#oddly enough even though i only slept 2 hours i feel kinda refreshed
kirishwima · 2 years
yknow its bad when u start feeling anxious bc u feel
happy for once
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew; part 12
Summary: It's the morning after Rus's heat. Time for a little truth or consequence.
Tags: heatfic, dubious consent, NSFW, frenemies to lovers, mates, first time, more if I think of them
PLEASE READ THE TAGS: This is a Heat story, so there are going to be issues of consent. I don’t do partner rape, nope, but hey, I want to be straight with y’all. I like heatfics personally, but I understand how they can be troubling for some people. So there it is.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
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Read it here!
Rus was dead. It was the only explanation for how shitty he felt.
Being dead sure as hell sounded better than dealing with all the aches and pains he could feel settling into his bones. Better than dealing with the trickle of memory that was starting to soak into his thoughts, of spending the last night in a heat-induced haze of fucking, and by the shiny damned stars, having sex all night long only sounded good if you were getting paid by the hour. Anyone off the clock needed some damn sleep after a while and that was a fact.
Since dead people didn’t need sleep, though, Rus was gonna have to come to the regrettable conclusion that he was alive, in which case he might actually have to deal with some shit.
In the positive column, his soul felt…okay. Settled. That seemed like a good word for it or maybe deeply satisfied would be better. A miles-deep itch luxuriously scratched with a firm application of dick. A quick trip over into the negatives was he felt like every single one of his bones had a bruise fucked into it somewhere.
Also, he desperately wanted a cigarette and oh, yeah, he was in Edge’s bed and the last time that happened, the waking up didn’t exact rate a 10 on the hospitality scale. He could feel the presence of a body behind him and unless some serious changes in time and space happened while he was out cold, it was a good guess that it was Edge. Yay.
Welp, since he wasn’t dead, there was nothing for it. Cautiously, Rus eased over to take a gander.
Edge was there, all right, sound asleep, rusty-dark circles beneath his sockets. Stood to reason he’d still be zonked; he’d been along for the entire bouncy ride and stuck around for the cleanup. That was something to be grateful for right there. The bond between them felt oddly empty, like it was lying dormant. Rus prodded at it mentally like poking at a sore tooth and there was only the faintest pulse of response, not even enough for Edge to stir.
Yeah, buddy was tired, he deserved a chance to sleep in, right, job well done and all that shit. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too pissed off if he slept through his shift, but Rus wasn’t sticking around to find out. Time to get out before black comedy took a left turn back to the drama category.
Didn’t exactly start off well; the second Rus tried to climb out of bed, it felt like this morphed from porn to some kind of stealth game. First objective, slithering off the mattress without moving it enough to wake the Edgelord. Next, his clothes were scattered to the four corners of the room, forcing Rus to tiptoe around to gather them up. At least they weren’t hard to find. Aside from his loose wardrobe, the room was neat as a pin.
Rus slipped his clothes back on, grimacing at the lingering dampness on his tank top and at the crotch of his pants. He sure as hell hoped Muffet held on to the sweatshirt he’d left at her bar even if she charged a cleaning fee, it was one of his favorites. Thinking of Muffet made him wince. His reputation was going to take a hell of a beating over last night or at least start up a Scooby Doo style mystery.
He’d deal with that later. Wasn’t much he could do about his clothes now, he wasn’t hanging around to do laundry, and he only needed to wear them long enough for a couple shortcuts.
Done and done, time to hit bricks and if the shortcut down to the machine woke Edge, all he could do was send an annoyed text. Yep, it was time to go, back home where he didn’t have to think about anything he didn’t want to, tuck all this shit about heats and bonds and who-the-fuck-knew else back into the dark, dusty corners of his mind while he focused on naps and smoking. Back to the ol’ basics.
Except, Rus still found himself hesitating, looking back where Edge was sleeping curled up beneath the rumpled blankets.
Rus’s soul gave an uncomfortable throb. Edge looked so damn young when he was asleep. All of the sharp corners and creases that bound him up during the day eased, leaving his skull smoother and the cracks that ran through his socket starker, more poignant. A pretty unwelcome reminder that he was the same age as Blue…and that he’d never had sex before, fucking hell, what a way to lose any vestiges of virginity a guy had, both times in a feverish, heat-induced marathon. Rus wasn’t an expert on the mornings-after, okay, he’d only slept over by accident a few other times. Dropped unconscious was more accurate, he’d been drunk as hell every time. Sneaking out for a hasty walk of shame while his nighttime companion and/or mistake was still out cold was fine on those occasions, but this time? Seemed kinda rude, what with the whole soul bond thing. Maybe really rude.
Besides, could be if Rus stuck around, he’d get breakfast out of the deal again.
That hooked it. He’d stay until Edge got up and see how this played out, and if it started with, any version of, ‘Why are you still here?’, he’d hit bricks. He rubbed his chest right over his soul, mentally ordering it to quit with the whining, he was staying, okay?
For now, he needed a damned cigarette. That itchy craving might be a pale comparison to driving heat crawling through his bones, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t irritating. The crumpled pack in his pants pocket held two mangled butts and his lighter. It’d have to do.
Rus stepped outside the bedroom door and carefully closed it before taking shortcut down to the front porch, already shaking out a cig before he sat down. It was cold outside, the sudden chill refreshing on his bones. The soothing rush of nicotine was all the better coupled with the linger ache in his bones. Nothing like a smoke after getting laid.
Not that ‘getting laid’ really lived up to the experience, now did it. That first time had been something, but his turn in the heat box was…fuck. That shit had been something else, the memory a blurry mess of pleasure and hot aching, his soul uncaring as it slowly collapsed into pain and dragged his dick along for the ride. If that was what it was like with a helper along, Rus didn’t even want to think about what it might be like to endure it alone. Someone needed to ask evolution for a refund, because that didn’t qualify under normal wear and tear.
Then again, if getting knocked up kept a Monster from having to go through that, it was a hell of an incentive.
A shadow fell over him and Rus looked up. And up, and up, at a hulking bear Monster, radiating LV without even a check, their beady, reddened eyes focused laser-sharp on Rus.
Yeah, okay, that was a hell of a wake-up call to remind him he was still in Underfell.
“Hey, there precious,” the Bear said, low and growling. “don’t you smell delicious?”
Welp, that was ominous on about three different levels, four if Rus could use complex mathematics, but this guy looked like 2 + 2 might tax his skill level.
Suddenly, Rus was feeling a lot more self-conscious about his tank top; there was a reason he normally bundled up in a sweatshirt and it wasn’t because he couldn’t take the temps.
Before Rus could decide whether to take his chances telling them to piss off, or shortcut out and ruin one of his last cigarettes, a familiar voice said from behind the Bear, “might wanna take another whiff there, smokey, that one’s taken.”
The Bear did, loudly, nostrils flaring, and Rus would’ve sworn he paled even though his face was covered in fur. He ducked his head and it was more than a little bemusing to see him so subservient to a guy not even half their height, muttering out, “Sorry, Red, I didn’t know.”
“uh huh,” Red hooked a thumb towards town, “you got a free whiff, now fuck off.”
The Bear dropped down to all fours and waddled hastily away. Rus watched him go, their tail waggling like a flag of surrender. Then he looked back at Red.
Red looked like Red, that ever-present smirk of his lingering on his mouth. He tucked his hands into his pockets and rocked on his sneakered heels. “you shouldn’t be outside yet,” Red said, “you still reek and some of the dimmer bulbs won’t check who you belong to, since the boss hasn’t bothered to put a collar on you yet.”
“yet?” Rus took a long drag, snorting out smoke through his nasal cavity. “yeah, i don’t think so. i don’t belong to anyone.”
“don’t take it so hard. he belongs to you, too,” Red sounded resigned. As if had any fucking right to, as if this whole clusterfuck wasn’t his fault, and yeah, it might’ve still gone down this way if Red just told him about this, maybe handed over that fabled heat manual along with the rock and the hard place, but at least Rus would’ve had a choice. At least this would be all his bad decisions, that much he was used to. Not Red using him like a bandage, slapping him over his brother’s wound and expecting him to soak up all the juices.
Only to find out it wasn’t as easy to toss him out afterward and fuck it, Rus was losing the metaphor, but the point stood. Red didn’t have a right to sound like that, fucking prick.
What all this really came down to was that there was a choice to make here, and the bitch of it was, Rus already knew what one he was going to make.
Rus sighed and held out the pack of cigarettes, and after a minute, Red took the last one, tossing the crumpled pack on the ground where Edge was probably gonna find it and bitch about it. Red sat down next to him on the step and took the silently offered lighter, too. They sat there for a while, smoking in the quiet morning and honestly, what a laugh, right? Red and Sans could hold onto a grudge in both their greasy little hands until the Universe went to dust and Rus’s soft little soul folded like a card house after one shouting match.
Seriously, Red really knew how to pick his scapegoats, didn’t he.
“i really hate you, you know,” Rus said conversationally. The artificial light was getting brighter. If he were back home, Rus would already be napping at his sentry station.
Red only chuckled humorlessly, “there’s another thing you and my bro have in common.”
“your brother doesn’t hate you.”
Red shrugged, flicking ash across the snow mounded around their porch. “wouldn’t know. haven’t seen him since his heat.”
“what?” That sure as hell got Rus’s attention. Yeah, Red skipped out on movie night, but Rus hadn’t known it was that bad. “you live here.”
Red’s grin was blade-sharp, his eye lights firmly on his untied shoes. “see that’s the thing about being able to shortcut. you don’t have to see anybody you don’t wanna.”
“true.” But Rus couldn’t help but wonder who didn’t want to see who, ‘cause if Red did all this for his brother, it was pretty damn hard to believe that he’d ditch him over the fallout. “edge is still pretty pissed, huh.”
Not that Rus had a leg to stand on in that fight, not when he was still pissed off himself. Once Edge figured out who sent Rus into the lion’s heat den—an extremely short list of suspects— stood to reason he’d be steamed.
Red said nothing. He flicked his burnt-out butt into the snow and pulled a slim silver case out of his pocket. Weirdly posh for him but when he opened it, there was a neat row of those little cigars that he liked to smoke. He held the case out, offering, and fuck it, Rus took one. Nicotine was nicotine, even if the harsh smoke made him cough. When Red made a move to pat him on the back, Rus leaned away, glaring through his cough.
“don’t,” Rus wheezed out. “don’t touch me.” He took a couple deep, clean breaths, and added, “we aren’t good, i want you to know that. we aren’t friends. you fucked me over good with this shit.”
“yeah. i did.” Red didn’t argue. He smoked his cigar and looked out at the snow drifts around them. At his battered version of Snowdin, his world that was so fucked up that it forced Monsters to go into heat and nearly die themselves to keep the population up.
Rus sighed, absently twirling the cigar between his fingers. “but if you want, i’ll try and help you get back in with your bro.”
That got Red’s attention. He turned to Rus, sockets narrowed suspiciously. “why would you do that?”
“because edge didn’t ask for any of this shit, either,” Rus said, low, “and now he’s stuck with me of all people, isn’t he. he doesn’t deserve to lose his brother, too, especially not in your shitheap of a world.” And it was a shitty, shitty thing Red did, but damned if Rus didn’t get it. What wouldn’t he do for his own bro? Might be better not to put it to the test.
Red said, dubiously, “don’t think that’s how he’d look at it—”
He didn’t get a chance to elaborate. Rus got the faintest impression of someone else’s panic at almost the exact moment the door swung open abruptly behind them and Edge came boiling out, nearly tripped ass over teakettle over them. His wild panic faded when he saw them, the flare of his eye lights dimming to confusion, “Why are you outside?”
Rus shrugged and held up the cigar in answer. “don’t worry, red is a good bodyguard.”
From the corner of his socket, Rus let his eye lights linger on Edge’s bare ribcage, the smooth, broad bones occasionally intersected with the scars of old cracks. The clotted bite mark on his sternum was stark in the artificial daylight and looking at it gave Rus a weird itch, echoed in the healed scar on his collarbone. Interesting to see that Edge hadn’t put on a shirt or even his boots. He was going to go searching in the snow in his bare feet, so panicked he was gonna chase Rus down without shoes.
Guess it was a good thing he decided not to leave. The last thing he needed was Edge showing up half-naked in Underswap Snowdin and tearing apart the town searching for him. That soul bond shit really did a number on a guy’s head, didn’t it, plus maybe some dregs of that heat lingering at the bottom of the mug.
He had the bond pulled in pretty tight right now, anyway. Rus didn’t feel a bit of Edge’s visible discomfort. His ungloved fingers clattered lightly against his skull as he ran a hand over it. “Both of you get inside.”
A direct order that neither Rus nor Red made any move to obey. Rus pinched out his cigar and tucked it into his pocket in case of a later nicotine emergency, then tipped his skull back to look at Edge, all that restless impatience turned upside down.
“you gonna make us some breakfast?” Rus asked lightly.
Edge’s eye lights settled on his and he stared at Rus, unblinking, and fuck only knew what he was seeing. Then they slowly slid to his brother’s back, at Red who was currently staring holes into the ground.
“Yes,” Edge agreed, slowly. “Now come inside.” He didn’t wait to see if they followed, turned on his bare heel and went back in, leaving the door open behind him. Red made a show about getting to his feet, tossing the cigar butt into the snow and giving his ass a lazy scratch. He was shifting impatiently by the time Rus did the same, minus the ass scratch, and shuffled inside.
Edge was waiting by the kitchen door. He said to Rus, “Why don’t you go upstairs and take a nap while I cook? You look like you could use a little more rest.”
“don’t have to tell me twice.” Especially since he suspected Edge wanted to talk with his brother without an audience. Welp, he’d gotten Red through the door, the rest was up to them.
Rus took a shortcut right up into Edge’s mussed bed. The sheets had already given up all the heat they’d collected overnight. Didn’t matter, they were still comfortable and the blankets plentiful. Rus burrowed in, sighing, and closing his sockets, firmly ignoring the spicy, sex-musty stink that was probably baked into the linens even as it made his soul twitch feebly with interest.
Nope, you had your fun, he told it sternly. Time to sit in the back seat until his pelvis felt less like it’d been used as a rocking horse.
Honestly, he didn’t mean to actually fall asleep or at least not as hard as he did, but he must’ve because the next thing Rus knew Edge was there, along with the tantalizing aroma of pancakes and coffee.
The spread was as good as the last time, golden-brown pancakes with a pat of melting butter pooled in the center, mingling with the drizzled honey. Tempting as that was, despite the hungry cry in his soul for sustenance, Rus reached for the coffee first. Only two notches above lukewarm with plenty of milk and sugar, just how he liked it.
Edge set the tray on the bed between them, digging into his plate of pancakes while Rus got close and personal with the coffee. Didn’t take long for him to finish his caffeinated bonding and start in on his own plate, groaning his bliss out around a mouthful of delicious caky sweetness.
“this is so good,” Rus mumbled, then before Edge could grouse about his tables manners in spite of the lack of table, he swallowed and added, “i could get used to being served breakfast in bed after a long night of heat sex.”
Edge’s fork paused almost too briefly to be seen, quickly cutting into his second pancake. “I think something like that could be arranged.”
It was lightly said, but the reminder made Rus grimace anyway. Yeah, if what Edge told him before held true, they were gonna be doing this every few months or so, weren’t they. A shitty situation all the way around, but fuck it, at least there might be future pancakes. He poked at a bite with his fork, the soft innards dissolving into a honey sludge.
As good as the food was, it was weirdly awkward to be sitting here eating pancakes, even more than it’d been the last time. Last time, Rus thought he was about to head home and all this would end up a footnote in his autobiography. Now Rus knew it was gonna end up as a chapter of its own and sitting here trying not to look at the bite mark he’d left on Edge’s sternum on the same bed where only a few hours ago he’d been putting in a good effort to pound Edge through the mattress was a little…yeah, awkward didn’t seem to quite cover it.
Reluctant as he was to think about last night, he did have some clear memories, and hadn’t he just been telling Red that none of this was Edge’s fault? Might be time to put his G where his big mouth was.
“i’m sorry for what i said last night,” Rus said bluntly. “it was shitty of me to blame all this on you.”
Edge didn’t even pause, only swallowed down his current mouthful and said, “I’m hardly going to hold what you say in heat against you. One of the first things in the manual is to not take things a heat-stricken Monster says personally.”
“yeah? that’s probably sound advice.” Rus dragged a bite of pancake through the leftover honey puddled on the plate, sopping it up. “i didn’t know how awful that was for you before. i suspected, you didn’t exactly seem like you were having a good time, but that?” Rus ducked his head, shuddering. “that was something else.”
“Being in heat is awful,” Edge agreed. “however, it shouldn’t be that bad again. Not according to the manual.”
“it’s word is law, huh?”
“After a few centuries of refinement, I’m willing to follow it.”
Rus was running out of pancakes to use as a buffer, time to speed this up. “i feel like an asshole for having to ask and i can guess what you’re say, but…um…are you okay?”
Stupid how that faint smile of Edge’s sent a little pulse through his soul, this bond thing could be really annoying. “I’m fine. And you wouldn’t be an asshole even if I weren’t, it wasn’t your fault.”
“it feels like my fault.” He’d been the one climbing on top, he’d been the one pinning Edge down. Willing or no, it’d still felt like Rus was taking too much, taking, forcing, driven by unrelenting heat and—
“Who are you going to trust, your feeling or me?”
Rus only laughed, a little uncomfortably. He dabbled a finger in the honey dregs, licked it clean. “i’m not usually much of a dick man, anyway. better to receive than give, in my opinion.”
“I don’t think I’m prepared to choose either way.” Edge mused thoughtfully as he set the tray with their empty plates on the floor. “I’d need more data.”
Oh. Well, now. That almost sounded like an invitation, now, dinnit?
Maybe if he…gingerly, Rus opened up the mental wall he had up around his soul juuust a little, a wide enough crack to peer out. He could feel Edge doing the same, so fucking weird, allowing the barest tickle of emotion that wasn’t his, but Rus was ready to match that emotion pretty damn quick.
Desire, as thick and sweet as that morning’s honey.
Rus swallowed hard, “uh, do you maybe…?”
“Yes, I want you,” Edge said bluntly. Just tossed it out there like a ball for Rus to fumble, except not really because Rus had a hold on it now, opening up his soul a wee bit more. Okay, so, if he could feel all the concerns and worries that Edge put out, stood to reason he’d feel want, he’d felt it a little last night. Wants and needs and desires and pleasure, and holy hell, this was gonna be interesting, wasn’t it.
“aww, sweet talker,” Rus cooed. He reached out and traced around the bite mark on Edge’s sternum teasingly, skirting dangerously close to the damaged bone. “you up for some experimenting?”
“Are you offering?”
“yeah, i am.” Enough dancing around, Rus was a little too tired yet to try for the tango. And why the fuck not. His cock was out of commission, but his cunt was all right, and as far as he knew, the only sex Edge ever had was his own heat and its aftermath, and then Rus’s. He could stand to be shown a good time. Hell, Edge was a better lay than most anyone else Rus went home with before, plus he came with morning after pancakes. Maybe this bond thing didn’t have to be so bad, especially if Edge was willing to let him show off a trick or two.
Rus leaned in, carefully telegraphing each move, and kissed him. Jaggedly sharp teeth parted, allowing his tongue inside and there was something about navigating around them, the almost-danger of it that pulled a groan out of Rus, fuck, yes, this was gonna be amazing it was—
An unguarded flash of emotion pulsed through Rus’s soul, a spark of unexpected warmth. Rus jerked back instinctively, flinching away from Edge, both hands curling over his chest as he asked shakily, “what the fuck!”
That emotion was stifled immediately, snuffed out and hastily hidden behind that mental brick wall again. “My apologies,” Edge said smoothly. He leaned in, trying to kiss Rus again but it was about ten steps past too late for that.
“no, no, holy shit, what the fuck!” That brief, shining flash, so brief, but Rus knew it for what it was. Too-warm and tender, settled insidiously against his own for only a moment, but he knew.
Rus scrambled out of the bed, nearly tripping over the tray on the floor, dishes rattling as he backed hastily away, his trembling hands held out as if to keep Edge back.
Edge didn’t try to stop him, he only sat there, looking bleak and…and…no, fuck no…
“no,” Rus choked out, “no, i can’t do that, this bond.” He clutched a fist over his sternum where his soul was aching to manifest “i can’t…please…i can’t deal with it making me feel things that aren’t real, i can’t.”
“It’s not the bond,” Edge whispered, barely audible. He looked way, down at his hands twisting in his lap. “I felt that way before I ever touched you.”
“don’t…” Rus blurted, low and thready. The sourness rising at the back of his throat overwhelming the lingering sweet. “don’t you fucking dare. i don’t believe you.”
“Why do you think my brother chose you?”
“He told me—“
”Oh, I’m sure he had a very good excuse. But heat can be more selective than you’d think.” Edge closed his sockets, exhaling long and slow, “My brother knew exactly how I felt about you and he knew that I never wanted this for you. You deserve a choice, a better choice, any other choice than this.”
“you don’t…you don’t feel that way about me…” Rus said shakily. “you can’t.” More denials trembled on his tongue, but how the fuck was he supposed to deny what he felt with his own soul.
He didn’t even think about shortcutting, only knew he needed to be gone.
The basement was cold, colder even then outside, untouched by the artificial light. Rus fumbled at the machine controls. He had to clear it and reset the coordinates for Underswap twice. Home, he had to get home, that was all, he had to get away from here and…
…and then what?
What was he gonna do? Go hide in Underswap again until heat struck one of them down?
Rus covered his face with trembling hands, inhaled the nauseating mixture the smell of tobacco and sweet honey that clung to his bones. Everything had changed and nothing had changed; the heat was still going to come and there was no place deep enough Rus could bury himself, no Monster he could pull between his legs to ride him to forgetfulness that was gonna stop it.
He didn’t know what to do anymore.
He stood in front of the shimmering blackness of portal, his soul knotted into a screaming tantrum of not fair and when had that ever changed a fucking thing? Terror and anger could fight it out for supremacy in his head, but he had some pretty visceral proof that he couldn’t run away from this one and that was the bitch of it. It was chained directly to his soul and there was no easy escape, not this time.
It was hard to force any kind of clarity into his warbling thoughts, but Rus did the best he could. Deep, calming breaths, his breath clouding in the cold of the basement. He was shivering by the time his panic loosened its hold, bones rattling in the stillness. Okay, obviously, his head and soul were twisted on backwards and upside down over this. What he needed was an outside opinion, someone who didn’t have a horse in this race to give him some damned advice.
Rus went through the portal and closed it behind him before heading upstairs, towards the best opinion he knew. He’d barely opened the door when a shout rang out, making him cringe.
His brother all but flew off the sofa, furiously. Tears stood out in his sockets, shining against the starry blue of his eye lights. “I have been looking everywhere for you! The Monsters at Muffet’s said you were acting strangely and--” Whatever Blue saw on his face made him pause, his righteous anger fading. When Rus dropped to his knees and opened his arms Blue was there in an instant, holding him close. His small, sturdy body was comfort, it was home, and Rus greedily absorbed the feel of it.
All too soon, Blue pulled away. He didn’t go far, cupping Rus’s face in his gentle, gloved hands. “Papy? What is going on?”
That was his bro, always so kind and trying so hard to understand, to make things better. Blue wanted so terribly much to fix it, whatever it was, things and places and people and Rus.
“sit down, bro,” Rus sighed, nudging him towards the sofa, “and i’ll explain. but it’s a long story.”
“Then start telling it,” Blue settled in on the cushions, folding his hands in his lap expectantly. “and brother? I’m expecting a much longer tale than ‘Fuzzy Bunny’.”
Rus resisted the urge to say anything about it being a tale about getting tail and sat down next to him, sprawling into his brother’s lap. “okay. you remember a few weeks ago when i stayed out all night—"
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scenariosofkonoha · 8 years
Tobirama and Kagami political AU Inauguration headcanons ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Bless your soul, dear
No, bless you for submitting this; I put a lot of Kagami in this bc Kagami needs so much love. I literally could spend days just writing about this, so we’re gonna start from election night on forward bc I did some research on inaugurations and ehh I hope this okay.. Also if you haven’t seen the political AU with Kagami and Tobirama then you should read this
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The day before the election, the Senju-Uchiha campaign was split into three different regions, all giving speeches trying to pull in any of the undecided voters in before the following day, because there is still so much controversy over the fact that Kagami and Tobirama are running together and not against. The whole public is still in the phase of processing this, because it was only a few years back that Madara and Hashirama were running opponents and that was such a cutthroat race. Tobirama and Kagami’s opponents like playing that off to the public, because it’s so easy for them to be like, “Bad blood between families doesn’t just disappear like that; makes you really question why they’re running together…” and so there is still this controversy around Kagami and Tobirama as a pairing. Anyway, in attempt to dispel this, Tobirama was in one region, Kagami in another, and Kagami’s S/O in the third. (Lol Kagami’s poor wife has to do all these extra speeches bc Tobirama wants to stay a bachelor, but they still need someone to give the first lady speeches.)
The night before the election, everyone who is a part of the Senju-Uchiha campaign is traveling back to a singular region where they all are going to converge and wait to hear the results of the campaign, but dear Lord, they are all so exhausted. The months and months of campaigning have finally taken their toll, and they all want nothing more than this to be over, but at the same time they all feel like they are supposed to be doing something more, rather than just having patience and waiting for the election results to be counted. It’s just a strange feeling, because there’s nothing left for them to do, but they still feel like they should be doing something.
On the plane ride back home, Tobirama shuts himself away to just get away from everyone and to sleep. He’s reached his point with dealing with massive crowds of people, and if one more person asks him another stupid question, he’ll probably start sassing them, and the public doesn’t need to know of the snarky side of his attitude .
Poor Kagami is so anxious that he is continuously pacing back and forth on the jet, just trying to keep himself moving. He totally out of touch with what’s going on around him, and he keeps replaying all of his own speeches and conferences, praying that they are enough. He’s just come so far as a politician, and he’s proven that he is different from his predecessors and he’s just praying with everything that he’s got that the public will allow him as their VP. He just wants to serve his people and make Tobirama proud; just bless his little heart, such good intentions.
By the time everyone gets back in the same hotel, it’s some ungodly hour in the morning. For the most part, everyone just goes their own way bc of pure exhaustion, but Tobirama makes sure to see his running mate and thank him for everything, regardless of what the outcome may be before he goes back to sleep. ‘Course this is Tobirama, and so this more or less comes off as a pat of the back and something along the lines of “You did good…”
Honestly, Tobirama’s so proud of Kagami, because he’s seen this kid grow up and become such a good hearted politician who genuinely wants to give his country everything and guide them into a future of prosperity. Sometimes it’s refreshing for Tobirama, because even though Kagami is so young and comes from a family that isn’t always the greatest, he has the heart of a genuine leader, and Tobirama’s just grateful that he got the opportunity to run with him. It’s a bit of a sobering moment for Tobirama, but he’s still glad it happened.
Still Kagami is just so wired about it all that he cannot relax at all even hours after everyone else has gone to bed. In his head, he’s coming to the reality that in less than 24 hours, he’s either going to be the vice president or everything that he’s been fighting for will be taken away from him. It’s just not settling, and even though he hasn’t slept in over 30 hours, he’s still very much awake and just constantly contemplating everything.
Kagami’s wifey had to spike his drink with like half a bottle of Nyquil, because she knew that he was going to have to go to sleep and this was the only way to get him to calm down enough to do so. Course Kagami knew this, but he didn’t really do much to stop it; he trusts his well being with her more than himself if he had to tell the truth.
LOL AND THIS BOY WAS OUT UNTIL LIKE 6 THE NEXT NIGHT, he really needed it though. Wifey Uchiha came and woke him up, telling him that he should probably start getting ready or Tobirama would start questioning what had happened to him. Poor baby is slightly confused for a moment, because bless his heart he can’t think clearly when he wakes up, but then he just jolts awake like he’s having a heart attack, because the election results are beginning to come and he needs to be in the broadcast room in like an hour.
When everyone finally makes it into the showing room, it’s oddly calm at the beginning as they continuously watch the results come in and all of the little TV segments showing the road to the election. Of course there’s only maybe fifteen people in there, but for the first time in months, the campaign team seems calm. Up until they all made their way into the room, everyone was nervous, but when the lead campaign managers see both Tobirama and Kagami in there speaking with each other like nothing is happening and they are normal people; this huge weight is lifted off of them, because the reality that these two men may be leading the country in less than two hours is just something that everyone could easily live with.
Tobs and Kagami look so cute and adult in this too. Like both are wearing business suits; Kagami’s got a red tie with little Uchiha cufflinks and Tobirama’s got a blue tie with Senju cufflinks, and they look so official. Like let’s just swear them into office right now.
Tobirama keeps on making these snarky little comments every time an announcer says some not related to the campaign. It’s kinda funny, because he’ll just say it loud enough for Kagami to hear, and Kagami always just raises an eyebrow and its this cute little ritual between the two.
Kagami’s wife has to keep slicking bits and pieces of his hair back, because he keeps messing with it out of anxiousness and it keeps falling out. She’s takes his face in her hands for a moment and is all like, “Love, you need to calm down.” but of course he really can’t stop this nervous tick, so she just holds his hand as the results become more and more evident.
All of a sudden, like almost all of the votes are in a single moment and they are rapidly displaying more and more of them on the screen, and at first the race was neck to neck, but the second that the majority of the votes are displayed, Tobirama and Kagami have this massive lead, and it’s just like, “Holy shit,” because they are winning, and they’ve received more than 80 percent of the vote and now there’s no way that their opponents can win and Jesus Christ they’ve just won the election
The entire room erupts in cheering, because they’ve done it. Their months of grueling and exhausting campaigning have finally come to an end, and Tobirama Senju and Kagami Uchiha are the next President and Vice President
Tobirama just has this great smirk across his face; so fucking prideful. Acts like he knew he was going to win the entire time, despite the fact that he did worry about losing, but he can’t allow the world to see that sometimes he is worrisome, right?
Kagami’s just is absolute disbelief. Like it took him a second to actually process the fact that they had such a big lead, but as soon as he realizes it, there’s this huge smile and he’s hugging everyone and bless his heart.
Bring out the liquor, friends. Y’all best believe that they brought out the good stuff for this. Isn’t everyday that you win an election with a running duo that everyone thought would fail.
Kagami’s too wound up to even notice that his wifey doesn’t drink; maybe she’ll tell him she’s 2 months pregnant at a time where his heart won’t overload from everything ;)
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