#octavius basically gets given a brief by the board and follows it like he's told to. he doesnt draft up new decisions but helps plan budget
the-casbah-way · 1 year
Why didn't McPhee choose Lance for CEO instead of Oct?
a few reasons. octavius is managing director and lance is head of marketing, so it would make far more sense in terms of a more standard career progression for octavius to be ceo. a managing director (in this context) is very similar to a ceo anyway so mcphee knows that octavius already has all the experience needed for the role. as well as that, octavius is just very good at his job. if he wasn't he wouldn't be in the position he's in. he's very efficient and has the correct degree and previous work experience, he's great with numbers and administrative work and he's also surprisingly a very good and natural leader. he has that privileged white man way of speaking and carrying himself that makes him very good at bossing people around and actually getting them to listen. don't get me wrong he is not people positive at all and wishes he could just do his job with no input from anyone else because he doesn't trust them to meet his impossibly high standards, and that's why i said mcphee probably shouldn't have chosen him because a ceo generally needs to have VERY strong people skills. but octavius is definitely the best man for the job in terms of the choices mcphee has within the firm already. lance is too self centred to be able to better the company as a whole and his skills are definitely more suited for a role where he doesn't have to handle the entire admin side of things because he does not work anywhere near hard enough to pull that off and almost everyone that knows him can tell. he's very much a nepotism baby and did not really earn his role like octavius did
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lotrewrite · 7 years
Recap of 8.26.17 Chat
So in this chat, we started out with some general points which all writers should take into account when revising their episodes, and then went episode by episode. This time around, episode-by-episode, I've focused more on the substantive comments rather than the love (there was love for all the episodes)
First: for everyone's convenience, someone apparently wrote a script to put in all of the html code needed to transition your fic from gdrive to ao3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19eZnBQ4989Dr17v2ODFgE8QWAo9Oahi4USDNS3hOSvM/edit
Second: We’re going to be using TV Rules in terms of rating – no sex/full nudity, avoid swears like ‘fuck/shit’, but ‘damn/hell/crap’ are OK. Seemed easier to have everyone try to keep this in mind for a consistent tone than to try to figure out how many f-bombs we can drop in an episode
Third: The “basic” introduction we’ll be using is "Time travel is real, and all of history is vulnerable to attack, which is why we must travel through time to keep anyone from damaging it. We are a team of outcasts and misfits. So please don't call us heroes, we're legends."  If you’ve already come up with an alternative intro, feel free to keep it! if you want to alter the above intro, feel free! This is just the most basic, unadorned version.
Fourth: Things we should include more references to in various episodes:
Mick being a pyromaniac
Ratigan exists (post episode 9)
References to Nate and Lisa once they’re gone (i.e. "Lisa would've liked this" and "Nate's going to hate us all SO BAD when we tell him" and "wish we had Nate/Lisa here")
Mentions that Oculus!Len has attempted to make contact with the others and failed (post episode 12 only)
Fifth: Names (for consistency)
Len: In episodes 1-12, we call him "Len" in narrative and "Snart" in speech (except Lisa, who refers to him as "Lenny"); post episode 12, Len is introduced as "Legion!Len" and "Oculus!Len" respectively - use the full names (i.e. Oculus!Len not O!Len) for clarity; this applies even when a given Len is alone on screen, but exceptions can be made if you're deliberately trying to confuse the issue of which Len is which
Eobard Thawne: "Eobard" in narrative, "Thawne" in text; Legion!Len starts calling him "Bard" or "Bardy", followed by Oculus!Len once he hears it, but Legion!Len stops once he has been brainwashing only to slowly resume once it begins fading
Damien Darhk: "Darhk" in narrative, "Darhk" when the Legends are talking about/to him, "Damien" when the Legion is talking about/to him
Queen Bee: always referred to as Queen Bee unless someone is explicitly making a joke
ASIDE: I feel like we're missing a lot of jokes for Queen Bee's name
Someone needs to tell her to buzz off
"You've been busy." "...is that supposed to be a pun?"
"Queen Bee? Yeah, Queen B-rated"
"It's the Bee Team" that's DEFINITELY a Ray comment, which he'd ruin by going "Get it? 'cause we're the A Team???"
these puns are giving me hives
she needs to call everyone honey
crowdsourcing puns, who would BEE-lieve it??
(also at some point you should also make a joke about there being "Lenses". You can see better with two Lenses.)
Let’s move on or we’ll bee here all night (sorry)
Gideon and Rip call everyone by Mr./Miss, except for “Captain Hunter” and “Captain Lance”
Everyone calls Jax "Jax" except Stein (Jefferson) and Gideon/Rip (Mr. Jackson)
Mick has nicknames for everyone: Ray (Haircut/Pretty), Nate (Pretty), Sara (Blondie), Stein (Professor), Len (Boss, Len, Lenny), Kara (Skirt), Jax (Kid), Amaya ("Rules"), Lisa (Goldie), Rip (Englishman)
For historical characters, use whatever works for the historical time period but is understandable to readers of a modern audience (i.e. use "Octavian" not “Gaius Octavius/Octavianus”)
Episode 10
They should look Queen Bee up at some point after the initial fight
Gideon confirms that Queen Bee is an enemy of Mari’s and thus would know something about Amaya’s future, making Amaya more anxious
Episode 14
It'd be great if Amaya could look up her future at the end of the Tudor episode, maybe while Mick and the others go burn down the Globe; that way, Amaya can struggle with it and Queen Bee’s comments in the next episode
maybe in Episode 14, after O!Len's shock at seeing his "other" self we might want to have a short scene where he asks Gideon what the hell was that, and Gideon explains that he was picked up in 2014 and he has a moment where he goes "wait, so that's...me? that's really me? a me that's not DEAD yet?"
Episode 15
Make Amaya being picked up by British/white colonialist forces to be used by them, so she was fed a lot of propaganda, and most of the lessons about the British should come from Ching; possibly also a conversation with Sara in which Sara explicitly notes that she can’t understand the experience of being colonized - "I can give you examples about what they've done but I can't tell you how you or anyone else they affect should feel about it" kind of thing
Amaya should be struggling with her knowledge about her future - I really like how you have Amaya resisting Queen Bee's offers; but I think the resolution might work better with Amaya deciding against making Sara's mistake from Episode 4 rather than not looking it up at all? That would explain the dialogue where Amaya’s considering changing the future
Lily aberration arc: the end of episode 15, she forgives Stein for keeping it from her, but she's still upset and "needs space" because she's still an aberration and scared - leave it ambiguous at the end of 15, so the audience initially thinks she's still angry about Stein hiding it from her
Shay Hannibal Houlihan - immigrants were told (or forced) to change their name, maybe he could mention that, you can mention that they changed his name to Hannibal at Ellis Island, but he still prefers Shay, you could also have Josephine calling him Hannibal; Maybe his bar is name Hannibal and when asked, he explains that's his legal name
Len arc: Len starts encouraging Mick to go talk to his other self so that he can tell him not to die - the emphasis should be Oculus!Len wants Mick to go to his other self rather than the Legion
Episode 16
I really liked the characterization in this episode; I thought it was really spot on
Lily aberration arc: at the end of episode 16, when Stein gets back to her, he basically announces that he will fight ANYONE who tries to hurt her even a little and the Legends back it up and agree that no one will be "fixing" her aberration
Lily needing a bit more to do this episode, maybe a conversation with Jax, who she can have that "I don't know what being an aberration means and it's freaking me out" conversation with. The conversation could maybe go while they're following Rip to the place with the ship parts
Len arc: the emphasis should be Oculus!Len wants Mick to go to his other self rather than the Legion
Episode 17
Fantastic episode, emotional whiplash, so much fun
They're dropping Lily off - do we make it clear enough that happens before episode 17 starts? maybe we could put in a brief comment about how it's been a few days since they dropped Lily off or something?
Episode 18
Legionnaire Len joke
Len calls Eobard ‘Bard’ at the end, causing them to comment about possibly needing to reinforce the brainwashing, but Queen Bee resists because how dare they question her
Gag reel: Darhk in a leather skirt with lace up sandals; "Show some leg, Damien! That'll distract her!" "Shut up, Snart!"
They can’t read the graffiti because it’s slang/graffiti, not because they can’t read the foreign language - the babelfish applies to that too
Episode 19
Awesome representation, superpowers, fantastic battle sequences, emotional moments; it was a great episode AND it felt like a great backdoor pilot for a Ystina-themed episode
the only section I had any issue with was there was one or two that had no Legends
scabbard – Nimue stealing it or maybe when she's knocked over (iirc?) it can fall under her or some other object and out of sight
can mick just watch the cigarette burn down? Yes
Jessica Cruz should show up as a Green Lantern, since she shows up in episode 17
Jax goes to QB's place in Africa to get Amaya, but it seems like this is really far to travel and be back in time within an episode. should she have a hq somewhere closer, just for visiting while at board meetings? Yes, they should go to Queen Bee’s local embassy
I really liked Mick's opening.
I also like that Nate bursts in but they don't even humor him
what exactly is the brainwashing cure? don't think we had one; I think we just planned to have Ray design a mind-fixing gun again - I did make a note that they could pick up Ted's BB gun which works on light spectrum; it also used the emotional spectrum in the comics; that could work
The second part seemed short – maybe add the part where we picked up Rip again - there should be a scene where they break in and steal him and the waverider
also there's a comment about the lanterns going away to space and coming back to a mess, but it contradicts Queen Bee complaining about her 'pest' problem in the first half
There should be a moment where Len weakens the brainwashing and becomes aware that he’s being brainwashed, and is now resisting unsuccessfully
what O!Len's motivation is for not revealing L!Len's brainwashing to Mick - O!Len can dance around the subject until he tries to warn Mick about L!Len going to kill him; Mick probably wouldn't believe that so easily until O!Len blurts out "He's been brainwashed! Since before all this happened!" "...Why didn't say that earlier, I would've listened to you then!" I don't think Len would ever be able to actually say the words brainwashed about himself, too horrifying maybe some reference to "remember what the Time Masters did to you? to make you Kronos?" "yeah?" "that's what they did to him. to make him like that." That scene would fit in well in Doomworld and explain his earlier reluctance to speak
after Rip, Len and Mick decide to take a break, maybe everyone feels they deserve a vacation until, whoops- dinos in LA they do still have family outside the Legends after all!
can Bambi be our new mascot?
Queen Bee says something like "It is beneath my dignity to brainwash people like you!" I can add a line to mine where they comment on "you did it before" and she tries to bluster
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