#odahviing x ldb
the-ebonarm · 1 year
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The dovahkiin has
Two Hands
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Dragon Mating Rituals
(Don’t come at for this...we all know that some of us have once thought about riding some of those dragons in a whole different kind of way. So this is just a generalized headcanon thing...and yes, I think to some dialed down degree- those with a dragon’s blood and/or soul behave similarly towards their significant others, or at least mimic some of this behavior.)
• Firstly, In order for a Dragon to solidify its bond to another, there must be a buildup to the whole “together” stage before they recognize each other as mates.
• The first step in this courtship process is, of course, displaying power of thu’um. Dragons, wether they are male or female, tend to place worthiness of their potential mates based upon their skill. After all, it isn’t wise to procreate with a weak mate that can’t protect themselves nor your potential offspring.
• After this display, another one is close to follow as a means of assuring the pair’s strength. This usually comes in the form of roughhousing.
• Once the pair decide that they are content with one another, they will ascend into a secluded area away from their fellow dragons so the next- much more crucial- steps of the courting can begin.
• The pair will take turns going out to gather materials to nest, the one that stays home for the day taking on the responsibility of constructing a proper den out of whatever their mate gathers.
• When the two come to an agreement and are satisfied with the nest, they’ll settle in for a while. During this time, the dovahs will preen each other’s wings and groom each other. This takes a tremendous amount of trust and is arguably one of the most important parts of the mating rituals.
• The next, rather strange ritual, to follow would be the singing. Crazy..isn’t it? Yes, dragons sing to their mates- making sure to bristle their scales while they do so to make themselves that much more appealing to the one they chose.
• After they both do the last ritual, they truly accept each other as “grin” or..”bonded”. One of the last steps following this is the pair hunting together, flying high in Kyne’s gorgeous sky as they work together to stock up enough food to gorge themselves for weeks.
• The moment they both return to the nest and fill their bellies, the actual “mating” will begin. Usually initiated by the female, the pair will playfully nip at each other and growl harmlessly, all the while they begin to breed. This “breeding” can last for as long as a few days, only taking breaks to sleep and eat. Remember, the whole point of “mating” is to produce strong and hopefully, many, little nestlings.
• After the dragons are able to successfully reproduce, the mate that is carrying their clutch can expect to be doted on, even after they nurse their young into adulthood.
• Dragons mate for life after the completion of these trails, so it’s typical for a pair to produce a multitude of clutches.
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Odahviing x Ldb
Let’s just start off by saying..he likes to play around with you. Having some history with you, he’ll probably become a close friend before anything else to you- only to become more once he realizes it’s not just his admiration for your power he adored so much. But like said, he likes to mess around- so no matter what, expect him to bring up how you locked him up in dragonsreach and/or how you screamed when he took off with you on his back.
Gets jealous super easy, but only with his brethren. He knows that you wouldn’t ever even consider a human..not when you have him...right? Oh fuck, would you? Engage possessive overload. You’re his thuri..please dont leave him.
Often likes making awful innuendos when in otherwise decent company, saying things like “why yes, the Dovahkiin is an expert dragon rider now.” Or “There’s nothing too big for our dragonborn to conquer.” all with a sly smile and wink.
Oh, that brings up! Human form. Well, he likes to appear as a Nordic man with long flaming red hair- adorned with one single braid. His eyes are a strange, yet lovely color- being blue on the outer rings and a brilliant gold around his pupils. Like most nord men, he’s decently built too- also standing at 6’4. Though he doesn’t keep a huge beard, he’ll keep a short one!
Actually does enjoy giving your rides when he’s in his dragon form, enjoying sweet secluded dates way up in the mountains.
In dragon ages, I’d put Odahviing somewhere on the younger side- placing him in the mid twenties type of range.
Enjoys rough housing with you, even occasionally embracing his dragon nature and nipping you playfully on the neck while the two of you roll around.
Enjoys speaking in dovahzul with you, even deciding upon helping you learn it if you don’t catch on quick enough.
Due to his younger age..and overall “instincts”, Odahviing considers having you as his mate a very serious ordeal and plans to treat you just like the dragon you were deep down. This is all fine and dandy..until the “mating” ritualis come into play.
Expanding upon that last point, he insists upon the two of you joining forces to create an acceptable nest for your potential young (which made you very flustered when he explained)- then he’ll start going above and beyond to prove his “hunting prowess” to you, bringing you way too much food that he fully expects you to eat and finally...just you wait until mating season hit it’s peak. He’ll be inconsolable, taking moment of peace and turning it to him screwing you in the freshly made nest.
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Paarthurnax x Ldb Fluff Headcanons
(Dragon grandpa has a human form, alright? Good.)
There will be countless hours spent at his side on the top of his mountain, talking to each other about who knows what under the magnificent Skyrim sky. If he’s in dragon form during these times, he’ll hold you in his wings and keep you warm- but if he chooses to be in human form, he’ll wrap his arms around you and hold you tight for as long as he can, often times falling asleep like that.
Though he isn’t the spry dragon he once was, he’ll still happily offer you rides to wherever your heart desires. Following such, he often times gets jealous of odahviing- even once showing his teeth to the younger male when your back was turned. It’s in a dov’s nature to be possessive.
He acknowledges how powerful you are, but he still can’t help himself but he over protective. You had the body of a mortal, unable to shift to a form that reflected your soul. Though other dragons would no longer challenge your thu’um, who’s to say that you won’t end up losing your footing on a cliff and fall? Without wings, you’ll die...oh how he hates that mental image. So yes, he frets over your well being constantly.
When you persuade him to finally leave his mountain side and shift to his mortal form, he’ll still closely emulate his dovah ways. What I mean by that is as soon as you get him home, he makes it his mission to begin nesting. Akatosh knows he’s very old, so he won’t necessarily nest for his potential offspring, instead he’ll make a nest for you and him to simply relax in. This eventually ends up being all you do with the old dovah turned man, spending the cold nights with a fire in the hearth and furs surrounding you- his much larger form encasing you completely.
Dragon naps are a thing and are totally a thing that he takes seriously. He’s more of a night person, so expect him wanting to cuddle until sunset- only getting up to bring you food. And yes, he insists on feeding you.
Thanks to his vast wisdom, whenever you ask him to, he’ll teach old ways of the voice to you that not even the greybeards knew. The ability to do so fills him with great pride, especially when he sees how quickly you catch on.
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Miraak x Ldb (Flight of Dragons)
Traveling through Kynerath's skies wasn't something you were foreign to. On your conquest to slay Alduin, you had flown. To the summit of apocrypha, you flown. Yet..no matter how many times you had done so, none were quite as magical as when you shared the experience with him. Quite honestly it had become somewhat of a tradition between the two of you, a family tradition at that. No matter, every time seemed even more fantastical than the last, something in your soul swelling in happiness as you ascended the clouds on dragon wing.
This feeling could only be described similarly to that of coming home after suffering weeks of terrible homesickness. It felt right.
Yeah, that's it. It felt right.
Peering out unto the seemingly endless horizon, you sighed, pressing into the elder dragonborn behind you. Though you were perfectly capable of flying your own dragon, as you had done plenty of times, the temptation of instead flying with him swayed you this go around. A choice well made you decided as you felt his large arms encircle your chest and stomach, pulling you closer than what was probably necessary.
Smiling you turned your head to look at him, an amused giggle soon to follow as you did. The usually stoic priest was grinning like a child, his stunning green orbs following the additional dragons flying higher up. When you had become so desensitized to the dov, you wouldn’t ever know. Perhaps it had something to do with the likeness in your souls, it was after all, what first persuaded you to spare the once merciless man you now came to love with your entire being. The man that had become your husband.
Just the though made a fluttering sensation stir in your stomach.
Nonetheless you crooned your neck to place a chaste kiss against his stubble-ridden jaw, the stray hairs framing his face that he couldn’t quite incorporate into his braids tickling your nose as you did. Through rays of the setting sun his hair appeared a shining gold, only further adding to the beauty of the dragonborn. Why he ever chose to wear a mask escaped you.
In response to your action he moved his relaxed gaze to look at you, his enthusiastic grin morphing into a love-laced warm grin. Though he would speak, the wind was far too loud. Not being oblivious to this fact, Miraak instead settled for affectionately testing his head in the crook of your neck- returning the kiss shortly thereafter.
There wasn’t much more you could ask for in life. So much freedom, so much space and your family to share it with. If that wasn’t enough though, the beautiful golden sea of clouds beneath Sahrotaar’s belly was absolutely breathtaking. It’s hues ranging from the brillant gold to a soft pink as the sun continued it journey in ushering in the night sky. You understood why Odahviing told you that the flight of dragons is an ability to envy, however you also wondered if your friend ever though that he’d be flying beside not one, but two of the dragonblood...as well as your love’s three faithful companions. At the time of your meeting, you never would’ve predicted it. In fact you likely would’ve scoffed and dismissed the notion as ramblings of a madman.
However you were quite happy your fate was so unpredictable. Who knows what else is ahead?
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