#nubbs writes
nonbinarybrainstorm · 21 days
Hewwo!! Suggestion for rodimags, but magnus is massively in denial over being attracted to his captain in any way. You can take this any way you want like whether roddy is actively trying to get him horny, or if magnus is losing it over something that should be perfectly normal, or they could even be interfacing and magnus is still like 'this is Not because I think the captain is hot' hehe thanks
Hope this fits what you were thinking of.
Additional content: frotting, hand job, size difference (kind of), cum eating, office sex
“Four-hundred thirty-six.”
“Come again?”
Ultra Magnus sighs, “You made popping noises with your derma four-hundred thirty-six times during my presentation. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were purposefully trying to get under my plating.”
Rodimus grins cheekily up at Ultra Magnus from his desk, his optics sparkling with mirth “Yeah? That many times, huh?”
“I assure you that my count is completely accurate down to the single ‘pop’,” Ultra Magnus cuts his servo down through the air decisively. His optics catch one of Rodimus’ fangs tugging at his lower lip as his smile broadens and he shuts them with a sigh as Rodimus opens his mouth, dreading another barrage of those incessant pops just to mess with him, just to spite him.
“You were looking at my derma the entire meeting?” Rodimus chuckles and Magnus’ optics snap open.
“I!” Ultra Magnus reels back and then scowls, huffing, “Don’t try to distract from the subject! And speaking of distraction, that popping sound nearly drove me up the wall so I need to find some other way to keep your body busy while I speak my piece.”
Rodimus just scoffs, leaning back in his chair rather smugly, “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
“No one else seemed to care or notice and I didn’t want to interrupt myself just to have a petty argument with you,” Ultra Magnus crosses his arms, glaring down at his captain.
“Yeah,” Rodimus clicks his glossa as he puts a cocky tilt to his helm, “It’s ‘cause I was being quiet, you know, respectfully. You’d have to really focus in on me to notice…”
Magnus grits his denta, unable to come up with a retort because it seems, unfortunately, Rodimus has a point and what’s worse is that he seems to know that.
“What’s wrong, Mags?” Rodimus smirks, “You look like you have a clogged exhaust pipe.”
Curling his hands into tight fists, Magnus steps closer to loom over Rodimus’ desk, “I am trying to approach an issue calmly and rationally so, I’d appreciate it if you’d take this conversation seriously.”
With a long vent in, Rodimus nods and then presses his lips together, stifling a smile as he looks Magnus right in the optic before parting his derma to make a soft “pop” sound. Anger flares in Magnus’ spark as he watches the display, heating up his frame so much that his roiling emotions threaten to fan into an outright fire of rage. He takes a steadying vent, cooling himself only somewhat before propping himself up on Rodimus’ desk, the light of his optics focused into points that pierce into Rodimus. There’s a slight flutter to Rodimus’ spoiler as he leans in, unbothered by Magnus’ aggressive display.
“I need you not to dismiss-”
“Take this ser-”
Magnus’ engine rumbles loudly, his digits scratching at the desk as he curls them in his optics locked onto Rodimus’ lips while he pops them over and over and over. He grabs Rodimus by the shoulder and pulls him in, silencing the speedster with his own mouth in a fit of what he feels must be madness, unable to pull away once his lips meet Rodimus’ own soft derma. In that single moment, he feels magnetized to his captain even as that heat in his spark refuses to die down, and his frame moves before he can think on it further, spreading Rodimus’ lips and feeling how warm and delicate they are. Magnus’ hand shakes as he forces himself away, taking all the effort he would use to pull himself from a pool of tar and moving just as slow.
He looks down with dread to see Rodimus half on his desk now, that all too proud mouth of his parted ever so slightly as he quietly pants, and to Magnus’ great dismay, Rodimus’ lips twitch into something like a smirk. There’s a blaze to Rodimus’ optics, letting Magnus know all at once that, somehow, he’s lost.
“Come on,” Rodimus hand cups Magnus’ face almost sweetly if it weren’t for the self-satisfied look in his optics, “Don’t stop now. We were just getting to the good part.”
“No, that wasn’t what I’d meant to do,” Magnus tries to pull back only for Rodimus to pounce on him, joining their lips yet again. Ultra Magnus has to steady Rodimus as he almost throws himself off his desk, delaying himself long enough that he’s lost in Rodimus’ kiss.
Rodimus draws him further and further in, coaxing Magnus with his glossa until Magnus gives in fully, sliding his own glossa over Rodimus’ as his hands move up over Rodimus’ sides along his biolights. Magnus feels Rodimus run his hands up the back of his helm, keeping him close as Rodimus takes his mouth hungrily and Magnus finds he’s lost the will to fight the feeling. Moving Rodimus so that he’s lying on the desk, Magnus spreads his legs and shivers at the feeling of Rodimus’ moan in his mouth, sending heat and charge down through him to pool in his aching spike that’s still trapped behind his panel. It takes just the light brush of Rodimus’ fingers against Magnus’ panel to get him to pressurize right into Rodimus’ hand who squeezes it roughly, drawing a low rumble from Magnus’ engine and he has to ignore the twitch of his spike as he realizes Rodimus’ hand circles just over half of it. Rodimus doesn’t let up, roughly stroking Magnus’ spike as he kisses Magnus with little moans slipping into Magnus’ mouth that he struggles not to meet with his own as charge buzzes over his spike, crackling over Rodimus’ hand as it throbs within his grasp.
Magnus catches himself thrusting shallowly into Rodimus’ hand, immediately grabbing the edge of the desk, ready to pull away when he feels Rodimus’ spike bump against his, the built-up charge of Rodimus’ spike bursting all at once as it grounds against Magnus’. He shivers as he feels the smaller spike twitch excitedly against his and groans into Rodimus’ mouth. They grind their spikes together, charge and heat swapping unevenly between them, driving Magnus to madness for that’s what this has to be otherwise why the hell would he be doing it? It feels too good. He can’t stop himself.
Rodimus parts from the kiss, softly crying out as his overheated transfluid spills over Magnus’ spike, his hand moving to continue to stroke Magnus as his hips go still as his back arches, spreading his release over Magnus’ spike. There’s a loud creak as Magnus’ hands crinkle the thick metal of the desk at the feeling of Rodimus’ hot, sticky transfluid on his spike that shouldn’t feel so good. His efforts to hold back only make his overload that much more intense, releasing his load over Rodimus’ abdomen as he bites Rodimus’ shoulder to stifle his shout of ecstasy.
Magnus lands heavily on his forearms as he pants, his fans roaring in his audials as the last waves of his overload rock through him, thankfully still conscience of the mech beneath him, however, that feeling is quickly replaced with irritation upon looking down to find Rodimus’ smirking face.
“You could’ve just said you needed a good frag, you know,” Rodimus chuckles, looking far too pleased with himself for someone covered in transfluid.
Seeing that and knowing some of it is his has Magnus turning his face away, his faceplate flushing with shame, “I… I had no such interest.”
“Uh huh,” Rodimus licks the sticky fluid off his hand, “Sure.”
Magnus shivers for reasons beyond him and frowns, growling out, “You’re impossible."
Rodimus just laughs.
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ghoul-lover9000 · 4 years
Random Facts about Dating The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) characters
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Sally Hardesty
Sweetest girl you’ve ever met. Very quiet, but in a way that you know that she’s listening to you and genuinely wants to hear what you’re saying. 
Her Texas accent is the loveliest thing to hear and, if you want her to and ask her to, she’ll talk forever even sing. 
She loves slow dancing to Elvis Presley and singing excitedly to The Beatles. When you both do it together, you have a fun time and you both just feel more connected to each other.
I don’t know why but I have a clear vision of you both having a ball at a department store. You both try on a shit ton of clothes together and laugh together and try on crazy combinations stuff. She tells you you look beautiful even if you’re wearing the ugliest shit ever. Sally’s just admiring you like “You’re beautiful, baby!”
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He can be uptight sometimes, but he’s ultimately fun to be around because he does like to fool around.
Unironically says groovy all the fucking time. 
Jerry: Hey, babe, I think you’re real groovy. 
You steal his shirts all the time because they’re amazing. Look at that pattern, and they’re so comfy. He gets annoyed by this, but he thinks you’re cute. 
Try to mess up his hair. I dare you. He will have a fit. 
You hang off of him a lot and it makes him happy because you’re a cutie. 
You both like to laugh and he teases the hell out of you, but it’s all in good fun. 
If he ever gets serious and uptight, just kiss him on the cheek and he’ll be a mess and forget what he was being uptight about. 
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One of the first questions she asks you on your first date is “What is your star sign?” and she loves to read about the compatibility of both of your signs and problems that both of your signs have.
Imagine drinking coffee in the morning with her while she reads you both of your horoscopes. It’s very peaceful, fun, and indicative of your relationship as a whole. 
If you’re going through a rough time, Pam lays your head on her shoulder and she talks about how it’s probably just because Mars is going into retrograde right now and it will get better because things will change and planets will move and she will always be there to take your mind off of it.
She definitely burns incense and lavender. Not sage because she doesn’t like the smell and the fact that it gets rid of all energies good or bad. She definitely believes in energies and vibes. She will only date you if you simply vibe well with her. 
She loves Fleetwood Mac and wants to be Stevie Nicks. 
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This guy admires the fuck out of you and is dummy supportive of your interests. He will listen to you talk about whatever because you’re his girl/boy. 
Imagine you and him relaxing together while he lazily strums his guitar. Maybe you smoke a little pot. Who knows it’s the 70s and you’re both young and free. 
You both definitely go to music festivals together and hang out with friends all the time. You both are always doing something. 
Put your head on his chest and he will be the most content man in the world. 
He has the cutest little tooth gap and when he smiles he’s just the cutest.
Just a well meaning Southern boy all around.
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Franklin Hardesty
He’s just a sweet Southern boy. Like he loves you, he loves his mother, and he loves good Southern food kind of Southern boy. And I appreciate that. 
You’re the only one in the group who makes sure he’s never left out and you help him with his chair as much as you can. 
He plays with your hand when he gets nervous or starts thinking a lot.
When he gets interested in a topic, Franklin talks about it all the time. He’s got a lot to say about the meat industry. 
He’ll zone out while looking at you and have a little content smile while he does.
I think he gets pegged as an annoying character a lot, but he was left behind and made fun of a lot by the others and he had the most character.
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Nubbins Sawyer
To loosely quote Steve and Gary from Cabin in the Woods, he may be a pain-worshiping backwoods idiot, but he’s your pain-worshiping backwoods idiot. 
Probably met him while you were hitchhiking through Texas when he was trying to get a ride home and he was charming in a weird we’re-stuck-on-a-back-road-together and he talks enough to make you not go completely crazy because you’re alone. 
Can you imagine the family dinners? I bet they would be murder. (Haha funny) But on a serious note, Drayton would hate that he took you to the house and now demands to let you live. Bubba’s kinda chill with you once Nubbs explains the situation. 
Nubbins: N-naw, we don’t kill this one. They’re good.
Good luck if you’re a vegetarian because you’re either gonna have to switch to an all meat (mostly human) diet or try to explain to the whole family why you’re not eating your perfectly good thigh stew.
After a while when you’re apart of the family, Drayton warms up to you and asks if you would like to learn how to gut a human like a father offering to play catch with his son. 
You and him walk to town once every month or so to stock up on stuff that’s not meat (You know fruits, vegetables, Oreo cookies. I think he would really like Oreo cookies if you introduced them to him.) and watch him dig up some graves. 
I’m not really into Leatherface so I’m not that motivated to write for him, but I hope these are good. It was interesting to write for these characters because I’ve never seen headcanons of any kind for them. Thanks @erikaec for the request. I hope this is at least kind of what you wanted.
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thespiritofvexation · 4 years
13 and 22 for the international asks? :P
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Sweden is not a very superstitious country. I guess the classic example of a strange tradition is Midsummers eve, we dress a huge phallic-looking pole in flowers, dance around it and sing silly songs about frogs without tails, then we eat pickled herring (again) sing other silly songs (again) and drink "nubbe" (again)
In August however we do something a bit different that DOESN'T involve herring! It's called "kräftskiva"- we cook crawfish and then spend the evening peeling these crustaceans to get to the edible parts while wearing silly hats, singing silly songs (again) and drinking "nubbe" (again)...
22. What makes you proud about your country? What makes you ashamed?
There's this thing in Sweden called "jantelagen", it's an unwritten law that say you should not brag or think yourself better than others, so naturally I physically can't say I'm proud about anything about myself or my country! (It actually is a written law, from a book by a Norwegian writer! But I don't know if it's a thing in norway🤔)
I'm ashamed that Sverigedemokraterna, a racist party (among other things), are one of eight parties currently in the swedish parliment. The day they got voted into parliment I lost faith in humanity. I'm getting tears in my eyes as I'm writing this.
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stinktm · 6 years
meet the mun;
NAME: Nubbs
NAME MEANING: It’s.. short for Nubby?
ALIAS[ES]: Ronnie ( irl preferred name ), Shannon { irl birth name }, Marci, Sasha, Faye
DATE OF BIRTH: June 27th, 2000.
GENDER | SPECIES: Female | toaster strudel
PLACE OF BIRTH: Lakewood, New Jersey
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, broken Spanish
OCCUPATION: Freshman in college, part-time Girl Scout, and full-time theatre freak.
DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: Once a year, for New Years | Very rare smoking | No Drugs 
LIKE[S]: OK KO: LBH, Homestuck, Villainous, chocolate mint, theatre, music, Pusheen, pets, SCP, gore, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, slice of life, zodiac astrology, zodiac compatibility, creative writing, voice acting, singing, dancing, hot cocoa, coffee, biscotti, and much more materialistic/mundane things.
DISLIKE[S]: bullying, drama, harassment, non-constructive judgement or criticism, Extreme NSFW {excluding gore}, etc.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: impetuous, irresponsible {with housework}, procrastinator, altruistic, scatterbrained, outgoing.
DISORDERS: Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Bipolar 2, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder.
{ P H Y S I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N }
HAIR COLOR: Brunette; prefer to dye various colors.
EYE COLOR: Oceanic Blue.
HEIGHT: 5’6″
TATTOOS: None; probably shouldn’t if I aim to be on Broadway.
PIERCINGS: Ear lobes.
{ F A M I L Y I N F O R M A T I O N }
SIBLING[S]: Only child.
PARENT[S]: Mom and Dad; divorced.
CHILDREN: N o p e.
PET[S]: Marie, my cat.
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P I N F O R M A T I O N }
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Lesbian {but goes straight for a select few}
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thatdanishchick · 7 years
@like-the-direction heeeyyyyyyy you tagged me for a thing !! and the few times i am tagged for things i forget to do them but Not Today ! ! !
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 some blogs you would like to know better
1. Nickame: I used to be nicknamed ‘Bette’ which i still love but i don’t get called nicknames anymore. sad
2. Gender: Female/It’s A Mystery
3. Star Sign: Leo, baby !!
4. Height: 165-ish cm
5. Time: Right now, 15:44
6. Birthday: August 13th, ‘96
7. Favourite Band(s): ah geez. there are so many but yeah; Florence + the machine, Queen, ABBA, Spandau Ballet, Daft Punk, Hot Chip, Kraftwerk, the show goes on and on
8. Favourite Solo Artist(s): Gaga, The Weeknd, RuPaul, Frank Ocean, Marina & The Diamonds, Lorde, Ben Folds, Annie Lennox, Tom Jones, Donna Summer, Olivia Newton-John, oh god so many more
9. Song Stuck In My Head: i almost always have a song stuck in my head except for today apparently !!
10. Last Movie Watched: In theaters, Black Panther(me too!!). at home, Archipelago(fulfilling a long standing promise to watch this kinda boring movie bc Tom Hiddleston is in it. it’s .. i mean, go see it for yourself)
11. Last Show I Watched: RPDR All Stars 3 (finale. i have thoughts about this, i applaud the winning queen but i was kinda banking my money on a different horse if you know whaddamean)
12. When Did I Create My Blog: i was in the 8th grade, 2010... i had just watched X-Men First Class twice in theaters and found tumblr bc i wanted to ship Cherik. yes, really
13. What Do You Post: things from fandom that i find funny. rn it’s Thor Ragnarok mostly, i think. the rule is, if a post can either make me laugh or baffle me, it goes on here. also if it has an important PSA. but generally my blog is a de-stress space for me.
14. Last Thing I Googled: i think it’s googling where in denmark i can purchase the wet n wild mega cushion foundation. my search was unfruitful
15. Do You Have Any Other Blogs: i have an art/writing blog(active), a weeb blog(dead), a moby dick portfolio(sleeping) and a nail blog(active)
16. Do You Get Asks: not so much anymore. which i think is great, bc i think the messaging system is way better for contacting me, so i get all my asks and IM’s from friends through there
17. Why Did You Choose Your URL: in 2008 i started watching thatguywiththeglasses and i was such a huge fan(and still like his stuff today). i wanted so badly to be a critic(although i didn’t, like, film or write any reviews). and i thought about how would i brand myself, and i couldn’t come up with anything better for my name. and for some reason i haven’t changed my url in nearly a decade. i also use it for so many other platforms 
18. Following: 86, but not that many are actively posting
19. Followers: 831. and it’s pretty much been stuck around that number for two years i think lmao
20. Favourite Colour(s): Greens and purples ! also if gold and silver where colors
21. Average Hours of Sleep: my perfect window of sleep is precisely 7 1/2 hours. i can almost never sleep past that. 
22. Lucky Number: 13 has been mine since i was a kid, it’s literally just my birthday. also bc most people think of it as an unlucky number, and i was an edgy little brat
23. Instruments: i played the violin for 3 years. i’m too lazy to pick it up again even though i’d like to
24. What Am I Wearing: mom-made Finnish-style sweater, h&m jeans that are a little too big and therefore comfy, winter socks, mismatched earrings(you’ll never catch me in matching earrings)
25. How Many Blankets Do I Sleep With: one big duvet, a thin fleece blanket to wrap my second pillow in
26. Dream Job: if we’re talking a realistic dream job, teaching(my goal is highschool english but rn i’m teaching middle school arts & crafts which i am really enjoying doing atm). if we’re talking dream dream job, i’d like to just. live in a windmill maybe. or a lighthouse. i know it’s not a job but if it’s a job then it’s not really a dream for me yaknow
27. Dream Trip: i went to Nantucket and New Bedford last autumn and i would really love to return and see more of the area bc i was only there for two days. i’d also love to come back to Japan and see more of the islands and experience more of the cuisine, bc i loved it so much.
28. Favourite Food: i can always eat some variation of mac n cheese. i’m the least picky person alive. also i could eat BBQ/sour cream+onion crisps every single day if i didn’t know better
29. Nationality: Danish to the bone
30. Favourite Song Now: it varies from moment to moment. agh and it’s too hard to choose !! i’m not gonna get into it. all songs are my favorite songs.
i tag my buddies @emizu @mud-muffin @nubb @mintcondition-shellfish if any of you wanna do these, i just think they’re so fun
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badreviews47-blog · 7 years
The Whole Town’s Sleeping
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So, I have found myself reading the short stories of arguably the best science fiction writer ever. I open the page I read the 16 page story called...
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I believe this is a fine example of who and how Ray Bradbury writes. This is not a science fiction or exploration story like so many of his famous works are, no, this is a thrilling tale of a girl walking home at night. 
The story begins with a girl named Lavinia Nubbs (great name) and her friend stumbling upon the dead body of their friend Emily who was killed by the Lonely One in a ravine. After that the reader sees from the point of view of Lavinia. The reader sees her mistakes and thrills of being potentially chased by a killer. There is even a quote on page seven saying “Lavinia stood with the three people staring at her. She felt nothing. Except perhaps the slightest prickle of excitement in her throat”, this is after she realizes she may be the killer’s next target. In this sentence alone the reader knows Lavinia does not live a thrilling life or maybe she is just a thrill addict. 
I do have to say the ending is very predictable, yet the lead up to the conclusion made my heart race. I wasn’t hoping Lavinia would survive the night, she made to many mistakes for me to pity her, but I found my heart racing in tandem with her own. I felt like I was being chased down a ravine by the Dark Man, The Lonely One, and it was not pleasant but exhilarating. 
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 1 month
Could I request a Swindle sandwich with Blurr and Jazz as the bread. Blurr showing his old friend how sweet his little Decepticon is with Swindle a bit nervous but loving every second
Your smut is served...
Swindle shivers as Blurr kisses his neck cables, glancing up at Jazz who watches some distance away with his shoulders tense in anticipation of… something. Blurr parts Swindle’s legs over his lap so that Swindle’s legs hang on either side, his panels on full display for Jazz’s viewing pleasure.
“So you came after all…” Blurr smirks over Swindle’s shoulder, kissing it briefly.
“I thought… Never mind what I thought,” Jazz takes one step and then another, his movements slow and deliberate, “I never thought the rumor that you had a Decepticon wrapped around your finger would turn out to be true but learning that it’s Swindle…” Jazz reaches out and hooks a finger under Swindle’s chin, lifting it to get Swindle to meet his optics, “it makes sense.”
Swindle’s mouth works as he tries to think of something smart to say, maybe something to get these two to actually start doing something but his spark is whirling in his chest and Jazz is touching him just like Blurr said he would. Then, he’s suddenly in the air with Blurr’s arms hooked under his legs, keeping him spread wide and now face-to-face with Jazz.
“Come on, he’s been waiting so patiently,” Blurr nuzzles Swindle’s helm as he lets his spike pressurize which bumps against Swindle’s panel, making him jump and gasp.
Jazz grabs Swindle’s hip, moving in while letting his spike pressurize to press it to Blurr’s like falling into an old habit, “As if I’d say no to something so tempting. You know me too well…”
Swindle flexes his hands on Blurr’s arms as he stares down at the two, warm spikes waiting against his panel, watching them rub against each other and wondering if he’ll be able to fit them. He lets his panel slide free and shivers as the charged spikes bump against his valve, already slick with lubricant.
Jazz grips Blurr’s spike, squeezing it playfully, “Here, since your hands are full.” Pressing the tip of Blurr’s spike to Swindle’s entrance, Jazz teases Swindle’s valve with Blurr’s spike before pushing in just the tip as he watches both Blurr and Swindle jolt and moan together with a cheeky smirk.
“S-slagger,” Blurr grits out only to choke on his own words at Jazz pushing into Swindle next to him.
Feeling far too full already, Swindle’s helm falls back onto Blurr’s shoulder and he can feel his anterior node throb with far too much charge being sent his way. He grabs onto whatever he can get as Blurr and Jazz slowly rock into him, pushing into him further and further until his plating has to release somewhat to accommodate them both, his calipers struggling to tighten down around them with his valve choked with spike. Swindle keens helplessly at the feeling of Jazz getting even closer, sinking him further onto their spikes and that’s when he realizes he’s clinging to Jazz’s shoulders.
Jazz takes one of Swindle’s legs, running his other hand over Swindle’s chest to tuck his fingers under a panel and tug gently, earning a soft moan. The air becomes a touch cloudy around Swindle, now filled with the heated vents of the mechs around him, inside him, kissing him to the point it’s almost dizzying and then they start moving. Slowly at first, Blurr rocks against Swindle, hissing as his spike grinds against Jazz’s with each little movement of his hips while teasingly only lighting up a portion of the nodes in Swindle’s valve. Swindle tries to move only to be stopped short by Jazz grabbing his hip so tight it almost hurts and any retort on his glossa is silenced at Jazz finally moving as well, creating a storm of charge in Swindle's valve. The two spikes churning his valve light up his nodes unevenly as they rub over each other inside him, making little vibrations that shake his calipers and spread the charge unevenly.
With Blurr at his back and Jazz at his front, Swindle is completely cocooned in warm, inviting frames that curl around him almost protectively and it’s strange, despite being surrounded on all sides by former enemies, filled by former enemies, he’s never felt safer. He’s helpless -happily so- as Jazz and Blurr use him, moving faster and faster, deriving pleasure from each other’s spikes, hot and trembling bundles of charge, just as much as Swindle’s now dripping valve. Blurr bites into his neck cables and Swindle can feel himself squeeze down around them, making their movements stutter as it becomes harder to move inside him, his valve drawing them both in, charge crackling between all their frames.
Swindle’s mind goes still when, suddenly, Jazz is kissing him as he continues to thrust into Swindle without so much as slowing down even as he takes Swindle’s mouth with his glossa. A memory of Jazz holding him at gunpoint enters Swindle’s processor unabated, contrasting the near devotion Jazz kisses him with now, his lips pressing against Swindle’s with a touch of desperation. Blurr grabs Swindle’s chin, pulling him from the kiss so he can kiss Swindle instead to the sound of a breathless chuckle from Jazz.
“It’s not a contest, champ,” Jazz licks Swindle’s neck cables, “you were right though… your little Decepticon really is sweet.”
Swindle sighs into Blurr’s intake as their spikes continue to piston into his valve and he lets go, the charge building in his frame releasing more like a flower blooming than a wave crashing down. He forgets everything other than the warm feeling flooding his lines and the pleasant buzz of charge coursing through his valve. Even as he grows limp, Blurr and Jazz keep at it, using his valve as they grind against each other, panting and groaning until one and then both of them thrust deep into Swindle, filling his valve with transfluid to the point of overflowing until Swindle is twitching with overstimulation.
Kisses cover Swindle’s chest, shoulders, and neck as Blurr and Jazz come down but Swindle becomes increasingly nervous as neither mech depressurizes their spikes.
“So…” Jazz pants, “Again?”
Blurr just hums in the affirmative, leaving Swindle incredibly flustered and keening, “Oh, Primus…”
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 1 month
If I may, Rodimus pampering Thunderclash in the berth? Sweet and spicy? Maybe some soft aftercare?
Sparkle on! It's Wednesday. Don't forget to be yourself.
Rodimus swirls his glossa around Thunderclash’s anterior node, savoring the feeling of charged lubricant on the soft material of his glossa. Thunderclash has his hand in his mouth, trying to keep himself quiet, a task that grows increasingly difficult with Rodimus slipping a digit into his valve. Watching Thunderclash with a smirk even as he continues to lick at Thunderclash’s valve, Rodimus gently teases the nodes at Thunderclash’s entrance, only just pressing the first caliper. A moan that quickly turns into broken whimpers spills from Thunderclash when Rodimus manages to hit a sweet spot. Rodimus focuses in on that spot, teasing and urging Thunderclash further into lust, losing himself in the sensation almost to the point of losing his composure.
Pulling away, Rodimus grins smugly down at his handiwork with a purr, “You look good like this…”
Thunderclash blushes and glances away, “Rodimus… don’t tease me.”
“I’m not,” Rodimus insists, moving his hands to Thunderclash’s hips to rub the sensitive cables between the plating there, “You should know how gorgeous you are. Half the population of Cybertron loves you.”
Thunderclash covers his face partially, not really convinced, “And you’re one of them…?”
With a gentle squeeze of Thunderclash’s hips, Rodimus declares firmly, “Yes.”
He dips his helm down and kisses all over Thunderclash’s abdomen, running his hands down Thunderclash’s thighs. The heat of his frame has reached a fever pitch just from kissing Thunderclash’s node and his spike throbs with growing demand but he still takes his time. He’s so used to being the insecure one, so seeing the one and only Thunderclash looking like no one had ever so much as touched him before is doing something to Rodimus. Thunderclash’s hand pets Rodimus’ helm and he can’t help but nuzzle back, snatching the hand to place a kiss on the palm.
Weaving his digits with Thunderclash’s, he positions himself so he can press the head of his spike to Thunderclash’s valve. The warmth of the soft mesh sends shivers through Rodimus and he hisses as some pre-transfluid leaks from his spike. The sound makes Thundeclash’s hips twitch, pressing hard enough to slip Rodimus’ spike between his folds, the hot, slick mesh enveloping Rodimus’ spike and forcing him to balance on the berth as he leans heavily over Thunderclash.
Unable to wait any longer, Rodimus pushes into Thunderclash slowly until he bottoms out. He pauses there for a moment, looking up at Thunderclash only to choke on a moan at the sight of Thunderclash watching him with flushed cheeks, flaring optics, and parted lips. Twisting ever so slightly lights up a cluster of nodes, dragging a soft cry fromThunderclash, and the look he makes, desperate and full of lust, has Rodimus feeling near rapturous. The charge builds higher and higher as Rodimus starts thrusting steadily into Thunderclash’s valve, all the while watching Thunderclash twist and moan. Rodimus really can’t deny it now, this beautiful mech in front of him is truly the only one he wants.
Thunderclash squeezes Rodimus’ hand and wraps his legs around his waist, meeting every thrust with a rock of his hips, wanting Rodimus harder and deeper but unable to articulate it with the whimpers and moans on his lips. He gasps when Rodimus releases his hand and hikes up Thunderclash’s legs so he can practically fold up Thunderclash a bit, thrusting in deeper but still far too slow for Thunderclash’s liking. At Rodimus’ intense gaze with his spike deep in Thundclash’s hungry valve, Thunderclash feels a surge of embarrassment which causes energon to flood his cheeks and he hides his face with one arm only to mewl with need as Rodimus suddenly stills. Rodimus tugs at his arm, pulling it away so that he can see Thunderclash again who dares to look back up at him making something in Rodimus’ spark twist at the clear uncertainty in Thunderclash’s optics. Those deep red lights go wide when Rodimus kisses him, their lips molded together in a chaste kiss that feels like an eternity to Thunderclash and yet is over far too quickly, his optics chasing after Rodimus as he pulls away to gaze down at Thunderclash.
“Don’t hide from me…” Rodimus whispers, “I want to see you.”
Thunderclash swallows thickly and grabs Rodimus’ shoulder even as his spark spins a million times a second, nodding wordlessly. At the go ahead, Rodimus starts up again, returning his grip to Thunderclash’s thighs as he thrusts in a steady rhythm, running the shallow ridges of his spike over the edge of Thunderclash’s entrance every time he slides. It’s too much. It’s not enough. It feels like hanging off the edge of a cliff for Thunderclash while Rodimus takes his time, unable to control his mouth, moaning and whimpering wantonly for Rodimus.
“Rodimus… faster… please,” Thunderclash begs while gripping Rodimus’ shoulders almost to the point of denting the metal there.
Rodimus chuckles and tilts his head to kiss one of Thunderclash’s wrist, “Be careful what you wish for.”
Thunderclash yelps as Rodimus shoves him further on himself and doesn’t give Thunderclash so much as a moment to cath up before pounding into the warm, awaiting valve that draws in his spike with the frantic spasming of calipers. Gasping at the mix of pain and pleasure, Thunderclash just holds as Rodimus takes him with abandon and he’s unable to look away from those beautiful optics of Rodimus’ that bore into his own. He grabs at the berth and his back arches against his will as charge seems to erupt in his valve with Rodimus’ spike setting off a cascade along his nodes. The sounds Thunderclash is making now are genuinely obscene with him no longer caring what he sounds like with Rodimus finally and truly taking him, laying claim on what had already long been his.
“Rodimus!” Thunderclash screams his name as his overload takes him, feeling his own valve tighten around Rodimus’ spike desperately.
Rodimus slams his hips into Thunderclash one last time, hitting deep before overloading as well and spilling his transfluid into Thunderclash, still unable to look aaway from Thunderclash’s pretty face. When he calms down, he sits heavily on his legs and then gently lowers Thunderclash’s legs, rubbing them as he goes to soothe the tension in the cables between his seems. Slowly, Rodimus pulls out and bites his lip at the sight of his transfluid slowly leaking from Thunderclash’s puffy valve, flush with energon and he can’t resist ducking down to lick him clean, savoring the soft squeaks Thunderclash makes from overstimulation. He licks his lips he pulls away to nuzzle Thunderclash’s hip, running his hands over Thunderclash’s frame to try and help him relax.
Rodimus slides off briefly to grab some dry cloths and spray, cleaning up Thunderclash before eaching to the foot of the berth and picking up a cover to lay it over Thunderclash who blinks up at him sluggishly, clearly spent. With a motion that makes it look like Thunderclash’s arms weighs a ton, he reaches from under the cover towards Rodimus in a silent plea. Rodimus takes his hand and press a kiss to the back of it as he slides under the cover as well to snuggle up with Thunderclash and, together, they fall into recharge, resting comfortably in each other’s arms.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 1 month
Request: Cosmos/Soundwave, Cosmos topping?
Cosmos: thank you for the meal *faceplants into Soundwave's valve.*
Cosmos takes Soundwave’s hand and brings it to his face plate, playfully zapping the digits with a spark of charge, and quietly chuckles as he feels Soundwave form a vice grip on his hand. He looks over to see Soundwave’s visor burning into him, feeling the silent challenge in the piercing red light.
“It’s alright, you know,” Cosmos moves to settle between Soundwave’s legs on the berth, bending to hover over his chest, “You can trust me…”
Soundwave snatches Cosmos’ helm with his free hand, pulling him closer, “You don’t need to be so gentle.”
With wide optics, Cosmos takes in the tension in Soundwave’s frame and covers Soundwave’s hand with his own, “No one’s been soft with you before, huh?”
Cosmos weaves his digits with Soundwave’s as he tries to snatch his hand away from Cosmos, his whole frame jolting away at the accusation but Cosmos forges on, nuzzling the palm of Soundwave’s hand.
“I don’t need your pity,” Soundwave snaps.
Sighing, Cosmos looks at Soundwave who’s still so incredibly on edge, and shuts his optics, “That’s not what this is.”
He pulls his hands from Soundwave’s and moves down his frame, planting little static kisses on Soundwave’s plating until he reaches the codpiece to look up at Soundwave. The former Decepticon watches him with the gaze of a predator as if daring Cosmos to try something.
“Let me take care of you…” Cosmos murmurs while running a hand gently down Soundwave’s thigh.
Soundwave hesitates, curling his hands tightly against the berth, and eventually lets his panel slide away to give Cosmos access to his valve.
“Thank you,” Cosmos almost whispers and lowers his helm to nuzzle into Soundwave’s awaiting valve, sending little, affectionate zaps against the folds of the valve before him. He quickly gets lost in the act, feeling the little pathways of nodes light up in response to the charge he emits, getting a feel for their pattern. Pressing a quick charge kiss to Soundwave’s anterior node, he moves back to the delicate folds, sending a gentle current through the mesh to feel it bloom out in thin lines before drawing it back to focus on the circle of nodes around Soundwave’s entrance. Cosmos feels lubricant begin to form against his face plate and nuzzles the valve again to spread it around before releasing a pulse of charge that starts at the base and then spreads out before receding upwards to focus in Soundwave’s anterior node where he intensifies it slightly.
Soundwave rips Cosmos’ face from his valve, startling Cosmos out of his almost meditative state with a rasping plea, “St-stop that… just spike me already.”
Blinking, Cosmos stares at Soundwave, surprised to see the mech now without his face mask that is nowhere in sight, and scratches against the berth that weren’t there before. The berth creaks slightly as Cosmos shifts so he can kneel in front of Soundwave, tugging the stereo’s legs so he can grind his spike against between Soundwave’s folds. With a growl of frustration, Soundwave sits up and drags Cosmos towards himself to lick Cosmos’ face plate clean of lubricant as Cosmos returns his licks with charge kisses.
“Come on, I’m prepared enough. You’re not going to hurt me,” Soundwave emphasizes his words with a roll of his hips.
“I know,” Cosmos cradles him and lays him back down, the two of them now face-to-face, “I just want to take my time.”
Cosmos stares at him for a second before sighing, caving into Soundwave’s demand and positioning his spike against his lover’s entrance to sink his spike slowly into Soundwave’s warm valve. He steadies himself with one hand on Soundwave’s hip as he finally bottoms out, hiding his version of a grin as Soundwave wraps his legs around Cosmos’ waist but he still doesn’t move just yet. Shifting them around, Cosmos takes Soundwave’s hands in his with their fingers threaded together to place them over Soundwave’s head, gently pinning him down. The tension in Soundwave’s frame changes from uncertainty to anticipation as Cosmos finally moves his hips, thrusting slowly and gently into Soundwave’s valve. Cosmos savors the feeling of Soundwave’s valve wrapped around his spike, the calipers tightening with Soundwave’s excitement causing Cosmos’ spike to catch a little, making it hard to complete thrusts at times almost like he’s trying to keep Cosmos inside.
“Heh, cute…” Cosmos murmurs close to Soundwave’s audial.
“Shut up.”
There’s no rush to the pace Cosmos keeps, fully enjoying the feeling of Soundwave’s valve walls dragging over his spike, their respective nodes connecting and clinging together with charge before the push or pull provides enough pressure to pry them apart. Soundwave’s grip pinches against Cosmos’ hands, his vents in overdrive as he slowly comes undone.
“Faster… please,” Soundwave’s helm falls back with his plea that falls on deaf audials.
Humming his acknowledgment, Cosmos continues his sluggish pace only to gasp as the head of his spike slips into Soundwave’s tank, causing him to halt altogether so he can steady himself to the protestations of Soundwave. Cosmos nuzzles Soundwave’s neck cables and starts up again, still very slow but now thrusting into Soundwave with a bit more force, enjoying the tiny gasps Soundwave makes every time the head of his spike forces its way into his tank.
“You’re insufferable,” Soundwave grits out through his moans even as he rocks up to meet Cosmos’ thrusts at a steady pace.
“You’re wonderful,” Cosmos retorts, planting a pulse of static against Soundwave’s helm, “and smart, and beautiful…”
“Wait, no,” Soundwave tries to protest but Cosmos can feel the effect his praise is having on Soundwave as the calipers of his valve tighten around Cosmos’ spike with each sweet nothing.
Now that the floodgates are open, Cosmos can’t stop himself from saying every nice thing he’s ever thought about Soundwave at that moment as his thrusts get faster and faster, leaving Soundwave a mewling mess beneath him. Soundwave’s vocalizer is too wracked with moans to refute anything and then he cries out, dragging Cosmos in further as he overloads with his back arching up into Cosmos who watches him without slowing down. Cosmos feels the aftershock of Soundwave’s overload as a wave of charge that floods his system and pushes him over the edge to release inside Soundwave, his transfluid filling Soundwave’s tank.
Cosmos can’t move his optics away from Soundwave’s flushed face as they come down together, still holding Soundwave’s hands intertwined with his. Soundwave sucks in a sharp vent when he sees the flaring light of Cosmos’ optics.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Cosmos nuzzles his cheek, “I love you.”
Soundwave just scoffs and pulls his hands away to hug Cosmos around his shoulders, keeping him close.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 2 months
Rodimags with rough interfacing?
Additional content: semi-public sex, size difference, biting, mild humility kink
Ultra Magnus crowds Rodimus against the wall in one of the numerous halls of the Lost Light, his massive frame looming over the speedster as he leers down at him with flat, cold rage.
Rodimus swallows, now actually a bit nervous, “Come on, Mags… it was just a little prank.”
“A little prank?” Magnus lowers himself so that he’s optic-level with Rodimus, “Do you know how long it will take to restore the hard drives of all those computers?”
Rodimus opens his mouth but he’s interrupted by Magnus slamming his hand against the wall in frustration, “I had just alphabetized all the stored files!”
They both freeze as a soft “snkt” sounds between them and Rodimus tries to cover himself as Magnus’ optics trail slowly downward, hesitant to see what he knows is there waiting for him. Rodimus chuckles awkwardly as he tries to depressurize his spike, but the touch of his hand against his spike just adds heat as he practically feels Magnus’ optics glide over him.
“S-sorry, ha, I didn’t mean to…” he tries to explain himself only to have to open his vents to cool himself down when Magnus grabs his chin, forcing him to meet Magnus’ glare.
“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” Magnus’ voice is low and dangerous.
“No! No… I…” Rodimus shudders as Magnus tightens his grip and he can feel lubricant, warm and slick build between his folds.
Magnus leans closer, unamused, “You set up that ‘prank’ to irritate me into confronting you, didn’t you? You wanted to pull me away so you could…”
Biting his lip, Rodimus holds back a moan at the sound of Magnus’ low voice, the feel of his warm vents brushing his cheek.
“N-No, I swear,” Rodimus winces at his fans clicking on, energon rushing to his cheeks in excitement and embarrassment as he feels heat build between legs, “You… just caught me off guard with that reaction, that’s all. Heh…” He offers Magnus an awkward smile as he tries and fails to close his panels, “Um, hey, I’m sorry about messing up your files so can I just… go?”
Rodimus’ hopeful gaze falters as Magnus’ optics glare into his before he glances side to side and then forces Rodimus’ chin up with his thumb, his hand curling over Rodimus’ neck cables.
“Perhaps you can…” Magnus’ lips twitch with hesitation as he studies Rodimus, unsure of the words he lets free, “Make it up to me.”
A shot of pure heat rushes down through Rodimus straight to his valve as his optics go wide and his fans speed up and he sucks in a vent, struck speechless but before he can think, he’s nodding. His back hits the wall as Magnus lifts and presses him into the cold metal of the wall with one hand pinning Rodimus’ shoulder and the other his hip. Rodimus can only gasp in surprise as Magnus takes his lips hungrily, his glossa sliding almost reverently past Rodimus’ lips to coax him into a deep kiss. Feeling weightless in Magnus’ grip, Rodimus melts into the kiss, his glossa tangling with Magnus’ as he slides his hands up the larger mech’s chest to delicately trace Magnus’ neck cable and finally cup his jaw.
Magnus shifts his grip to lift one of Rodimus’ legs at the apex of his thigh, using his thumb to roughly spread Rodimus open, making him shiver as the cold air tickles the nodes at his entrance with charge crackling from it against Magnus’ panel. A low moan rumbles from Magnus’ chest and Rodimus swallows it down amidst the kiss as he hooks his free leg onto Magnus’ hip only to make a soft sound of surprise against Magnus’ lips as he feels the arch of charge emanating from his valve complete itself in Magnus’ pressurizing spike. The head of it bumps against Rodimus’ entrance and throbbing anterior node, forcing a moan out of him as he feels a mini shockwave light up the nodes along the folds of his valve coursing outward from the cluster at his entrance.
Rodimus breaks from this kiss slowly, a string of oral lubricant trailing between their lips as he blinks up in a daze at Magnus who shifts them so he can take ahold of his spike, pressing the depression at the base of his against Rodimus’ node, locking against it. A surge passes between them, making them curl into each other with soft cries and Rodimus feels a series of mini-transformation sequences as his body adjusts and more lubricant flows to his valve to drip from his entrance and onto the floor. Shaking, Rodimus huffs with relief when they finally unlock and separate from each other, his fans in overdrive as he swallows and braces against the wall.
“You… you can’t really be that big…” Rodimus pants out only for Magnus to kiss him again.
“Guess you’ll just have to be the judge…” Magnus murmurs against his lips and then presses the head of his spike against Rodimus’ entrance, shoving it in with a sharp, shallow thrust of his hips.
Yellow streaks mark the wall, and Rodimus’s hand scrambles against it in a desperate attempt to gain purchase. His other hand digs hard into Magnus’ shoulder. He’s slowly and meticulously filled by Magnus’ spike, spasming as the hot, smooth head of it pushes past caliper after caliper the mesh of nodes along the engorged flexible material not leaving a single node within Rodimus’ valve untouched. A storm of charge lights up his leaking valve, leaving him a mess and making soft, needy sounds while his legs twitch. Then, with one, sharp thrust, Ultra Magnus fills him until the head of the massive spike bumps the core node of his valve hard enough that his whole frame jolts as a sharp cry is ripped from his lips.
Magnus’ lips brush over Rodimus’ audial as he grinds against the node, making Rodimus whimper, “Shh, we’re still in the hall, Rodimus…”
“And whose fault is that?” Rodimus hisses only to bite his hand as Magnus starts thrusting into him brutally.
The thrusts jostle Rodimus awkwardly while Magnus adjusts his grip to grab at Rodimus’ hip with Rodimus’ legs draped limply over his arms, practically pulling Rodimus down onto his spike with every thrust. Rodimus is left helpless, unable to do anything but hold on for dear life, his fingers digging into the back of Magnus’ neck which only urges the larger mech on harder, faster. He can’t help the needy noises that fall from his throat as he can barely hold back the shouts from the feeling of the intense wave of charge and heat flooding his valve that rushes every time the node at the tip of Magnus’ spike slams into his core node. It’s a fight he’s quickly losing, making him desperate to the point he doesn’t even think about it as he digs his denta into Magnus’ shoulder so he can bury his need into something. The pain makes Magnus gasp and falter for a moment, his thrusts growing sloppy with the feeling sending a shiver through him until he slows and just grinds against Rodimus’ core node.
“Unlock…” Magnus cools himself for a moment, his fans working in overdrive, “Unlock your tank for me.”
Rodimus’ frame responds practically upon command, pulling sharp cries from both of them as they slot together further with the head of Magnus’ spike slipping into Rodimus’ tank. After a short beat, Magnus pulls himself out slowly until the tip of his spike is kissing Rodimus’ entrance. Their optics meet and at the dangerous light in Magnus’ gaze, Rodimus braces himself just in time for Magnus to resume his brutal pace now hitting inside all the way, with no resistance from the slick walls of Rodimus’ valve. Everything slips away as Rodimus holds on weakly, letting himself be used like a toy by Magnus, dizzy from the charge crackling over his frame as he turns his vox coder off, unable to stop himself from shouting at every thrust. The tension inside him suddenly snaps, the charge finding ground, releasing the mag locks in his valve to hold Magnus deep inside him as he overloads so hard that his entire frame vibrates as he goes stiff in Magnus’ grip. Magnus slumps against the wall as he groans with his own release, keeping Rodimus from coming down with his hot transfluid filling Rodimus’ tank, his spike throbbing as it pushes out surge after surge of transfluid.
Magnus falls to his knees with Rodimus cradled to his chest, his forehelm pressed against the wall that feels like ice against his heated frame. They both pant as their fans continue to work overtime to cool their frames, holding each other until the mag locks release and Magnus’ spike slowly depressurizes, slowly sliding out of Rodimus’ valve.
“So,” Rodimus sighs against Magnus’ shoulder, “are we even?”
Magnus pulls back, giving him an unimpressed look that only succeeds in getting Rodimus to smirk before he kisses Rodimus’ smug face.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 23 days
Could I request a top Starscream/bottom Soundwave. Maybe they trying for a child?
Heyo, had to take a break for a bit since my anxiety flared up in the most inconvenient way and time and sometimes the most terrifying thing is a blank page.
Anyway, I'm a bit better and I hope you enjoy this.
Soundwave stiffens up when he feels two arms snake around his waist and he looks as Starscream rests his chin on Soundwave’s shoulder, huffing at the sly smirk on the seeker’s face.
“I’m reading,” Soundwave taps the datapad in his hand against Starscream’s helm pointedly.
“I can see that. After all, you’ve been reading for hours now,” Starscream nudges the datapad away but quickly returns his hand, running it gently over Soundwave’s abdomen, “You should take a break.” Starscream kisses Soundwave’s shoulder, smirking at how Soundwave tries to suppress a shiver.
“I…” Soundwave sighs, “Fine.” He gasps as Starscream’s hand travels lower to toy with the wires in the seam at his hip, “Ah, so that’s what you mean…”
Soundwave shuts his optics at the feeling of Starscream’s soft chuckle on the back of his neck and lays his hand over Starscream’s, rubbing it fondly with his thumb.
“Let’s go to the berth, shall we?” Starscream purrs.
Guiding Soundwave by the hand, Starscream keeps his optics locked with Soundwave’s, an eager light to his gaze that speaks of promise as Soundwave keeps his movements slow and deliberate. He can’t move too fast, can’t let Starscream know how much he wants this, needs this. Starscream urges him onto the berth, never letting go of his hand and even going so far as to interlock their digits, sending a thrill through Soundwave as he watches Starscream move over him and settle between his legs. For a moment, they just stay like that with Starscream gazing down at him intensely, making him shift awkwardly as he tries to resist looking away from those piercing red optics.
“What?” Soundwave finally breaks the silence.
“Nothing,” Starscream smirks and lowers his helm to nuzzle in under Soundwave’s chin to get at his neck cables, tracing his lips over them delicately, “Just never thought I’d be here.”
Soundwave hums softly in acknowledgment, tilting his helm back as Starscream moves in and places a hand on Starscream’s back. Charge sparks lightly along his lines as Starscream presses his denta lightly into the sensitive cables while his hands trail down Soundwave’s frame with barely restrained fervor. Already, Soundwave can feel how hot Starscream’s frame has become, his hot vents brushing heated air over Soundwave’s plating and cables as charge pings off his frames in quick bursts. Soundwave huffs in amusement, hooking his leg on Starscream’s hip to drag him down and grind their panels together.
“It seems like you want something,” Soundwave emphasizes his point with a roll of his hips, pressing more firmly against Starscream, earning a soft groan from the seeker.
Starscream eyes Soundwave hungrily and grabs his hips, pulling him in roughly, “I have everything I want.” He pauses for a long moment as he tucks his thumbs into Soundwave’s seams, sending a low level of charge directly into Soundwave’s lines, and then chuckles as Soundwave twitches with excitement, “Except maybe…”
It takes a moment for Soundwave to steady himself until he can trust his vocalizer not to sound absolutely wanton even as his panels heat up at Starscream’s delicate touch, “Except what?”
Laying a hand on Soundwave’s lower abdomen, Starscream lowers his helm to kiss Soundwave’s chest reverently, “A sparkling?”
Soundwave pulls more air in through his vents, his spark whirling rapidly at the thought.
“You…” Soundwave grabs Starscream’s chin, forcing the seeker to look him in the optic but Starscream seems nonplussed by the gesture, smiling confident as ever, “That’s a big ask.”
“There’s no rush,” Starscream murmurs, taking Soundwave’s hand in his and shifting his helm to kiss the palm of it.
Prodding Starscream’s forehelm, Soundwave leans back as he opens his panels for Starscream’s viewing pleasure, his anterior node aching with need just from the thought of touch, “Convince me.”
That earns him a wolfish grin and Starscream is upon him all once with hands and glossa that overwhelm him. Soundwave tosses his helm back with a soft cry as Starscream’s soft and hot glossa leaves a slick trail around his anterior node before he feels pressure as the node loses the ability to ground the buzz of charge making it pulse with need. Then, he’s left painfully untouched, shivering as cold air brushes his folds as Starscream moves to hover over him, removing Soundwave’s face mask to press his lips to Soundwave’s. His movements are soft and deliberate, taking his time to worship Soundwave’s lips, gently spreading them with his own so that he can slip his glossa in and nudge Soundwave’s, chuckling at the vulnerable gasp Soundwave makes.
Soundwave grabs at Starscream’s side, pressing into the kiss hungrily, and moans when Starscream’s spike finally nudges against the folds of his valve, urging Starscream closer by wrapping his legs around the seeker’s waist. Starscream hums appreciatively and spreads Soundwave open with a thumb as he continues to kiss his conjunx.
“Doesn’t seem like you’ll take much convincing,” Starscream teases as he presses the head of his spike against Soundwave’s already clenching valve, “I think you’re more excited by the idea than you let on.”
Soundwave grits his denta and looks away, energon flooding through his lines at being caught, “Just… just take me.”
A kiss lands on Soundwave’s faceplate and he turns with surprise to see Starscream’s optics dim yet warm. It sets Soundwave’s spark ablaze. Starscream lowers Soundwave to fully lay out on the berth before grabbing Soundwave’s thighs firmly and, grinning with a mischievous light in his optics, practically pulls Soundwave onto his spike. The sudden insertion lights up the node clusters in Soundwave’s valve in rapid succession, forcing him to grip the berth as charge and liquid pleasure fill him to the point that it’s almost painful, and in a moment of clouded lust, he unlocks his tank.
“Fill me,” Soundwave groans, “I want your sparkling, I do.”
Starscream peppers kisses all over Soundwave’s chest and shoulders while gently rocking his hips, grinding into Soundwave, “Then you’ll let me have your spark?”
Wordlessly, Soundwave lets his chestplates part, and in an instant Starscream returns the gesture in kind, the two of them flooding the room with icy blue light that washes out all other colors. Soundwave steadies himself on Starscream’s shoulder, his optics trained on the seeker’s spark, still marveling even after so long that this has been given to him in totality. Starscream rests his temple against Soundwave’s and lowers himself slowly until the coronas of their sparks brush, making him stop with a gasp at the sudden flood of sensation and Soundwave is left shaking. It’s intense, feeling Starscream’s everything within him, the charge now a ceaseless loop leaving Soundwave almost dizzy. He feels his full valve and yet he can now feel the delightful warmth Starscream feels with his spike buried in Soundwave’s wet, greedy valve.
Pushing past the corona, Starscream completes the bond and it’s almost impossible to tell where one of them begins and the other ends by touch alone, intensified all the more once Starscream finally begins moving his hips. Now able to feel what Soundwave feels, Starscream can feel what makes Soundwave twitch and writhe with pleasure all the more acutely and he thrusts faster and faster, both of them urging the other harder, needing more, their hips meeting in a messy cacophony of clangs and the lewd sound of lubricant gushing from Soundwave’s valve. The head of Starscream’s spike bursts into Soundwave’s tank, making them both stiffen up and gasp and though Starscream makes a valiant effort to hold back his overload, the wave of charge coursing through Soundwave pulls him under. They cry out as Starscream releases his load into Soundwave’s tank with weak moans and grunts as Starscream’s hips spasm, his frame wanting to unleash every nanite his frame has produced, determined more through instinct than conscious thought to get Soundwave thoroughly sparked.
Slowly, their sparks separate, and they’re able to pull away with heavy vents and frames clinking back into places as they rapidly cool with the dissipating charge no longer overworking their systems. Starscream kisses Soundwave sloppily, completely uncoordinated in his post-overload daze but he needs to show Soundwave how delighted he is, his vocalizer totally fried from the intense bought they shared.
“Starscream…” Soundwave calls out amidst the kiss, his hold on Starscream is desperate, “I… I want this to work.”
“Me too,” Starscream’s voice is fried and sounds like it’s been put through several gate filters, only exciting Soundwave as a sense of satisfaction rears its head in his spark  knowing he has this kind of effect on his seeker, “If it didn’t happen tonight, there are more to come…”
“Yes…” Soundwave sighs, pulling Starscream close, “Yes, please. Oh, Primus.”
The two hold each other throughout the night, neither willing to pull away from the other.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 1 month
Any chance I could get some Scavengers fun times? Spinister getting off by fingering Krok into several overloads or Misfire insisting Fulcrum sit on his face.
WAP on the WAP
Fulcrum pushes Misfire’s face away with a hand over his mouth, feeling energon flood his neck cables as he becomes increasingly flustered by the flier’s words. This, as he expected, doesn’t deter Misfire who continues to babble on even with his mouth firmly covered to Fulcrum’s dismay. The words are muffled but Fulcrum can easily guess what Misfire is spouting from his previous innuendos and lascivious offers.
“I’m not letting you anywhere near my valve!” Fulcrum snaps, keeping Misfire at arm's length.
Misfire’s retort is completely muffled but that doesn’t stop him from going on and on while bobbing his shoulders suggestively. Fulcrum sighs and removes his hand, regretting the action even as he makes it, before crossing his arms to hear Misfire out.
“What’s the hold-up? I just want to get that landing strip slick-”
Fulcrum covers Misfire’s mouth again and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Do you just… not know subtlety?” Fulcrum huffs.
Misfire pulls off with a laugh, pushing Fulcrum’s arm away easily, “Subtlety and I don’t get along… So, why not? Just don’t wanna?”
Scoffing, Fulcrum shakes his head, “I’m just not going to let that mouth get anywhere near this valve.” Fulcrum points down between his legs.
Propping his arm on Fulcrum’s shoulder, Misfire grins, “Aww, I grossed you out that much?”
“No…” Fulcrum flushes, “I just… don’t like to do that sort of thing.”
MIsfire’s wings droop slightly, “Ah, huh, never met anyone who didn’t like having their valve licked clean but I guess someone out there wasn’t going to be down with that sort of thing.”
Rubbing his helm awkwardly, Fulcrum glances away, “Uh, well… I just don’t like doing that sort of thing for other people and that’s why you’re offering, right? You want me to…”
“What?” Misfire holds his hands out as if to brush the words away, shaking his head, “No, no, I… I like doing it for other mechs, especially if they’re as handsome as you.” Tapping his cheek, Misfire turns a bit bashful which is a rare enough sight to pull back Fulcrum’s attention fully, “I, um, maybe like it a bit too much.”
A strange feeling goes down Fulcrum’s spinal strut, “Oh, uh…”
Misfire’s optics go wide, flaring softly as he presses his hands together, pleading his spark out.
Fulcrum shuts his optics and sighs, “You really aren’t asking that I return the favor?”
“I swear! I just want to get my face messy in those soft folds of yours and make you drip lubricant,” Misfire grins cheekily, chuckling at Fulcrum’s groan.
“Fine!” Fulcrum snags Misfire and starts dragging him off to the nearest berth. “If it’ll get you to finally shut up!”
They get to a room on the W.A.P. with Misfire eagerly following Fulcrum like a loyal dog, giggling excitedly as Fulcrum pushes him onto the berth.
Misfire flares his hand dramatically over his mouth, “Your seat, sir.”
While glaring at the flier, Fulcrum hefts himself onto the berth to sit on Misfire’s chest and pops his panels open much to Misfire’s delight.
“Tha’s a tasty looking-”
Fulcrum grabs Misfire’s helm and shoves his face into his valve, “Just shut up and get to work already.”
Misfire couldn’t look happier with a face full of valve as he grabs Fulrum’s thighs to pull him firmly against his mouth, nuzzling in to lick Fulcrum’s anterior node slowly with his wet glossa swirling around the circumference. It’s embarrassing to Fulcrum how quickly he gets wet just watching Misfire bury himself into Fulcrum’s valve and then he feels Misfire swirl his tongue and he has to grip both of his hands over his mouth to keep himself from making any sound. As lubricant meets his lips, Misfire is none the wiser, lapping away at Fulcrum’s valve lips, his glossa lighting up node clusters with slow, purposeful strokes as he takes his time to enjoy the feeling. He groans into Fulcrum’s valve which earns him a small gush of lubricant that he licks up greedily before moving to suck gently on Fulcrum’s anterior node. His hands grip Fulcrum’s thighs more firmly as he feels him begin to twitch, not letting Fulcrum escape the onslaught of his glossa.
The effect that this is having on Misfire is obvious almost immediately, his spike fully pressurizing as he slips the tip of his glossa into Fulcrum’s entrance, feeling the calipers there starting to clench. He circles the entrance, moaning at the crackling charge that tickles his glossa as he presses it to the soft mesh there dotted with sporadic node clusters and he can feel his spike throb. Fulcrum grabs his spike and squeezes which only urges Misfire on, unable to think as well with Fulcrum’s hand pumping him while he licks mindlessly against Fulcrum’s anterior node. Trying his best to not just overload over Fulcrum’s hand, he moves his glossa back to Fulcrum’s tasty entrance, releasing a buzz of charge from his intake into Fulcrum’s valve, getting him to stiffen up with a shout that has Misfire’s spark melting.
Fulcrum holds onto Misfire for dear life, his digits digging into the flier’s shoulders as he feels Misfire lazily frag him with an eager glossa that hungrily seeks out his nodes only to graze them teasingly. Suddenly, he’s on his back but he doesn’t care with Misfire softly sucking on his anterior node as he nudges it with glossa, keeping a steady flow of charge coursing through his valve that has him completely incoherent. Then, Misfire slides a digit into his entrance and strokes his spike while he keeps that sinful mouth on Fulcrum’s node, easily tipping Fulcrum into overload who grabs Misfire’s helm, pressing Misfire hard against his valve. He humps Misfire’s face, riding out his overload panting and moaning with abandon.
Once spent, Fulcrum lays back with his vents on full blast and immediately regrets looking down where he finds Misfire licking his lips, his face completely drenched in lubricant.
“Good, huh?”
Fulcrum stiffens up and clears his intake, “It was alright. I guess…”
Misfire pushes up a bit and Fulcrum blushes at the sight of Misfire’s still-twitching spike covered in transfluid above a quickly forming puddle, “Well, I certainly had a good time.”
“I… I see…”
Ducking down to kiss Fulcrum’s valve, “Primus, this thing is great.”
Fulcrum pushes at Misfire’s forehelm only to be met with laughter, “Don’t talk about it like that!”
“Oh? Should I shut myself up again?” Misfire smirks.
Freezing, Fulcrum thinks it over but not for as long as he’d have liked to, and nods, yelping softly when Misfire buries himself back into Fulcrum’s valve.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 2 months
i just saw the valve mod post and im,,, can i request a springer x bot!reader who has a valve mod for milking spike,,,,
Here ya go
Even with his hands bound above his head, his spike and valve on full display, Springer still manages to look smug with that charming smile of his.
“Why don’t you come over?”
They answer his beckoning, sauntering over slowly with their hips carving through the air in a soft sway. Springer watches this with rapt attention, his optics flaring in excitement, biting his lip. Hiking one leg up, they straddle Springer and plant their hands on his chest, a sweet yet mischievous smile spreading over their lips.
“You look good like this…” they sigh while trailing a hand down, rubbing his panel which slides open at their touch. “Oh, you’re bigger than I thought…”
Springer grunts as they squeeze and stroke his spike, shutting his optics as he grunts, “Hah, is that okay…?”
“Mmm, yeah,” they sigh as they let their own panel open to grind on his spike.
He ducks his helm down and they accept his offered kiss, basking in the feeling of his lips, all the while sliding their slick folds over his spike with their own spike twitching helplessly against Springer’s plating. They can feel his spike pulse between their folds, the light touch barely grounding the nodes at their entrance. With a careful roll of their hips, they get close enough to brush their entrance against the charged-up nodes under his spike but not enough to truly connect, keeping him just on the edge.
“Ah, please,” Springer breaks the kiss briefly to beg, his voice husky with desperation.
They don’t have the will to tease or argue, already losing themself to lust, and quickly mount him. A jolt rushes through them with charge flooding their systems from practically falling onto his spike with how excited they’ve become, their valve dripping with lubricant. It’s so overwhelming that they have to just cling to him until the feedback loops between them finally lessen to a pleasant buzz instead of an ion storm. Springer begins kissing their shoulder and neck while they brace themself against him, recovered enough to come back to himself. They capture his lips briefly before sluggishly grinding down on his spike.
“You gonna start?” Springer pants, and they can’t help but think of how cute he is, all dazed like this.
“Mmhm,” they bite their lip and smirk at Springer’s surprise as they activate their mag-locks.
Locked on his spike, they use their calipers to massage his spike, their hips spasming as their nodes fire off like miniature fireworks. Springer moans while they rock their hips to grind their anterior node on his plating. Gasping, they squeeze his shoulders when they change the mode setting of their valve, causing their calipers to move up and down, rolling snuggly over Springer’s spike. The sensation has Springer bucking his hips but he can’t move inside them with the mag-locks still firmly in place. Their calipers begin to move together, starting at the base of his spike, gripping him in a tight hold before sliding up to suddenly release at the tip, leaving Springer a moaning mess. While their valve milks his spike at a steady, lazy pace, they roll their hips, never pulling their optics away from his face and delighting in how he struggles helplessly in his binds.
They tighten up in surprise and then tense with a mini overload that almost knocks them over the edge at the burst of warm transfluid spilling into their tank. Springer’s optics remain screwed shut with his hands curled into fists and a low groan on his lips as he overloads into them. As soon as his overload releases him, he slumps in his binds, his vents pushing out steam. His spike remains inside them, twitching and hot.
“Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to give in so soon…” Springer looks at them with dull, lidded optics, recovering from his intense overload.
They lean in to cup his chin and murmur, “It’s okay, we just started after all…”
Springer swallows nervously but his optics burn with excitement at the promise of all to come.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 1 month
Hey broski if ur requests r open can u do a Holoform Rodimus and GN human reader (NSFW) Oneshot (w/ top Rodimus pls)
Spice spice spice
Additional content: public sex, in altmode sex, car fetish?
The sky is darkening, painted with sunset colors as they rest in the driver’s seat of Rodimus’ altmode, leaning against the door while he drives himself since no one can see them on the twisting mountain road he takes maybe a little too fast. He’s playing some old rock on his radio to fill the sleepy quiet of the summer afternoon, soothing them further into a state of rest. They don’t know when they fell asleep but when they blink awake to a soft touch, they see Rodimus has parked himself in a lot on a cliff that overlooks the shimmering sea. A hand brushing their cheek makes them jump and press themselves to the door to look at the unfamiliar man in the seat next to him.
The man with fire-red hair chuckles at them, “Hey, it’s me…”
“Roddy?” they gasp and he grins cheekily.
“You know it. Do you like it? This is my holoform…” he pulls at the sports jacket he’s wearing, tugging it a bit off his shoulders which are a bit broad as his white t-shirt rides up a bit, showing off some midriff.
They can’t help but blush at the sight and look away, “Uh, yeah, you look…nice.”
Rodimus moves in and cups their cheek to get them to look at him, a heated glint in his eyes, “Just nice?” He moves in slowly, crowding around them as he plants a hand on the back of the driver’s seat, “I was hoping for a bit… more.”
A soft gasp escapes their lips, parting them in anticipation, “I… I guess it is a bit more than just nice…”
Smirking, Rodimus ducks in and kisses them, shocking them with how real it feels, his holoform lips feeling warm and soft. It’s so real that it’s almost uncanny as they melt into the kiss, letting him taste them. Reaching up, they slide their hands over his chest and to the back of his neck, sighing at the feeling of his baby hairs at the nape of his neck tickling their fingers as they move them to comb through his hair. The seat suddenly shifts, laying back so they’re parallel to the ground with Rodimus propped over them, looking down at them with a heated gaze that ignites a small fire in their chest.
“Wh…” They swallow nervously but can’t help but press their thighs together with the excitement building between their legs, “Aren’t we… aren’t we inside your body technically?”
Rodimus chuckles and kisses their cheek, “Well, it’s my body. I can do whatever I like in it…”
They gasp as he kisses their neck, “I… that’s true…”
“Just relax,” Rodimus nips their jaw, earning a soft squeak, “Besides, I plan on being inside you, so isn’t it just more fair this way?”
They huff as they relax under him, “You’re so weird.”
Rodimus laughs softly at their words, sliding his hands under their shirt while he kisses and nips at their neck only breaking when they pull his jacket off, desperate to touch him. He sits up enough to pull off his T-shirt, taking their shirt off eagerly as well so he can plant kisses all over their chest and stomach while his hands tug at the waistband of their pants. They bite their lip at the sight of the bulge building in Rodimus’ jeans and they don’t even try to resist the urge to rub him through his pants, sucking in a breath when Rodimus groans low against their skin appreciatively. Rodimus drags their pants down to their ankles, suddenly impatient, and slips his hand between their legs to spread them a bit with his hand on their ass. He kisses them again while squeezing their butt appreciatively, moaning into their mouth, and his dick twitches against their hand that’s still rubbing him firmly.
“You’re so soft,” Rodimus murmurs against their lips, grunting when they press harder against his cock.
He pulls back up much to their disappointment that’s quickly quelled at the sight of him undoing his pants to reveal the dick he designed himself, he must have and they blush at the possibility that maybe he had designed it with them in mind. It did look a bit… familiar. Shuffling through his glove box, he pulls out a small bottle to waggle it triumphantly with a smirk to their mild mortification as they realize it’s lube.
“You planned this all out, huh?” they grip his seat nervously.
He moves back over them, kissing their cheek, “I just wanted to show you a good time… you still okay?”
They nod and spread their legs as best as they can for him, suddenly very aware that the nylon pressed against their bear skin and the man above them are both Rodimus, enveloping them completely in him. Rodimus clicks the spout open and squeezes a generous amount out onto his fingers, coating two of them in the slick substance with his eyes trained on their flushed skin, taking in the sight of them. He’s on them again, nipping and licking at their shoulders as he slides his fingers between their pillowy cheeks, sliding one finger into their warm hole just a bit to rub the tense muscle there. The pressure makes them grunt, gripping his shoulders as they try to relax for him, curls of heat shooting through them with Rodimus’ teeth digging into their skin.
He slowly thrusts his finger into them while keeping them spread with his other hand, clearly lost in the feeling of them as he licks and sucks their shoulder, neck, and chest hungrily. They hold onto him, running their hands over his back, struggling to hold back their moans with him rubbing inside them, pressing deeper and deeper as it feels better the more relaxed they become, a bloom of heat forming with every stroke of his finger. When he slips in a second finger, they feel more than just good, they feel full.
“Ah, Rodimus…” they moan low with their nails digging into his back as their legs twitch every time he hits a sweet spot.
They can feel the shiver that goes through him when they moan his name and gasp when he pulls his fingers out of them, leaving them painfully empty and in desperate need of his touch. He grabs them and flips them easily onto their stomach, pressing them down into the seat until they smell their sweat mixed with the scent of his seat that’s artificial yet so alive. Spreading their ass cheeks apart, he sinks his fingers into the soft flesh, making them shiver as cold air washes over their hot, little hole. They jolt and gasp when they feel the tip of his cock press against their hole made slick with lube, groaning low as he starts to push into them. Hugging themself to his seat, their fingers dig into the cushioning while they’re slowly driven to madness as Rodimus pushes deeper into them. They arch their back to get him to sink in as much as he can, grinding up against him thoughtlessly.
“You humans are all so cute and soft…” Rodimus groans, now holding them down by their shoulders, “I should have done this ages ago, you feel so good…”
They suck in a breath as he starts to move, rocking his hips to thrust shallowly into them. He moves faster and faster, feeling them adjust to him until he can freely thrust into them, his cock pulling out until just the tip is inside them before he slams back into them. Soft keens and little gasps are forced out of them as he fucks their ass, his hips smacking against them hard enough to push them into the seat with their cheeks jiggling with every smack. The little space is quickly filled with heavy pants, moans, and the sound of sweaty skin slapping together.
Rodimus bends down, biting into their shoulder as he continues to take their ass roughly, gripping their hips so tight that they can’t move so they have no choice but to take the rough pounding of Rodimus’ cock. They moan helplessly under them, clawing at his seat with their skin pressed against the now sweaty fabric, suddenly tensing when Rodimus practically growls against their ear. Their eyes roll up when the pleasure becomes too much and their whole body spasms under Rodimus who doesn’t let up his brutal pace, forcing his cock into them over and over. With one, last thrust, he sinks deep into their hole and they shudder and cry out as they spill into them, flooding them with heat and growling against their shoulder.
Slowly, they both come down, leaving them limp on the driver’s seat as Rodimus pulls out to look down at his handiwork, rubbing their butt almost lovingly. They breathe deeply, trying desperately to cool down while they lay there, their brain completely fried, and shiver when the heat inside them suddenly dissipates. Rodimus kisses over their shoulder blades to try to help soothe them with his hand rubbing gentle circles over their hips.
“You okay?”
They can only manage an affirmative grunt which makes him chuckle as he pulls them up to lay back against him where they nuzzle under his jaw.
“My cute little human,” he sighs happily and kisses their cheek.
They look down at the seat and blush, seeing that it’s now a complete mess. Rodimus tracks their line of sight and then smirks, hugging them tighter.
“Looks like it was good for you after all,” Rodimus chuckles softly, cuddling them without a care in the world.
“S-sorry…” they rasp out, shocked at how used their throat feels.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Let’s get you cleaned up first and then…” Rodimus falters and blushes, glancing away.
They swallow and cover his hands with theirs, “And then… I can clean you up…”
Rodimus presses his forehead on their shoulder, his breath brushing against their skin, “I don’t deserve you…”
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 1 month
Request: IDW, Brainstorm/Getaway, simultaneous penetration (idk if there's an accurate descriptor, imagine them fucking/being fucked each other at same time). I really enjoy the idea of Storm (a self-proported egomaniac) and Getaway (often puts a facade of sucking up as a means)
Additional content: Rough sex, (kinda) quid pro quo
Brainstorm sighs as he finally opens the door to meet Getaway who’d been pestering him from behind the thick (but clearly not thick enough if Getaway’s voice could still make it through) metal, glaring at the sly mech. Getaway doesn’t wait a moment before pushing in past Brainstorm while rambling off but Brainstorm had stopped listening a while ago.
Grabbing Getaway by the shoulder, Brainstorm turns him around, “I told you to lay off already! I have too many projects as it is, I don’t need to take on whatever inane idea you have.”
Undeterred, Getaway presses into his space, “Aw, c’mon… It’s just a little pistol. You love making those!”
Brainstorm scoffs and pushes him back before going to his workbench, determined to ignore Getaway but now that menace is actually in his lab, and knowing that is like an itch on the back of Brainstorm’s helm… There’s a long beat of silence before Brainstorm feels a light tickle on one of his mounted guns and he whips around to grab Getaway’s wrist only to be crowded against his workbench.
“What’s all of this for anyway?” Getaway’s tone dips into something smooth, confident even, “You’ve been on strangely good behavior lately… why is that? It’s not because of Perceptor, is it?”
Brainstorm stiffens and tries to push Getaway back only for the speedster to grab his hips, thumbs gliding over his plating.
“There’s no use in trying to impress the guy, Stormy, he’s just his own kind of mad genius stuck in his own little world,” Getaway insists as he tucks his pointer digits into the seams of Brainstorm’s panty plates, teasing the delicate wiring there, “You should focus on someone who already appreciates your talents…”
It’s pointless to resist the sensation, Brainstorm shivers at the charge crackling from Getaway’s hands, all the way up his spinal strut.
“You make it sound like your idea is actually worth my time,” Brainstorm scoffs but his cocky attitude is severely diminished by the soft hum of his fans.
“But Stormy…” Getaway’s hand travels around Brainstorm’s hip and trails down lightly to cup his codpiece, earning a soft grunt, “You know I’m good for it.”
“I told you not to call me that,” Brainstorm grits out as Getaway starts rubbing over his panel, sending little sparks of charge through it. He stumbles back a bit, propping himself up on his workbench while Getaway rubs his panels.
Getaway follows after him eagerly and Brainstorm groans at the soft hiss of Getaway releasing and pressurizing his spike, “Ugh, how do I keep letting myself get here?”
“You know I can give you what you want, what you need,” Getaway purrs, finding the manual release on Brainstorm’s panels and dipping a digit into Brainstorm’s warm valve to coax it into producing lubricant.
Brainstorm sucks in more air through his vents and spreads his legs, letting Getaway finger his pale valve, the thin strips of biolights flaring as lubricant begins to trail down Getaway’s fingers. Getaway slips his digits out of Brainstorm’s valve and slides his slick fingers up Brainstorm’s spike before curling his hand around it to squeeze firmly, forcing a groan out of Brainstorm.
“Just make up your mind already!” Brainstorm snaps only to be cut off by a moan as Getaway starts pumping his fist over Brainstorm’s spike.
“Actually, I was thinking of trying something. You like innovation, so, you’re gonna love this,” Getaway taunts as he shifts his legs, hooking one over Brainstorm’s hips.
There’s a distinct creak of metal as Brainstorm grips the edge of the workbench at the feeling of Getaway pushing his valve onto Brainstorm’s spike, the tight little space already feeling so wet and hot.
“Hah, n-now the tricky part…” Getaway swallows down his moans and moves back slightly to grab his own spike, basking under Brainstorm’s rapt attention as he watches Getaway move his spike down to rub against the folds of Brainstorm’s valve. It takes some maneuvering and more than a little cursing until Getaway’s spike is rubbing against Brainstorm’s spikes now both firmly pushing into each other’s valves.
“Ah… this is definitely one of your more creative ideas,” Brainstorm pants out only to grab at Getaway as he starts to finally move.
The movements of their hips are awkward and jittery at first, unused to the position until they’re just pushing and grinding against each other, their spikes no longer rubbing roughly together now sliding with the aid of the lubricant building between their valves. As they grind against each other, their anterior nodes bump and flare as the touch completes the circuit, making the charge bloom between them. It’s a mess of heat and charged lubricant that has Brainstorm feeling like he’s losing his mind, finding it hard to tell where he begins and Getaway ends. He feels so full as Getaway’s spike pulses in his valve, the shallow ridge just under the head of his spike catching and connecting with the strips of nodes along Brainstorm’s soft walls as he feels his own spike practically milked by Getaway’s valve that spasms and squeezes around his spike.
Brainstorm hefts Getaway up and flips them around to pin Getaway down, hiking his leg up higher to get closer, deeper as he curls his own leg up over Getaway’s other leg to plant a knee on the bench, now properly fragging Getaway. Lubricant drips onto the pristine surface as Brainstorm uses Getaway’s spike and valve, their valves kissing every time Brainstorm thrusts against Getaway who can do nothing now locked in Brainstorm’s hold and wracked with the charge building between them. Getaway grabs at Brainstorm’s back, trying to find a purchase on anything as his legs twitch uselessly against Brainstorm and he tucks his head against Brainstorm’s shoulder, his processor feeling fully fried. His back hits the bench as Brainstorm slams him down, pushing as deep as he can into Getaway while taking his spike in equal measure and Getaway feels heat bloom inside his valve as a sudden wave of charge overwhelms him, dragging him into overload by force.
Getaway’s digits scratch up Brainstorm’s paint as he cries out, shaking as he spills his own load into Brainstorm as more and more of Brainstorm’s transfluid fills his hungry valve until he’s weak and fully spent. Transfluid and lubricant run down his thighs as Brainstorm pulls away, leaving him feeling far too cold as the frigid air of the lab brushes against Getaway’s exposed spike and valve now a mess of fluids, his spike still twitching in the air. Brainstorm picks up a cloth and starts cleaning himself of their mixed lubricant and transfluid, unbothered by the mech he’s left mewling on his workbench.
“Fine, I’ll work on your stupid pistol while you clean that up,” Brainstorm flicks his chin and Getaway follows the motion to look at the small puddle that formed along with the small patch on the edge of the workbench that’s dripping down.
“Heh, sure, no problem,” Getaway catches the other cloth Brainstorm picks up and tosses at him, waiting until Brainstorm is engrossed in his work to stand on incredibly jittery legs, hissing, “Damn…”
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 1 month
Could i get a krok/grimlock oviposition thing plz? imagine krok volunteering himself in place of the others bc he's the best physically for carrying grims eggs fsr
Krok presses the panel next to the door, and it slides open in front of him, revealing Grimlock curled up a bit on the berth in the room. A shiver runs down Krok’s spinal strut but that doesn’t stop him from stepping inside to lock the door behind him.
“Look, I know you’re having a hard time but Misfire can’t do this for you, he just doesn’t…” Krok trails off when Grimlock’s piercing, red gaze lands on him with the intensity of something far more primal than he’s used to. “I… but…” Krok sighs and takes a few tentative steps towards Grimlock, “I… I’m a beastformer. Gave up on ‘embracing’ it or whatever some frame equalists will spout.”
Grimlock straightens up slowly, “You could… incubate them?”
Krok covers his face with a hand, steadying himself, “I can’t believe I’m doing this…” He pulls himself together and looks up at Grimlock, “Yeah, I could and I guess I’m offering…”
Reaching out, Grimlock lifts him easily and moves to lay Krok out on the berth as Krok flails a bit.
“Careful! Careful…” Krok feels his spark start to spin faster as he’s moved and suddenly, Grimlock is looming over him, reminding him just how massive the dino mech is. Grabbing Grimlock’s wrists tightly, he ducks his head and murmurs, “I… be gentle, yeah?”
Grimlock leans in and nuzzles Krok’s shoulders as he rumbles deeply, the sound vibrating Krok’s whole frame while triggering some primal part of his processor that has him loosening up. He nuzzles back, his face plate brushing Grimlock’s as he makes low, booming clicks in response that get Grimlock to pin him down bodily. Broad fingers rub insistently against his quickly heating panel and Krok lets it slide away, shuddering as Grimlock rubs against his folds with a delicate touch. The chill that hits Krok’s frame as Grimlock pulls away has Krok reaching out after him only to suck in a sharp vent as Grimlock spreads his valve wide with a large thumb. Grimlock studies it with something like fascination and experimentally presses a digit into Krok’s entrance, earning a flustered moan.
“Don’t look at it like that!” Krok covers his face with his arms as he does his best not to let moans slip from his intake as Grimlock continues to prod and rub at his valve, teasing but never quite touching his nodes.
Krok keeps his face covered as Grimlock continues to play with his valve, urging it to produce lubricant with little bursts of charge sparking from his fingertips and testing its size by putting one, then two digits inside him. Trying a third finger, Grimlock finds resistance against Krok’s caliper and makes a low, contemplative noise which gets Krok to look down to see what the problem could be.
“This could be a problem…” Grimlock muses, letting his spike pressurize and rest between Krok’s legs, the slightly prehensile mesh sliding over his lower plating to curl slightly against Krok’s hip.
Krok’s optics go wide at the bulky, pulsing, pink thing, making him shudder as he thinks of it actually being inside him.
“H-here…” Krok grabs the tapered tip of Grimlock’s spike, gasping at the low rumble resounding in Grimlock’s chest. Carefully, he presses the very tip to his anterior node, gasping as it molds over it with a soft suction and the connection completes itself, initiating minor transformation sequences in Krok’s valve and tank. His plating around his abdomen releases somewhat and he shivers, feeling his calipers spiral wider to accommodate Grimlock’s specialized spike.
With an appreciative hum, Grimlock slides three fingers easily into Krok, pumping them lazily to watch Krok writhe under him. Krok looks down at himself and a nervous energy courses through him as he flexes his hands.
“That… that’s a lot…”
Grimlock leans down and nuzzles Krok’s helm, “Having second thoughts?”
Krok nudges him away with a huff, “I’m fine.”
“Good,” Grimlock says simply, grabbing Krok again to flip him over with his aft in the air, settling close behind him.
Krok grabs at the berth and keeps his helm down as he spreads his legs wide, offering himself to Grimlock who grabs his hip firmly. The tip of Grimlock’s spike slides in easily, tugging at the walls of his valve with the firm mesh of the spike pushing against him. As it slides deeper and deeper with its own lubricant easing the way, Krok feels it stretch his valve wider as the base sinks towards his entrance. His whole frame shakes once Grimlock is inside him to the hilt, his valve spasming around the large spike that’s pushed all the way through his valve and into his tank. Grimlock’s warm presence completely surrounds him with hot vents rushing down the back of his neck as Grimlock wraps Krok up in his arms.
For a moment, it seems like nothing’s happening while Grimlock holds Krok close but then Krok feels something large press at his entrance, and his optics go wide. The egg nudges in past his entrance and slides along inside Grimlock’s spike, pressing up against his calipers as its width stretches out Grimlock’s spike, pushing the nodes of the spike to press those along the walls of Krok’s valve. Krok claws at the berth with the egg now firmly in his valve, pushing in further still as the calipers squeeze around it, the pressure drawing the egg in towards his tank. It meets the opening of his tank, nuzzling its way in, the feeling of it pressing into Krok almost too much to handle as charge crackles over his entire frame but Grimlock’s arms keep him right where he is. Krok cries out as the egg finally pops free of Grimlock’s spike to settle inside his tank, leaving him shuddering, panting, and moaning.
“Ah, finally…” Krok relaxes under Grimlock who gives him a static kiss on the back of his helm.
“You’re doing well,” Grimlock makes those wonderful clicks again, the vibrations of which seep into Krok’s frame.
Blinking with confusion, Krok tries to twist to look at Grimlock only to feel another egg bump against his entrance, making his optics go wide.
The next one slides in a bit more easily but it leaves him feeling weak in Grimlock’s grip, his valve aching with need that’s slowly and tortuously stimulated by the slow crawl of the egg letting their nodes connect and hold for far too long. By the time the fourth is making its way in, Krok is incoherent with his vocalizer fried from shouting so much, completely at Grimlock’s mercy as he feels no longer in control of his frame. The fifth finally pops into him leaving him an overstimulated mess incapable of doing anything other than moaning weakly as Grimlock pulls out of him slowly. Grimlock pulls Krok close, cradling him close to his chest to nuzzle at Krok’s helm and shoulder while rubbing his now full and distended frame affectionately. Krok experimentally runs a hand over where the eggs now sit and a satisfied shudder runs through him that he’s not sure how to feel about.
“Thanks…” Grimlock murmurs against Krok’s audial, his low voice making Krok have to choke back a moan, “You make a good carrier.”
“Yeah, sure,” Krok acts unaffected but he can’t stop rubbing his abdomen, “It doesn’t feel… too bad.”
Grimlock chuckles and rests his hand on Krok’s full belly, “You look good like this. I think I should mate you as well…”
Krok feels energon rush through his neck cables and squeezes his legs together, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves…”
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