#ocean and mischa get these GIANT explanations and then i gave up šŸ˜­
yourdeepestfathoms Ā· 2 years
random ass au idea i thought of while listening to JT Music raps and am kinda digging rn
āœØFallout AUāœØ
i use the term ā€œfallout auā€ loosely. it doesnā€™t follow any of the games At All because iā€™ve only played parts of two of them, and they were pretty boring. i just preferred the name ā€œfallout auā€ over ā€œpost-apocalypse au.ā€
ANYWAY, as stated above, this DOES NOT have anything to do with the Fallout series. the only thing similar is the name and that there are vaults
BASICALLY, Uranium City causes this giant nuclear apocalypse because, well. they were dicking around with uranium. something something, itā€™s twenty-five years later, and society isnā€™t the same, but humanity has slowly been recovering. civilizations are built across Canada, a decent amount of those have power and water, and people are doing okay!
i have an idea for a plot and conflict, but itā€™s not good enough to share right now. instead, have some character stuff!
Ocean was born into Vault 13, a, uhā€¦less than desirable Vault to live in. The community inside is, to put it lightly, batshit insane. Driven mad by prolonged exposure to nuclear fumes that leaked into the Vault, these people have become obsessed with all things radioactive, to the point where theyā€™ve started injecting it into their bodies. When that didnā€™t give them enough of a kick, the experiments began, and most of them have turned into strange mutant abominations because of it. Ocean is no exception. Her body has been viciously warped by experimentation, turning her into more of a monster than a human. Even still, she yearns for a life outside Vault 13, and when she eventually finds a way out, she doesnā€™t waste the chance; she fleesā€”unknowingly releasing her community of deranged, cannibalistic mutants in the process.
Mischa is a half human-half Automaton (robot person). He wasnā€™t born like that, though. Two years prior, he was a fighter for his civilization, protecting the community from nuclear monsters in the fields. He was good at what he did, one of the best guards they had, despite his young age of sixteen. And then he got in way over his head, violently maimed by a pack of radioactive wolves. He would have died that day if not for the technological advancements of the world. His right arm, right foot, left leg, and lower jaw had to be replaced by robotic parts. He has more metal in his body than bone. And even though some days can be uncomfortable, he doesnā€™t mind the way he is now. In fact, he loves the increased strength he gains from being half Automaton.
Ricky being alive is a bit of a minor miracle. Heā€™s a very sickly boy, and nobody really expected him to make it this long with nuclear radiation still being present, but heā€™s living his best life with his giant mutant cat colony.
Constance is the daughter the owners of a cafe in the largest civilization in the area. Thatā€™s all I got for her right now šŸ˜…
Noel works for the Blackwood Cafe. Thatā€™s also all I have for him at the moment.
Pennyā€¦TBA. Iā€™m so sorry, baby, but I just DONā€™T have anything for you rn.
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