#of oshuu
persasullaluna · 1 year
se andiamo al cinema insieme muovo le zampettine dalla felicità oshuu oshu
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iryomito · 3 years
The first time I ever did him justice!!! Date Masamune  🐲 🐲
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nexu101 · 6 years
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“It’ll be one hell of a chore to get the bloom of love blossoming here.”
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onnajosshumiwa · 2 years
(OC) Yoshihime
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Yoshihime, also known as Masamune's living nightmare, she's the infamous mother of the one-eyed dragon. A dark user coming from the proud Mogami Clan, to which she is still incredibly loyal. She shares many interests with her brother Yoshiaki, current head of the Clan, and often works as a mediator for the Mogami interests in Oshuu and, of course, as a spy.
Despite being in love with her late husband, Terumune, her loyalty to her brother has always prevailed. She also doesn't seem to be on good terms with her son Masamune, being brought up with the idea of protecting the clan from the possibile threat of the Mogami. Despite of that, Masamune has indeed inherited something from her, most notably their curiosity towards Foreign cultures.
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devilmaykawaii · 3 years
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Thinking about the big boss of Oshuu 🐉
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Time to put info for my Sengoku BASARA OC out in the open for the first time in AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGES
Under the cut because long
True name: Unknown
AKA: Yamato Hisanaga; hundreds of other names accumulated over the years
Age: 27? (February 12th)
Height: 5’ (~152.4 cm)
Weight: 100 lb (~45.4 kg)
Associated colors: Slate gray, pastel orange
Appearance: A wild, lanky trans man, with pale skin and inky back, cat-like eyes. His clothing is old, faded and threadbare, kept together with patches of newer, stronger, more colorful clothing. His uneven, jet-black hair is mostly kept in a high, messy ponytail, with a significant bit of his hair hanging loose on his left side. He has a triangular build, with broad shoulders.
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Neutral Evil (MtG: Black/Green)
Powers: Superhuman agility and accuracy; shadow manipulation
Fighting style: Self-taught, almost feral dual-wielding
Likes: Cats, solitude, reading, forest ambience, (Modern AU) 2D fighting games
Dislikes: Other people’s advances, dogs (cynophobia), city life, servitude to others, ninjas
Oda Nobunaga (boss-and-underling; Hisanaga is extremely hesitant to approach him, even under duress. Hisanaga admires Nobunaga from afar.)
Akechi Mitsuhide (boss-and-underling; Mitsuhide is in love with Hisanaga and cherishes him; Hisanaga either hates his guts or is extremely tsundere, depending on how long they’ve been around one another.)
Mori Ranmaru (friendly; Hisanaga views Ranmaru like a son and is very protective of him)
Nōhime (tense; Nōhime just wants to spoil Hisanaga after hearing all he’s been through, but Hisanaga doesn’t want to be spoiled)
Oichi (friendly; Oichi admires Hisanaga’s resolve and wants his mental fortitude, while Hisanaga deeply cares for Oichi and often acts as a surrogate caretaker for her when she returns to Owari)
Yamato Hisanaga was born in a small mountain village not far from Oshuu-- his father was a samurai that was always at war, his mother cold and unattached to him. He learned from an early age about him actually being a boy, though he didn't exactly have the terminology for it at the time. But time passed, and when he was 9, he was chosen by the local priest to be a miko-- that is, a shrine maiden. He begged and pleaded with his mother to not make him go, but she ignored his cries, wanting to stick to tradition. So the night before the ceremony to induct him as a shrine maiden, he stole a knife from the kitchen, cut off his hair, and ran away, leaving nothing behind but his hair as a reminder that he still existed. He was never seen in his home village again.
He made his living begging and thieving, nearly getting caught a few times stealing from merchants. The last time this happened, he wound up killing the merchant that had him cornered, and wound up stealing from the remains. He was 13 at the time.
Years pass, and during this time, he made his living from stealing from corpses on the battlefield. He would eventually come to the aftermath of a particularly gruesome battle, doing what he usually does, before being found by Akechi Mitsuhide, who had been sent there on "clean up" detail to ensure there were no survivors. Instead, he found Hisanaga, scavenging from the remains. Hisanaga, understandably scared of being caught, fled, but Mitsuhide swore to find him again. It would take some time, but he did-- and had he not found Hisanaga, Hisanaga would have frozen to death during his 27th winter.
Hisanaga can best be described as caustic and fickle, personality-wise. His harsh exterior hides a caring, soft heart, shown only to a select few. He’s cunning and always planning ahead for the worst a situation has to offer, including planning for his own death. Hisanaga never backs down once he’s started something, from the mundane to the extraordinary.
[Important notes]
The relationship between Hisanaga and Mitsuhide is one-sided (for now?)
Compared to the canon cast of Sengoku BASARA, Hisanaga is absolutely TINY
AUs include:
Gakuen AU (basically a modern high school AU)
AU where Nobunaga finds him first, instead of Mitsuhide
Modern AU/Yakuza AU
Hisanaga reveres cats as the messengers of the divine, with some leading him to fresh water, shelter, or even food. In return, Hisanaga provides them with affection and warmth.
Hisanaga has been mistaken for a number of yokai, including kappa, bakeneko, oni and kasha.
Each patch and stitch on his clothing correlates to a scar on his body.
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crimson-snowfall · 4 years
Masamune Birthday 2020 - Day 27
Word Count: 198
POV: 3rd person
Masamune Birthday 2020, Day 27: Kisses - Prompt #27
#27 - Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.
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"Just how long do you plan on ignoring me, kitten?" Masamune asked in a low murmur as he hugged his beloved from behind, but not in so much proximity as to interrupt what she was doing at that time.
"Maybe when you learn not to leave a mark on me when you know I have something coming up," she spat as she painstakingly applied make-up on her neck. Her fellow streamsesses had invited her for tea that day, and although pretty much everyone in Oshuu already knew about her relationship with Masamune, today's tea party was different as they would be holding it with seamstresses from the neighboring territories. 
And the night before, Masamune got a little too carried away in the heat of their passion… leaving not one, but two large lovebites on both sides of her neck. He kept quiet as she finished her task, and when she was done, he fixed an apologetic gaze at her.
"Fine," she huffed, "you know I can't stay mad at you for too long." She turned around and sat on his lap, then gave him a quick, biting kiss, as though that was her way of giving a punishment.
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[More on this series.]
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lovepeacejapan · 7 years
What's your Shop name? ♥️
I don’t have a shop. If you wanna know where I get most of my clothes, hair, heads, etc, just ask. My imvu name is oshuu. If you want to add me just make sure you send a message that says you’re from tumblr ♥️
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goldwingedwitch · 7 years
comes in 80 years late with an offering of [ tuck ] for the meme
@youngscrxppynhungry (Comes in just as late with a response ;;)
[Tuck] to place a blanket on my muse.
She didn’t mind the cold as much as the humid Japan summers. But even in her home country she was not accustomed to the harsh blizzards that befell Oshuu.
She had snuck along for a campaign in another part of Masamune’s territory. As angry as he’d been, they couldn’t just stick her on a horse and tell her to ride home on her own. They were well past enemy lines by now. So she was allowed to stay with them-- which some would suppose had been her intention all along.
She sat curled up in a tent adjacent to the commander’s-- while Masamune and Kojuro were having a war meeting in that one-- she waited along, shivering by the little stove. 
It was then she felt something heavy around her shoulders, and looked up to see Alexander, the newly appointed military scribe for the Date Army, had draped a blanket around her.
“Thank you, Alexander... that helps.” She smiled a bit.
“I suppose you’re probably wondering what madness overcame me to come and follow all of you. Lord Masamune was furious....”
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absolutepsycho · 7 years
So i am sitting here rewatching Sengoku Basara, because my best friend and I had recently rping it again and wow I have almost forgotten how much I loved the series and its characters. Especially Oshuu’s Dragons 
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onnajosshumiwa · 2 years
(OC) "Izo"
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Meet Izo! The newest entry for my Date Fanon!
Short for Isonash, a nickname given by Masamune himself, he's one of Itsuki's 14 brothers, and he first worked as a mediator between Itsuki's people who took shelter in Oshuu, under the guide of Masamune, and the Date Clan. He will later join the Clan as an actual vassal and ambassador for the Ainu in Oshuu.
He's an Ice user, his weapon is his Tonkari, an Ainu traditional instrument he either uses as a sword or as a tool to evoke his elemental powers (there's like no in-between lol)
He seems to have a fascination for Katakura Kita (another OC I'm currently working on), in fact, he often calls her the real "Date Kamuy" and respects her the same way Masamune and Kojuro do.
In case you didn't notice, yes, the design is mostly inspired by another game, namely Pokémon Legends Arceus, that has inspired me to work on Itsuki and her people's lore in my fanon. I've always wanted to include Ainus in my fanon but what I needed the most was careful researches and inspiration!
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@norageonlypancakes I need your help convincing @dearmadalice to renounce Oshuu and join the party in Owari
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akumanoken-archive · 8 years
@ikazuchi-ryuu (x)
His chin was gripped, raised up to stare the famed “one eyed dragon” face to face, and he frowned.  “I told your men I’ve been traveling and have no ill will toward your clan.  I have no part of this war...” he swore.
Was is strange for a man to be traveling as he was around Oshuu, surely it was, but he had nothing else that he could possibly say to them. Surely he wouldn’t believe him, and he would have to fight his way out...he had already looked around, trying to find his way out of the stronghold.  It wouldn’t be the first time that had happened to Souji, after all... 
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lovepeacejapan · 7 years
What's ur name n imvu?
Feel free to add me and talk to me, but I’m horrible at keeping convos going.
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