#oc: tufiiy
swtorpadawan · 2 years
In The Garden
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Author’s Notes: Chapter Two of “The Circle” series for the Adas Legacy. The character of Kelsa Kine is the property of the amazing @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ . For Chapter One, please read “Full Circle”. Other works in this storyline have been written by Raven.              
“I do not hate the Jedi.” Teeanah emphasized, as she poured the green wine first into Kelsa’s crystal glass and then her own. “They effectively rescued me from what would have been an empty existence.”
The two women were sitting at a table in the shade beneath the gazebo of Teeanah’s estate. Surrounding them was the most impressive garden that Kelsa Kine had ever seen, with an incredibly diverse array of flowers and plants that were nevertheless arranged immaculately. She couldn’t hope to have identified even a quarter of the species represented, but even she could tell that most of them came from different worlds and climates. Nevertheless, they all seemed to be thriving. From their chairs, the two women could look out onto the beautiful blue lake that dominated the estate’s ‘backyard’ while vast golden hills behind it decorated the horizon. The weather was remarkably temperate, neither too warm nor too cool with a light breeze in the air.
This is paradise. Kelsa thought to herself.
And it was almost as lovely and amazing as her host.
Teeanah Malvern sat across from her, holding her wine glass in her hand. Even wearing nothing but a Koolach silk bathrobe, she still managed to look regal.
Teeanah had told her that this planet they were residing on was called Ulgrotha, and that up until recently, it had been unsettled and undiscovered. She had said that the name was an old Serenno word that meant ‘garden’. Taking in the literal garden around her as well as the lake and the golden hills in the distance, the symbolism of it all was not lost on Kelsa.
Kelsa knew that the environment they were enjoying wasn’t entirely natural. She had met Tufiiy, the Miralukan Sith Lord who possessed the incredible gift to control the weather through the Force. Her efforts had left Teeanah’s garden – and Kelsa had been told, the planet’s entire biosystem – at optimal conditions for growing of everything from plants to crops year-round, a feat that no terraforming effort could ever replicate.
My beloved gardener. Teeanah had described Tufiiy fondly when she’d introduced Kelsa to the Guardian; one of the eight individuals – all women, Kelsa had noted – whom Teeanah entrusted the most critical tasks necessary to ‘keep the Circle turning’. The Miralukan had been the first woman Kelsa had ever met with more scars on her body than Kelsa herself possessed. Most of the Guardians she’d met – and the Guardians’ companions for that matter – she’d found to be incredibly attractive people, regardless of their species, age, or gender. Indeed, just being around such individuals had left Kelsa self-conscious just having breakfast with Teeanah, Shiri’ah and Kira the other day. But meeting Tufiiy had helped reassure her that whatever other criteria Teeanah had employed when choosing her champions, a lack of scars was not one of them. Kelsa had personally found Tufiiy to be quite pretty, and she’d felt an instant kinship with the Miralukan because of her scars. The Sith Lord had been surprisingly kind and open-handed with her; it was as if the Sith could see right through Kelsa, despite her lack of eyes.
But then, Kelsa could have said the same concerning her connection with Teeanah.
The soft fabric of her silk bathrobe she was wearing, identical to Teeanah’s own garment aside from being dyed a rich crimson compared to Teeanah’s midnight black, was resting lightly against Kelsa’s scarred skin. She found herself almost forgetting the scars on her back entirely; something that was a new experience for her since her imprisonment with the Hutts.
The robe, of course, was merely the latest comfort that had been gifted to her by her host.
Kelsa and Teeanah had spent much of the morning receiving massages from a pair of highly talented masseurs. Volya, the lovely woman who had pampered Kelsa, had also been unfailingly kind. Kelsa had been worried that the scars on her back would make her flinch from the contact of the Twi’lek’s fingers, but Volya had put her at ease, expertly working around the blisters, treating the muscles and broad shoulders of Kelsa’s back without aggravating the scars. The experience had been a revelation to Kelsa, as if years of physical, mental, and emotional stress were being eased from her body.
Afterwards, the two women had spent nearly an hour lounging in the sauna before Nix – Teeanah’s droid aide – had informed them that wine had been prepared at the gazebo, and that lunch would be served in one hour.
“Don’t mistake me. The Jedi Order is inherently flawed.” Teeanah continued. “But it’s not the fault of the leadership of the council or because of their even creed. No, it’s because of the culture. Inevitably interpretations of their code become dogma. That’s why a discerning observer can identify so many of the same mistakes being repeated over the course of millennia. They simply cannot help themselves you see.”
Kelsa listened, totally enraptured as Teeanah laid out her critique of Jedi philosophy. Her host paused to sip her wine, savoring the taste.
“But for all of that, as frustrating as I found them, the Order ‘discovering’ me was the best thing that ever happened to me.” she explained. “It gave me the opportunity to develop my own abilities and identity, apart from the trappings my family’s wealth and connections.”
Her lips turned upward as she grinned at Kelsa.
“Of course, it helped that my father was planning to have me married off to some brat-heir from a neighboring Dukedom back on Serenno at the time. So I was spared that fate.”
Kelsa reflexively chuckled in response. Teeanah finding humor in her situation was infectious; she supposed avoiding a loveless marriage by being recruited into an organization that didn’t generally believe in that institution was funny.
“You see, my dear, I’m free.” Teeanah explained. “I give a piece of my heart to everyone who chooses to follow me, but no more than a piece. That is how the Circle continues to turn. As for my bedchamber, well, I take whomever I will among those who would join me. You’ve already met Chria along with most of my Guardians and a handful of others. I appreciate and value all of them more than I can say. But no one will ever possess me. That level of commitment is simply not in my nature to allow anyone to do so. My father did not own me, nor did the Jedi, despite what any of them may have thought. I’m free to live and love and laugh. I belong only to myself, and I always will.”
Kelsa licked her lips as she sipped her own drink. More than once, she’d found herself daydreaming of possessing Teeanah – or alternatively, the delectable fantasy of Teeanah possessing Kelsa – if only for one night. She hadn’t felt emotions like that towards anyone in years.
The last few weeks had done wonders for Kelsa’s body and mind. Physically, she felt heathier than she had in a decade.
Emotionally, however? She felt adrift, gravitating between a healthy skepticism of Teeanah and her Circle and desiring nothing more than to kneel before her and pledge her life to her service.
Kelsa bowed her head in an attempt to conceal a blush, taking another sip from her glass.
Teeanah, to her credit, had demanded nothing in return from Kelsa for her rescue and for the many comforts and luxuries she’d provided since coming to Ulgrotha. Clothes. Her own bedroom. The best food she’d had her entire life. Things she’d thought of as luxuries since fleeing Odessen so many years ago. She’d asked for nothing in return. She’d merely invite Kelsa to join her on some excursion or another, and the young woman inevitably found herself going along with whatever had been proposed.
Hence, this morning’s massages and time in the sauna.
After Kelsa’s time as a prisoner of the Hutts – as a slave – it sometimes felt easier just to let someone else to tell her what to do.
The beautiful woman across from her lifted her glass gracefully.
“I do suppose I have kept up a few things from my time as a Jedi.” she continued with her reflection. “I still find some value in daily meditation. If you’re interested, we could try that together later. Her eyes grew sympathetic. I’m sure it’s been challenging to keep something like that up, given everything you’ve been through.”
She concluded with another sip of her wine.
Kelsa chewed that over. As kind as Teeanah had been to her, and as awestruck as Kelsa had often found herself, something in the back of her mind pushed her to challenge her host again.
“You seem to have learned some new ‘things’ as well.” she glanced at the wine, recalling that Jedi (in theory) rarely took pleasure from luxuries in general and from alcohol.
(For that matter, Jedi weren’t supposed to take pleasure from sex. But Kelsa knew if she started thinking about Teeanah in that context, she’d never get her mind out of the gutter.)
Teeanah raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, emerald wine? It’s always been my favorite, since well before I was a Jedi. They distill it on Alderaan. I keep a small reserve in my cellar. Once that’s exhausted… well, I expect that will be it for me. I could probably have Husalla smuggle some back to me sometime, but that seems wasteful. The whole Circle relies on her to bring us essentials from off-world without revealing our location. Medicines. Select technologies. Foods for those with specific dietary requirements. Things we cannot produce on her own. To ask her to take unnecessary risks to herself or to our security for the sake of my personal luxury… no. That would be incredibly selfish of me, and an abuse of the responsibilities I’ve been entrusted with. What would they say if they heard about it in An-Haava?”
Kelsa remembered Teeanah explaining to her that Ulgrotha had carefully been kept a ‘hidden world’; that it had no contact with the rest of the galaxy and that there were no indications that it had ever been settled by sentients prior to the Circle.
“An-Haava?” she asked, having not heard the name before.
“The village in the valley on the other side of the hill. We’ve briefly spoken of it before, though perhaps not by name. It’s the first true settlement on Ulgrotha. The first village of the Circle.” Teeanah smiled proudly. “We can visit it if you like. I wanted to give you time to find your feet before I took you on a tour.”
Something about all this scratched at the back of Kelsa’s mind.
“Aren’t you worried that somebody will eventually discover what you’ve built, here?” Kelsa asked. From tragic first-hand experiences, she knew both the Empire and the Republic – along with the Hutt Cartel – would look at a resource-rich world inhabited by so many skilled individuals, from scientists to doctors to philosophers, as a plum ripe for the plucking. “That they’ll launch an attack you?”
Teeanah’s chestnut brown eyes flickered as she looked past Kelsa and into the distance. She set her glass down.
“I feel great pity for anyone foolish enough to bring violence against my people.”
Kelsa found herself involuntarily shivering at the strength and resolve in Teeanah’s voice. The words were as hard as the granite table the duo were sitting at.
Just as quickly, Teeanah’s expression softened, her eyes once again refocusing on her guest.
“Nearly everyone here came to Ulgrotha by their own choice, Kelsa.” Teeanah’s lovely eyes were sympathetic. “They came looking for a new world. A world where they could be free of the restrictions and perils of the old one. A world where they could be part of a new civilization.”
“But you? You didn’t get to choose. Not really. When we rescued you, you were too weak to decline.”
“To that end, my offer from when you first awoke still stands.” She asserted firmly. “You can still walk away if you want. Say the word, and I will ask Husalla to take you wherever you like in the galaxy. All I’d ask in return is that you never speak of this world.”
Kelsa blinked.
“You’d trust me to keep your secret of where you are?” she asked incredulously. She remembered that Teeanah had previously refused to send Husalla Nasan, another Guardian whose background was apparently as a professional smuggler, to fetch wine for her.
Teeanah smiled, taking up her glass again.
“If I kept you as a prisoner, then I’d be a tyrant and the galaxy has more than enough of those already.” Her eyes were affectionate. “As far as I am concerned, you’ll never be a prisoner to anyone again.”
Kelsa felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach and she swallowed down a gulp of wine. Not for the first time that day, she found herself thinking more and more about serving and defending Ulgrotha and the Circle.
More specifically about serving and defending Teeanah.
“Do you want me to become one of your Guardians?” she finally asked.
Teeanah shook her head.
“I know too well how much conflict has shaped you, Kelsa. Each of my Guardians undertake challenges and face dangers that they are uniquely suited for. I would not ask you to risk yourself again unless you chose such a path.”
Kelsa remembered Teeanah’s promise never to use her. She also remembered thinking to herself that it couldn’t be true. No one would put so much time and resources – not to mention takes the risks involved – into rescuing and rehabilitating someone without expecting something in return. Desperately trying to keep her emotions in check with a healthy dose of skepticism, she challenged Teeanah again.
“How do you want to use me, then?”
Teeanah blinked, then laughed. Her head went back in her seat as the melodious sound filled the garden. Finally recovering, she reached out a hand and caressed Kelsa’s face, her thumb brushing against her cheekbone.
“How would you want to be used?”
Kelsa’s eyes fluttered as she felt her cheeks start to burn with a heated blush. But she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. Staring into Teeanah’s eyes, she felt like a bantha caught in headlights, unable to do anything but lean into the touch, swallowing nervously.
I’d do anything for her. Kelsa thought to herself, much to her own embarrassment. Anything at all.
She desperately tried to bury those feelings.
Teeanah’s lips turned upward again.
“I’m so sorry, my dear.” She gently patted Kelsa’s cheek before mercifully withdrawing her hand. “That was cruel of me. You are far too much fun to tease.”
Kelsa felt her mouth fall open, but no sound came out. In this moment’s Teeanah’s smile was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.
Fortunately for her, Teeanah seemed not to notice, much to Kelsa’s relief.
“We have needs far beyond a call for more defenders, of course. You mentioned farming before. Working the land. If you elect to join us, you are free to choose that as a profession. It is hard work, to be sure, but those who’ve chosen it seem to find it rewarding. Everyone on Ulgrotha is obligated to spend at least one day a month assisting them in their efforts. Even myself. It preserves a sentiment of egalitarianism. In fact, I’m planning on going apple-picking in the orchard tomorrow. Its not quite the autumn harvest yet, but still, we do have several specimens that are due.”
Teeanah tilted her head and gave the younger woman a coy smile.
“You could come pick apples with me, if you wanted.”
Kelsa swallowed and managed a smile. Right now, in this moment, it felt like she could follow Teeanah anywhere with no more than a crook of her finger.
“That would… that sounds good.” she stammered nervously. “Real good.”
“Excellent.” Teeanah nodded. “Some time under the sun will do us both some good, I think.”  
Teeanah glanced at the chrono on the table, then polished off her glass of wine with a long sip, letting out a contented sigh. Finally finished, she stood up from her seat.
“On a related note, I’m going for a swim.” Her dazzling smile turned the butterflies in Kelsa’s stomach turn into wompas. “We have just enough time before Nix brings lunch. As usual, you are welcome to join me, if you like.”
With that, she turned and walked down the bricked walkway in her sandals. Pausing at the lake’s edge, she gracefully stepped out of the sandals and then, with the barest shrug of her shoulders, her silk bathrobe fell to the ground.    
Kelsa’s mouth went completely dry as her eyes admired the contours of her host’s bare backside. Teeanah’s body was exquisite; fair skin entirely without blemish accentuating feminine curves and lean muscles. As she had many times, Kelsa felt an intense urge to reach out and touch her, even if just for a moment.
Feeling light-headed, Kelsa reminded herself to breathe again.
Teeanah gracefully bent down and, after a long pause, dived into the lake. She was clearly an experienced swimmer, as she remained beneath the surface for several of Kelsa’s heartbeats before emerging meters away. She turned and waved to Kelsa, gracing her guest with yet another inviting smile.
Even soaking wet, Teeanah was still breathtakingly beautiful.
Kelsa reached out, grasping her own crystal glass and finishing her wine in a single gulp, desperate to sate her thirst.
Making a decision, she stood up from the table.
Author’s Notes: The words Ulgrotha and An-Haava are pulled from Magic: The Gathering. I haven’t regularly played it since ancient times, but I still occasionally pull from the lore.
I keep it ambiguous as to whether or not Teeanah is actually using ‘emotional manipulation’ Force abilities. Its more interesting that way.
When Teeanah is describing farming the land, I just picture that meme with the farmer saying “It ain’t much but its honest work.”
Tagging - @palepinkycat​ @lordviridis​ @grandninjamasterren​ @cuchulainnx19​ @a-muirehen​ @inventedbyawriter​ @starknstarwars​ @walk-ng-d-saster​
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Pride 5, Wrath 3, Gluttony 3 and Sloth 3 for Tufiiy? (Seven Deadly Sins OC Asks)
Seven Deadly Sins OC Asks
Thanks, @the-raven-of-highever / @raven-of-domain-kwaad !
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How does your oc take pride in themself and others? In herself? Not really. Tufiiy still has issues concerning her self-value. She over-compensates in public (particularly in front of other Sith) and is much more timid in private. In others? Oh, she'll gush about how far Ashara has come.
Is your oc easy to disappoint? How so? Tufiiy is a bit… insecure. Being ripped away from her parents at a young age and sent to work a plantation means she does have a fear of being abandoned. So yeah - there have been times she's felt abandoned by someone like Ashara or Talos. These are usually completely innocent events, but they nevertheless hurt her.
What is your oc's favorite food? She's a vegetarian. Although she enjoys the grapes Ulgrotha produces (which she's largely responsible for) nothing pleases her more than a Silverleaf Salad, which is a dish her mother used to make for her.
How does your oc relax? Describe it. Aside from personal time with Ashara, Talos, Teeanah or Kelsa (😉), there are few things more soothing to Tufiiy than walking in the rain. She removes her headband and turns her face up towards the sky, letting the drops fall on the skin of her eye sockets. It feels amazing. Of course, when you can actually control the weather, there's a temptation to make it rain all the time. (That doesn't work for Teeanah on Ulgrotha, so they have a... chat.)
Thanks again for the asks!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Can you share anything about how Tufiiy and Ashara's relationship developed? What drew them to each other and what they like about one another?
Thanks for the question, @the-raven-of-highever / @raven-of-domain-kwaad !
Oh, it was a slow-burner, for sure.
Tufiiy… isn't very dogmatic. She's a Sith, and she's comfortable being a Sith, but she recognizes that most Sith perpetuate a cycle of violence and corruption, the likes of which resulted in her enslavement and the breakup of her family.
She's a Sith because she recognizes that smothering the passions that drive her… well, frankly, she'd rather die.
Her talks with Ashara are enlightening. She starts to look at the Jedi differently, for one thing. She starts to understand that - in their own way - many of the Jedi who've insisted on getting in her way were also victims of the war between the Jedi and Sith.
For Ashara, Tufiiy is unlike anyone she's ever met. She finds the Miraluka Sith to be remarkably candid about… well, everything. The faults of the Sith, her own background and failings, everything. It was totally unlike the attitudes of her Masters on Taris.
Eventually, they have a sit down where Tufiiy shows Ashara how she "sees" without eyes.
That led to a prolonged moment of physical contact, and eventually, sparks.
It was incredibly awkward early on; Tufiiy is really no more experienced than Ashara. She was also terrified other Sith would use that relationship against her.
Teeanah… helped this process move forward. On a multitude of levels.
(She doubles as a dating advice specialist. And wingman.)
Thanks again for the asks!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
🎤OC Interview Questions🎤 for Tufiiy
💔 Have you ever been heart broken? What happened?
🎆 Describe the ideal date (doesn't have to be romantic!)
🌄 Describe your morning routine.
👽 Share a secret (it doesn't have to be yours).
🎤OC Interview Questions🎤
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💔 Have you ever been heart broken? What happened? "My heart was broken when the Empire separated me from my family. I was a child. I deserved better."
🎆 Describe the ideal date (doesn't have to be romantic!) (blushes) "An evening under the stars with Ashara… and Teeanah. There's a hot springs north of Teeanah's estate that's very comfortable in the evening."
🌄 Describe your morning routine. "I get up early and take a long morning walk through Teeanah's garden and down to the fields. I take it all in. The atmosphere, the soil… everything. By the time I make it back home, Ashara usually has breakfast ready."
👽 Share a secret (it doesn't have to be yours). "Part of the reason I accepted Teeanah's offer was because I knew that the other Sith would eventually discover my relationship with Ashara and use it against me."
"I don't have any regrets. Teeanah is the only master i've served who has never lied to me. Sharing my body - and Ashara - with her seems a small price to pay."
Thanks for the asks!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈Incorrect Quote Generator🏳️‍🌈
I got tagged by the amazing @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ - Thanks! Link: Incorrect Quote Generator
Tagging - @queen-scribbles​ @grandninjamasterren​ @hydrospanners​ @cuchulainnx19​ @sullustangin​ and anyone else who wants to give it a go.
Tali: If I fall down these stairs, I'm just going to lay down and accept my fate.
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Husalla Nasan: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego.
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Shiri'ah: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
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Teeanah: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time.
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Cop: You ran a red light. Woxia: So did you, hypocrite. Cop: I was following you. Woxia: That was dumb, I'm a terrible driver. Cop: Get out.
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Tufiiy: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.
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Wavanih: I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.
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Sulyn: I don't follow the rules. I follow dogs on social media.
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Vusah: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
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Tali: *talking about Sulyn’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today!
Vusah, shocked: Did someone else die?
*Something crashes* Woxia: Shoot- Shiri'ah: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?! Vusah: *walking by the room calmly* What died?
Some of these are eerily good....
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Four OCs Purged... And A New One Created
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It’s pronounced “Two-fee”. (Sadly, Urshenia wasn’t cutting it. She’s been replaced.)
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The Sith Empire made her into a slave, farming the fields of some forgotten world.
Teeanah Malvern will make her into a gardener.
(Assuming, of course, that Tufiiy actually “talks” to me.)
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
🕷 SPIDER - what is / are their biggest fear(s)?
🪨 ROCK - do they make friends easily? (if not) why?
🔥 FIRE - what angers them easily? how do they handle their anger?
Fallout emoji asks for Tufiiy?
FALLOUT OC EMOJI ASKS! Thanks for the asks, @the-raven-of-highever and @raven-of-domain-kwaad !
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🕷 SPIDER - what is / are their biggest fear(s)? She experienced most of her greatest fears, but let's see… I think the reason why she works so well with Teeanah Malvern and The Circle is because Teeanah just asks her to do what she can to make their little piece of Earth fertile and ripe. She only asks her to do the best she can. As such, their colony is excellent for gardening, and for more common crops as well. And she asks. Teeanah always asks. And she always tells Tufiiy how valued she is, and that everything the colony accomplishes is only possible because of her. She makes sure she is comfortable and happy. Teeanah never forces Tufiiy to do anything. And that's all Tufiiy wanted. (Because all she fears is being forced to work the land again.) But, of course, Teeanah would never do that!
🪨 ROCK - do they make friends easily? (if not) why? She's very introverted. Having to interact with other Sith (and even Imperials) makes things even more difficult. In private, she takes to Ashara and Talos pretty well. Teeanah respects her boundaries, so things don't get out of hand. But she definitely views her as a friend, and the rest of the Circle is growing on her.
🔥 FIRE - what angers them easily? how do they handle their anger? Not… a lot angers Tufiiy, but she can get there. One day, after they joined The Circle, she had an arguement with Ashara. Nothing catastraphic - it involved Jedi and Sith philosophy. There were thunderstorms for three days straight, in an area that's usually temperate and arid. (Teeanah just sighed, then went and talked to Ashara.)
Thanks for the ask!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Ooh, where is Tufiy from?
Thanks for the ask, @kgoblin !
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Tufiiy is originally from Alpheridies, the adopted homeworld of the Miraluka species!
Alpheridies is one of those worlds that gets invaded every time the Sith show up. Why should the Great Galactic War have been any different?
Tufiiy was a teenager when her parents - knowing their history - decide to leave the planet with their daughter and two younger sons.
The Sith Imperial military - believing the civilian transport was ferrying Republic troops - attacked and boarded their vessel. Tufiiy and her family were taken and enslaved. She was later separated from them.
From there, it got rough. 🥺
Thanks again for the ask!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
7 and 10 for your newest oc
OC Association Meme I honestly have no idea who my "newest oc" was when you sent this almost ten months ago, @kgoblin !
My "current newest oc" is Tufiiy !
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Super power Tufiiy is a Sith Sorceror. While she can do most of the things you probably already attribute to being a Sith Sorceror, her real specialty is weather control. Her abilities have become more refined over time. It makes her the perfect "gardener" for Teeanah Malvern's paradise. (She's more like a Minister of Agriculture. Except when she does it, its cool.)
Animal Real world? Frogs. There are few things that Tufiiy enjoys more than walking outside in the rain, taking off her headband, and turning her face up to the sky, letting rain drops strike her face and vestigial sockets. Frogs are one of the few creatures who enjoy the rain.
Thanks for the asks!
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