#of course arthur believes him that its just a cool lizard
buttrflyisland · 1 year
you know when i rewatch merlin all i can think is how hilarious it would've been to have merlin keep aithusa. like could you imagine after he hatched her she starts just following him around, he tries to lose her on his way back to the castle and fails, so now he has to protect this baby from being seen as he sneaks into his and gaius's chambers
THEN he has to sneak past a sleeping gaius and somehow get aithusa to stay put in his room all day (it doesn't work she follows him out to the castle)
now merlin has to convince everyone this is some new cool lizard he found and NOT a dragon...and also come up with a good reason why this cool lizard is following him around like a duckling. and why it just climbed his arm and is hugging him for dear life
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