#oc:commander naga
matchademi · 8 months
Fox:IM-...Not falling for that!!
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matchademi · 7 months
Cadet Naga:*shoots at the ceiling *
Fox:*wheeze *
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matchademi · 1 month
the staw that broke the relationship between Naga and Fox was Fox refusing to send back up to help Quinlan
Fox had no one to send he still feels bad about it
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matchademi · 1 month
Naga and Fox as cadets were attached at the hip they fought together seamlessly they had inside jokes they could tell eatchother anything with a look and a tilt of the head
Cody was their triplet but was never a part of that as cadets he always felt like a 3rd wheel to them So he grew apart, met Rex and those two became attached at the hip
The war started and Fox stayed on Coruscant and became THE commander of the Coruscant guard. Cody became Marshall Commander of the 7th Sky corps and the 212th. And Naga became a messenger and then later a stand by commander
They all grew apart
(Tagging @t3mpest98 because of Fox)
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matchademi · 1 month
Fox:Naga Ori'vod please take your Jetti before the guard flings him out the building
Naga:Cody threatened to disembowl me if he walks in on him and General Kenobi again
Plus, I've tried that I'd doesn't work he will just come back
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matchademi · 7 months
Shriek:-She approaches Naga with an apologetic smile- im sorry for the glitter ori'vod. I'd like to give you a hug as an apology. No strings attached. -naga gets a feeling she's up to something or already done something but his vod'ika does seem apologetic for now.-
Naga gives her a glare as he knows she is planning something he still hasn't gotten the glitter out of his armor, and Nalia is STILL grounded but he knows Charge and Cody will kill him for making the Vod'ika sad so he pulls her into a hug and prays to the Stars he won't regret this
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matchademi · 8 months
Naga(my new blorbo) Well Fox'ika I think you should-
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matchademi · 7 months
Alone, Failure, Ghost, and Midnight for Naga
Alone:He HATES being alone. He is a triplet he spent his training years with his batchmates. But during the first two years of the war, he was alone doing trips back and forth between the blockaids to deliver messages between the Marines and the rest of the GAR until he got injured and was forced to stay on Coruscant. But even long before that, he lost contact with his batch. He doesn't even see Fox, whom he actively tries to seek out. So he spends most days with his jedi and his ad'ika
Failure:he feels like he failed Fox, his Vod'ika he feels like if he tried a little harder, he could have helped Fox and the guard. He also feels like he failed his batchmates. If he was around more, he could have helped save Ponds, and he could have kept his batch from falling out of contact he is also TERRIFIED of losing his Cyar and his ad'ika
Ghost:"You are no longer my brother." Those words will haunt his nightmares for the rest of his life, his biggest fear coming to life. He never gets over it he will always hate himself for giving Fox reasons to utter the words
Midnight:his most common reason for staying awake is pain. His injury almost paralyzed him, but he still suffers from nerve damage. He also wakes up screaming from nightmares he usually gets up to check on his Cyar and ad'ika and after his relationship with his brothers gets better he calls his batchmates (its never feels right without Ponds) and in REALLY bad situations he calls Seventeen
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matchademi · 7 months
-Prior to her prank on Naga, Shriek has left a little present for Nalia. A box containing several water blasters all filled with glitter water. QUinlan and Naga will be finding glitter for MONTHS maybe even YEARS now-
Nali wakes up from her nap and is getting ready to leave her room, and she sees the water blasters, she let's out a little giggle as a idea comes to mind she grabs one for now she is using the other one later. She uses the force to open the vent above her bed and jumps into the vents, and she crawls looking for her master/pa and her na'buir. She sees them curled up on the couch, Pa is trying to get the glitter off na'buirs skin. She mutters a very soft "you don't see me" using the force to hide her and takes aim and starts to spray the adults and a na'buir cursing out someone named Shriek, laughing at the yelling as she hides further in the vents quickly crawling away back to her room hiding the empty blaster under he bed and grabs the full one. This next one is gonna be a bit tricky
Nalia was able to hide the blaster in her robes as she walked into corrie hq she smiles at the corrie and gave quick hugs to her favorites as she looked for At'buir. She finds him sparing with someone. "At'buir!!" She calls, and she hugs him she happy babbles about her other parents being boring, and she wanted to see him (she isn't lying she has been bored). She before flipping backward and shoots the glitter water all over him before cackling and running away
She is gonna have to find the person who gave her the prank idioms.....after she is ungrounded...
Hehe @t3mpest98 I had to
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matchademi · 1 month
Cody:please stop eye fucking General Vox
Naga:*a petty bitch* stop fucking your general Kote
Poor Vod'ika Rex:PLEASE STOP
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matchademi · 7 months
Nagas armor is evading me but I can't stop thinking about it. He doesn't have his own battalion, so what should his armor look like?
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matchademi · 7 months
-Naga is minding his own buisness doing his duty when suddenly he triggers a trip wire! A a bucket of glitter glue is dumped on him covering him and his armor in sparkles. Pulling the bucket off his head he spots his vod'ika Shriek, well known among the commanders for her chaotic pranks (After all it's how she shows affection with them), ducking back into a hiding spot trying not to laugh and get caught-
Naga:*takes a deep breath since Nalia is behind the next door, napping so he isn't gonna yell he sets his bucket down calmly, and he tries to wipe off some of the glitter taking several steps closer to Shriek, he doesn't know the Vod'ika well as he hasn't been around in a bit but he knows who she is.* Vod'ika get out here now. *His voice is quiet and calm but still is very similar to Fox's "I'm sick of your kark" voice. If you come out now, I'll only call dear Rex'ika
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matchademi · 7 months
Vixen is growing tired of Naga’s continuous attempts at stealing her from the Guard, and has decided to take matters into her own hands and tackle him to the ground. She is fighting dirty, no rules, absolutely feral just like Fox when he was a cadet
Naga laughs as he grabs the back of her blacks and throws her over his shoulder, still digging his fingers into pressure point like he did to Fox as cadets "rember Kit'ika your buir and are triplets "
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matchademi · 7 months
Naga:*got into a fight and broke his hand *
Naga:....why do I hear boss music?
Medic:*beelining towards him*
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matchademi · 8 months
Atlas comes calmly walking over to Nalia, before crouching down to her level while talking to her. “Hey there ad’ika, how are you?” He had a big hoodie with him he ‘borrowed’ a while back, and heard she liked them so thought to bring it for her. He can always ’borrow’ another.
Nalia is reading, curled up under a blanket. Na'buir (Naga) gave her. Her head snaps up excitedly. "At'buir!!! I'm doing good. I have the day off from classes, " she zeros in on the hoodie but reaches over to cling to his arm."Who's that for At'buir?"
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matchademi · 7 months
You totally don’t have to answer since this is very au centered and yous is having Miwa thoughts buuuuut
Naga during/after the Guard leaves Coruscant?
Ooooooh ok ok ok SO
This happens while Naga is bouncing between the different sides of the blockaid, and he was on the Marines' side when they left, so he has NO IDEA what's happening. He has seen a growing gap between Fox and himself for a bit now, but he hasn't had the time to do anything about it (it doesn't mean he doesn't try the 30 calls to Fox during the night prove that) so when he comes back and sees the guard and this younger triplet packed up and left. He was angry he had been trying to reach out to Fox just for this to happen? And now he feels alone. He hasn't been in contact with the other members of his batchmates since the war started. He could of helped he wanted to help the guard so badly, and he failed to
Now, when he sees Fox later down the lines? He is punching him before hugging his Vod'ika so tightly since he just wanted his brother back
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