kaithesnek · 1 month
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sprinkle needs her own post tbh...
fat cyborg kobold!!! yippee!!
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crimkrai · 1 year
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Pride month? Nah, Pride MOTH!
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devildoesart · 2 years
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Lucio & The apprentice
this game has me addicted to the storyline~♥
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katpurrccinodraws · 6 years
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This was on twitter already, but
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kaithesnek · 8 days
~ pinned post ~ hai! am kiru! i use it/its and she/her i mostly reblog stuff but i occasionally post about stuff ive made!!
OCs under the cut: (also im kinda. Simplifying their lore or else this post would be way too long kajhglkjh)
Kiru: she/her, it/its
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she's my main sona!! a sentient pool toy brought to life with magic, who ends up going on an adventure with maple, who gets mentioned latr!!! i dun hav much written yet fdlgkjdfd BUT she ends up defeating my world's "villain" who actually created her- x3 basically they wanna take over the world by turning everyone into Creatures and controlling them- but they still need desigining.. ill make a post about that if i ever finish it!! art is by @ xxthunderthedragonxx
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maple is also a living object, but this time a fursuit!! specifically an autumn-coloured floragato :3 she's also kiru's adventuring partner! she actually used to be human but got "cursed" by a mysterious fursuit maker, and forgot everything about her old self, but ended up finding a roommate to live with! said roommate is called jester and is actually a frien's oc x3 art is by @ bonnieflare
Kai: she/her
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kai is a silly trans girl who learned alchemy and turned herself into a snake! she runs a potion shop and is also helping supply kiru and maple on their journey, she's also obsessed with plants and uses them a lot for her magic! overall veri cozy and always accepts hugs ^w^
art is by @ twistingforce
she/her, it/its
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she's like. the classic werewolf but Dragon instead :3 the whole, being bitten and turned into a Creature thing- x3 veri close friens with kai, who helped her accept her new body, and taught her to change at will! (yea im. sure half of my ocs turning into creatures forever totally isnt saying something about how i feel about myself- hahaha....)
art is by @ Axelongis on twitter
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i made this kobold for a dnd campaign, but then i got really attached to her and now she's one of my most lore-heavy ocs x3 she may seem cute, being based on a cupcake, but uh. she has killed a lot of people =w="" i wont explain it all here but.. she replaced her tail and lower body with robotics after a long life in a wasteland-like desert- she also used her experience with robotics to make another oc of mine, a plane dragon called north! they're besties :3 speaking of north.... model is by me! i make these :3 North: it/its, she/her
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sprinkle's companion! can act as a mech for sprinkle, she can also just ride on it's back :3 not based on any particular plane but.. i never saw any plane raptors so. yea! it's usually quite calm but will Murder to protect her creator when needed- ...hence the blood! model is also by me!
so uh, ya! thas a basic summary of all my ocs... feel free to ask questions about them all!!! also theyre all trans and autistic because i am irl :3333
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kaithesnek · 1 month
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seeing sprinkle and north together brings me so much joy...
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kaithesnek · 1 month
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sprinkle kissing her best creation!
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kaithesnek · 1 month
finally back to making things in blockbench!
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this time it's north (that plane dragon i made)'s companion sprinkle! she's a veri short and round kobold..
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that missing part on her ear is intentional btw! is a bite mark from a previous battle x3
now on to texturing!!!
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kaithesnek · 7 days
reminded of how much i wanna get art of sprinkle and north flying together....
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kaithesnek · 6 days
i originally was gonna hav sprinkle be outlived by north- but then i realised.. omg... she could make herself fully robotic and they could be partners in crime forever... :3
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kaithesnek · 1 month
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finally i can see them together! :333
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