling asleep there.
-Loved blood oranges, often eating the fruit itself or any dish made from or including them. In his adult years, he often drank blood orange wine, which got him the title of "The Prince of Oranges."
-Believed to have been one of the few people that his cousin Aerys felt truly comfortable or at ease with, given that he was the only one that shared his love for books. Aerys even gifted him a candlestopper on his twelfth nameday so that a fire wouldn't accidentally be started from his reading candle, due to Martyn's habit of falling asleep mid-reading.
-He was fluent in Valyrian and Rhoynish, having done very well in his lessons for those languages
-Compared to his brothers, he wasn't as famous or infamous as them, not that he minded. Being a fourth son, he didn't really expect to get much recognition and was content to fade into the background
-Initially, he had planned on becoming a maester and even studied at the Citadel for awhile. Though he had a difficult time there due to the Anti-Dornish sentiment being quite strong in OldTown and thus, he only stayed long enough to have two chain links forged, those being a copper one for history and a silver one for medicine.
-Wanting to still learn more but in a place that wouldn't belittle him for being a Dornishman, he traveled around hoping to find other sources of knowledge, making friends along the way. In these travels, he would bring a scroll with him on which, he would document his learnings.
-During his travels, he often exchanged letters with his favorite cousin, and reading Martyn's letters had become part of Aerys' routine.
-When he started travelling around Essos, the ship that he was on had crashed onto the shores of Lorath. Martyn had been among the survivors of the shipwreck and after they were discovered by the Lorathi, he stayed in the place for sometime. Over time, he ended up befriending quite a lot of Lorathi and even after he was fully nursed to health and had returned home, he continued visiting and keeping correspondence with them.
-On one of his visits to Lorath, he had bumped into a merchant who was the daughter of one of the Lorathi yet spoke and dressed like a Westerosi. This piratess was Ira, the daughter of an Ironborn thrall who had also been a shipwreck survivor but now stayed in Lorath and the Lorathi woman who nursed him back to health. Many ballads or stories regaling the tale of Martyn and Ira would say that the two fell in love at first sight and decided to marry on the night of the day that they met. In truth though, they did become friends at first and over time, grew to fall in love with each other. They even only married after years of being in a relationship, after discovering that Ira was pregnant. Together, they had three children, their first being a daughter named Maira, their second being another daughter named Meria, then their third and last being their only son Marlon.
-Elia and Oberyn are descended from him patrilineally via his daughter Maira, one of his ten granddaughters, and his great-grandson (their father and Loreza's second husband) Garin who was an Orphan of the Greenblood.
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rainwingmarvel7 · 5 months
The Dormaire Siblings
Meet the main characters of the GoT fic I’m writing, “As the Raven Flies”!
(House Dormaire is a Northern house of my own creation. Its sigil is a silver raven with its wings spread wide on a purple field with a black base, and its words are “Soaring Higher”.)
Alistair Dormaire
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Parents: Edwyrd Dormaire and Marah Tyrell
Love Interest(s): Talisa Maegyr, Daenerys Targaryen, minor Yara Greyjoy and Ellaria Sand
Face Claim: Orlando Bloom
Nadya Dormaire
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Parents: Edwyrd Dormaire and Marah Tyrell
Love Interest(s): Robb Stark, Jon Snow, minor Theon Greyjoy, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, and Oberyn Martell
Face Claim: Adelaide Kane
Victyr Dormaire
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Parents: Edwyrd Dormaire and Marah Tyrell
Love Interest(s): Sansa Stark, minor Jenny Storm (OC)
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
Erwyn Dormaire (Snow)
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Parents: Edwyrd Dormaire and Melisandre
Love Interest(s): Arya Stark, minor Margaery Tyrell
Face Claim: Taron Egerton
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