#of the imbolc ritual i wrote for my friend and i? yes absolutely
woolandcoffee · 1 year
#woolly rambles#was it absolutely a rookie mistake to send this person who set off all of my alarm bells a copy#of the imbolc ritual i wrote for my friend and i? yes absolutely#did i really have any way of avoiding it? no not really#my friend is not nearly as experienced as i am and is one of those people who likes to include everyone#which is generally i think a positive thing but in this case not really#anyways the good sport that i am i went along with including this other person even though everything about her screams#i'm here for the aesthetic and i don't take this seriously#but saint that i am i went along with it#also because i am not great with awkward social situations#anyways did this new person immediately live up to every single one of my suspicions by copy-pasting a line from my ritual write up#and putting it on a fake movie poster she designed for a class#why yes! yes she did!#fortunately it wasn't something extremely private#or something that she in theory couldn't have gotten from another source#although she clearly hadn't#she clearly copied it directly from my write up#which again it isn't something so private that we now have A Serious Problem#but it is enough of something that i am going to quietly revoke her access to the ritual doc and not share any of my content with her again#will probably have to now navigate the social situation of my friend being friends with this person#but that's far more doable now that i have pretty solid confirmation what sort of person i'm dealing with#the deeply unserious aren't that difficult to brush off i have found#and a little binding effort to keep her hands off my shit wouldn't hurt either#though tbh the most annoying part is that i did this to myself i knew this would happen#and i do genuinely enjoy doing rituals with my friend - she's not exactly at my level but she's sincere and thoughtful#and i enjoy ritual with her#but this other person is clearly just here to piss off evangelicals and wear dark lipstick#which i simply do not truck with#like babe we all shop at sephora you're not special
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