#ofc i could talk about bianca and hugo too but i don't wanna be a broken record lol
octoagentmiles · 1 year
you have intrigued me to send you an ask sooo what two characters do you want to go on mission together in octonauts
i want peso and pinto to go on a mission together bonus what character do you want to appear in anb it could be a relative of one of the characters or a diffrent one or a character that has already been introduced
anyway byeee hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night (you dont have to answer this if you dont want to)
obligatory "I want a Tweak and Barnacles solo episode" comment. I love them SO much but I talk about wanting this a lot already— 🤣 the bffs ever <3
Tweak and SHELLINGTON because we have never seen them really bonding, y'know?? like we know they're friends because they're all friends, and they've had a couple quick moments that implies their friendship. but they've never actually had their own full episode together and I think it could be interesting if they did.
BARNACLES and Shellington. the peak autism duo. Barnacles and Shellington have a very fun relationship dynamic, because on one hand Barnacles would trust any member of his crew with his life and that INCLUDES Shellington; but on the other hand Shellington is very. Accident Prone™. and Barnacles is a bit more protective over him than the others at times. I'd love to see an episode that shows both that over-protectiveness, and that unwavering trust.
Peso and Pinto would be very good yes 👀 but may I raise you: Shellington and Peri? no Pearl. just goofy uncle and nephew shenanigans for 11 minutes. he babysat him off-screen in The Pink Glacier and I want to see him do it ✨ onscreen ✨
character(s) that I want to see in anb:
Squirt. the Octonauts writing team has completely forgotten about his existence but I remember–‼️ and I want him to make a dramatic return 🌠✨
season 5 spoilers but I'd really love for the beaver family to come back one day. they were so neat and I wanna see what became of the kid.
The Coconut Crabs. I need to see Calico Jack reunite with them So Bad 👁️👁️
last but not least: we've never actually met them as real characters in the show but I really want to meet new pirates. have them be tied to Calico Jack's past/arc somehow. give us a glimpse at what a truly "mean and scary" pirate looks like. let Kwazii have an identity crisis. there's been several pirates named throughout the series, like Whitebeard, "The Pirate King", or (s5 spoilers again) the guy CJ stole his golden yarn from. (spoilers end) I think having one of em randomly show up in the flesh one day just to torment reconnect with CJ would be wonderful 👀
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