#dec 18
hey-color-palettes · 2 years
Can you do a palette that could be described as both cosmic and metaphysical? Thank you <3
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e6a799 || #ecd2ab || #6d5785 || #1b1e45 || #000000
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acmeoop · 2 years
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Happy 56th Anniversary “How The Grinch Stole Christmas!” (1966)
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saintkey · 9 months
anyone else ever feel guilty that they’re making progress with healing every december 18 so you trigger yourself until you feel like absolute shit
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amiablesummer · 9 months
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Mother Who Gave Me Life by Gwen Harwood
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twelve days since official thomastair content was released
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sheerioswifties · 2 years
abbréviation: N P P U J D M
- every letter is useful
- do not tell anyone if you figure out the rules or you will be eliminated
- use the tag "ftp3" and mention me
- you have 18 hours
- check my blog from time to time for clues!
- bad luck
I'm gonna post this for if anyone wants to try and solve it just for funsies. I won't be able to I've got A Lot Going On At The Moment including a pretty wicked migraine so I can't brain especially not French brain so I'll let everyone else who loves riddles have a go at it hope that's okay!
P.S. "bad luck" ftp anon how rude! Nah jk I love it I thrive on this kind of chaotic energy
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dawndusk · 2 years
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I just started wrapping up my hair at night & I love how it turns out in the morning, it gives me the prettiest Sailor Neptune waves! 💙
I didnt add any product in my hair to hold so it falls after a few hours but it still looks nice imo, way better than my usual frizzy bedhead haha. maybe I'll try adding mousse next time.
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msbarrows · 9 months
Dec 18 - packed. So much packing, between winter clothes for 2-3 weeks, toiletries, and my computer setup (which, naturally, I didn't start packing until I was ready to go to bed).
We were having snow after rain, so travel has been put off until tomorrow.
Meant to game this evening but mostly watched live streams of the new volcanic fissure in Iceland, plus a bunch of woodworking videos.
It's very soothing to watch skilled woodworkers make beautiful things. Also if I'd ever gone into a trade I'd probably have tried to get into cabinet making or fine woodworking; I'd actually considered taking evening classes towards it at one point, but then got busy with learning computer graphics instead and never looked back.
For supper I made pasta with meat sauce and a salad.
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lilacsforroses · 9 months
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happy dec. 18 to all mentally ill women who celebrate
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hey-color-palettes · 2 years
Hello! I've been trying to make a new persona of sorts going along with the name 'Fizzy Pop'!
I was wondering if you'd be able to make a palette for the name?
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d05a5e || #ff9577 || #f37064 || #ba495e || #763654
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placeofmythoughts · 9 months
Hi! I need a space for my overwhelming thoughts.
I don't really know what to do with my life. I feel like a failure. I am crying right now as I am typing.
Where I am right now, it's really dark. I feel like I've been left behind in life. It's been a month and 8 days already since the day of our board exam results, which sadly I did not ace. I thought it'd get better. But here I am—sulking, crying, self-doubting, self-pitying, wanting to isolate myself from the rest of the world. Social media doesn't help, especially looking at all of my friends reaching their MD dreams. I'm happy for them, really. I just can't help but pity myself. Huhuhu, I know, I know. I know you'll say that we each have different timelines. I know you'll say that I'll have my own time and that one day I'll get my MD too. But right now, I'm just sad. Just sad.
Everybody else is getting their license, moonlighting, or going into residency. While here, I am killing my time with Netflix, Facebook, and mobile legends. Sleeping the whole day and the whole night, sulking, crying... Am I going down the pit hole of depression? :( I can't tell anyone how I am feeling. I can't drag anyone to my depression hole. I can't poison other people's lives. I don't want to bother and burden them. I can't tell Stephen how I am feeling lately. I don't want to burden him with my negative thoughts.
So here I am.. writing down all my thoughts here. I don't know if I should go to therapy, but I don't have funds too.
Sad. Failing at life. Broke. Alone. Hayysss :(
2023, you were too much for me.
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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amiablesummer · 9 months
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Gwen Harwood, from Mother Who Gave Me Life
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delux2222 · 2 years
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“Never be a pioneer. It's the Early Christian that gets the
fattest lion.”
Happy Birthday, Saki [H H Munro] (1870-1916)
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sheerioswifties · 2 years
Confession. I don’t eat candy and I don’t eat sour things 🙊
Well frankly that's a good thing innit I mean health-wise!!! I don't eat much candy because of my health and diet I have to be really careful and I don't do much sugar in general so most candy I don't like but there are just a few sour candies I really love that I'll get when I have to take medications that taste awful/leave an awful taste in my mouth to get rid of that- I discovered that sour skittles are the absolute best for that (and hot tamales too actually though they once played a role in me accidentally pepper spraying myself that's a story for another time maybe my next storytime) and the Haribo sour gummy bears. But after Halloween I found clearanced sour warheads which I've not had since middle school where they were a huge deal but so I wanted to try them again and yeah they will DESTROY the inside of your mouth. But they are still as good as I remember and I like to have hard candies around for times like also if I'm on a liquid diet and stuff (which I'm heading into a prolonged soft-> liquid-> clear liquid-> fasting diet period so it helps ease into it). But yeah I don't want to sound like I'm sick and trashing my body with candy and crap that makes it worse like I do a lot of hardcore things for my health and for trying to make it better so but yeah.
I'm trying now to think of what "sour things" exist outside of candy and like lemons... I do love and eat sour kraut when I can it's got probiotic and other benefits for the gut and it's technically sour from fermentation... I can't think of what else but yeah
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thewayilivenow01 · 2 years
I love elegance and that’s that on that
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