#of sex in this version of the story is exclusively. tardis fucking. with the goal of cucking the master. from the tardis they’re stuck in
quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
the thing about. even & the doctor in their main verse vs even & the master in that theoretical alternate ending is that. you break it down far enough and neither of these relationships are actually healthy. but it is funny to joke about the one with the master being healthier.
being with the doctor is certainly more pleasant, overall, but he is also someone who will let you promise him forever, who might even let himself believe it a little bit because he has to hold onto something, right? but his own track record is against him. it’s a relationship on borrowed time; you’re going to die or be left behind or worst of all, the thing even would actually be most afraid of, fail him somehow, do something Wrong that he can’t abide and be kicked out. it’s chaining yourself to a comet, and it’s glorious, and all the more unstable for that. and when you’re scared of instability, you’ll give any part of yourself to shore up the foundations, you know?
whereas. in that hypothetical au. their relationship with the master is more like two animals trapped in a cage with the dice constantly rolling on whether they’ll tear each other’s faces off or cooperate to open the lock. but it’s honest in that way. if they get tossed aside, stabbed in the back, even killed, that is what they signed up for. they can understand this, and the fact that they despise him means that they are also comfortable saying no to him. because that’s not going to actually change whether or not he fucks them over in the end, he’s going to do that, they’re aware he’s going to and they’re still sitting in ‘his’ tardis anyway because technically, if they took the first shot to protect themself, they wouldn’t be able to properly fly the damn thing without him.
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