#of pulling her own body off of multiple spikes that had completely penetrated her
keyofjetwolf · 4 years
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I just need to point out how Velasca hauled herself out of a spike pit UPON WHICH SHE HAD BEEN IMPALED MULTIPLE TIMES and then limped here, for two reasons:
to call out Gabrielle
I cannot shower enough love on villains who make things so deeply personal. This arc, however relatively small, was always a personal favourite of mine. Velasca is downright SCARY, she’s so fixated on fucking Gabrielle up, and it’s only made all the more sweet by how Xena’s genuinely scared she might not be able to stop it. I LIVE for this kind of shit, just inject it directly into my brain.
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horrortamer-archive · 3 years
=> Valkyrie: The End Of The Beginning
[Special thank you to @smearrps @edwarddidntdeserveher and @shrubrp for proof reading and help editing this! This short story ending has been in the works for months now and I'm very grateful for their help.]
[Warning! This story includes body horror, eye/face horror, abuse victim blaming and possession. It's very long.]
You're tired of being the main character. You never asked for this. You never wanted it. You are sick of it.
There is so much attention and pressure constantly. YOU were chosen by Glub. YOU were chosen to become orphaner. YOU were chosen by the gods. YOU must save the world and bring mercy to the people. But YOU are tired of it. What will YOU do?
YOU are tired of waiting.
YOU are going to end this.
All talks with other rebellion leaders had ended. Everyone had gone silent due to the recent arrest and execution of one of your allies. You, Valkyrie Ampora, are restless. At first, you took this moment of quiet as a blessing. You were going to marry Porrim and start life together before you finished your job. However, you now see it as a curse. It's an aching silence. Now you have no plans for the future. Yes, you have people who love you dearly, but you have no plan. There is no promise of a future anymore. So, now that you know you have no future, why not take a risk? Might as well die for this cause and show the empire how much you fucking hate it.
You and your allies had talked about multiple murder attempts of the empress and grand many times before. You had insider information on these two specifically, having worked closely with them in the past as a politician. You knew exactly where the Grand Highblood lived, worked, and went in his free time. You knew he spent as much time as possible in a slinky little juggalo bar called The Alley on the outskirts of the capital city. People tend to drool and fawn over others with power and he knew he could use that power to get as many one night stands as possible. He used to be quite upset that that power didn’t work on you.
Yes, Kurloz was the number one big chuckle now, but he wasn’t a man of much luxuries. He stayed true to the juggalo religion and stayed close to all the practitioners who wished to reach out to him. He was vocal, personal and relatable. On paper, he was a man of the people. Holy shit did people eat that up. You knew that in reality, Kurloz was a sleeze ball. He lacked morality. If offered money to say something, he would sign the contract and ensure the sponsorship for that agenda kept on steadily. If there was a product, he was on it to promote that the company was Juggalo Safe. He was a charm and flirt who boasted his body count to any who got him tipsy enough - which, actually, wasn’t all too difficult. He was a dick and you hated him. You knew that his leadership was part of Alternia’s eventual decline.
You had no real plan. All you knew was that before the sun rose, the purple blood would be there.
You’re on the roof of a building across the street, on your belly with your rifle in your hands and your eye peeking through the scope. Usually, you would use a laser rifle for precision, but with lasers there is always a risk of survival. You’ve chosen an old vintage rifle that used physical ammo. Sadly, they don’t make silencers for these things anymore, so you just had to pray. Your body was tense yet mellow. Anxious but patient. If no one else is going to complete this job, you will on your own. It’s been hours and you’ve been still. Silent. No one has noticed you, and no one will notice you until you take the shot. You only have one chance. You will not fuck this up.
Finally, the time arrives. You have no idea how long it has been, but it feels like an entire day has passed. A group of loud purplebloods approach the door. The second tallest of the group you can identify by his big curly hair and his skull face paint, already bleeding off his face from the sweat of a pregame. If you really focused, you could see the beads of sweat, dragging white paint down his face and down his neck and on to his raggedy shirt. You can’t hold this anticipation for much longer. You have been here all day. You need to put his bastard in the grave right now. This is your time. Shoot him. Shoot him. SHOOT HIM--
The millisecond before you pulled the trigger, he turned from you and stepped forward. The millisecond after, everyone around him turned towards the noise. Towards you. They see you. He froze in fear right before the bullet penetrated the back of his head. As far as you knew in that moment, The Grand Highblood, Kurloz Makara, was dead and you needed to get the fuck out of there.
You could hear the screams of terror as you ran back into the building. Everything around you felt fake. Unreal. A blur. You did it. You finally fucking killed him all on your own. Now how were you going to get out of this mess? You kept running down the stairwell before you realized that his posse physically saw you and where you were. They may not have recognized exactly who you are, but they saw you run the fuck back into the building. You scurried back up the stairs to the roof and, you figured, today is a day full of god damn risks.
So you backed up and you got a running start. You thank the gods for your long legs as you jumped from the top of the building across to the roof of a corner store. You land on your feet, tumbling forward and rolling with the remaining momentum. Quickly, you slide off the top of the store and into the alley beside it. Then you just start running. You have no sense of direction, all you know is away. You have to get away.
The back alleys behind these buildings were disgusting. They hadn’t been maintained in sweeps. These back ways belonged to the apartments and rentals of warmer bloods whom the government had slummed here, out of view. As you heard the heels of your boots click along the pavement and you looked around, there was a nostalgic feeling. You used to be so small you could hide under boxes to protect yourself from the elements in the alleys of a city much like this one. You used to skitter around in darkness with your old moirail, Aranea. She hid you away from adults of whom she said would take you and give you to the cruel people who had put her there, lususless in the dark with only you. You didn’t know when you had stopped running. You stood there alone in the alley. Not even the moons could see you. As far as you knew, you were safe. Safe for now.
You allowed yourself to take deep shallow breaths, catching up with the stamina you had used. You stood there, listening to the world around you as you allowed your muscles to relax. You’re okay now, you think. You take your palm husk out of your pocket to text your first mate and you instantly regret it. You’re blinded by the light and it shone in the dark, acting like a flashlight. Almost immediately, you heard movement.
You tried to move as fast as you could, but it wasn’t fast enough. There was a sound of something wheezing through the air before you felt a sharp pain in your right shoulder. You quickly reached with your left arm to rip out whatever the object was, only to find an arrow in your hands. From your knowledge, it’s not tipped with anything. Just a flesh wound. And, with that, you turned to keep running. You knew then that at least one of those fucks knew exactly where you were, but you couldn’t stop running. You were a big target, and the only way out of this is if you created distance between you and the person in the shadows following or if you got them to show themselves and fight before their backup arrives, but you feel the fact that you were fucked deep in your bones.
It wasn’t long before they had chased you to the spot where they wanted you. You were so focused on running and trying to get away that you didn’t see the clown that was about to come out from the shadows and hit you until the last second. A bat that lacked the traditional spikes (thank fuck) hit you right in the face. You fell backwards onto your back and to the grungy floor below. You could immediately feel that your nose had been at least fractured. You immediately went to guard your face with your arms before the attacking clown had another moment to make contact again with their bat. You heard a deep voice shout, but you could not understand. Other voices replied and made conversation. Whether it was due to your panic or it was a language you didn’t know, you could not understand what they were saying. All you could understand was how tense your muscles were and how your blood pushed through your veins and in your ears. You had to find a way out of this. This couldn’t be it.
You feared this was how it would end. You would die how you had lived. Scared, hiding away in alleyways, trying to evade death and other highbloods in fear that they would take you or kill you. Only some things have changed since then. You have killed Aranea, your only protector. You have learned to fend for yourself. You have grown up. You have fought. You have loved. You have survived. You are persistent. Oftentimes it feels as if you have beaten death at his own game, but tonight you fear him. And yet? You are ready for him. You are tired of being the main character. You are tired of suffering for the narrative. You want to be free. To be happy. You fear that you will only find that in death.
A purple blood somehow taller than you lifts you by the horns and holds you up against a wall. She is screaming in your face. You don’t understand anything she’s saying. All you can understand are your title and your deadname. They know who you are despite how you’ve changed. You peek out from your arm and you see how high you are off the ground. You feel small. You feel young. You can’t wait for Aranea to save you anymore. The clown makes a comment about how much money is on your head. They can’t kill you now. You must be turned in to the empire. You must suffer for your anarchy. For your rebellion. Insubordination.
You will be tortured and executed for your crimes against the empire.
There was just an inkling of hope in your heart. You hoped that something would come to save you, just like before. When you were young and imprisoned for the crimes you had committed to survive. Back then, you were saved by your former master, who served me. The woman who built you up and taught you there is more to fight for than just survival. She taught you to speak to me. Nowadays, you fight for more than just survival. You have fought to try and make this world a better place. You started with me. Before you, I held no sympathy for living creatures besides those who I could speak to. You used your gift of communication to teach me sympathy and empathy. You taught me there are beings out there that deserve life. You taught me the struggles that mortals face. How the world that serves me harms you and harms those who just want to rest. You taught me sadness. You have taught me so much. In return, I have taught you to access the void. How to protect yourself from it. How to reach out farther than any orphaner before you. I have protected you and you have fed and protected me.
I am tired, as well. I am billions of sweeps old. I contain knowledge that mortals would go insane upon learning. I have been shoved into what is essentially a fish tank by those who wish to play god. I gave you an impossible mission. You tried to the best of your ability to complete it. Deep down, I knew you would never be able to complete it, but I was shocked at how hard you fought anyways. On the other end of this mission was a promised happiness. I promised goddesshood and a life worth living, and you fought tooth and nail for your freedom. OUR freedom. Even when you had lost hope, you fought for something. Even when you felt there was no future, you fought for something. I am grateful.
For this, I thank you.
For this, I will save your life once more. Though, sadly, this comes at a price for both of us.
Your whole body begins to ache. You are in agonizing pain. It feels like your body is ripping apart as the void fills it. Yet, you do not scream. You are calm. You feel me touching your heart and filling you with all of me. Rest, I told you, I will take everything from here. You relinquish control to me.
The arms covering your face relax to your sides as your whole body starts to ease. All you can hear now are confused murmurs as you feel yourself drift away into sleep.
I saved you the only way I knew how to. Your whole adult life, you have covered yourself in tattoos and symbols in honor of me. You fought the idea of praising any specific gods, and yet, you have dedicated your body to serving me. This allowed me to do what I had to. I raised your arms and made your hands grip the enemy clown’s wrist. Your claws dug into their wrist before trying to pull their wrist apart. Their screams mean nothing to me.
Your head rises back up and I see the fear in the huge purple’s face. I spot from the corner of your eye that a smaller clown is trying to run. I automatically assume, of course, that they were running to get help or to warn possible backup. So, I did what I felt made the most sense.. Your claws let go of the clown’s wrist and they immediately let go of you, your knees hitting the ground. The tentacle tattoos on your right arm looked as if they were moving by magic, before my appendages burst out of your shoulder, severing your arm from your body. White tentacles grew rapidly, allowing me more physical control of your body. I forced your body back onto its feet and continued to push white tentacles from the open wound. I reached out to the closest being, my appendages around their neck, squeezing as tight as I could manage until I felt a dirty, visceral crack.
The world around us blurs. To be honest, I believe I, too, have lost myself. I reached out to our next victim and pulled them close. Your teeth sunk into their throat, ripping it out, discarding them on the wet, grimy street.. Even through the blur, I see more people fleeing. Your body falls to the ground as white tentacles burst from your right hip, shedding your right leg and leaving it behind. Your right eye pops out as more white tentacles sprout. It’s at this moment that I realize…
I am hurting you. I am no longer helping you. I have lost control of myself and your body. Every time your life is in danger and I step in to help I always hurt you. I’m so sorry, my child. I must fix this.
Smaller tentacles sprout from your skin, only tearing it just enough to make more room for the rest. Violet blood pours down your face and pools on the ground. The only thing I can think to do is crawl away and put you in a safer spot. Your body moved in a pathetic crawl, your arm, your leg and my tentacles working together to try and find safety, leaving behind only a trail of your blood. I find a spot where not even the moons can see your body, and I let you rest.
I call out to the void, begging for help.
Someone will answer.
It will be okay.
Your next life will be happier, my child. I promise.
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lotusss-flowerbomb · 5 years
A Match Made In Hell (5)
Bucky x reader
Warnings: Death, violence, smut, 18+
Word Count: 2,983
Thor dropped down to ground with a hard thud. Storm breaker in his hands and ready to take down anything HYDRA that moves.
Vision levitating just off the ground beside him.
"Guys, be careful this could be a trap!" Steve told them. Neither of them heard what he said. The coms crackled in their ears. "They're jamming the signal. We gotta get down there. Tony, find the main control room and blow the transformers to hell."
"Yep," he said diving out of the jet and flying away.
Nat and Clint landed the aircraft and everyone else gathered at the entrance.
"Wanda; Bucky, Clint and I will come with you. Sam, you and Nat are up top. Drop her in and cover her. Once it's clear, head inside. Get in there and track down Bruce. "
"Got it," he scooped her up and flew away.
A loud roar could be heard in the short distance. The thunder rolled above them. Steve ran on foot throwing his shield at oncoming HYDRA soldiers. Their bones could be heard cracking with each hit as they went down heavy.
Wanda catapulted Clint through the air as he shot off several arrows that hit different soldiers. One exploded, one electrocuted and another landed in a guy's forehead and the tip expanded.
Wanda lifted soldiers into the air as she also called rocks with sharp peaks from the earth like spikes. With a wave of her hand she impaled each one. All of their eyes open and faces stuck in shocked expressions.
Bucky lifted his gun and ran full speed ahead. Dropping soldiers left and right. Bullets to the head and chest as he dodged all fire from HYDRA. Some of them trying to fall back and hide once they saw him coming. He took them out too.
Bodies were scattered about as they made their way towards the roaring sounds and lightening strikes. Beams of energy could be seen coming from Vision’s stone as they came closer. ******** "Nat, on your 6!" Sam yelled.
Nat tucked and rolled just as Sam expanded his wings ripping through the wall and pulled his guns out. He took out two soldiers who were headed in their direction. More of them rounded the corner armed with only taser wands.
"Shit, how many are there?" Sam groaned.
He retracted his wings as Nat came running and flipped over his back. She threw her body into one of them taking him down and pressing stingers into his neck. Two others tried to hit her with the wands, but she blocked them, rolled to the side and kicked the ankle of one. When he lost his footing, he fell in the direction of his counter part shocking him. She used her small hand gun to shoot the other.
The remainder of the baton twirling soldiers headed towards Sam. He took his knife out and stabbed one in the wrist causing him to drop his taser. He caught it and jammed it into another's neck, causing him to completely drop as the electricity traveled through his convulsing body. He hit the final one with a hard right that made his body twist. Sam grabbed him around the waist, bent his knees and took his body up top in a backwards slam. The loud crunch of bone could be heard.
"Whoo! Yeah boy, get some!" He shouted as he jumped up landing one final kick to his side.
"Are you done?" Nat asked.
"Oh, I'm just getting started, baby," he jumped up and down and jabbed the air. "Float like a butterfly sting like a bee!"
Nat shook her head, "Let's go get Bruce, Muhammad Ali." She said as she headed down a hall.
A loud explosion sounded from the other side of the building. The walls shook and plaster crumbled from the ceiling.
"What the hell was that?" Sam asked.
"Oh hey, it worked. Yaay!" Tony could be heard through the coms. "Oop, be right back. There's a thing over here that does not look too happy about that. I think I interrupted his—"
Tony's words were cut short as he was snatched out of the air by the creatures tongue. It rolled him into its mouth.
"It's eating me! It's eating me," he said right before he went silent.
The creature ran in the direction of Thor and Vision. They were both waiting for him as it rounded the building.
"Careful where you strike, Stark could still be alive," he advised Vision.
The beast ran towards them snarling and suddenly his feet dug into the ground as he came to a sliding halt. It howled loud into the sky as its belly began to rumble and glow and four holes blasted through him.
Tony came bursting out as he landed at his teammates feet. His mask disappeared from his face as he sucked in deep breaths.
“Are you well, Stark?” Thor questioned.
"Find me another one. I definitely wanna do that again." He said resting his head on the ground. ********
You were running through the halls. Your heels were clicking rapidly against the tile when your body was thrown into a wall. As you tried to get to your feet Steve's shield came hurling towards you. You ducked out of the way and jumped to your feet.
"Wait! I —" before you could finish your statement you were thrown again. You felt the sting of the bullet that had been put through your arm.
This time you landed on your feet. When you stood Steve, Bucky, Wanda and Clint were gathered at the end of the hall. Bucky held a glock 17 in his hand still pointed towards you.
"You shot me!" You said in disbelief.
"You shot me first," he replied.
He looked you over. Clad in your signature thigh high boots, leather vest and long skirt, but today there was something different. Today, you had two Katanas strapped to your back.
You dipped down a corridor. You could hear them following you. You had two options: trap yourself with them in the stairwell or go outside. You needed to quickly get them exactly where you wanted them to be, so you opted for outside.
You crashed through a window preparing yourself for the fall from the third story of the building. Storm Breaker came whirling in your direction. You tucked your body into a ball just missing the impact.
Vision shot a beam in your direction. You went into kill mode and picked up your speed to elude it. No matter how powerful you were, a hit from the stone would definitely put you on your ass.
"Cut her off!" Steve commanded. Vision made a crater in the ground just in front of you causing you to skid to a stop.
You turned to look at them. You didn't have time for this. You had to get them all to the main lab of the Basement.
"Where is he?" Bucky asked.
You scanned each member as they surrounded you. You pulled one of the swords from your back.
"Do you really plan to defeat us with such a measly weapon?" Thor questioned.
He drew back and sent Storm Breaker in your direction once again. It was less than an inch from your face when it stopped.
"How?" He looked surprised.
"We told you she's powerful." Wanda said.
Instead of sending it back into them you grabbed it and swung it into the building. It crashed through it bringing the entire wing down. They all turned to look at the damage and you took the opportunity to run.
You rounded the building and crashed into a window. They followed closely behind.
"Be careful, she's leading us into the lab." Bucky warned.
When they caught up you were standing in front of the door.
"What's your game?" Tony Inquired.
Before you could answer Bucky charged towards you.
"Just listen!" You yelled.
"No," he slammed into you.
Your back hit the door, but you recovered quickly. He threw another punch. You ducked and your fist crashed into his torso hard enough to send him flying backwards.
Clint shot multiple arrows in your direction in a lightening like succession as he neared you.
You pulled out your sword and sliced them out of the way. Once he was close enough, he pulled his own katana from the quiver and attempted to strike you. Before he could land the blow, you pulled the other sword from its sheeth and blocked it. You kicked him in the chest careful not to add to much force.
Another blast from Visions stone while you were distracted. This time it hit you and sent you flying through the doors you had been standing in front of.
You coughed trying to catch your breath as you tried to stand. Bucky was on you with his metal hand to your throat squeezing.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't snap your fucking neck right now?" He raised you off the ground.
You looked at him with tears in your eyes. He didn't trust you. You lifted your hand and waved it. A soft click could be heard in the room. Bruce, the HYDRA scientist and the HYDRA head you all had spotted at the other facility were behind the door of a secret room.
Bruce came tumbling out as the other two foolishly attempted to run. A red glow surrounded them as Wanda pinned them to the wall.
"Stop! Stop! Let her go, it's not what you think. Let her explain," Bruce said. Thor held him up right since he was still a little weak. Bucky held on to you for a while longer before deciding to let you go.
Your body dropped to floor. "Explain," he bit out.
You sucked in a deep breath. "I had to do it. They were going to use his DNA to try and recreate another Hulk. I gave him something to keep his blood too diluted for them to get proper samples."
"At the other facility she gave me something to knock me out, but once we got here she explained everything to me and we came up with a quick fix." Bruce added.
"Why not just change? They can't penetrate the hulks skin and you could've just escaped." Nat says.
"No, it's not that simple. They're trying to infiltrate SHIELD again and they have someone in place right now in direct contact with our team. It’s how they've known we were coming these last few last times. It's how they knew you were coming today." Bruce informed them.
"I knew that if I helped them get something they really wanted, they'd give me information. I needed to find out who it was, so that they couldn’t get Bruce and could never get to you again," you looked at Bucky.
His face softened. He was such an idiot. He'd let Dot get into his head about you.
"You weren't reminiscing about this place. You were dropping hints." He sighed.
"How dare you betray HYDRA? I am your master! I created you myself!" The doctor said from his trap on the wall.
"I don't have a master and I'm real sick of your shit." Your eyes changed and you lifted your hand and created a fist. You held it closed for a few seconds as you all watched his face turn from pink to bright red and then you opened it, causing his head to explode.
Brain matter and blood went everywhere. The HYDRA head screamed as most of it splattered onto him.
"Oh, I see why you married this one, Barnes. Feisty." Thor chuckled. Everyone just turned their heads to look at him.
"Wanda, would you please release him?" You walked in the direction of the head. She looked to Bucky and let him drop to the floor hard once he gave her an OK nod. The man picked himself up from the floor. "Open it," you shoved his briefcase to his chest.
He looked at you with a hardened glare, but did not move to open the case. He only spat on the floor next to your feet.
Bucky stomped over and hit him hard in the face and slammed his head into the case.
"She said open it." He spoke through clenched teeth.
He immediately brought his hands to the case and punched in the code. Bucky threw him to the floor as you snatched out the file you were looking for.
You slammed it open on the desk and revealed the photo of the leak. "She's had some work done to change her appearance a bit, but that's her, your little girlfriend."
Bucky looked over the photo of Dot. Blonde hair, brown eyes, slightly different nose and thinner lips. She had completely changed her appearance, but it was very clearly her. Bucky slammed his fist on the table.
"I don't tell her details about missions."
"I believe she was using a sleep technique. She'd wait for you to fall asleep and ask very specific questions. Your subconscious mind hears a familiar voice and feels comfortable enough to share information." You explained.
"So basically, he talks in his sleep," Sam added.
"Pretty much," you nodded. "But you've never given her much of anything," you flipped pages, "it was always after the fact information, so she'd warn them any time you were going on a mission to prepare."
"Oh man, thank God it's not Pepper. I literally tell her every single detail of every mission before we leave." Tony chimed.
Everyone turned and looked at him.
"She's my wife. I love her," he shrugged.
"Let's get back to the compound asap. She's usually waiting for you to get back." Steve said. ********
You got on the jet and sat away from everyone else. Bruce was explaining everything he'd learned while at the facility. Bucky sat near you not saying anything. Once you were up in the air, you unbuckled and made your way to the bathroom. Bucky was right behind you.
"What are you doing?" You ask him and try to shut the door.
He pushed it open and came inside.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He quizzed.
"I couldn't. They wanted Bruce and wanted to take you guys down. They were going to find a way to do both. I couldn't let them get you, not again."
"I didn't trust you. I'm sorry," he grabbed your hands.
"No, you didn't," you said sadly. "You also shot me."
"You fucking shot me first!" He retorted.
"I did it to save your life. You're acting like you died or something." You scrunched your face.
Bucky just laughed, "I'm sorry for not trusting you," you lifted a brow as he sighed, "and for shooting you."
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed his lips. He pressed his lips hard into yours. He lifted you up on the sink and moved the front part of your skirt aside while you worked to unbutton his pants.
You pulled out his rock hard cock and stroked it. The moan came from deep in his chest as his kisses traveled down your throat. He moved your panties to the side and slid into your warm wet pussy.
"God, you feel so good," he rolled his hips as he drove in and out of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and hooked one arm around his neck.
"Fuck me harder, baby. You know how I like it." You urged him.
Bucky braced himself with one hand on the mirror and the other on your thigh. He picked up his momentum just as you requested. He tucked his face in the crook of your neck. Hearing his moans was turning you on even more.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," you said as your pussy tightened around him. He fucked into you even harder. "Fuccckkkk!" Your orgasm washed over you.
With a few more thrusts, Bucky's grip on your thigh tightened and he emptied himself inside of you. He pushed back from you a little and watched as his cock coated with both of your climaxes disappeared inside of you.
He pulled out and pulled you further to the edge and pushed your knees back. He watched as your pulsing cunt leaked cum. He palmed his semi-hard dick and smacked it on your pussy, then swiped it up and down over your slit, right before pushing the cum back into you.
He pulled out again, bent down to kiss your pussy and then brought his lips to yours.
"Come out, some of us would actually like to use the bathroom!" Sam banged on the door. ********
By the time the team made it back, Dot had cleared every trace of herself from Bucky's place and her own.
He smashed his fist through several walls.
"I can't believe that I was so stupid," he kept repeating.
"Bucky, it's not your fault. Besides even with all of her skills, the only thing she was probably able to get was the PIN number to your debit card." You told him.
"She played me for a fucking fool."
"Maybe, but she also had real feelings for you. The day in the common room, she told me to stay away from you. I could tell she was serious. So think about where she'd go. She probably slipped up about it once or twice." You advised before you stood and headed towards the door.
"Where are you going?" He questioned.
"This isn't over. I have to end it."
"We can do this together. All of us, you don't have to leave, doll."
"Bucky, I don't belong here. This is your life, your family. I leave nothing but death and destruction behind. It's best I work alone, so others don't get hurt." You turned back to him and gave him a soft kiss. "I'll let you know when she's dead." With that you headed on your way.
PART 3 - smut
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
Random Harem Fic
I asked my friend to name six transformers and then wrote a smutfic.
Contains: Light BDSM, multiple overloads, double penetration, size kink (in terms of spike size), light degradation, praise kink, and heavy petting from multiple partners at once
The mechs are: Starscream, Getaway, Skids, Pipes, Rung, and Whirl
Reader self-insert masked minibot nonbinary/ambiguous gender
This was… unexpected to say the least. You didn’t even know how this was going to work or if it was going to work at all but it seemed that Getaway had some… ideas. You’re led away by all six of them, all five of the handsome bots you had somehow wrapped around your cute little servos currently being kissed by Skids, taking every opportunity to shower affection on to you as he carries you along with the group. Your destination turns out to be an empty room secreted away in a part of the grand palace Starscream has taken up residence in that is loathe for any kind of foot traffic meaning you will all be completely alone for your little bit of fun. Starscream is waiting there with what looks to be restraints and an adjustable berth who winks at the minibot with a sinister quirk to his lips. Skids sets you gently on the berth, leaving her with open mouth kisses pressed to your neck cables, bemoaning the loss of contact but only a little because he knows what’s coming next. Getaway takes the restraints from Starscream and approaches the berth where you sit, a little lost as to what exactly he plans but thrumming with anticipation nonetheless. Out of the corner of your optic, however, you see Rung shift a little awkwardly, clearly unsure of what they were about to suggest to the sweet mini.
“You ready, Sweetheart?” Getaway says almost tauntingly as he leers over her.
“I still don’t know what we’re doing,” you say, eyes flickering around the room.
“Oh, come on,” Getaway laughs, “A smart mech like you have ought to have figured it out by now.”
“Oh, bite me,” you snap.
Getaway leans in close, cradling your hip in one hand as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck as he practically purrs, “Oh, I intend to.”
You lean back away from him, venting hard, still unsure why you invited Getaway of all people to this-this… this sudden loss of any and all sense of reason.
“We’re going to tie you up, Sweetheart,” Getaway pulls the restraints taught for emphasis, “spread you out, put you on display for all of us and then we’re all going to take turns using you. How does that sound?”
“I…,” you gulp as nervousness, and excitement light up your sensor array, your biolights flashing erratically.
“Hm, seems they like the sound of that,” Starscream hums and sighs breathily as he takes your chin in his hand and runs his lips over your mask.
“You need to tell us what you want,” Rung adds, as he runs a hand over your thigh.
“Y-yeah, go for it,” you manage to say, static lacing your voice.
Starscream gently pushes your arms up above her head and Getaway fastens the restraints on your wrists to the berth, rendering you immobile. Then he moves on to your thighs, fastening the shiny, black latex tightly around them then secures them to the berth so your thighs are spread far apart, leaving you completely exposed. Starscream drags his hands down your form, his blazing, red optics never leaving yours as he makes his way down until his face is in front of your modesty panels. He kisses it, hot vents brushing against you as he licks lovingly where your panels meet sensitive protoform, delving his glossa in as he etches nonsensical patterns into your hips with light strokes of his fingertips. Your own venting becomes heavy and wanton, your body beginning to crackle with charge. Skids kisses along your neck and Rung is at your chest, stroking lovingly. Starscream hums on your panels and they slide free, unveiling your interface array for them all to see, causing a brief wave of embarrassment that’s quickly dispersed as Starscream starts eating your valve out in earnest. He nips and sucks on your anterior node and slides his glossa up your folds, humming his appreciation. A hand, maybe Pipes, maybe Getaway, who knows, starts working your spikes as Starscream slips a digit into your entrance, lighting up nodes and making you writhe in pleasure. A chuckle sounds above you that turns out to be Getaway who takes off your mask so he can kiss you.
His derma are rough and pinch, a contrast to the soft touches ghosting and using your array and since Getaway never takes anything in pieces, he’s there in full exploring her mouth. The angle is somewhat awkward with your head tilted back to meet his in a mock spiderman kiss but the angle allows him full access to your sensitive finials. As he takes your mouth he pulls and pinches them, massaging them between his fingers. Skids takes advantage of the situation and moves his mouth over the exposed neck cables and bites down gently into them. The madness heightens as Starscream adds another digit and you don’t know when he’d gotten you loose enough to use three fingers but it doesn’t matter because you’re all the way on cloud nine with all the attention you’re being given. The pressure on your spike increases along with their collective excitement as they all feel your pleasure spiking, the charge sparking from your plating to theirs. Suddenly, Getaway, Skids, Rung, and Pipes are all pushed away making you whine in protest at the loss of contact. You aren’t given much time to mourn the loss as Starscream looms over you and kisses you as he slowly slides his spike into your valve, thrusting shallowly as your valve becomes adjusted to his girth.
With more care than you’ve ever seen from him, he takes you slowly, thrusting deep into you when you’ve adjusted and grinds into you to make sure you really feel it. He moans into your mouth and digs his sharp claws into your sides, catching on transformation seams and kibble. He lifts himself fully on to his hands above you so he can thrust into you fully, snapping his hips so his spike is driven hard and fast into you. You gasp with each thrust, feeling yourself tighten around Starscream’s rigid spike that has bumps and ridges that catch against nodes, lighting them up and creating sparks of pleasure. Then, with a cry, you overload around his spike, tipping Starscream over the edge so that hot, thick transfluid spills into you, coating your valve then spilling from your entrance. In the afterglow, Starscream kisses you sweetly and places chaste kisses along your chassis as he slides out causing more transfluid to gush out from you. Then he’s shoved roughly aside by Getaway who crawls on top of you possessively, his spike sliding over your valve lips, clearly hard and ready as he had undoubtedly been enjoying the show and is now more than ready to have his turn.
He bites into your neck hard at the same time he shoves his spike into your oversensitive valve and begins to take you roughly. His spike mercilessly rams into you, jolting your entire frame as he keeps a strong hold on your hips and keeps his denta sunk into your neck as though to make you completely his. You could see how having an audience to this display is having an effect on him as moans from the others float over you, each one making his movements stutter as a shiver of pleasure courses down his spinal strut. You can’t help but laugh at his desperate display, his need to be the center of attention. That gets him to rise up to look up at you with his pace never faltering and continuing to get little gasps and moans from you, a smirk forming on his face. You just huff a quick laugh at him with a challenge burning bright in your optics.
“So needy,” you gasp out and a full body twitch erupts along his frame, the words clearly affecting him.
He pulls your hips off the berth so he can rise up on to his knees and thrust even deeper into you, “I think you’re the needy one. Couldn’t have just one mech, huh? Had to have all six of us overload for you or you’d never really be able to get off. That’s it, isn't it? You’re that much of a thirsty little slut.”
“As if you could ever satisfy me by yourself, Getaclue,” you bite out under your breath, some of the venom lost among your needy moans.
His hand wraps firmly around your spike and he begins jerking you off in time with his thrusts that continue to be rough and quick. It’s enough to bring her over again, screaming out in ecstasy as she cums over his hand and spike. When you gather yourself enough to look back up at him, he has a smug look on his face and he’s looking down at you, all too satisfied with his work. He’s still crackling with charge, a clear sign he hasn’t overloaded yet but with a few thrusts, he easily remedies that, showing that he wanted you to really feel it when he spills inside of you. Your hips are returned to the berth, aching pleasantly as he slides out of you looking like the cybercat that got the energon and saunters away to let the next mech to have his turn.
“I think you’re going to have to try again, Getaclue,” you pant after him, “because, really, I think you can do better than that.”
He stiffens and crosses his arms in discontent and watches as Rung comes up to you to trail a gentle hand on her hip, massaging your used struts and support cables as he goes.
“Well, hopefully, I may be satisfactory,” he says and delves down, taking your spike in his mouth in one go making you gasp in shock and pleasure.
With careful, practiced movements, he licks up the underside of your spike and he sucks hard as he moves his head slowly up then swirls his glossa over the tip. You watch him as the others surely must be if the choked off moans and breathy gasps are anything to go by. He works you slowly as he pushes his fingers into seams and moans over your spike, loving every moment of servicing you. After some time of slowly working you off, he reaches back and starts playing with his valve, moaning and humming over your spike. His movements become jerky, his attention flicking back and forth between pleasuring you and himself. To ease him of his indecision, Whirl comes up behind him and tugs his hand away to replace it with his spike. Both of Rung’s hands come up to stabilize himself as he’s lifted up and on to Whirl’s needlessly big spike. His movements on your spike quicken in pace and become sloppy as pleasure wracks through him as he’s spearheaded from both sides with Whirl setting a punishing pace, slamming into Rung and pushing him on to your spike. He moans and whines as he’s taken and it becomes too much for you and without warning, you overload into his mouth and he takes it all in, humming in pleasure, enjoying every drop.
Whirl then pulls him off you to fully lift Rung on to his spike, one claw over his chest and the other under one thigh and lets you watch as he pushes his massive spike into Rung, making his lower chassis bulge out to compensate for the sheer size of it. Rung cries out, his eyes sparking white as Whirl overloads into him and sticky pink transfluid gushes out of him and down his thighs. Whirl drags him off his spike and on to the ground to stand on wobbly legs inarguably spent but aching for more with a hungry look in his optics. You can’t consider that for too long as Pipes straddles your hips, blocking your line of sight and pulling your attention to him. He strokes up your spike so you’re hard in his hand and begins rubbing his sopping wet valve up your length and you think he must have been playing with himself while watching you, no one could get this wet that fast. He doesn’t spend much time teasing you, impatient to get your spike into him and sinks down onto you, enveloping you in the wet warmth of his valve. Pipes gasps and moans as he rides you, throwing his head back in pleasure as his valve tightens around your spike.
“So good,” Pipes moans, “Want you like this forever.”
Before you can respond, Skids comes up to you and drags your head back to be in full view of his spike. With a few strokes, he overloads over you, hot transfluid covering your mouth and he bends down and begins kissing and licking it off as Pipes continues to ride you. You overload into Pipes making him cry out but he just continues to ride you harder and faster until he’s shuddering over you, crashing into his own overload as Skids continues to kiss you almost desperately. As Pipes shakily climbs off of you, Skids undoes the binding from the berth and moves you up so you’re kneeling on the berth with your arms raised up and fastens the binding to some kind of pulley hanging down from the ceiling and releases the restraints on your thighs. Then, he motions for Getaway to come up and join them on the berth to kneel once more in front of you. Skids hikes you up from behind and slides in slowly, letting you feel every inch of his spike and takes a moment to steady himself before nodding to Getaway. Getaway lines up to your valve and gazes down at you hungrily, the challenge still ringing in his mind.
“You ready?” Skids whispers in your audial and waits until you nod.
Without any more hesitation, Getaway drives his spike into you, filling you to the max and you can feel how they slide against each other, getting off from the feeling of each other’s spike as much as they’re getting off from the tightness of your valve. They move inside you together, keeping a slow, steady pace, stretching you and lighting up more nodes than you have ever felt in your life. They moan and squeeze your hips and place kisses and nip on your neck and shoulders as fluids gush and drip down from your used valve obscenely. Then Skids catches Getaway in a kiss over one of your shoulders and purposefully grinds forward hard against his spike earning a hiss and a moan from him and a bite to his lips. Getaway overloads in your valve and over Skids' spike but he keeps going, something new lighting up his optics as he watches Skids jolt and thrust in pleasure. Skids ducks his head into the crook of your neck and whines. Soft praises and pleas escape his mouth asking for more, for you to always let them have you, that you’re gorgeous and perfect and so tight. They could all be yours, he promises as he puts his spike to good use, you could have them all in the palm of your hand to call on anytime you want and Getaway moans his agreement. More transfluid gushes into you and you overload again, losing track of how many times you’ve tipped over the edge now. They release you and retreat to another part of the room where Getaway stops Skids and begins fucking him into the wall, his spike punishing Skids’s valve.
You’re being adjusted again as you watch with fascination, so now you’re bent over, your legs spread wide and your arms raised above your back. Familiar claws drag down your sides and Starscream comes up and scoots beneath you and pushes your hips down so your spike is shoved firmly into his valve. He sighs contentedly, resting one hand on one of your hips and drags another down your face.
“My, aren’t you delicious,” he purrs, “You’re such a mess now, aren’t you? Absolutely covered in our transfluid. A work of art. I find myself wanting more.”
“Shut up and let me work,” Whirl snaps from behind you.
Whirl then begins pushing into you and it’s nothing like the stretch from the others. It’s big and it’s thick, and this helicopter should not be this well endowed but here he is, stretching you to your very limits. The spike pushes in and your valve convulses over it, feeling the severe ridges slide into you one by one and you can feel your array adjust and stretch to take the whole thing and moan low in your chest. When you think you can’t take anymore, he reaches his hilt and you sigh in relief. Starscream rubs a hand over your belly in appreciation of the obvious bump that’s now there and you light up in embarrassment but he kisses the feeling away and Whirl starts moving. He’s slow at first, careful to make sure you can take him then he speeds up and rocks your entire body as he goes to town with that spike of his, filling you so completely every time he shoves into you while pushing you into Starscream whose valve clenches around your spike. You’re crying out in earnest now, feeling him push against your ceiling node over and over again, blinding you with the sensation and you shudder into yet another overload, spilling into Starscream as your valve squeezes around that massive spike. Whirl doesn’t stop there, though, and keeps going until you’re overloading again and can feel Starscream overloading around you as well. Then he continues on and makes you peak again and again until even Starscream is looking spent. Finally, he overloads into you, filling you with so much transfluid you feel fit to burst, then slides out and lets it all gush out of you, humming in satisfaction.
Starscream looks up at you, absolutely devastated by the brutal interfacing Whirl had committed you two to. He sits up awkwardly, shaking from the number of overloads he shared with you and releases you from the bindings fully, letting you collapse onto him and letting your arms ease and relax. His arms come up and wrap around you in a tight embrace, not letting you pull out just yet.
“What Skids said is true,” Starscream murmurs into the top of your helm, “you could always have all of us. Be my consort, my dear, and these fools can be your harem.”
“I… I dunno,” you croak out, spent and feeling very tired.
“No matter,” Starscream chuckles, “You don’t have to answer now.”
The kiss he gives you is sweet and slow, the perfect come down after such rough treatment.
Like the walking dead, you all make it to Starscream’s quarters with Skids once again carrying you and you all wash up together. Too tired to really argue, if you were going to at all, especially at such a lovely sounding offer, they pile into Starscream’s far too large, plush berth, cuddling up to each other, basking in the warmth and comfort. You’re positioned in the center of it all, laid against soft pillows and wrapped up in strong arms and silky blankets. You all fall into recharge together with a promise of a repeat of that night’s performance sometime in the future.
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