#of paws and patricide ; mary
marisetcaelum · 11 months
@honorhearted cont. from ✧
oh, no. oh no no no. mary had really tried to grab the dog by the rope, but bulldog was so fast and she was so small, so much more thin than she ought to be. it was bad enough that they had stumbled upon a revolutionary camp - but to run right in?
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the girl had prayed that her dog would simply scamper around before returning, but approaching footsteps proved that was not the case. she stood still as stone in case it was a trap.
still.. he sounded nice..
the leaves crunched underfoot as she slowly tip - toed out from behind her hiding spot, wrinkling her nose at the bulldog who sat and wagged his tail oh - so - innocently.
❝ bad dog. ❞
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downtroddendeity · 7 years
Since the new Radiant Historia is apparently a remake, what new ground would you like to see the remake cover?
Okay, okay.
Just as a remake, one of Radiant Historia’s biggest problems in the original version was that it was visibly made on a shoestring budget and they ran out of money to produce more art assets. The lack of multiple portraits is what people usually focus on, but it’s got some other art issues, like sprite errors (Stocke’s shield switching arms whenever he walks right being a notable example), the group of people with portraits being weird (Bergas has like five lines and gets one; Elm is a fully-developed character and doesn’t), and several villains dropping off the face of the earth or dying in cutscenes after generic-enemy boss battles (which I suspect is because they didn’t have a battle spritesheet for them). If they’re throwing enough money at this to completely redo all the graphics, hopefully they’ll fix those issues.
Regarding the villain point, I’m not sure if I want to wish on the monkey’s paw that they poke anything in the remake part that’d have a plot impact, but they could swap in a Dias boss battle for the placeholder battle with his guards without any script changes at all. If I was going to hope for one major change, it’d be rearranging the flow of the final dungeon, so you rescue Eruca halfway through instead of right at the end, and the bit where you rescue her involved a Shadow!Victor boss battle.
I’m terrified that some combination of art changes, writing in the new material, and voice acting will make it harder for me to enjoy the characters, so please do not do that Atlus, kthx. (And please include the option to turn off the voice acting if it’s not my cup of tea.)
Do not try to work in the artbook ages because they are a load of horse hocky.
Getting some new music tracks would be nice- doesn’t have to be much, considering the original game managed to function just fine on very little.
Fix the wonky Strike hitbox.
Make characters who aren’t available get partial XP, so Rosch doesn’t get so badly underleveled.
In terms of the actual new content: please do not let this new girl be as annoying as some of the other new characters Atlus has added to spin-offs and remakes, cough cough MARIE. As someone has already mentioned, the fact that she has a ship implies that we might learn more about the world outside Vainqueur, which I am tentatively hopeful about. There are also a lot of the secondary cast members who it’d be interesting to see more about and some hints at Bigger Things(TM) that could be explored without screwing over the main story; basically what I want is worldbuilding. :::PPP
And patricide. :::PPP
Let me kill Victor 2017.
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marisetcaelum · 11 months
@socialseasons cont. from ✧
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why not? there were many reasons, and most made mary's eyes well up if she ever had the nerve to think about it. she swallows and quickly focuses on politeness rather than vulnerability.
❝ well - i.. ❞ her voice is almost silent as she ponders the question. ❝ i guess i like traveling.. i never got to see much of anything when i was at home. ❞
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marisetcaelum · 1 year
tag dump time !!!
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marisetcaelum · 11 months
@betterto-die-thanto-crawl cont. from ✧
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the girl is silent, determined pout fading into a thoughtful frown. she had considered going to one of the safer houses and lord knows what she's heard of the refuge. but fear still kept her on the streets. the fear of being found.
❝ i . . can't. ❞
she swallows - what to say?
❝ i . . there's this dog - ❞
good job.
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