#of course thet don't also like the killing he does A Lot of that but that's besides the point
hyperionshipping · 2 years
Im trying to think really hard abt s/is. My Gotham s/i is a fucking nuisance to G.P.D. bc he doesn't let himself get caught but he leaves evidence.
Meanwhile Hearts is NOT subtle when kicking around as a citizen. He hangs around places that like really SHOULD out him but people are kinda dumb and Hearts in his villian outfit and Hearts in his civilian clothes is two VERYYY different vibes
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
PLS.. share thoughts on zoro n sanji relationship........ i dont ship them but they are so. SOOOOO.
THEY MAKE ME CRAZZYYYYY. and honestly the way their dynamic make me insane doesnt even HAVE to be read as romantic. But i feel so much crazier when i see them shipped and its not even capitalizing on all the shit theyve got going on.
So anyways here's my Zoro and Sanji retrospective I spent several hours on I guess. As if it's my fault.
When Zoro and Sanji meet, Sanji has given up on his dream to see the All-Blue in favor of supporting Zeff.
Zoro is still throwing himself at his dream to be the greatest swordsman with all his might, and nearly dies to Mihawk for it.
Initially, from Sanji's outside perspective, it seems like a waste of precious life.
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Zoro promising never to disappoint Luffy when he's on death's door clearly makes Sanji reconsider, though.
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The next time Sanji and Zoro really interact after Zoro's defeat is when they go after Nami at Arlong Park.
And the first thing Sanji learns about Zoro is.......that he's willing to hit girls!
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To Sanji, Zoro seems like he's willing to turn on someone-- and worse, willing to hurt a girl-- just because he's angry for an apparent betrayal that no one has any concrete proof of yet. What a jerk! Surely that earned him the dig Sanji makes about his loss to Mihawk.
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Unbeknownst to Sanji, however, Zoro has already bet his life on Nami's friendship being genuine by almost drowning himself.
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Zoro doesn't want to bother explaining this to some stupid new guy who's willing to side with a stranger purely on the basis of her gender. Clearly, Sanji doesn't understand ANYTHING about this crew, and should just stay out of things.
And so their initial mutual dislike is born!!!
They tend to bicker a lot after this, but I think the next time Sanji brings up Mihawk is in Alabasta.
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Once again, Sanji is hitting below the belt because he's convinced Zoro's done something nigh-unforgivable: doubting Luffy. It's a reminder that their rivalry at this point is still built on genuinely misjudging each others' character.
Now at this point I've run out of my 100 daily shounen jump chapters so I can't find for you the PRECISE moment thet are mutually like "yeah ok fine you're a DECENT guy I GUESS" in Alabasta but I think it's the clock tower maybe? The point is that the whole crew has to work together VERY HARD to defeat Crocodile and it shows Sanji and Zoro that they can count on each other to support the crew, at least.
Their improved relationship is apparent in one of my fave downtime scenes so far: Sky Island jungle dinner :)
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I...don't think we've seen Sanji ask for help cooking before this point?? Much less from Zoro. So I fucking love that. And Zoro goes along with it, even though he complains!!!!! It shows perfectly how they now trust each other to help take care of the crew.
Another one if my fave examples of them counting on each other in a kind of funny way is when they're fighting Zombie Oars.
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Zoro pushes Sanji's buttons on purpose to get him to go along with it, and it works. But it also shows that Zoro was counting on him to give him a boost! The middle panel could even imply Zoro jumped before Sanji agreed to anything, which really proves how much they're willing to couny on each other now.
Which of course brings us to the conclusion of Thriller Bark and a WILD curveball in their relationship: thes self-sacrificial x2 combo.
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What Sanji does here floored me. At this point not only does he trust Zoro as a part of the crew, but he considers Zoro a more irreplacable member of the crew than himself.
And Zoro refuses to let him.
Now, we know from his initial fight with Mihawk that Zoro being willing to kill himself doesn't mean he considers his life unimportant. Zoro and Luffy are both unafraid of death, because they have to be willing to die to even have a ghost of a chance of achieving their dreams.
That's why Zoro chooses to take on Luffy's pain and why he is able to survive it.
Zoro's sacrifice obviously means a lot to Sanji. When Zoro refuses to acknowledge his sacrifice, Sanji goes along with that and covers for him.
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And of course he understands. The pain Sanji mentions here that Zoro is trying to spare Luffy from is the exact same pain that lead Sanji to give up on his dream of finding the All-Blue in favor of trying to repay his life debt to Zeff. Sanji wouldn't wish the guilt he feels for Zeff's leg on anybody.
Sanji shows a lot of concern for Zoro after this point up until the time skip!! He calls Zoro a hero to Brook, and tries to help Zoro deal with his excess injuries without drawing attention to them. Zoro is of course surly about it, because he's frustrated by his own limits. He got a taste of what Luffy goes through and it just made him more desperate to become strong enough to lighten Luffy's load.
I find their sort-of reset after the timeskip hilarious.
Sanji was already feeling deeply insecure when he got sent to the island of question your gender and sexuality-- things Sanji clearly considers very important to his identity. Since he can't bear to question himself, he relies on reacting combatively to things that challenge his masculinity. Kicking them, mostly. I'm sure he picked that up from Zeff.
Meanwhile, Zoro is THE most traditionally Masculine member of the crew besides Sanji by a long shot (Franky is in 3rd place as a self-professed freak with blue hair and pronouns who refuses to wear pants). Zoro is buffer than Sanji. And seemingly more stoic than Sanji. And Zoro has cool scars and uses three swords and his muscles are bigger and half the time he's not even wearing a shirt.
This masculinity contest between them was present before the timeskip too, but it's really the only good explanation for the extremeness of Sanji's sour attitude the moment he lays eyes on post-timeskip Zoro and remarks, aloud, "He's back. Like I really care..." after how much appreciation Sanji showed for Zoro's sacrifice before the timeskip.
Sanji WOULD be annoyed at his crewmate's seemingly effortless, unshakeable masculinity after two years of doggedly avoiding non-consensual crossdressing and constantly fighting for his life to outrun gay thoughts.
Zoro's side of things so far post-timeskip seems a bit less wound-up than Sanji. Zoro never takes an insult sitting down, and also just enjoys making snide remarks, so if Sanji's going to argue with him there's no reason for Zoro not to argue back.
This is why I am a gay Zoro truther, even if that gayness has nothing to do with anyone on the crew. Because its fucking hilarious if Sanji is one-sidedly trying to out-hetero-masculinity a literal gay man.
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scorpio-marionette · 2 years
31 Nights of Head Canons - Night 5
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Night 4
A/N: At some point I hope to stop posting these things at 1 in the morning, because if keep doing that I will fall a day behind
Night 5
Who is your favorite villain?
The Joker from DC Comics would be Dio's favorite villain. Just don't expect him to go advertising it. The choice is way too mainstream for our resident emo-revolutionary, but he can't deny that he, like the character, feeds on the chaos he creates. It is his life and he wouldn't give it up for anything.
As a fan of the Hobbit, Omar loves Smaug the dragon. He's always had a love for the giant, winged lizards. Smaug was more than that though. He could talk, be doused in melted gold and shake it off with no problem, and see through the invisiblity of the one ring by use of senses. His presence as a character raises so many questions. Where exacly did he come from? How did he actually get inside the Dwarf mines? What happened to the rest of his species? Omar thinks it's a shame there weren't more dragons in the franchise, but none would have compared to Smaug.
The Organization, or the secret international groups of people who are ritualistically killing people for the Ancients, interests Zach quite a bit. Cabin in the Woods created a very interesting world that he would like to delve down deeper into. After all, the world presumably ended at the of the movie. They could do a prequel to show the origins of the society.
Oberyn respects that sometimes you have to do bad things to get good results. Probably why he gets along with Tyrion. However, Oberyn has no respect whatsoever for BAD MEN. Men, and times women (*cough, cough* Cersei), who truly treat life with so little love and civility are dead in the prince's eyes. They are a waist of breath and good wine.
Marcus Pike
Marcus is more of a hero man himself. There are some cool antagonists out there that he likes. Maybe some anti-heroes, but not really villains.
Max Phillips
Beetlejuice is Max's favorite. He loves the crazy, chaotic, and theatrical nature of the character. He relates quite a lot to the character's behavior and actions. I mean if you think about it, Beetlejuice must be summoned and Max must be transferred before thet can start the death and destruction.
Pero Tovar
Pero can't stand real bad men. He's not going to like a villain. Hell, sometimes I don't he can ever stand himself with all of the wrongs he does.
Javier Peña
That's right. Javi is a Lord of the Rings nerd, and his favorite villian is the giant eyeball in the sky: Sauron! Of course, this character used to have a body and what not, which only makes his story more interesting to Javi. Tolkien does explain some, but what if there's more to than that?
Muriel, the Grand Black Witch from Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, was surprisingly a favorite of Jack's. She doesn't really do much in the movie, but her presence is memorable. She doesn't let you ignore her when she's on camera. Even if you look away, your eyes return to her. She's also beautiful when not revealing her corrupted face from her years of using black magic.
The Domergue Gang from the Heateful Eight tickled Ezra's fancy, as do most stories of Earth's "Wild West Days" usually do. It got him through his time on the Green moon. Hearing how they concocted their scheme makes Ezra feel like a cowboy himself. He thinks he could've done the job better even.
If Dave ever had to have that awkward attraction to a person you shouldn't find attractive, it would be Missy Armitage, the mom from Get Out. Why? Because of her command over the situation. She's calm, focused, one with her practiced skill, and it's hot! Dave may prefer a submissive woman to pour his dark affections into, but he also loves a strong woman who can take him on.
Blackheart, specifically from the 2007 Ghost Rider movie, was a pretty cool character. The powers and goal of the character were fun to watch be revealed. Frankie especially found the possession/absorbtion of all of the souls from the town at the end incredibly interesting. The special effects team did great. The character is different in the comics though.
Max Lord
Max was already the villain in his own story. I don't think he cares to enjoy a villain. Though he will say that Scar from the Lion King has a very catchy song that he cannot get out of his head.
Marcus Moreno
After watching Maleficent with Missy, Marcus likes that they made King Phillip the bad guy. It's an interesting take. Playing with perspective to show that fairy tales, like all stories or news, are onesided and at times fabricated. He's curious to know if Phillip never loved her or if his greatest mistake was letting her go for power of his own.
Din has no time for heroes or villains. The world is far too dangerous for him to indulge in such stories. Besides, what with having his son again, why would he identify with a villain when all he wants is to be a hero to Grogu?
Lord Blackwood from Sherlock Holmes. Nico loves Sherlock for his cunning wit and obervent gaze. Nico loves Blackwood for his master trickery and use of quite literal magic tricks to conceal his crime. Blackwood is resourceful, creative, and ultimately a mere piece to a bigger mystery.
Dorian Tyrell was Dieter's favorite because when faced with a magic mask that could bring out your deepest and at times darkest desires, he had no questions and just went with it. He was also or less completely unphased by the fact that his adversary, was a cartoonish bank teller with weird powers.
Javi Gutierrez
Van Pelt from Jumanji is a favorite of Javi's for much of the same reasons he likes Alan Parrish. Van Pelt represents the strained relationship Alan has with his father. Javi also has a difficult time around his father. He sometimes wishes he could stand up for himself like Alan.
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is a nostalgic dream for Joel. He loves the comedy in the idea that a giant marchmallow has come to destroy you. Even in a zombie infested world, it still seems super ridiculous. Though he would take the marshmallow over Clickers.
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neonbluewaves · 5 years
2, 3 & 4 for the Mc and Jacob's Ask, pretty please 🤗💖 ( u sure u don't bite? 👀 )
Wooh I wrote a lot, i think
Anyways, thanks for asking! hope I don’t bore you, under the cut because it a lot
2. How did you come up with your MC and Jacob’s backstory (family, where they’re from, their relationship with each other, etc.)?
Well, since I gave her an English surname and it was pretty randomly chosen, I looked it up to see what could I do with it. Welkin means sky, the heavens or the celestial sphere, so from here I imagined that her family was pretty free spirited, open minded, you kinda get the idea. I planned to make them all very light in palette, pale skin, blonde or light brown hair, and clear eyes. But since I wanted her to be half Spanish, put a little bit of me in there I gave them a second surname, Prieto. Which is a variant from “preto” , dark. And that gave me the idea of making her mother’s side of the family the opposite. Kinda like the Blacks, they’re purebloods proud of it, mixing with the dark arts and having a bad reputation. And that took me to the family drama, because I liked the idea of having some hypocrisy going along. They’re very protective of family, but they’ll destroy each other if they see fit. So we get a muggle grandpa mixed in, to let in that “oh no, they’re not ALL bad” and then you got in the pshyco racist uncle nobody likes.
I wanted to put in one dangerous relative so Neon would have a shadow always lurking, something not only driving her to be better, but that connected Neon’s hogwarts’ adventure and her life outside of the school. When jacob goes missing, their parents try to find him and their uncle strikes in. So in Neon’s mind finding Jacob is the key to getting her parents back. It ties it all together and makes Neon looking for Jacob even more desperate. I added the family book to give Narcisso a motivation to set after his own family, him being evil just to be evil is too much simple. There’s something in that book he wants so bad and I like to keep alluding to it until I finally reveal why ( I don’t wanna spoil it yet).
As for the relationship with each other, I made Jacob and Neon close, loving siblings. Neon needed a reason to be worried and sad. She loved his brother with all her heart, they had fun, they teased each other and fought. That special close bond that only siblings have. They are so loud and annoying to each other, when Jacob dissapears it feels like there’s a hole in Neon, there’s so much silence it’s unbearable, and music only does so much.
At first I thought that her being alone in the world was a bit too cruel and obvious, so I gave her two cousins that act as sisters and two uncles, who although I haven’t really showed much, you can tell they love her as much. I’ll admit this later gave me more material for family drama, so I have that there.
I kinda wanted to make a ”Go ahead, bite the Big Apple. Don’t mind the maggots.”
3. How did you come up with your version of Jacob?
I took inspiration from two people. One my own brother, who will forever annoy me and who I would kill for. The thing is I could only take inspiration from his personality, because when I was thinking about his design I new I couldn’t draw my brother when he was little. HE LOOKS SO FUCKING MUCH LIKE HARRY POTTER IT’S SURREAL. I’M NOT FUCKING JOKING, WE HAVE PHOTOS AND HE WORE ROUND GLASSES, I’VE HAD FRIENDS COME OVER, SEE HIS PHOTO AND BE LIKE “WHY YOU HAVE A PICTURE OF HARRY POTTER AS A SAILOR?” “BECAUSE THET’S MY BROTHER THE DAY OF HIS COMMUNION”
The other person is a childhood friend of mine who was just as much of a brother, I swear people thought we were siblings because of the constant bickering. We always played together and we told each other our secrets and shit.
Both my friend and my brother had a couple of things in common, so it made his personality easy, smart, fun, shy, loyal and thoughtful. I thought making him charming would give him an advantage on how he convinced people to help him and give him what he wanted. Of course he also has his negative traits, like being pretty lazy, bossy, cynical, selfish, paranoid and irresponsible. These last two are specially important to me because I feel like they are the main reasons as to why everything goes to shit and gives the start to MC’s story, and more specifically Neon, since it’s his paranoia of everyone dying what drives him to run away.
I also wanted him to be kinda opposite to Neon to balance them. Jacob is composed, calm, thinks before acting, is shy and Neon is loud, impulsive, acts way before thinking and is bold. One’s ice the other’s fire, and they make a warm home and a horrible lukewarm wet mix when arguing
4. How does your MC cope with everything they’ve endured with Jacob, R, and the Vaults?
I’m pretty sure it’s obvious that Neon’s a mess. The kid gets into fights 24/7 for fuck’s sake, she needs help. She smokes and she drinks. And it all roots to the fact that she almost died once. Remember the river accident? The one were she almost drowned? Yeah, in Neon’s mind she should have died that day, and the fact that she gets strangled by the devil’s snare in first year just proves her she’s right. Do you know Hamilton’s lyrics in Hurricane? “I couldn’t seem to die” that’s what Neon hears in the back of her head. She’s so goddamn reckless because that’s her unconscious way of running away and giving up, she feels like she deserves it, so she self-sabotages, because she won’t actively surrender. And the person who used to help her, be there for her and know when she needed someone is her father, and he’s in a coma.
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me @ myself: You fucked up a perfectly good witch is what you did, look at her, she’s got deeply rooted issues
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