#oc: wavanih
swtorpadawan · 2 years
ok well after making a bunch of tag your oc questions i went and made a (somewhat wordy) oc ask game
Mixing it up, as I am want to do!
What’s it like inside your oc’s mind? (Literally, or metaphorically.) Shiri'ah loves being a Hero, but the amount of effort it requires to meet everyone's expectations is staggering to her. To be inside her mind is to see a champion who is very, very tired…. who just wants to explore her passions without risking falling to the Dark Side. Teeanah and the Circle gave her that.
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Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests? Teeanah Malvern likes to paint. She keeps it on the down-low, and her small gallery is very private. She has one portrait of each of her Guardians, plus one of Chria Malcor, her bodyguard. She keeps it private for many reasons, not the least of which is because she has her subjects post au naturale. (It is possible she'll paint a certain newcomer to the Circle, @raven-of-domain-kwaad 🧐 )
She had to hide her passion for years, first as an heiress and later as a Jedi.
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What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like? Wavanih Mabray rarely puts her books down. Often, Nadia needs to fetch her from the archives in the library, enticing her to prepare for bed. (Sometimes, this involves a lot of kisses, followed by private time before the two womene fall asleep in eachother's arms.) Even then, Wavanih keeps a book by her bedside table.
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What’s a fact you haven’t shared about this oc? Woxia Dakhan was raised in seclusion as an only child, and told that she had a great destiny in front of her. Damn right she's a selfish b*tch who thinks she should be ruling everything and everyone.
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈Incorrect Quote Generator🏳️‍🌈
I got tagged by the amazing @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ - Thanks! Link: Incorrect Quote Generator
Tagging - @queen-scribbles​ @grandninjamasterren​ @hydrospanners​ @cuchulainnx19​ @sullustangin​ and anyone else who wants to give it a go.
Tali: If I fall down these stairs, I'm just going to lay down and accept my fate.
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Husalla Nasan: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego.
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Shiri'ah: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
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Teeanah: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time.
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Cop: You ran a red light. Woxia: So did you, hypocrite. Cop: I was following you. Woxia: That was dumb, I'm a terrible driver. Cop: Get out.
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Tufiiy: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.
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Wavanih: I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.
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Sulyn: I don't follow the rules. I follow dogs on social media.
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Vusah: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
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Tali: *talking about Sulyn’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today!
Vusah, shocked: Did someone else die?
*Something crashes* Woxia: Shoot- Shiri'ah: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?! Vusah: *walking by the room calmly* What died?
Some of these are eerily good....
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
(OC ASK GAME!) 2. which oc has never had their first kiss? 21. which oc is a lightweight? which oc carries them home? 37. which oc has the best handwriting? the worst?
OC ASK GAME! which oc has never had their first kiss? Corellan Tao'ven is asexual. He had a near-miss with a girl back on Kalikori when he was thirteen, which kind of sucked for him because he regarded her as his best friend, and finding out that she actually had a crush on him, and that he literally wasn't "in" to anyone… that was a rough day for him, as a young teenager. He was fine eventually.
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which oc is a lightweight? which oc carries them home? Wavanih is definitely a lightweight drinker (when she rarely drinks). If Nadia is indisposed, Teeanah will probably have Chria carry her home.
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which oc has the best handwriting? the worst? Teeanah Malvern's caligraphy is breath-taking. Treaties are crafted with it. Xadya's chicken scratch is the stuff of nightmares. She's only been self-conscious about this once, and that was when she was on Alderaan and was worried it would be noticed.
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Thanks for the asks!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Someone Convinced Me That I Needed A Cute Zabrak Consular
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Her name is Wavanih.
Thank you, @thelesbianlegacy-swtor​ !
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
The Adas Legacy - Revised
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The Adas Legacy (Left to Right) • Neemah Rath / Sith Warrior / Pureblood • Urshenia / Sith Inquisitor / Togruta • Vusah Djek / Bounty Hunter / Rattataki • Laht'al'ikran (Tali) / Imperial Agent / Chiss • Teeanah Malvern / (Protagonist Jedi) / Human • Sulyn Padok / Trooper / Cathar • Husalla Nasan / Smuggler / Mirialan • Wavanih / Jedi Consular / Zabrak • Shiri'ah / Jedi Knight / Twi'lek
Made some edits to this lineup. Teeanah - the central character of the legacy - is now front and center on the graphic. She’s a haughty, aristocratic Jedi who is slowly falling to the dark side. (She’s inspired by Count Dooku.)
I created a separate character in Wavanih, to replace Teeanah in the ‘Jedi Consular’ role. When not using her saber-staff, she’s a pure academic, and very sweet.
I wasn’t feeling Tridia Kressh in the Sith Warrior spot, so here’s Neemah Rath in her place. (Sith Purebloods are so pretty.)
Laht’al’ikran (core name: Tali) is about to become a featured character in three of my legacies since i find her a more inspiring character than some of my other agents.
Those eyes in the back? Those belong to the namesake of the Legacy. More on them another time.
Honestly, I mostly wanted to roll up some colorful characters. Most of them are terribly under-developed.
Character creation addiction is still a thing.
I’ll accept some asks about them. ( @thelesbianlegacy-swtor​ )
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Alright, I'm super invested now and Kelsa wants more information too. You've talked a bit about how Tali, Chria, Vusah and Husalla got involved with The Circle but what can you share about how the other Guardians of the Adas Legacy got involved with Teeanah? Without giving away any spoilers you aren't ready to share yet of course
Thank you for asking, @the-raven-of-highever / @raven-of-domain-kwaad !
First - full disclosure - two of the members of The Circle of Guardians - The Adas Legacy OCs - are being completely re-written.
Thus is the fate of original characters who don't talk to me. 😈 So I can't talk much about them, right now.
Second - I can't quite tell you everything. To be honest, a lot of it is still in outline form, but I believe you were one of those who've read my works: Promises and Perspectives These are less fanfic and more case studies for why various characters choose to follow Corellan Halcyon, who I made into the archetypal noble hero. In the case of each character, Corellan is - intentionally or otherwise - providing that character with something in their lives that they want or need.
In a sense, it is the same with Teeanah Malvern. (Except she is definitely nobility, but perhaps not so very noble, when all is said and done.)
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Each of her Guardians receives something from her that they were unable to gain in their regular lives.
I will… try to share three of those with you, though one of them I cheated on.
Shiri'ah is like most Heroes of Tython - she has seen a LOT of fighting and hardship in a relatively young life.
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She's done it all without complaint. (Aside from yelling at Doc to stop hitting on her.)
But… she's burned out. She hasn't completely recovered from the Emperor's Fortress. She needs a long rest. Possibly in a place where she and Kira can explore their feelings for each other without incurring the displeasure of the Jedi Council.
So in the aftermath of the Dromund Kaas operation, when she is approached by a Jedi Master who is officially "on leave" from the Order, she listens:
"Join me, and I'll give you a world where you can be a hero just by being yourself."
Being slightly more observant than the Jedi Council, Teeanah makes sure to tell her that Kira is invited to see it as well.
That resonates.
All Wavanih Mabray ever wanted to be was a scholar.
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A librarian. An archivist. The Jocasta Nu of her age.
Books were her passion.
She never wanted to fight Sith, or be a diplomat. She certainly didn't want to become the "Warden of the Order", and have to have to sacrifice her own life force to shield others.
Teeanah approaches Wavanih, prepared to offer her knowledge. And a place where she can sit quietly with her books.
… only to discover that, while she still wants to focus on her studies, books were no longer the sole passion in Wavanih's life.
Nadia Grell grew up a lot after the death of her father. It was a difficult time for her of course, but with Wavanih's support, she made great strides.
The experience left her harboring a deep affection for Wavanih that - much to the Zabrak's surprise - she reciprocated.
"Join me, and I'll give you a world where you can read books all day… and you can spend your evenings with your former Padawan."
(I mean, honestly, if the Council was cooler about lesbians, it would undercut Teeanah's entire sales pitch.)
Sulyn Padok was the last of the eight Guardians to join the Circle.
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Teeanah had her eye on the Cathar for a long time. She knew that no matter how well her plans went, she would need a small army to protect her new world.
That army would need to be recruited, trained and led by someone. A real soldier.
When you are Teeanah Malvern, however, you don't just want a soldier; you want the best soldier your galaxy has to offer.
That meant Sulyn Padok, the commander of Havoc Squad.
Try as she might, Teeanah couldn't quite find the leverage she needed to persuade Sulyn. Even the Major's disgust at General Garza and many others couldn't shake her resolve.
But by then, Teeanah had been subtly manipulating people for so long, it became second nature to her. And by then, there was no one in her Circle who would have thought to have told her no.
So Sulyn was lured into a trap, and captured. Her strength of will was a sight to behold - she resisted Teeanah and her followers for more than a week.
But inevitably, she broke, and joined the Circle.
For Teeanah, once you cross a line like that once, it becomes easier to do it again.
Maybe I'll write it someday. I don't know. I'm making a lot of this up as I go along.
But thanks again for the asks. 😁
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
SWTORpadawan OC Masterlist
Characters are listed Left To Right. Most recent clean-up: 2/25/22
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Halcyon Legacy (Left to Right) • Zu'fanda Pampya / Sith Inquisitor / Twi'lek • Illaynah Antilles / Trooper / Human • Xadya / Bounty Hunter / Human • Bas'riish / Smuggler / Twi'lek • Corellan Halcyon * / Jedi Knight / Human • Ulannium Kaarz / Jedi Consular / Mirialan • Gahraath Vaiken / Imperial Agent / Human • Kael Nosrol Krannus / Sith Warrior / Pureblood
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Sarnova Legacy (Left to Right) • Leida Orpharya / Sith Inquisitor / Human • Laht'al'ikran (Tali) / Imperial Agent / Chiss • Zerahte Nu / Jedi Consular / Miraluka • Deviah Sarnova * / Sith Warrior / Cyborg • Zed Mompi / Smuggler / Nautolan • Redak / Jedi Knight / Chiss • Rumatt / Bounty Hunter / Rattataki • Brev'paror / Trooper / Twi'lek
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Nas Legacy (Left to Right) • Iruvih Onadia / Trooper / Mirialan • Woxia Dakhan / Sith Warrior / Pureblood • Ahla Jadeonar / Jedi Consular / Togruta • Nas'ash'dia * / Imperial Agent / Chiss • Ozibaumnu / Sith Inquisitor / Chiss • Vinjike / Smuggler / Twi'lek • Akhinom / Jedi Knight / Cathar • Hochix / Bouty Hunter / Rattataki
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Beltane Legacy (Left to Right) • Mehio Nareves / Jedi Knight / Mirialan • Neemah Rath / Sith Warrior / Pureblood • Nowan Ko Detizu / Jedi Consular / Cathar • Quoraah Beltane * / Sith Inquisitor / Human • Yolo Covray / Smuggler / Human • Dalken Piett / Imperial Agent / Human • Valkon Tuum / Bounty Hunter / Cathar • Toviq Nareves / Trooper / Mirialan
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Barith Legacy (Left to Right) • Sonora Phit / Bounty Hunter / Cathar • Husalla Nasan / Smuggler / Mirialan • Zu'fanda Pampya / Sith Inquisitor / Twi'lek • Shattaah Tey / Trooper / Togruta • Pol'fenn / Jedi Knight / Twi'lek • Fen Huang / Sith Warrior / Human • Czuci Anjek / Imperial Agent / Rattataki • Vaykyar Tey / Jedi Consular / Togruta
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Adas Legacy (Left to Right) • Neemah Rath / Sith Warrior / Pureblood • Urshenia / Sith Inquisitor / Togruta • Vusah Djek / Bounty Hunter / Rattataki • Laht'al'ikran (Tali) / Imperial Agent / Chiss • Teeanah Malvern / (Protagonist) / Human • Sulyn Padok / Trooper / Cathar • Husalla Nasan / Smuggler / Mirialan • Wavanih / Jedi Consular / Zabrak • Shiri'ah / Jedi Knight / Twi'lek
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Rhi'khi Legacy (Left to Right) • Belea Kaur / Jedi Knight / Pureblood • Jeeree Myhesh / Bounty Hunter / Nautolan • Laht'al'ikran (Tali) / Imperial Agent / Chiss • Rhi'khi * / Jedi Consular / Twi'lek • Errul Marsh / Smuggler / Zabrak • Ansonus Ixorr / Sith Warrior / Cathar • Erez Noori / Sith Inquisitor / Mirialan • Rebib / Trooper / Togruta
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Green Legacy (Left to Right) • Chria Malcar / Bounty Hunter / Cyborg • Neemah Rath / Sith Warrior / Pureblood • Grott'hu / Sith Inquisitor / Rattataki • Kayeh Antilles / Jedi Knight / Human • Cennesh Myr / Smuggler / Mirialan • Korno'lone'deamizu / Imperial Agent / Chiss • Vaykyar Tey / Jedi Consular / Togruta • Rebib / Trooper / Togruta
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Currently Unaffiliated OCs (Left to Right) • Kayeh Antilles / Jedi Knight / Human She now has her own legacy! • Moyraah Gargun / Imperial Agent / Human • Jor Pysholn / Trooper / Cyborg • Platt Okeef / Smuggler / Human
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