#oddly enough they have tge same name too
hearties-circus · 2 years
Went out to lunch with family again, this time with the addition of some great aunties and my 2nd cousin
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liquidatia · 7 years
YOI Historical ABO Slavery AU (bear with me)
They never thought the Russian empire’s ambitions would extend so far east. It started off with small raids on nearby villages and it escalated to the pillaging and kidnapping of civilians. Yuuri remembers Minako, his dance instructor, was one of the first of his village to be spirited away by the Russian empire’s bandits. He had heard horror stories of the slave trade in Russia, whispers from adults when they didn’t think he could hear, and none of them were good.
At thirteen, Yuuri finds himself snatched and carted far away from home with an iron collar around his neck. In Russia, Yuuri is terrified and alone as he is dragged up to the market stage for auction. While some throw in their own bids, one bidder is relentless in their bidding - Minako-sensei. Yuuri is thrilled to see a familiar face in this strange and terrifying new world, but he is confused how Minako is not a slave herself as a collar is absent from her neck.
Minako explains that slaves are common place here. They are property, their status indicated by the collars they wear, however, they are able to buy their independence for a steep price. Minako describes the hardships most slaves go through. As a dancer, she earned more than most slaves as she was tipped for her work while others weren’t paid at all. Even with her little earnings it took her years to pay her collar price. After she liberated herself, she teamed up with a man named Celestino and the two of them started an entertainment troupe of slaves, which has grown tremendously over the years and can even boast about being the best in all of Russia. With their earnings, they would buy slaves at the auction who would work for the troupe in whatever way they could (dancers, jugglers, acrobats, makeup artists, musicians, costume designers, cleanup, etc.) and get a fraction of the earnings plus whatever tips they received. Over time, they would eventually be able to buy their collar price and either choose to stay with the troupe or make a life of their own. At least in this scenario, they would be treated fairly, make an honest living, and have the opportunity to pay off their collar price, a privilege not many slaves had.
Minako takes Yuuri under her wing as a student once more and he quickly climbs through the ranks. At fourteen, he finally presents as an omega. Being a late bloomer, Minako comments how it was fortunate that he hadn’t presented before the auction because omegas, especially rare male omegas, sold for devastatingly high prices. To stave off unwanted attention, Yuuri takes to wearing herb-soaked bandages around his scent glands to neutralize his scent.
At seventeen, Yuuri is one of the best dancers in the troupe and often helps teach and choreograph for tge troupe. He finds himself able to pay off his collar price several times over now that the troupe is a big hit and often hired for extravagant events, however, he puts his earnings towards food, supplies, and buying more slaves for the troupe. As he has no intentions to leave and sees the troupe as family, he doesn’t see the point. One day, he goes to the market with Minako to another slave auction. Even after all this time, it still makes him sick to see human lives traded and bartered for like meat. While trying to shoulder his way through the crowd, he bumps into one of the slaves, a young alpha with blonde hair who snarls something mean to him, thinking he is a noble trying to buy a slave. When the slave is brought up, Yuuri is determined to win his bid. Yurio is at first apprehensive and nervous, thinking his new master bought him solely to break his spirit, but he catches sight of Yuuri’s iron collar and knows that they are the same.
Yurio and the new recruits are brought back to the troupe and there is a celebration held to welcome them in. Seeing Yuuri dance at the celebration, Yurio decides he wants to learn how to dance like him and pay off his collar price that way.
Six years later (Yuuri is 23, Yurio is 15), the troupe is asked to perform at Tsar Viktor Nikiforov’s banquet in honor of the arrival of King JJ. It is by far the most distinguished event they’ve been asked to perform at. Minako suggests that Yuuri perform as the main act, but he declines. His newest routine, Eros, is one of his most ambitious routines yet, but it is a showstopper. They don’t need a showstopper to distract from the royals. Instead, he suggests Yurio for the main act. Over the years, Yurio has become one of their best and perhaps even surpassed Yuuri himself with his passion and drive alone. Yurio is set to perform Eros’s counter piece, Agape, for the banquet.
The night of the banquet, the troupe make their way to the palace. While they are in awe of the rich grandeur, a heavy silence hangs over the troupe as they are reminded by the iron around their necks of what this nation was built on. As they slip past the ballroom to prepare, Yuuri catches a glimpse of the Tsar himself. He has to admit, the alpha is more beautiful than words do him justice, but the coldness in his blue eyes is enough to stop Yuuri’s wandering thoughts and eyes.
Jugglers, fire breathers, dancers, musicians, and acrobats warmup the guests before the main act. Yuuri himself is simply overseeing the troupe in Minako and Celestino’s stead. During the preludes, Yuuri can sense that something is off about Yurio, but the teen is adamant about keeping silent and avoiding him. Finally, it’s Yurio’s turn and the music to Agape fills the air, however, Yuuri can see a difference in Yurio’s performance. He’s not connecting like he usually does. He’s tense, stiff, and almost violent with his movements, a sharp contrast to the angelic music. He knows it’s not his rut or hormones, so Yuuri is left nervous and puzzled. It’s when Yurio throws himself too harshly into a spin that he tumbles. Yurio never falls and hasn’t since he was 13. His lack of movement to get up quickly causes the musicians to die out in question. The Tsar himself turns from his discussion with King JJ in disinterest only to scoff at the fallen dancer. It’s when ice blue eyes meet green that Yurio snaps. It’s like he’s a nine year old child again and all the pent up suffering and rage from being torn away from his home and grandfather spill over. At the end of his tirade, Yurio spits at the Tsar’s feet and the hall finds itself deathly silent. Yuuri is the first to act. He gives hurried instructions, quick changes into a black and red costume, and removes his suppresants. They needed a showstopper to distract the Tsar’s rage and get Yurio out of there alive, so Yuuri will give them one.
Viktor has Yurio’s face in a death drip when the strums of a guitar break the deafening silence of the room. The scent that fills the air is enough to cause Viktor to look up at the dancer in the center of the room. Swallowing down his fear, he dares to send the Tsar a sultry look as if demanding that he never take his eyes off him, and he takes off in a flurry of movements. It’s his most erotic and provocative Eros yet. While distracted, the rest of the troupe sneak Yurio our and quickly spirit him away before anyone notices his absence. At the end of his performance, the crowd roars and Yuuri is completely breathless but relieved Yurio is safe now. As he exits, he dares to look one last time at the Tsar. The look on Viktor’s face is indistinguishable but his eyes are no longer cold; they are burning into him even as he leaves.
The troupe retreat and both Yuuri and Yurio get a tongue lashing from Minako and Celestino - Yurio for losing his head and almost getting himself killed and Yuuri for removing his suppressants and seducing everyone in the room. Despite all this, one of Yuuri’s protégés, Minami, insists on celebrating, especially after one of Yuuri’s best performances yet. With a warning for them to lay low for now, they are dismissed to celebrate with the others.
Their celebration is cut short as the royal caravan pulls in and the Tsar himself steps out. Minako and Celestino are quick to meet him and it is then Viktor makes his intentions clear. He wants to buy Yuuri. The others try to block him from view but Viktor can already smell him in the room as Yuuri has yet to replace his suppressants. Minako and Celestino refuse his offer, stating that they do not sell their own and that Yuuri is seen as a free man among them. He has earned enough to buy his collar price several times over though he chooses to put his earnings towards the troupe instead. Because of this and his role as a teacher to the new slaves, he is essential to the troupe’s income and ability to function. Even when Viktor counters with a monthly payment to cover Yuuri’s loss as well as extra to buy new members, they refuse. Angrily, Viktor demands Yurio instead. Minako and Celestino refuse that as well, but Viktor then clarifies he isn’t going to buy Yurio. What he did was considered treason and is punishable by imprisonment or death. Yuuri is then quick to break through the bodies shielding him from sight and stumbles before the Tsar. He pleads for the Tsar to take him, his price being that he forget about Yurio’s insolence. Despite Yurio’s objections, a deal is struck. Viktor assures he will still pay a monthly amount for Yuuri and that he’ll be back in three days to get him, though that does little to assuage the troupe’s anguish. Yuuri even flinches as the Tsar tries to wipe his tears before Viktor disappears once again into the night with an oddly sorrowful look on his face.
Life and love would never be the same again.
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