#octp: what would you do without me
ameliathermopolis · 7 years
there is something so nice about writing and rping a couple that is rock solid in their conviction that they belong together, that their love is nothing less than divine intervention, that even if death has to part them at some point, they’re still in the middle of their piece of forever and that is a wonderful thing
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ameliathermopolis · 7 years
writing a cinematic interlude for the npc couple the party just met and are going to be chilling with for a bit and 
Darkness takes him as the pain becomes too much. He can feel the life force drain from each bite, each breath and thought coming slower and harder. He is sorry he never got to see his love outside of their dreams, if they even are theirs and not just his. But it was a beautiful dream, and he is grateful for it just the same. At least he can die knowing love, even if it wasn’t all it could have been. So few things ever are. Nicodemus knows this better than most.
@ me check urself next time before you do these things to your own damn feelings
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