#odd to think of how my ocs are percieved by other people since no one knows anything about them except me
syrupyyyart · 1 year
The main reason the main Motley comic has gone on hiatus is just so I can build a better backlog of chapters, and I'm already feeling much more secure about it overall lol. It's weird to be working on it the same amount I was before but never posting about it!!! Maybe I'll start posting the chapters as I finish them to Patreon lol.
Im glad the askblog is helping fill the gap between now and the next chapter. Working on both of them has been so fun, aaa I love my ocs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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vide0-nasties · 6 years
all As for euffie ylfa and ww 😘
1. what are your oc’s naturalabilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
Eustacia: Because of her mother,Una, she's been practicing glamour and cursework since she was achild, but she's had an innate talent for transmogrification magicthat Una never possessed. That lapsed as she grew into adulthood, butit was a good foundation for her chaos magic.
Ylfa: Hunting and acting. Shegrew up with only her mother for company, very isolated in thecountryside, and because of her mother's work (research into theviability of alchemy in a residential setting), she largely had tokeep not only herself entertained, but the both of them fed andclothed. On the entertainment spectrum, this meant lots and lots ofreading and pretend games, playing multiple roles to flesh out herstories. On the practicality end of things, she took up hunting smallgame after being taught by a few traders how to track and use a bow.
Wildwood: As the second youngestof eleven children, with a twin brother that required constant careand attention, Wildwood spent a lot of her time being her mother'sshadow. That meant cleaning, and chores, and laundry. But it alsomeant cooking and playing music. Her earliest and nearly onlyremaining memories of that time are being taught to cook for crowdsand playing her mother's autoharp. When that finally and blessedlywent to shit and she and her mother were rescued, her adoptivefather, Jocko, taught her to play the fiddle.
2. what activities have theyparticipated in?
Eustacia: massive militarycampaigns, guerrilla warfare, black budget operations, regionaldestabilization, “advanced interrogation,” memory retrieval andfabrication, necromancy and ransom, state-sanctioned mass murder,riot suppression, insurrection suppression, leading violentrevolution, participating in the illegal sale of banned magicks,vigilantism. Nothing very good or cheerful.
Ylfa: Court intrigue, in-depthschooling, world traveling, counter-espionage, big-ass bat stunts,giant bat care, formal dance, learning world languages, deep coverespionage, counter-terrorism operations (for lack of a better termig!), mithridatism, selective dog training, getting shoved into avery loveless arranged marriage for political convenience thatneither party wants, warrior monk training, administering religiousrites and ceremonies, being a good kept court monkey for her queenand spitting out as many prophecies as possible.
Wildwood: Her criminal record islong and varied and includes but is not limited to: hostageransoming, bank robbery, horse thievery, identity fraud, dowry fraud,murder, improper disposal of human remains, train robbery, stagecoachrobbery, attempted murder, grand larceny, prostitution, materialproperty scams, assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon,breaking and entering. On the less illegal side, she has attended twocotillions, plays concert-level violin, competed in shootingcontests, raced horses (both mounted and driven), acted as a honeypotand diversion, and uhhhh orchestrating the personal hygiene of themen in camp bc they fucking STINK.
3. what abilities do they havethat they’ve worked for?
Eustacia: Living a relativelynormal civilian life. From the time she was five, she's either been acriminal accomplice on the lam, an enslaved Black ops soldier, or aguerrilla revolutionary. Having a place that is HERS, that she comesback to everyday and has to maintain is a HELL of a lot differentthan anything she's used to. Not to mention the fact she wasadjusting to life with the better part of her humanity removed fromher body, making her incomprehensible on good days and utterlyvicious on bad ones.
Ylfa: Unlike Euffie, Ylfa had toadjust to enlisted life lol. Hey previous home lives had beenextremely casual, sedate, and private, so getting thrown to thewolves in the form of looots of resentful priestesses (who'd allbusted their ass to join the Beserkr's order, while Ylfa had beenforced in as punishment for a percieved crime) and an obscenely harshtraining regiment very nearly killed her from exhaustion if nothingelse. The loneliness and constant moving didn't help her either.
Wildwood: Sniping, bodydismemberment/disposal, empathy/sympathy. These all have to do witheach other. As a child, one of her older brothers (Atlas, he whocertainly acted like he had the world upon his fuckin' shoulders, andhe who was certainly built like it) put his hand on the back of herhead and smashed her skull against a tree. While it fucked her upphysically (broke her skull, injured her right eye, broke out herlateral incisor), it also gave her lasting brain damage. It becamevery easy for her to kill people because she didn't see them aspeople. She had to work very hard to give a shit about anyone (thatwasn't her mother or adoptive father) as an individual. Over 25+years, some of the damage has healed, and through her own work herempathy has gotten much better, but it's made killing more difficult.
4. what things are they bad at?
Eustacia: Domesticity ): my girlcannot keep a house to save her damn life. She's never stayed oneplace long enough for it to feel like home and she's always watchingthe door for her cue to leave. Her house is messy, dirty, anddisorganized and feels deeply, deeply impersonal. She simply doesn'tcare about the place she lives. Minor thingsshe's bad at: playing musical instruments, cooking food that is notbreakfast related, remembering important dates, self-restraint,healthy coping mechanisms, wearing colors that aren't black.
Ylfa: She'sabsolutely terrible at being her genuine self. She got too used totrying to be helpful or unobtrusive or sneaky, and as a result shebends her personality to best match whoever she's interacting with.It's gotten to the point that she thinks she doesn't actually have apersonality of her own--she's doesn't exist outside of whoever she'spretending to be for someone else, and she doesn't know who Ylfa issupposed to be. Minor things: consistently lies, doing laundry (hasdestroyed many sets of robes), disciplining her dog (Jokeri is aspoiled little tyrant and it's only tolerated because he's tiny),respecting books (serial spine-breaker and dog-earrer), makingfriends, respecting (or even remembering the names of) the othergods, huge blasphemer.
Wildwood: Woodputs the needs of others ahead of her own and if that isn't just asMary Sue-ish as shit. But it's ruinous and gets to the point ofself-destruction, literally forgoing basic self-care to tend to anylittle thing asked of her, leading to big, BIG fuck-ups as a resultof the neglect and wear. Most often this leads to exhaustion andfatigue, leaving her close to functionally useless when shit hits thefan. Minor things: she pinballs between booze hounding/cocainefiending and sobriety, is religiously intolerant of most Christiandenominations outside of Catholicism, says odd oblique shit ALL THETIME, double-talks, can certainly be cruel for the sake of beingcruel, gets entitled and aggressive when challenged or has factsthrown in her face.
5. what is their most impressivetalent?
Eustacia: this bitch has created LIFE. It was ugly andan abomination and she crushed it was a book, but the little freakmistake did live for a minute, and it was a result of her chaosmagic. Making something out of the nothing that is the universe'svast untapped stores of energy.
Ylfa: Ylfa is an *astonishing* airborne mounted archer,hitting targets from a distance of half a mile while flying at topspeed in the dark. She can also tie cherry stems in knots with hertongue and can pick locks faster than anyone she knows.
Wildwood: Besides being able to dismember an grown manin ten minutes and being able to land a headshot at almost a mile,she has a drinking toast for every occasion and can cook a full-onspread for 20 people with little to no notice if called upon.
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