I am really tempted to host my very own OC Kiss Week event because I don't know when the next one is going to begin nor do I feel like waiting around to find out when. Yet there's the underlying concern I'll get no one or very little people interested in sending me OCkiss requests.
Would anyone who follows me be intrigued enough to offer their OCs to smooch or be smooched by my OCs? I'd be delighted to answer any questions you might have for any of my OCs that I have listed in my character log post called "OCs Master List". Or if you're not sure which OC of mine will be right for yours, we can discuss all the OC options from this post, through asks, or by DM.
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princessvicky01 · 6 years
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Annabel x Kelandris Trevelyan - me and @inner-muse fiery ladies sharing a passionate kiss at Skyhold.   
At last my internet has worked well enough to let me share this most wonderful piece by @dinah-myles as the most fantastic giveaway! Thank you - it means so much to see them finally kiss like this <3
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autodi · 7 years
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Last sketch for ockiss18 :з NonieNord <3
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obsidianreaver · 8 years
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Second smooches for Aurora ;w;! *hope you don’t mind this aaaAH and so sorry again!!*
Aurora Lavellan (C) @singingofwinter
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OC Kissing Week Post!
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OKAY! So I've seen a few of these posts going around and thought “Hey, that's a swell idea!”
Basically, if anyone wants to write or draw or macaroni-art our OCs smooching for OC kissing week, then you are more than welcome to! I love the idea of OCs interacting and just want people to know that if they would like to do something like that, I am a-okay with it! 
For this week, there is no need to ask for permission (as this is just a fun free-for-all kinda event), but all I ask is you respect my OCs sexualities and preferences, which will be shown below (where applicable)!
If you do decide to do something, please tag me so I can find it! :D
Varlen Lavellan :: 23 :: Dual dagger rogue/Tempest :: he/him :: pansexual :: 6'1”
Anacrea Trevelyan :: 32 :: Lightning mage/Knight Enchanter :: she/her :: demi-bisexual :: 5'8” (note: platonic kisses are preferred unless there is suggestion of pre-existing friendship/relationship)
Nyvera Lavellan :: 25 :: Archer/Assassin :: she/her :: pansexual :: 5'6” (note: good luck)
Jaime Trevelyan :: 30 :: Warrior (sword/shield)/Champion :: he/him :: heterosexual :: 6'3”
Hanin Lavellan :: 33 :: Warrior (2h)/Reaver :: he/him :: bisexual :: 6'2” (note: only platonic kisses for OCs <25 years old)
Delton :: 26 :: Dual-dagger/”Fire mage” :: he/him :: pansexual :: 5'9”
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goopboi · 9 years
After “her”
Formatted from Cherubplay.  Credit also goes to @ominousinsomniac.
After a hard breakup that had taken its toll and its sweet time fading from memory, Seculus had gone to IHOP with Ivory to get his mind as far off things as he could manage with some half-decent food and simply being somewhere that didn’t bring back overly fond memories.  They’d been unlucky enough to cross paths with his ex, a beautiful, literal angel who’d broken up with him for...well.....it was a long story, to say the least.  She’d been staring at the two of them for the past ten minutes, as Seculus tried to choke down a plate of pancakes and ignore his pounding heart.  A few other lines of conversation and attempts to ignore her had led to Seculus on the verge of tears, claiming he could never be happy again and searching her mind for any trace of hope.  Ivory got him to laugh with a stupid inside joke that only the two of them understood.  He stifled laughter with his fist and a shaky smile, and she smiled back.   "There's that little bit of happiness I was looking for~."
"...alright, you got lucky. But it's probably not going to happen again."
"I'll keep trying." Ivory glanced over at 'her’ table, her voice going quiet once more. "She's staring again. Even more than before."
I looked over. Stared right back. "....well, she can go ahead and do that."
Ivory kept her eyes on me. "....I know something that would really piss her off...but you might be against it."  
"What is it?"
"....May I kiss you?" She whispered.
"......." I thought about it. Well....it was for a 'good cause', she was the one proposing it, and, after all, it wasn't for explicitly romantic purposes..... Right, just tell yourself that all you want. You want to make out with her more than that stupid bird wants to climb into 'her’ hair. ...you know what? Fuck you, I'm doing it. I pulled her towards me and kissed her.
When I grabbed her, she gasped slightly. When I kissed her, she returned it. Well she certainly didn't expect /this/, but she wasn't complaining. Her arms wrapped tightly around my body. Better at least make it look like we want to kiss because they're a couple and not to make an ex-girlfriend jealous.
......this is nice. And neither of us are drunk, either. I....didn't let go quite yet.
Her hands moved to my hair, and her fingers ran through it. This was nice. This was really nice. Just a little bit longer. That wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
No. It won't. No harm done. Liar. Shut up. I moved my hands from her head to her waist.
She felt the warmness of my breath met her cold, mint-flavored one. It was an odd sensation, one she wasn't sure of or not. Either way, this wasn't stopping her. She reached over, slipped my glasses off his face gently, and held them in her hand. Lets make things a bit easier for us.
Oh. There go my glasses. The foreign cold was an odd sensation, but not an unpleasant one. ...also odd is the fact that the last time I kissed someone for this long, it was Calypso. ....that's disgusting. But I have no intention of hurting Ivory. I love her. ...yes, I admit it. I love her. I held her closer, closing my eyes, a bit unwillingly since I didn't want to stop looking into her beautiful eyes.
She slowly closed her eyes as well, and moved a bit closer. By closer, that meant onto my lap. Was this too much? Possibly. Who cares? Well, she did, if I didn't want it. If this was too much for me, she would happily let go. She didn't want me uncomfortable. She wanted my happiness.
No. It's not too much. It's just enough...it's all I need. Zane isn't talking to her anyways. So does it really matter? But even now, I can't quite be happy....because I still feel guilty. Just pretend it's okay. Just for a few minutes. I moved my hands back upwards and stroked her neck with my thumb.
She felt my hands gently move against her neck. Her breath hitched against my lips, she shuddered slightly, and she almost swallowed her mint. That didn't stop her from the kiss. In fact it made her want it more.
....is this wrong? Well....she's already interested. I took a quick breath through my nose so I wouldn't have to let go and slipped my tongue between her teeth.
Oh. Well. This was a bit out of her experience level. Well, there was always a first for everything. No harm in this. She did the same, but also made sure her mint didn't fall into my mouth. That would be a story to tell.
I don't know how I knew what I was doing. Seth, maybe? Whatever it was, for once, I was grateful for the experience. I caught the mint with my tongue and tugged it into my mouth.
Did I just- Yes. I did. The corners of her mouth attempted a smile, and she held me a bit tighter. Well then. Looks like for once she learned from the student. Or in this case, the daughter learned from the father.
I let out a muffled laugh. Well, I sure don't feel forty. Is Anndrea still staring? ...I don't care. I genuinely don't care. She never helped me anyways. Or, at least, not in the ways that counted. Making me suppress my emotions, my pain, and my cold? How had that ever helped me? It hadn't. Exactly. Ivory accepted me. I wrapped my hands in her hair.
Her smile slightly grew. Well, it tried to. It was slightly hard to do with someone else's tongue in her mouth. Well, not just anyone's tongue. Seculus's. His tongue. Speaking of which, as much as she hated to say it, we probably should take this somewhere else. At least before ‘she’ came over and ripped them to pieces. Especially her. She didn't want to pull away, but... 
....ah. I understand. I let go, taking a deep breath and sucking on my newly acquired mint as I smiled at her. I picked up the receipt, pocketed it, and walked outside with her. I held her hand, and not once did I look back at ‘her’.
When I let go, she slowly moved off me, and stood up. She smiled back at him and giggled as whatever lipstick she had on her lips was now smeared across his own. She took my hand, and as we walked out, flashed a smile to 'her’ as well. Words couldn't describe exactly the expression on 'her’ face, but it was a mixture of anger, jealousy, and disbelief all in one.  
I would take her word for it. I wiped the lipstick on my sleeve, and, thankfully, it blended in. I kept walking further and further away from the restaurant, and from ‘her’, and I didn’t stop.
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As usual, I'm behind with OC Kiss Week but I hope to post some ockiss20 writings when I have the chance, even they come a little bit later. I already have one in mind but I am definitely free to take on more if anyone is interested. Since there are seven days and I have one day already brewing in my head, there are six more slots/days available.
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ronyavalentine · 9 years
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We’re closing in to the end of OC kiss week, so here’s my Wynthos smooching @galaxycreations ‘ OC Spirus. Spirus is so cute?????? You told me he’s a blusher so ofc I had to use tha trait immediately, cute boys blushing is a weakness of mine.
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autodi · 7 years
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Page from the sketchbook :зс 
My chars from my own world Square/Anita Jill/Rick Rockero/Tiona Noyorn/Nuki  :з Pages from the sketchbook I publish here
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obsidianreaver · 8 years
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First up for the OC Kissing Week~ *ugh sorry I’ll only do rough sketchies for smoochies ;w;”*  So here’s the apostate mage Kniv giving a family kiss to the Inquisitor Hissera (aka kickass Reaver who treats him as her own family)  <3 *I love these two so much ahaha.... * Hissera Aadar (C) @ai-pai
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Day Three: That Look in Your Eyes [Kai x David]
Surprise! I have one more ockiss19 request to share with you all before OC Kiss Week (technically) ends! Here we have my lazy but kindhearted Kai Cadash mentally swooning over @tessa1972‘s famously beautiful and wonderful David Trevelyan! Get ready for some fluffy and adorkableness because my brain commanded it to be so.
“How did you get roped into hunting and chasing down as well as trying to capture Leliana’s escaped nug?” questioned David drolly, as the grumpy Kai Cadash dusted snow off his boiled leather armor.
“Leliana promised if I find her nug, she’d make sure no one will come and try to wake me until noon has passed,” admitted Kai, grinning roguishly at the thought of the Inquisition’s Spymaster utilizing her birds to swoop in on anyone who tried banging on his door while he busy sleeping serenely. “And that means not even Cassandra can try to break into my room about any assignments!”
Shaking some snow off his weapons, David chuckled at the dwarf’s enthusiasm for sleep and naps. “Sounds like Leliana knows you well.”
Kai shrugged. “A bit. She still hasn’t figured out all my weaknesses and I plan to keep it that way.” He paused, going suddenly still as his grey eyes loaming past David and when a familiar squeak drifted around the young noble’s ears, David realized what Kai caught sight of. Leliana’s pet nug was afoot and incredibly close to them. Carefully and with a steady grace that would have made his mother proud, David pivoted on the balls of his feet to face the unsuspecting, carefree dug. Kai fished out a cord of rope and began forming a few knots and loop, all the while keeping his focus on the animal before them.
“What are you making?” David asked, keeping his voice barely over a whisper so he wouldn’t spook the nug.
“A foot snare. Don’t worry, it’s not going to hurt the little bugger, merely stop it from getting away from us. And then we can put Leliana’s pet back in its temporary cage until its back in the waiting arms of our dear Spymaster.” The bushes closeby would perfect for his snare trap, he just needed two or three sturdy branches to create the trigger that will tighten the rope once the nug stepped into the loop.The rope was made of a softer, finer quality, given to him by Leliana herself from any trapping means for the twine would merely restrict but not chaff or cut the nug’s skin.
Years of practice enabled him to craft a relatively painless foot snare in minutes while David silently watched out, amazement blossoming in his eyes. Kai resisted the urge to puff up his chest with pride. He had to admit, he was merely showing off his survival skills at this point. Since he couldn’t dance or sing to impress such an illustrious, well-read noble like David, maybe he had the ability to impress him through the ways the hunt, dexterity, and other roguelike talents?
Hmm...does that mean I actually have to fight a bear myself for once? Albeit, he would look fetching wrapped in a bear pelt...or even sprawled out on one, naked---wait, what? Back up, brain, I’m getting way ahead of myself!
“Done!” he announced quietly, shifting his light grey gaze back in the nug, who continued to hop and sniff the snowy ground. “David, do you think you can guide the nug over here, so it can set up off the snare? Last time I chased that bugger, I slipped and fell on my ass.”
The said man grinned, his eyes sparkling with silent laughter. Kai almost lost his breath of how pronounced David’s dimples were and how breathtakingly genuine and wholesome his beam was. How was this man not swamped with suitors already?
“Don’t forget I fell too--and on my sides. I’m afraid I’m nearly as graceful as you believe me to be.”
“But I wager you’re swifter than me. Ready to seize Leliana’s nug and bring it home?”
Nodding, David began to approach the aforementioned nug, trying to lure it closer to him while reassuring the creature neither one of them meant it any harm. “Hey there, little nug. Can you please follow me? Leliana really misses you and is worried sick about you. These lands are too dangerous for a cute fellow like yourself.”
The nug eyed David skeptically and made a few hops away from him, nearing the location of Kai’s snare. The dwarf shuffled away from the trap so the animal could falsely assume the bushes would be a safe haven to hide from them. After a minute or so of coaxing and slowly inching up to the nug, David held his breath, took a step, and lunged. Just as he hoped, the nug darted forward, bounding around him and towards the bushes. There was a snapping sound of wood colliding suddenly together and the two men rushed over the snare, relieved to see a startled, confused but unharmed nug tugging on the foot snare and creating indignant, high pitched chatter.
“No more marathons for you, little critter,” rejoiced Kai, handing the wooden cage over to David to safely gather the squirming nug in his arms. “It’s back to Leliana for you!”
“Don’t you want be warm and safe?” added David, petting the nug’s head with his free hand. The creature trilled, evidently considering his words and pondering over them even as they gently positioned and nudged the nug into its temporary cage.
“Thanks for your help. I still would have been rolling around in snow, failing my arms around, and chasing this blasted critter if you weren’t here.” Kai cradled the cage underneath his armpit, glad to see Leliana’s pet starting to calm down and sniff at the wood in its cage.
“I’m always happy to assist, especially when it comes to you,” David responded, not realizing what he was saying until the words left his tongue. Eyes widening, his cheeks flushed and not from the wintery chill cleaving to the air. Neither men could forget the kiss they shared by the presumed date Varric set up for them. “I mean, it’s just, you’re so---”
Kai reached out to touch his arm, silencing any awkward half-attempts to explain himself or switch the subject. “It’s all right, David. I completely understand, I feel the same way.”
David stared at him incredulously. “Seriously?!”
Chuckling nervously, Kai scratched along the nape of his neck as he bobbed his head. “Aye. I was hoping you’d want to come with me. Mainly because I can’t seem to get you out of my head.” Now he was the one blurting things out without mulling them over first!
Poor David Trevelyan began to blush even harder, the cerise hue remarkably stark against his fair skin and five o’clock shadow, and the colorless sky above them.  Suddenly, the two of them became awkward, unsure beings who teetered back and forth between making the first move or waiting for the other to initiate the next step. Kai had no idea what to do in this situation, he barely had many relationships that lasted longer than a cold drink on a blazing hot day but he didn’t view David fling material or a possible one night stand. No, he wanted to be around and with him longer than that yet being smooth wasn’t exactly his forte.
Throwing all caution into the wind, Kai made a gamble and leaned in, his intentions now painfully clearly as their gazes squarely met on and never wavered. As if sensing his desire, David tilted his head down, angling his neck to grant him a better view and position for what was about to transpire next. David then closed his eyes, his eyelashes so beautifully and curled that Kai nearly forgot what he had in mind before his eyelids innately fluttered shut and saved him from fumbling a kiss.
David’s lips were just as soft and inviting as Kai recalled, so pliable and eager yet shy, as if he was terrified he wasn’t good enough. He kept his grip on David’s arm to steady himself, even though the kiss was chaste and sweet, the lingering promise in the kiss sent his mind reeling. The landscape surrounding them might have been overbearingly chilling and harsh but with David, he felt nothing but smoldering, searing bliss.
An irritated, vociferous squeak sounded off from the cage, shattering the spell of the kiss and alerting them that Leliana’s nug had enough with its adventure and waiting around and wished to be reunited with its owner. Kai shifted the cage a little in-between his arm and the side of his torso all the while watching David blink once or twice as he recovered from the kiss and sent him a small, content beam. Like a youth in love for the first time, Kai’s heart skipped a beat at his quiet smile, a smile only meant for him and him alone.
“Maybe we can talk about this later, after we deliver Leliana her nug?” he suggested, inwardly praying the human noble would agree. If this spark between him and David did ignited into something truly special, he was going buy Varric the best thank you present ever.
Hope flashed brilliantly across David’s handsome features, the smile growing. “I would like that very much, Kai. Meet you at the tavern afterwards?”
He nodded, grinning along with him. “Definitely. Just find us a more...secluded spot. You know, for privacy reasons.”
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ronyavalentine · 9 years
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Next up on OC kiss week; Another of @desmondsubject17 ‘s OCs, Echo (the blue one), and my yet-another-alien OC Titus (the red one)! Idk if you can even count this into the kiss week - can you kiss properly if you don’t have any lips? Elli told me Echo is a charming gun expert/engineer, so I ofc had to pair him with my OWN gun engineer/mechanic mastermind Titus.
Funnily enough, the other OC kiss between our OCs had my Zarla in it, who’s from the same original world of mine as Titus is, which I didn’t expect to happen at all during this challenge week. I had planned to take each of my smooching OCs from separate stories, but couldn’t help but to pair these two together... Who’s the red and who’s the blue of YOUR relationship?
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whittledraws · 9 years
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Accidentally ships my bara wizard child that no one knows with a younger version of a well-known shithead. Aha...... Younger version of Alexander from @chikuto 's comic Clockwork and my son Skye from my own comic that's still in script development Trying not to die of embarrassment but she did say she wanted people to ship them with the OC kiss tag thing
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anorkie · 9 years
It’s OC Kissing Week!! Do any of my followers (or anyone under the tag) have an OC that would like to participate?? I would love to draw my OCs giving little smooches to yours!! Please, hit me up and don’t be shy!!
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