#odi would love him too i think :33
throw down is such a fucking bop i genuinely can’t believe it sometimes
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 26.5
It is currently the 3rd of October, 2022 at 7:33 pm on a warm-ish Monday night, the day of absolutel reckoning. You know, I don't really mind Mondays that much.... Sure, it's the first day you go to school or work, but they're not that bad... It is also day #137 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation.
Woah! Another bonus entry? That's unheard of! Yeah, I'm writing a shortie today. I wanted to quickly talk about some interesting Garfield-related media that I've found recently that I may make full entries of eventually because I think they're definitely worth looking into!
Back in 1995, a Garfield themed eurodance album was released and, apart from a music video made for it back when it was released that was later reuploaded by Lumpy Touch, it hasn't gotten much attention. It's a strange, relatively obscure little thing that I discovered from a Reddit post in early-mid September. I haven't seen it mentioned on many Garfield icebergs and there's, to my knowledge, no videos that have been made about it, apart from the odd remix and the aforementioned music video (which you should check out, by the way. it's got a lot of 'Garfield And Friends' clips in there that really give off so much of signature late 80s early 90s aesthetic). The most interesting thing is how un-Garfield it is. Yeah, the lyrics do talk about cats, but there's nothing about Garfield's live for lasagna or the other characters, for that matter. In fact, they never really mention Garfield's name, which makes me wonder if they were just generic tracks that PAWS Inc. liscensed and slapped Garfy-Baby onto. That isn't to say that the music doesn't slap though - 'Cool Cat', the most iconic track in the album, is such a BANGER!! It gives me huge Sonic R vibes if Sonic R was more like Nightcore. That piano in 'Hold On To Your Dreams' is just the absolute chef's kiss, we have an official piece of Garfield media that contains the phrase "I'm Getting High", and don't even get me strated on how hype 'Party Of Love' is!!! I'm so genuinely surprised that something like this actually exists because of how oddly unique it is? Like, what genre of music do you think of when you think of Garfield? If you grew up with the 80s cartoons, you probably think of something jazzy, something smooth with a snazzy bassline that defines Garfield's character and makes it memorable. If you grew up with something more modern like the DTV Garfield movies and 'The Garfield Show', you might think of brass instruments that are loud and bursting with energy, something more goofy and energetic. But eurodance? I think it goes without saying that this is one of my favourite bits of obscure Garfield media because of how unique and how much of a BOP it is. Someone show this to Quinton - that is, if he hasn't already heard it!
This piece of media is a little, well, strange, to say the least... So, you know the comedian Gilbert Gottfried, right? You probably know him for his incredibly recognisable voice and taboo style of comedy... Now mix it with Garfield. Like, fuse them together. What do you see? Do you see some terrifying abomination of a man-cat hybrid? Just imagining Gilbert Gottfried's face plastered onto the fat cat? Wondering why the fuck anything like this would even come into existence in the first place and why this world is so unholy? Good, because that's what I thought too when I first saw this freaky little guy. It's called Gilbert Garfield, an ARG series that focuses on the person behind the archival of a lost series he recieved on VHS tapes that's similar to Garfield And Friends except, well, except that Garfield is also Gilbert Gottfried. Listen, this series is simultaneously on of the most eerie and hilarious ARGs I've ever seen. The premise is so silly, stupid even, yet it works so well... Fucking.... Gilbert Garfield... It starts out Gilbert Garfield saying something about the creation of lasagna whilst Odie is immediately shot in the face offscreen by an Italian-speaking alien who arrests Gilbert Garfield for the future crime of killing Jon Arbuckle and they take him to their spaceship, only to get lasered by Gilbert, and then everything falls into this plot of Gilbert being driven insane by his own third and fourth eye seeing abilities and it's crazy. That's not even scraping the surface yet. It's so fucking mental, I love it. The presence of Gilbert throughout the clips that have been uploaded really reminds me of Zalgo, an eldritch horror being that you may remember if you were on the internet and in the creepypasta community during roughly 2004-2010, to which the plastered Gilbert Gottfried face present on Garfield and how any media he's in seems to be corrupted parallels the corruption of any comics and cartoons Zalgo causes by his presence. Of course, Zalgo doesn't blast Italian aliens with a cosmic fire laser thing and have the face of Gilbert fucking Gottfried, but y'know! And this is all still being developed too. In fact, a new video was uploaded literally 2 days ago from when this is being written, and many more are being uploaded in other places. They even have their own website, it's crazy. I must warn you though, it is quite disturbing and is hard to follow, especially the latest video which has gore and mentions things relating to... Erm... Let's say, something being squirted onto people who are not alive... Yyyeeeaah! But seriously though, I really like this series, I even drew a little Gilbertfield on some paper while on holiday (as seen above), he's a horrifying little abomination that I love so dearly. I can't wait to see what further developments this will have!!!
So, that wraps up this little bonus entry. I have some other topics that are a little more spooky to write entries on during this month, including one that is near and dear to my childhood. I might talk for in-depth about these topics, but for now, I'll be leaving with this.
Last edited at 8:25 pm.
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 3rd of October, 2022 at 8:35 pm.
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tlcrescuepa · 6 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-soaking-up-some-art/
Week-End Update: Soaking Up Some Art
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The 45th annual Yellow Springs Art Show opened on Friday night and we were happy to have spend much of the day there, soaking up some culture and meeting new friends, today. Spending the day helping make happy tails come true was a nice way for us to pay tribute to our fallen comrade in arms, Jennifer Care, who passed away from Multiple Myeloma overnight. Jenn had fostered for us and we knew that she enjoyed hearing updates of our alumni and knowing how they’d found the perfect furever families, who would love them as much as she did.
We wrapped up the day focused helping more dogs celebrate gotcha days, including Olivia & McGee who were overjoyed to be adopted together!
Also adopted this week were: Arianna (now Coraline aka Cori), Charlie Borwn, Debra, Dooney, Elsa (now June), Finn, Heidi, Hondo, Louis, Roni & Winkie!
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Arianna now Cori aka Coraline
Charlie Brown
Elsa now June
Olivia and McGee
  Finn FKA Fitty
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“He is fitting in nicely. He was very timid the first night but is getting more comfortable each day. He doesn’t seem to know how to play but that will come. He gets along with my other 2 dogs and my border collie mix got him running with her a bit today. He loves to cuddle and exploring our backyard.  He is such a love. We know he will get less timid with time and love. We adore him.”
   Flint FKA Mark (M litter from July 2017)
 “I thought you might like to see Flint celebrating his first birthday. 
We adopted Flint last July and we couldn’t love him more. Today we celebrated his first birthday with some apple and peanut butter cake and a new toy. He also received a nice birthday card from Mickey’s Pet Supplies – great toys and made in the USA treats! 
Thank you so much for letting Flint into our lives – we hope you enjoy the video! “
  Beanie (Mittens’ pup) & Remington FKA Danny
Beanie and Remington FKA Danny
“I recently adopted Beanie from TLC and before that Remington (fka Danny). They are both doing great and love each other a lot! “
        Bruno FKA Dior (Guess puppy)
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“So we are totally in love with Bruno!!”
  Cap AKA Cappuccino
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“Cappuccino is settling in very well! Her and our old dog Taz are getting along well! They are always within a few steps of each other and seem to enjoy their time together. 
We now call her Cap for training purposes but we kept her full name as Cappuccino. 
She has been to the vet twice! Once for her first checkup and another time today as moral support for her brother. She did have giardia but that’s not super surprising for pups so easy treating!
She is super smart and has mastered “sit””lay down” and “touch” in a week! Wow. “
    Kara FKA Carolina
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Kara FKA Carolina celebrated her 1-year adopt-iversary and sent us some pics
  Fenway FKA Izzy AKA Doc (Avery pup)
“Izzy is settling in very nicely, she’s making herself right at home, which is a good thing. We love her already, she’s a sweetie! We are changing her name to Fenway. I will definitely be sending updates.”
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“Odie is doing great! (yes, I am keeping the name)
He is getting plenty of exercise at the park…and is taking to his crate training well.
This Saturday we start a 6 week puppy training course in Quakertown.
Odie will be meeting with a vet at Banfield on Thursday for a general exam(free through Petsmart)…and then I am going to get a vet appointment in Allentown for his permanent vet. 
He is now done with the 3 syringes I was given for him…so I am going to set the appointment for 2 weeks and bring in a stool sample.
Odie is a huge hit around the apartment complex, and is getting much more comfortable with his surroundings.
I’ve attached some pics for you.
Thanks for everything!”
“He really is a wonderful dog. Very affectionate, but also protective. Does not like new people coming into the house. We are trying to adjust his thinking some by going to Manners classes starting tonight.  He gets along really well with our other TLC rescue dog Bree. They play all of the time and keep each other company.
As you might remember Harley is a dwarf, but he has grown into a lot of his awkwardness. His front legs are a bit shorter than his back and are bowed but that does not stop him. 
  Attached is a recent picture of him. Thank you for bring these wonderful dogs into our lives.”
  Daisy FKA Aliza
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“She is settling in great. The kids love her. We changed her name to Daisy 🙂 Our cat Tiki is not so sure about her but not hiding just checking things out. I do want to reach out to the trainer because she did chase the cat last night and I want to make sure we handle them getting used to each other properly. I need to call the vet and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. I attached a couple of pics. The one in the car was the same day we picked her up she was so happy!”
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“Thank you for reaching out. Quincy, we did keep his name, is doing well. We are having a few issues here and there but I am hoping with time we can work them out.
He seems to be a very finicky eater, I can’t get him to eat on a consistent basis, but I work for a vet so we are keeping a close eye on that and his weight.
He does like to mark and has done so in the house once so far.
He is doing great with my cats, sometimes he wants to chase for fun but I am not at all worried about him with my cats. However, he is not as friendly as we think when it comes to some dogs. He picks and chooses who he wants to like. I am not too worried about that, in the perfect world they would all get along but I know this world isn’t perfect.
He is great with my kids, husband and most people. He does “question” some people when we are out for walks, but again, I think he is just trying to figure things out.
I have been working with a pet behaviorist already due to my insatiable Border Collie Charlie, but I will reach out if there is something we just can’t figure out. After all…..it takes a village, right?
Below are a couple pics of him. I will send more once my daughter, the photographer of the family, sends me them off her phone.”
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“We did decide to keep Tate’s name, and she’s doing great. Everyone who meets her loves her. It’s hard to get good pics of a black dog, but here are some.”
“Lola is doing great.  We love her and her new brother and sister do as well.  One big happy family.  Thank you so much for bringing her into our family. “
        Lenny FKA Lynard
“Lenny is doing great!  He and Bella are best friends now and Lenny turns out to be the more affectionate of the two.  He prefers to come and sit next to us on the couch or the bed but he will let us snuggle with him for a couple minutes when we choose to also.  Once he understood he had access to good quality food he is sometimes a picky eater but I think he is at a good weight now and they get plenty of exercise as the yard is large and completely fenced.  It also turns out he loved to play in the snow over the winter but doesn’t like the rain.  Thank you for following up and finding Lenny for us.  We love him so much and I know the feeling is mutual.  I will send pictures later in the spring or the summer.”
  Czech FKA Blossom
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“We did change the name. We are calling her “Czech.” Story behind that is my daughter was accepted to Northeastern University in Boston. I was more pulling for Pitt, since I saw I was losing, I said if she goes to Northeastern, I get a new dog! The name comes because her first semester will be in Prague in the Czech Republic! Strange, but true!
As far as training, she’s progressing in potty training. She is usually clean at night, I rush her out and she does her thing. She still has pee accidents at least once a day, but getting there.
My concern is her biting! I wanted her to be a companion for my other dog, but the other dog stays away from her because the pup tries to use Roxie as a chew toy!!  I’m sure she will grow out of it, but I hope it doesn’t take long. I’m sure the other chewing issues will change when Czech get her new teeth.
Besides that, we are loving her.  She’s a great pup and is becoming part of the family!  She loves sleeping on one of us!  Attached is a picture of her favorite position!!”
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“Elvis is doing great- and it felt right to keep his name. 
He’s a very good boy- learns quickly and we are certain he is happy! Thank you so much! “
  Daisy FKA Erica
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“Erica, now Daisy, is doing very well! I scheduled her vet appointment, and I’m looking into puppy training classes in the South Jersey area- there is a Bark Busters closer to us, in Deptford, and they take puppies at 5 Months. Daisy does really well in her crate, and aside from a few accidents here and there, she does pretty well with house training, too. I attached some pics. She is very affectionate (as you can see in the pic of her sleeping in my lap), and we love her already. Thank you for checking in and for all that you guys do. We really had a positive experience working with TLC. :)”
0 notes
tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-hazy-days-of-summer/
Week-End Update: Hazy Days of Summer
Another week is over with a bunch more dogs saved and a few more adopted.  All in all, that makes for a good week here at TLC. Our boy Jacques’s foster family fell in love with him immediately so, to paraphrase Beyonce, they put a name tag  on it and now he’s a full fledged member of the family!
Also adopted this week were Baily, Carly, Cookie Crisp, Elvira & Sheba (the Chihuahua)
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Cookie Crisp (r)
Jacques now Odie
  We also received some updates to share with you:
  Lucy aka Lulu
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“Yes, she’s settling in well! She loves her dog bed (photos below) and relaxing in the house (must love the AC!). She also has some fun running around in the backyard! She is very smart and lets me know when she wants to go outside by going near the sliding glass doors. She’s also gotten used to my schedule with going to the bathroom, work, sleep etc. I taught her to sit in order to get a treat in just 1 day! She now does it right away. I plan to teach her a few more commands, working on ‘stay’ right now. She has been very well behaved, very gentle and friendly towards people, and has gotten along with most dogs (petsmart and pet store visits; holding off on bringing her to work for another week).
I have kept her name Lucy but also have her the nickname of Lulu. So Lucy ‘Lulu’ is on her new dog tag.”
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“We just love Oliver! He has become a wonderful addition to our family! Yes, we kept his name and he is settling in just fine. He has a house full of love!” 
“On Saturday it will be exactly 6 months since we picked up Avery. She is a most wonderful dog, loving and lots of fun. She has a great sense of smell. It’s amazing what she comes up with on our daily walks in the nearby woods.
Wouldn’t trade her for the world.”
  Izzy FKA Doc (Avery’s pup)
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“Izzy is doing wonderful. Her and my other lab are great companions. Best decision I ever made!!!! “
  Bailey FKA Dopey (Avery’s pup)
Bailey FKA Dopey
“Yes, I can’t believe Bailey (Dopey) will be 8 months old this Friday!  He (we) are doing very well.  Bailey is a crazy loving character who LOVES doggy day care and car rides to his “mom mom and pop pop’s” house where he has his own baby pool to play in. as well as a big fenced in back yard.  He is going through training with the woman I used to train my beloved mastiff, Cooper, and has his level 1 test this Thursday.
  I will send you some pictures of our boy very soon.
I’d love to have a meet up with his litter mates if their humans are up for something like that sometime soon.  I may also stop at one of the meet n greet events with Bailey, so some of the TLC family can see how well he is doing.”
  Theia FKA May (Marsha’s pup)
“Hi! We are very happy with May-Theia! We named her Theia because it means Goddess of Blue Skies. She is growing and doing well. I had one appointment with the Vet on July 7th and have a follow up on July 28th. At the time Theia weighed 6.5 pounds. She is very smart, alert and sweet. Theia has adjusted well to her surroundings”
  Flint FKA Mark (Marsha’s pup)
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“We changed his name to Flint. He seems to be taking to the home quite nicely. My vet did not have any openings until next week, so unfortunately I won’t be getting him in as soon as I would like to. He seems to sleep pretty well at night, last night he was a little whiny but not bad. We are looking forward to a very happy life with him!”
  Fiona FKA Mary (Marsha’s pup)
“We are loving our new little puppy. She’s so adorable And good. I put a picture up on to love the canine Facebook group. And it looks like our picture was up as a group picture. We named her Fiona. And thank you for all the information that you gave me. I really appreciate it and your follow up .”
  Reese FKA Maybelle (Marsha’s pup)
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“She is doing really well. We changed her name to Reese. We have an apt on Sunday for her first vet visit. She has been such a welcome addition to our family. We have only had a few accidents a day with peeing. She has learned to sit with commands and treats already. Next week we will start a new trick. We couldn’t be more happy with out decision to adopt her. She does really well in her crate too. “
  Cassie FKA Marcy
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“We decided to change her name from Marcy to Cassie! She is settling in very well and we have been keeping her in a decent schedule. She is so lovable and playful. Such a happy friendly puppy. I will send some update pictures when i get done work today. My girlfriend is setting a vet appointment as well. We couldn’t more happy right now!”
  Dolly FKA Ivory
Dolly FKA Ivory
“We are changing Ivory’s name to Dolly.  It just seems to fit her personality.   She’s doing ok.  Has a serious thing about shoes but is not chewing them.  Dolly collects them and moves them to another room.   Maybe this will train certain people to put them away?
  Dolly has the first appointment I could get with our vet so that is scheduled.  Also her first obedience class begins with Peppers Paws and Eryn on July 19th.  I am looking forward to this.  We are still working on sit. 
Thanks fior such a beautiful gentle little girl for our family.    My husband is her biggest fan! “
  Lupo FKA Baxley
“We have changed his name to LUPO.  He has been perfect!
We have been taking him for walks 4-5 times a day and he is great on the leash and has not had one accident in the house so far, knock on wood.  I have put a crate in our bedroom with the door open, but he seems to like his dog bed better.  He also never cries when we leave in the morning or at lunch.  The only strange thing so far is that he poops almost everytime we walk him.  It was soft at first but has been getting better. I think maybe we gave him too much food to begin with, but have cut it back to a cup a day now.
He has been barking at people and other dogs while walking, but it seems to be getting better.
We found a local vet with great reviews and scanned and sent them Lupo’s records: http://sheehanveterinarycentre.com/.  We have an appointment on Thursday.
I believe Erin updated his name and address online and we got him a new tag.
I want to thank you and Erin so much for your help.  I feel like other shelters may have looked down upon us simply because we have a Camden City address while your shelter responsive and so nice since the beginning.  I have whole-heartedly recommended your organization to my family and coworkers at Rowan University and the Cooper Hospital.”
  Kona FKA Nugget
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“Everything has been going so well with Kona (FKA Nugget), and I can’t believe it’s already been 6 months! She is such a sweet dog and loves to greet everyone and anyone. She loves to sleep, which means she’s also the best cuddler. She loves going on car rides and I try and take her everywhere, including an upcoming road trip to Charleston, SC and Shenandoah Valley, VA. She also loves to be outside and lay in the sunshine. I’ve never met a dog that is more laid back, sweet, loving, and goofy as Kona. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to adopt her, she’s brought so much happiness into my life!”
“He is just a delight! He is really enjoying summer at our house…loves playing in our backyard, chasing away the rabbits that are so plentiful around here , sunbathing on our patio, going on long walks.   He also loves to snuggle, and looks forward to stretching out on the couch with us in the evening to relax !  He is just a wonderful little dog, a much loved member of our family …we are still amazed that he was once a unwanted pet!   Thank you so much again for bringing our little guy to us
Please pass our thanks on to everyone at TLC!  I v recommended TLC to many people since Snowball has become ours….you all do such a selfless and amazing job. “
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He is a perfect personality match for Mabel and they have become fast friends!! ❤
“Parker has graduated from obedience training! He is currently attending scent training classes to enrich the hound side of him! He loves scent training and obedience training. He is enrolled to start the next level of obedience training at he end of July!”
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“Iggy was shy at first but is coming out of his shell and has already wiggled his way into our hearts. He likes the couch much better than his dog bed because he wants to be by his people all the time. Vet gave him a clean bill of health.”
  Elvis FKA Harold
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“Elvis is doing great. He loves going camping with us. He gets to meet other dogs and people too. He’s very friendly and playful to both. He now weighs around 90 lbs and is very strong but also gentle. We certainly are happy to have him as part of our family. Saturday he will be coming with us on a long RV trip to Glacier National Park in Montana. Lots to see, and smell. And I’m sure he’ll meet more new dogs and people.”
  We also had a visit from a blast from the past during today’s meet & greet when Chai FKA Tai came by
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