#och. ellis moore
lesbitsch-archive · 5 years
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     𝓶𝔂 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁 has 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼 since the ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ of ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ                                                ...maybe we are from the same star
this is stupid but it is for you i love you love our incredibly dumb gay pirates
BONUS: the last gif before tumblr ruined it w size limits
HAPPY (belated) ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!! to my beautiful gay bitch loml @ladymacbeths​
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lesbitsch-archive · 6 years
halloween/fall rp prompts (i’m so sorry i had the first two done before halloween, but then had Shit™ so here we are… december 1st wow) @santababv
📀 to watch scary movies with my muse
William was truly more courageous of a person than people thought he was, a brave prince residing deep within him, but instead, just because he was quiet and wore glasses and kept to himself, he was some fragile and innocent being, as if those things somehow just aligned and made up a person. It used to bother him some, but anymore he didn’t care much at all. He had Ellis, who knew him inside and out, through and through, and saw every part of him, and that was all William really needed. One person to see him as he was. In his case, he was lucky enough to say that that one was both his best friend and his lover, his person.
His bravery apparently didn’t translate into theoretical theatricalities, however. He was always prepared to put up a fight when the situation were to arise, but when it played out in front of him with the sole purpose of creating fear in the watcher, he never seemed to quite excel at remaining relaxed. In so many of these situations, he knows he’d be just as stupid as the main characters, ready to stand and battle the evil risen. In some rare cases of the movies, he felt that with Ellis by his side, there were chances they could be the evil ones. Maybe those two things were the reason William suddenly lost his backbone with these stupid horror flicks.
“Ellis, stop,” William whined as his boyfriend left wet kisses on his neck, eyes remaining fixed on the screen. He gasped suddenly, which caused Ellis to pull back with a smirk only to see that his reaction was not in fact to the bite mark he’d just made on William’s skin, but rather a part of the movie playing in front of them. He narrowed his eyes at the slightly smaller boy, unhappy with his current lack of paying him any attention. It was rare that when he were to whine an, ‘Ellis, stop,’ it actually meant to stop, and rarer that he barely paid any mind to Ellis going to work on his very sensitive skin.
Begrudgingly, and with more than a few disappointed noises, Ellis stopped his attempts at getting William undressed. He pulled William’s legs across his lap before leaning over and laying against the other boy’s chest, arms wrapped around his torso comfortably. Mindlessly, still completely entranced by the movie, William’s hand almost immediately found Ellis’s hair, fingers twisting into his soft curls gently. If it weren’t for William’s yelling at the screen and his movements (including lightly smacking Ellis multiple times to see if he’d seen what just happened), and the fact that he still had an undressed William in the back of his mind, he could have fallen asleep.
William couldn’t stop watching, forgetting everything around them, and only remembering where he was when the scariest parts caused him to grasp onto Ellis and be grateful that he was there with him and clearly unbothered by the fright.
Upon the movie finally ending, the next one started up automatically after a few seconds, and William was honestly ready to settle in for it, despite the fact that he knew he was definitely going to be giving himself nightmares, but apparently Ellis had been patient long enough.
“Ellis, I have to find out what happens in the next movie!” he exclaimed through a few laughs as Ellis grabbed at him, pointing exasperatedly toward the television.
Previously cuddled onto William’s chest, he sat up and shook his head. “No, you don’t,” he replied, grabbing William’s torso and throwing him down sideways on the bed. He smoothly settled between William’s legs and swept his lips up the boy’s neck. William lost his breath for the moment, caught in his throat – a common effect of Ellis’s touch and control. “You’re mine now,” he whispered, half lidded eyes staring intensely into William’s, “do I have your attention?”
“Yes,” William confirmed breathlessly, low voice breaking as he looked back.
“Good,” Ellis responded cheekily, a wide grin spreading on his face. He leaned in, running his fingertips down William’s arms gently, only to take the remote from him, clicking the TV off and throwing it off the bed.
William rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Really?”
“No distractions,” Ellis nodded seriously before grinning again. He pulled William closer to  him, his legs up against his hips. “Now…” he said as he got face to face with him again, caressing William’s face with one hand, “…to make you forget about anything else but me, and chase any chance of nightmares away.”
“Oh, mhm, right,” William’s mouth turned up into a happy grin, tugging on his shirt to pull him down into a kiss.  
👕 to offer my muse your jacket on a chilly day
William had only been on the ship with Ellis for a short period of time now, having officially left his position of royalty and was no longer a captive on this ship but a volunteer passenger. He’d forgotten how brutal autumns on the ocean could be, his only few times being when he’d gone on a short voyage with the fleet or visited close kingdoms to settle disputes. Every time, though, he had every necessity he could possibly need, and was of course waited on hand and foot. Things were obviously different in many ways, but the spoils of royal life wasn’t the problem. It was a simple fact of him not having many clothes since he’d left his family behind for Ellis. He was stolen away in night clothes, and the only new ones he’d gotten since then were a few of Ellis’s as they hadn’t stopped anywhere since. When it came to the current conditions, Ellis didn’t have many cold weather items to spare, they didn’t fit the other man well which would make their purpose when trying to work and move around the ship useless, anything too noticeable would look bad – captains don’t just give their crew their own clothes. That’s where their predicament now lies.
For about a month it had been fine, William just hid away in Ellis’s room for the most part, and Ellis had seemed more than fine with that. After so long though, his short appearances – and for some periods, entire lack thereof – would become more noticeable. So, here he was, staying out longer and trying to ignore the glances of the still-suspicious crew. Ellis insisted he really didn’t care about what the others thought or complained about as far as William’s presence, he’d shut it down as soon as it began, but William was persistent on suggesting he show up.
So here he stood, shivering in a thin shirt and a pair of pants too long for him under the crisp autumn breeze. The spray of the sea water stung his skin each time it came up over the bow, but he stayed put, grinding his teeth as he saved face, pretending he was fine. Ellis knew better, though. He always knew better. He’d always be able to read William’s mind, no matter how hard he tried to hide his thoughts or feelings.
Ellis pursed his lips, looking around at the crew around them, half working in the cold. He rolled his eyes and huffed an exasperated sigh, tugging his thicker jacket off and threw it around William’s shoulders, pulling it forward and closing it around his front before he had the chance to detest. William looked up at Ellis with surprised eyes, sporadically looking around at the other members on deck. Some looked over, confusion written on their faces, but Ellis turned back with crossed arms and a stern look on his face. Most went back to working, save for a few lingering gazes, but as soon as they noticed their captain looking at them rather pointedly, they quickly returned.
He glanced back at William, and William’s face heated up, hiding his face in the collar and squeezing the jacket closer to him. Ellis grinned small, eyes soft at the sight before turning his eyes back to the deck, smile gone and facade corrected before anyone else could see. William smiled himself, expression hidden in the jacket, which was warm and smelled like his man. His eyes closed, and it took every logical reminder in his brain not to stand up against Ellis as he wished to. He’d just have to show his appreciation of the boldish risky gesture when they were alone.
🃏 for our muses to play a prank on someone else
“Shh, shh,” 13 year old William rushed out, looking around the room frantically, ensuring that no one has heard the two giggling teens.
“Are you sure about this?” Ellis asked, raising a brow at William with a smirk on his face.
William furrowed his brows, lips pressed together in an almost pout. Honestly, it was a good question. The boy wasn’t normally one to insist on inflicting any sort of suffering onto someone else, and often tried to talk Ellis out of those things; but still, that only worked half of the time, him either doing it anyway or somehow managing to convince William to go along with it anyway. He puffed up his chest, trying to make himself appear as tall as Ellis (an impossible feat, the boys were two years apart and Ellis had hit a growth spurt well before him, and seemed as if he’d grow to be pretty tall anyway), he had done his second guessing. He was in this. “Yes,” he finally said in a stubborn manner. Ellis shrugged then, more than happy with that.
They moved forward then, a little overly excited at setting up a mildly cruel prank on their least favorite tutor, aptly nicknamed The Vulture. Truth be told, at first she was fine in William’s eyes, but he knew a big part of it was that she had to be nice and kiss up, and her distaste for Ellis that seemed to only grow more and more made William hate her more and more. The slight guilt he felt about behaving badly would be well overshadowed by seeing how happy it’d make his best friend. He had decided that she kind of deserved it.
“Wait, did you –.” Before Ellis could finish, William held up the magnificent mud (and sticks and bugs) pie that they had created, soothing Ellis’s frantic look, a mischievous smile growing on his face. “Yes, I love you,” Ellis exclaimed in a whisper voice, wrapping an arm around him playfully and squeezing him. William’s face reddened and he smiled to himself, enjoying the half hug while it lasted. Ellis took the pie and headed to his station.
William kept a lookout while Ellis worked, quietly running between the two entrances to the room intermittently to check for the woman, or anyone else for that matter. The longer it took, the more nervous the boy got. What if they did get caught? Really, he shouldn’t be that nervous. In fact, William could even order her silence, but it was still just the act of doing something so disobedient that got his heart beating. When Ellis finally announced that he was done, William grinned at him and they scurried out of the room to hide behind a statue in the corridor while they waited for her to come around.
Even though they were even closer to each other than this almost every damn night, the closeness was still slightly distracting, even through their anticipation and excitement of the prank. He could feel Ellis’s eyes on him every few moments, and he bit his lip, trying to focus on the halls. “Oh!” William whispered, eyes widening, “here she comes.” Ellis giggled enthusiastically, and as soon as she entered the room, they ran to the doorway, squatting down and peaking in so that they could see the prank through.
“Look at that –,” Ellis whispered.
“– Front row seats,” William finished, grinning.
He grinned back before they both turned their eyes to The Vulture. She held papers in her hands, not even looking at the present on her desk, making this all the better. Ellis poked at William eagerly, and his excitement flooded William’s chest with happiness. The very second she sat down in her chair, it came crashing to the floor, the result of filing a notch almost all the way through two of the chair’s legs. The bowl of mud and other various ‘disgusting’ things that was tied to the arm of the chair came after, the porcelain knocking against her face and the mud spilling everywhere. This wasn’t the only thing to spill, though, her hot rice milk coming along with it, soaking her dresses and the ceramic shattering on the ground. She shrieked, and Ellis laughed out loud, falling out of his squat and onto the floor. William laughed along, finding his reaction better than the actual prank, laying on the ground and holding his belly as he fell apart in a fit of laughter.
“Ellis Moore!” she screamed. He’d never heard that octave from her before, or any woman, really. It sent shivers down his spine.
“No lessons tomorrow then?” William asked, standing up and making himself visible. This only resulted in more shrieking. “Come on,” William snickered, reaching out a hand for Ellis to grab, pulling him up. They ran down the hallway back toward their rooms, nearly tripping over themselves in laughter the whole way.
♡ to cuddle up with my muse (for warmth, obviously)
“You know, scary stories aren’t so scary from down here,” Ellis said with a chuckle, referring to William’s position straddling Ellis on the bed. They weren’t on land to enjoy any spooky festivities, but William had heard quite a few good creepy tales in his time on the sea, which Ellis had probably heard, but he wanted to partake in the telling of them anyway. He enjoyed this time of year, and he was happy to get to share it with Ellis this time around. “Or maybe you’re just a bad storyteller.”
“Oh, shall I move then?” William teased, beginning to lift himself off of the man’s hips and move away from him. He didn’t make it very far, though, before Ellis had grabbed him in both arms and pulled him down against the bed. William laughed and pushed against his chest, holding his face away from Ellis’s as he tried to kiss him. “No,” William argued, “I’m a bad storyteller.” He couldn’t officially wipe the smile off of his face though, which made him mad as he tried to play serious. “No.” He repeated the word as Ellis tried to kiss him, insisting on pushing him off of him.
That was, until Ellis rolled them off of their sides and pushed William onto his back, settling between his legs and pinning his arms above his head. William fought back a moan in response to Ellis overpowering him, a quiet grunt in the back of his throat the result of it. Ellis looked way too pleased with himself, leaning in for the kiss he was fighting for. As he neared, William used his own power and rolled his hips up into Ellis’s, laughing as he stilled right away, inches away from William’s lips.
“This is what you get,” William whispered, laughing quietly at Ellis’s expression. “Nothing.” He dropped his head into the crook of William’s neck and sighed, resulting in another snicker from William.
“It’s only that you’re too cute to pay attention to,” Ellis supplied, lifting his head to look at William again.
William considered this, narrowing his eyes at the man. “Hmm… Fine.” He grinned softly and lifted his head off the bed to press a slow, but chaste kiss to Ellis’s mouth. He could feel him smiling against his lips, and he pulled back. “Acceptable.” He pulled his arms from the grasp Ellis had on him and pushed him back over. He cuddled into his side, a cold hand resting on his chest.
“I love you,” Ellis said with a smile. He lifted the heavy blanket that had been thrown away amongst their play fighting over them and pulled William closer to him.
Falling into Ellis’s hold, he soaked up all of his warmth and smiled against his chest. “I love you, too.”
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lesbitsch-archive · 6 years
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ellis & william for @joeykeerys
click for higher quality cuz tumblr sucks :~) pls d*nt r*blog unless you’re kim sorry they don’t have a lot of good images to combine RIP u cn’t see cuz i cropped it out but william’s sitting on a big ass rock ok alskdfj 
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lesbitsch-archive · 6 years
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𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒 & 𝕰𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖘
  𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓅𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓅𝓉𝒽𝓈, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈            for @joeykeerys​
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lesbitsch-archive · 6 years
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nothing comes close to the way that i need you           but it feels like there’s oceans between you and me
Ellis & William a playlist for @joeykeerys
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lesbitsch-archive · 6 years
okay i reblogged like 3 heart memes around when you sent this so ??? all 3? ok
SEND A HEART FOR WHICH MUSE: ❤️; who is more affectionate in public? in private? 
once they’re out,,, they’re both just p gross w each other hahsdlkfjdf, so in public it’s hard to answer, but in private ellis is more affectionate since in general he’s a softie around william. they’re both equally as disgustingly in love with the other but ellis let’s down his cover more when he’s alone with william so i’ll just say him for that reason alone lskdjfa
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM (william is soft sorry laksdjf taking the “dominant” part of BDSM alone, he ofc likes ellis being all dominant and sexy but as we’ve discussed he’s the head bitch in charge at all times, violent and psycho, bossing everyone around, so getting soft cute ellis all to himself is like 100 times sexier than dominant ellis in the bedroom anyway) | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes (but NA) | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
William gazed lovingly at the mess of curly hair on the pillow next to him, Ellis snoring softly on in the early morning. The sun had barely come up, the room dim and grey with a warm orange filtering in through the windows and casting shadows along Ellis’s skin. Ignoring the dull throbbing in his shoulder, he reached a careful hand up and drew his fingertips across the shadows on his cheek and down to his chest. A soft smile appeared as he looked at the sleeping man whose eyebrows furrowed at William’s feather light touches. He was usually a heavier sleeper, but even unconscious, he’d recently been more on edge, making sure he was more aware of things (mostly William) than usual.
Since the accident, Ellis had devoted almost all of his time to William, ensuring his healing and hardly ever letting him out of sight. He wouldn’t even fall asleep until William already was, and some nights barely slept, if at all. William wanted to say that he was being over the top, but he knew that he’d behave the exact same way if the roles were reversed. The near loss of the other, the love of their lives, was a threat – and honestly, a threat to their survival at this point. There was no existing without the other any longer, they’d been there and done that, for far too long.
Still, Ellis had been spending almost every minute since then taking care of him. Being a bit overprotective perhaps, but still taking nearly no time for himself. Not only had he been doting over William endlessly, he’d not let William return the favor in any way. Waking up before his self proclaimed nurse, he’d take the chance he had before he could deny him what he wanted – which was to take care of Ellis, in a way he could.
Leaning into him, he pressed his lips against the skin below Ellis’s jaw, kissing his way along the skin to his ear. “Ellis,” he whispered, looking over to see his eyes move behind his eyelids. He slid a hand down his torso and to his bare ass, grateful that Ellis was a naked sleeper as it made a recovering William’s task that much easier. William moved his lips down his neck, moving himself over so that he was straddling Ellis while his hand slid back up to his chest. He nipped at the skin, carefully grinding his hips against his partner. Ellis hummed and a limp hand came up to rest against William’s side. William smiled, pleased with having stirred him from his slumber. He pressed a kiss to his lips and moved his hips against him once more before making his way down.
After the kiss, Ellis had opened his eyes, half-lidded and confused. He rubbed them and looked down to William, palming his length as he moved his lips down the man’s chest. “William,” he croaked, his voice rough with sleep. The grogginess in his throat caused a tightening in William’s chest, somehow just the sound of Ellis’s sleepy voice was a sexual experience.
“Yes?” William asked playfully, looking up to him just after kissing the skin beneath his navel.
“Come lay down,” he instructed, his tired eyes fluttering closed before he forced them open again. His lip was between his teeth, obviously trying hard to direct his focus away from William’s hand and mouth.
William only grinned small in response, moving his lips over a few inches, and watching Ellis to see his reaction. About to speak again, William shook his head and interrupted him by biting down on the skin there and wrapping his fingers around Ellis, earning him a hoarse moan and a twitch of his hand as he pulled the sheet loosely into his fist. William’s tongue met Ellis’s skin as he pressed a kiss to the indent next to his hip bone, the curved line leading him to where he wanted to go.
“Oh,” Ellis blurted, exhaling sharply through his mouth. He clenched his jaw, gathering focus then putting a hand against William’s cheek, his thumb caressing the skin beneath the gash there. “Babe…”
William held in a sigh and rolled his eyes behind closed lids. Ellis was known to be a selfish man. Greedy, and unashamed to take what he wanted. He knew what he desired, and never refrained from getting it. Unless, apparently, it concerned William. It was appealing, flattering, and even a massive turn on that William was the exception for mostly everything in Ellis’s world, but at this time, he needed Ellis to consider that maybe what he needed for his recovery was exactly this. The best way for Ellis to take care of William right now, was to let William return the favor in some way.
He turned his eyes up to Ellis, trying to relay to him everything on his mind. The two lovers could read each other’s silent speech without fail, and as Ellis looking at him with watchful eyes, William knew he was understanding exactly what he was wanting. With a defeated groan (that didn’t sound all that disappointed), Ellis reluctantly ceded, nodding and propping himself up on his elbows.
Pleased, William continued his ministrations, teasing Ellis with soft kisses down his hips, nipping and sucking as he went. The longer William toyed with him, the more he was greeted with quiet moans and closed fists. He proceeded to press hot, open mouthed kisses lower and lower. His tongue left a trail of wet spots along his skin, the path being left covered in goosebumps as his warm lips moved to a different spot. It wasn’t until he had Ellis pushing his hips up against him voluntarily that he finally brought his mouth to the desired destination…
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lesbitsch-archive · 6 years
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𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒 & 𝕰𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖘
“...there had always been a connection between them, an affinity that the two still remembered to that day as one that was deep & 𝓊𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓀𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒. After everything – a decade a p a r t, a kidnapping in the night, a ransom, the 𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰 that lingered between two 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤  – they still felt that way just by looking into each other’s eyes. The way they wanted one another after all those years, the warmth of each other’s hold. It was all there in their eyes, somehow still able to read one another with the greatest 𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝒸𝒶𝒸𝓎 after all this time...”
ʟᴏᴏᴋs™ for @nckrobnson​/joeykeerys  (((happy bday butthead))) please d*nt rebl*g
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