#of all the TS moments to relate to... please don't let it be having a 21st birthday clouded by disappointment for loved ones
emometalhead · 8 months
This is the most upset I've ever been about my birthday. I love my birthday. It's one of my favorite days of the year. I always look forward to it. This year has been so wrong though. Everyone keeps trying to tell me how important this birthday is. So I tried to make plans with my friends even though they've been kind of sucky friends lately. Still, seeing my friends is a birthday tradition and I miss them. Everyone had a lame excuse for why they couldn't make it (I gave them a full month notice. I know where they work. They could've requested the day off if they really wanted to come.) or they just straight up didn't respond. My family keeps trying to switch around the days that we are celebrating. No, I don't want to get pizza from the place that I don't even like on my birthday. We agreed to go to one of my favorite restaurants on my birthday, but now apparently that's too much work. I've had multiple people suggest alternate plans and then back track. I'm just so tired. I've never cried like this about my birthday before. Honestly if no one had suggested anything, I would've been fine just staying home and not doing anything special. Everyone just had to set all of these expectations about how important this specific birthday is, and then no one could commit to actually trying to help me have a nice birthday. This sucks a lot.
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Hi! Please don't take this as an attempt to pressure you into writing it, but just curiosity:
I think I remember you having a Blank Space inspired WIP from a TS theme or something along those lines, but I didn't see it in your recent post of WIPs...is that no longer a story you're considering, or maybe (I hope not 😳) I'm confusing you with someone else? I just really think it was you.
Either way, I'm super excited with what you listed as coming up next. We're truly lucky to have you in the Jily community. 💗
Aww, thank you so much for all of this! I think you did not confuse me with someone else as I do have a fic in my Fanfiction folder titled You Look Like My Next Mistake. It's currently at 5178 words and I last added something in July.
I think I'll get back to it, but at the moment I'm writing some other things first. I can't remember if I posted this already, but I'll give you a snippet... it's definitely mature and smutty. (Mind you, I did not take a look at this in ages, so it might be a bit dusty!)
You Look Like My Next Mistake
James Potter was the first person she fucked after the incident and she had absolutely zero regrets as he held her up, back pressed against the wall of the Conference Room, by the back of her thighs. His glasses had slid down his nose, her hands held on to his shoulders as tightly as they possibly could and their heavy breathing – interspersed by her soft whimpers and his low grunts – was in sync. “Tell me if I need to go slower,” his voice was deep, hoarse and resonated through her. In response, she lifted herself just a tad higher, pressed her chest and hips harder against his, which caused his breath to hitch. “Don’t you dare,” she breathed out. She didn’t need to clarify what she meant by that. He immediately picked up the pace, pounding into her with a nearly erratic force that showed her he wanted her as much as she did him. That thought alone made her see absolute stars and she decided that she really liked the fact that he was so willing to give and – as a reward or perhaps to mark him as much as she felt he was branding her – she dug her nails into his shoulders in thanks as she bit her lip to limit the high-pitched noises threatening to escape her. If she had known James Potter was such an excellent shag, she might have tried to seduce him at previous parties, but alas: there was a first time for everything and she wasn’t about to start complaining now that he had brought her so close to the edge. She fell apart, her head hitting the wall behind her hard and she grimaced. One of his hands left her thigh, curled around the spot where she had just hurt herself, the movements of his hips slowing down enough to make her want to let out a protesting mewl. “Are you okay?” he asked. She opened her eyes, nodded and then – after mentally assessing herself for a few seconds and noting that the bump would be a reminder of the sex they were having for the next few days, which she couldn’t even pretend she would mind – crashed her lips against his. He picked up the pace again at her encouragement, releasing soft fucks and an almost reverent: “You’re a dream, Evans,” which caused her to laugh and whisper against the shell of his ear: “Darling, I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream,” using the line she had so often heard others utter in relation to her in the past few weeks that she had decided she might as well embrace it, turning something that had made her feel completely powerless the first time she had heard it, into a feminist war cry.
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Delaying the Inevitable - Asks/Answers and Discussions
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PART 1 - July 2021 - Early December 2021 List Part 2 can be found here.
I am so thrilled that there is a NEED for this masterlist. I get so many great questions about the plot, characters, and most importantly, REAL LIFE ISSUES, that are covered in this book, that they needed their own home. I hope this is helpful for those who want to delve further and, remember, I'm always happy to discuss.
PS - no longer putting Team Ethan/Team Tobias asks here unless they contain more info - because there are a lot. You can search delaying the inevitable asks on my page and they should come up. :)
IMPORTANT NOTE: On potentially toxic relationships
Did Casey really love Ethan? What do we owe those who hurt us? What do we owe ourselves?
ANOTHER GOOD DISCUSSION II: This provides insight into where Casey's mind is now that she is with Tobias, but how does she feel about Ethan?
THIS IS HOW IT ALL STARTED: My awesome friend Zdena, who is the one who convinced me to write this when it was just an idea, went back and found the screenshots from our original conversation about this on FB. This just made me SO excited. It's amazing to think of what developed and how much has changed since this time. If you're interested in seeing our crazy babble, check this out.
The idea....
Facebook Asks:
Why is Ethan being so mean? What does "inevitable" mean? Can Casey/Ethan possibly be together again?
Tumblr Asks:
Do I hate Ethan? - Short answer - HELL NO ...and I don't want you to hate him either, really! When will the series end? Please Consider Tobias Are Tobias & Casey going to get busy? (Tease answer) Is there more DTI smut to come? Some good insight on story - see comments More love for Tobias Ethan - Please come around WHO IS FLORIA!?!? Tobias told Ethan he loved Casey - and he didn't react? Hey .. writer .. do YOU have a preference? You said everyone will be happy in the end. HOW? I second that right there... Expected length of the story (UPDATED) Shipping Wars are Coming - and we ain't talking FedEx Reader Feedback 🥺❤️😢 Does Ethan even care anymore? So, what will happen with Floria/Casey? Thanks for the support :) (I don't hate Ethan part 2,302) Thanks for the support :) (I don't hate Ethan part 2,303) More on why I don't hate Ethan..... Songsiprations from fans - Happiness Taylor Swift Why didn't Ethan & Casey have a song? Team Tobias Team Casey More on Ethan's Relationship with Floria Will DTI Have a sequel? Pluses and Minuses of Ethan and Tobias Why was Tobias & Casey's first love scene...meh? Does Casey really love Tobias? How long have Ethan & Casey been broken up? Will Ethan find out about Casey & Tobias? Will Casey & Ethan have at least a nice moment again? Taylor Swift's Happiness - Ethan & Casey If The World Was Ending - What would Casey do? Ethan/Tobias - how much left? Please go with the Floria route What do you mean you're veering??? What is Floria going to do to Casey? More about Taylor Swift Happiness - Ethan & Casey Don't let the T&E Camps influence your story MORE Happiness - TS and other songs relatable to DTI Why didn't E&C have a song? Tobias staining Ethan and Floria - what up? Why, Ethan, Why? I'm an Ethan fan, should I still read? Is Louise going to die? This is NOT a foregone conclusion Who is kinker Ethan or Tobias? (Not fully DTI but fun) I love DTI Ethan too Just make them a throuple What is significant about the weekend will Casey need to go away with Ethan? Who would Casey pick if she had to pick right now (Ch. 23) Will Tobias have any flaws? Are they really moving to DC? Give us that Tobais smut... lol (UPDATE: I did) Casey chooses Casey No, y'all don't know yet. lol Ethan's ... uhm... urges Ethan's Journal Are they Picta-official? What about this option? About these asks.... Casey in DTI Ethan and Floria Maury Povich will not be needed Where is Tobias's Dad? What about him? How does Vivian play into Casey's work in DC? ROSEBUDDE GETS IT! :) - About DTI. What readers remain? Let's make this messier... lol Smut left? Whose smut? Edit updates? Has Alan stayed in touch with Casey? Will Louise reappear? Does Casey regret being with Tobias now? Who would Casey turn to in a crisis - T or E? First Attraction - (not only DTI, but included) DTI ASKS PART 2 Can be found here (because apparently, I can't add any more links)
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Overgrown Metal
Chapter 3: Keep Moving
Summary of fic: Almost two decades ago, the fae rose up from beyond the value with technology far surpassing the human race, quickly taking over after lating waste to nearly everything in their wake. Virgil and Roman, Society escapees and hunters run into an uncertain future while fleeing from their pasts. Remy and Remus stare their only chance straight in the face as they teeter on the edge of reluctant adventure. Emile is left his cousins engineering palace and is given the tools to change the world. Logan, a lone researcher and outcast is found by an old friend who offers him a chance of the century. Hyden (deciet), can shift into anything he so chooses, but staying true to his form as his heritage slaps him sideways proves harder than he thought. Patton mourns the loss of his son as he slowly uncovers secrets he wishes aren't related.
Or less wordy:
Eight idiots with trust issues fumble around each other and try to save the world from killer mechanical beasts and fairies that will snap your neck without taking their hands from their wine glasses.
Warnings: Violence, fight scenes, dark fantasy, apocalypse setting, some gore, blood
Warnings for this chapter: none. Though as always if you see something that should be tagged please say something.
Ships: Remy (sleep) x Remus. Brotherly Roman and Virgil. Platonic Logan and Hyden (Deciet)
The spacious barn creaked lazily as the sounds of swearing and hammering overflowed its weather worn walls. It had been repurposed years ago, the old owners either long dead or moved out once the forest began to take over. As it was now it had been cleared of the twisting roots and oddly growing branches that had once threatened to consume it completely, now standing in a small clearing with a house beside it sitting just as pristine. The barn, though repaired, leaned slightly to the side, braced on an extension that housed a lab of sorts with one other room branching out that acted as cold storage.
The main room itself was currently where loud banging could be heard with the occasional swear sprinkled in as the owner tried valiantly to seperate pieces of plate metal from the skull of a fallen beast, eyes vacant and jaw slack as it sat on the table surrounded by already disassembled parts of itself scattered about and repurposed to varying degrees. Jars of different colored oily substances sat on a cart nearby, with empty ones still waiting to be filled. The hammer was thrown down suddenly, its owners pointed ears twitching in irritation as he dragged a hand down his face and took a breath. Sighing loudly, Logan turned and stalked off to the other end of the room to get a crow bar off the rack in hopes that his new method would work.
As he began trying to pry between plates he felt more than heard the halting footsteps outside the barn, though who it was was clearly trying his best to be quiet. Rolling his eyes Logan slammed the crowbar in a weak spot and pulled hard enough to bend the plate and send the bar snapping back to narrowly miss his face. He scowled as sweat dripped into his eyes, rolling his shoulders and gripping the tool with a white knuckled grip.
"It truly is a wonder you haven't killed yourself yet. To think of all that education going to waste with a cracked skull in an old barn, it's almost enough to make me care to check in more."
"The only reason you come in here is because I'm the only thing within a hundred mile radius who doesn't wish you dead on sight."
"How you wound me. It's at least two hundred when I'm far enough away from the coast." Logan smirked as he heard the irritated tap of the others cane punctuating his statement.
Sighing, he placed the crowbar on the bench and turned to face the intruder, leaning against it while crossing his arms. "Hyden."
"Logan." The other greeted mutually. Though he was typically a bit more put together his thick caplet lay crookedly across his tense shoulders, arms taunt as he leaned heavily on his cane with both hands resting on the top. His long hair curled in the afternoon humidy and Logan definitely didn't miss the slight furrow of his brows, though he knew he would be loathe to admit he was in any sort of pain.
Letting out a heavier sigh Logan pushed away from the bench and gestured for the other to follow him. "Join me, I need a break anyway."
Hyden gasped. "The head scientist admitting he needs a break? Who's hand do I need to shake for downloading an once of self preservation into that thick skull?"
"I'll have you know I take breaks on a regular basis, something you clearly need to be reminded of."
"The audacity! I walk all the way here to visit a long time friend-"
"You walked?" Logan shot him a sharp glance as he held the door, gesturing the other into the old farmhouse.
Waving away the concern, Hyden continued. "I flew most of the way don't worry. I only ducked below the treeline the last few miles so I wouldn't be followed, you're welcome for the concern and forethought."
Snorting, Logan pulled out a chair and moved to collect containers of herbs and thr kettle, sighing for the fourth time as it was blatantly ignored for the refrigerator. As the kettle heated he carefully measured out the proper ingrediants, glancing over every now and again to try and catch what his guest was poking at.
"Are those by any chance agorose gels?"
Walking past the fridge to put things away he caught sight of what the other was observing, humming his confirmation.
"Logan, why do you have DNA gels next to leftover chicken salad in your refrigerator?"
"The chicken salad seems irrelevant." The kettle whistled to give him an excuse to avoid the question, carefully pouring out the boiling water.
"Hyden." The name slipped out easily despite his annoyance, making him wonder for a brief moment if he would struggle when he was finally told his real name.
The mans cane taps were heavier than normal as he made his way over to the table and flopped down without his usual show. Giving Loagn a quiet thank you he proceeded to wrap his hands around the steaming mug, frowning in concentration. "Are you trying to find them again?"
"I fail to comprehend what you could possibly-"
"Because they're trying to find you. And they're getting close."
Logan was quiet as he sat, his wrapped hands folding somewhat painfully around his own drink. Pursing his lips he avoided looking at Hyden for a long moment, nevertheless feeling his gaze attempting to pick him apart. Arranging his expression to be carefully neutral he took a drink, smiling as the other did so as well.
"Make sure to drink all of it, it'll help with pain."
"Did you even listen to what I said?!" Throwing his hands up in exasperation he fixed Logan with his best glare.
"Hard not to with that grating tone."
"Well this grating tone," he growled out. "Is telling you to get your head out of your ass and maybe make sure you're safe before telling someone else to take care of themselves."
Logan dragged a hand down his face, suddenly tired. "Where exactly do you expect me to go? I'm so close to figuring out what they're using to power those things, if I move now I won't have any access to the equipment I need, no studies will be concluded, and nearly all of my experiments will be left behind to rot! I need more time."
"Time isn't exactly a luxury here. You're being stubborn and ignorant, as usual, and if you would just listen-" he stopped short as he caught the look the other was giving him, letting out a breath of defeat and softening his tone. "It doesn't have to be today. But it does have to be soon. I'll even come with you, help you scout out a new location if you'd like. I'm sure there's plenty to be found with a little digging."
Mugs empty save for the dregs silence rang between them as they lost themselves in thought. Distantly Logan was aware of the old grandfather clock ticking, suddenly thinking what a shame it would be to leave the sound behind. He knew the other was right even before he fully decided to voice it. Instead he quietly looked over at him, the scales that freckled his face gleaming with the last rays of the evening sunlight. If they were truly leaving, they would have to be careful. Though he knew Hyden was loathe to do so he could easily shift his appearance to hide his scales. Logan wouldn't be so lucky, his slightly off colored skin and pointed ears a dead give away to what his heritage was, even if he had defected from it when the war broke out. He was obviously fae, and that would do him no favors outside of the protection of his remote location.
But he really couldn't stay. If the guard was truly zeroing in on his location he would much rather abandon his research and try to pick it up wherever he could than even think about getting caught and wondering whether he could escape before he was undoubtedly punished for his crimes against his people. He shuddered uneasily as he stood, carefully avoiding eye contact as he took the mugs to the sink and began to wash them. He stared out the window towards the treeline as he did, having to squint to make out the weak protective barrier set around the perimeter by Hyden years ago. Beyond that lay dense forest only a madman would dare trek through.
Or fae guards with strict orders.
Squaring his shoulders before they could droop in defeat he turned to face his companion with a level stare.
"Give me two days."
"Two more days? I thought the town was closer than that." Virgil irritably kicked a stone into the water, splattering the bottom of Roman's pants. They huffed in response, their frustration easily matching Virgil's as they shifted the pack on their shoulders.
"I said at most two more days, it might be sooner than that. We've never really been this far out before, which is a good thing but it means guessing the distance. Pouting isn't going to make it be any closer."
"Not pouting." Virgil pouted, crossing his arms before realizing what he was doing and angrily shoving them in his hoodie pockets.
Snorting with amusement Roman shifted the pack again before grunting and heaving it up and off their shoulder, immediately sagging in relief. Their burden was lifted further as Virgil tugged it out of their grasp and shouldered it easily, walking ahead while adjusting to the weight.
"Thank you."
"You were slowing us down. Somebody's gotta make sure we stay on schedule."
Roman squawked with indignation, jogging a bit to catch up with the emos longer gait. Their mouth thinned as they thought of how to bring up a concern they'd been thinking about for a while, gripping the straps of their pack tightly in apprehension.
"Alright. Spill it." They blinked as Virgil stopped, dropping both the packs and plopping down in the dirt.
"Being anxious is my job and right now you're forcing me into unemployment. So either talk or I'm throwing you in the river."
"You do and I'm eating the last two cans of spaghettios tonight while you get nothing but croutons."
Virgil narrowed his eyes. "I fucking dare you to go through with that threat. You do not come between a man and the last can of shitty microwave pasta."
"I have the food pack."
"And I have the flint and steel so start talking before I decide to set you on fire instead of drowning you."
Unceremoniously flopping to the ground they let out an annoyed huff while shrugging off the back pack. "Fine. I've been thinking....that with this next town..maaaaybe finding another person or two to travel with would be in our best interests?"
The last half of the thought came out rushed and nearly incomprehensible but Roman could tell Virgil had heard them clearly as his face adopted a carefully neutral expression, hands twisting tightly in his lap.
"I know! I know, I definitely get it. But, it would be easier to carry supplies and we could have more! We wouldn't have to stop in towns so much-"
"And it might be safer! More people means more weapons means more protection right?"
They shut their mouth in worry at the defeated tone Virgil had adopted. He twisted his hands tighter, hesitant to continue now that he actually could.
"Am I not....do you not feel safe enough with me?"
Roman sucked in a breath as they realized how Virgil had taken their concerns, rushing to try and fix it. "It's definitely not that! I-Virgil I'm so sorry that isn't what I meant at all!"
They leaned forward and began gently detangling his fingers from each other, holding them tightly once they finally managed it. "Anx it isn't like that. I honestly worry that you aren't safe enough with me. And once our load gets heavier with trading supplies we slow down and it never seems like we're on the road long enough before what little supplies we can carry run out. It was only a thought I wanted to discuss, not an attack on your skill as a fighter."
Their eyes met Virgil's and they breathed a sigh of relief when they were met with understanding, nonetheless continuing to rub soothing circles across his knuckles until he pulled away.
"I guess..." he glanced over at the near overflowing pack of trading goods. "I guess I can see that yeah. But I don't-Roman how can we trust anyone?"
"We probably can't. But we'll look anyway and if we don't find anyone then we don't find anyone. Just, keep an open mind?"
Crossing his arms Virgil looked away to stare out at the water instead, face drawn with apprehension. After a minute he ducked his head in defeat, nodding slowly and standing up. "Yeah. We'll keep a look out. But if we do find someone and after a while they start to act shady we drop them alright? No debate."
"No debate." Roman readily agreed as they stood as well. They began walking again, the silence much less tense than it had been all afternoon. Grinning a bit, Roman smacked their lips in thought. "With that delay it might be two and a half days now."
"Oh come on!"
This work and others are available on AO3!
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