#ofc i lost a lot when i was inactive which is totally understandable
nonalectos · 3 years
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rhainontheshelves · 7 years
Musical Theatre!Rocky
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A/N: Please forgive me please!! You have a long-ass bullet scenario ahead of you if you choose to proceed because yo girl doesn't know how to condense rip This is dedicated to an awesome friend, @sanhatation! The feelings might be long past but I promised to write this for you. A short part 2 will be coming to describe the life under the stage lights. Happy Reading! - Rhin
Rocky originally wanted to go to school for dance
Why wouldn't he? He knows he's stellar
But, he also wanted to sing
Unfortunately, it wouldn't be possible for him to get a minor in vocal
Dance takes a lot of effort and practice hours
So he worried and thought about it a lot over his senior year of high school
One day, Sanha approached him with a poster
It was advertising auditions for the school spring play
Immediately, Rocky was interested; acting had always piqued his curiosity but he had never gotten a chance to try it
He accepted the offer
Cue many practice meets with Sanha (who was auditioning as well) to memorize the monologue required
He memorized it quickly, just like any step or note
Pretty soon he made it his own, reciting with sincerity and little hand motions
At one point Sanha wondered if it was even worth it to audition anymore because Rocky was killing it
Come audition day
The director and the people helping him judge were very impressed with this young man they only saw passing the theater to go to the practice rooms
By the end Rocky was virtually guaranteed a spot in the production
He walked out of there the proudest boy alive but also as the most internally dying and relieved it was over with
Because he will never admit it but the audition really stressed him out and he worried over miniscule details
About three days later the director approached Rocky
He wanted to talk about the role he was thinking of assigning to the boy
It was an important part, however it wasn't the lead
"It's your first time." Was the director's reason
This disappointed Rocky a bit but the director had come with a plan in mind
Rocky would also be assigned as the understudy for the lead
The director had some suspicions about the boy casted as the lead's loyalty to the show, so if he did leave Rocky would get the role he really deserved
This pleased both parties and the next day the cast list was posted
A month later, practices were in full swing after school
Rocky was well on his way to getting his part down word-perfect and memorizing the lead's lines
He liked the cast and had made some new friends
The vibe in this group was carefree and fun while still hard-working
That's Rocky in a nutshell so he fit in quite nicely
The only thing that he didn't like was the inactivity
There were plenty of stage directions, sure
places he needed to be and actions that needed to be carried out
but where was the variety?
he thought back to when he was a tot and his grandparents took him to a show
There was dancing and excitement and singing and emotion throughout the whole thing
he wondered what had changed since then
turns out nothing had
he was just in the wrong year
"We switch between musicals and plays every other year," giggled Doyeon, the girl who was casted as the female lead
"You just came a year too late. I'm sure you'll have a chance to do one sometime in the future."
Rocky sure hoped so
First show night couldn't have come fast enough
There were still parts that needed more work, which is normal in any production
But the director felt that this was the most prepared that any of his recent shows had been
certainly not because of how hard some had wanted work to catch up and surpass Rocky
The show went amazingly well but there are always the oopses
aka a couple of props falling apart in the user's hands
Improvisation is a wonderful thing
It seemed like bows came too soon
Rocky stood up at the front of the stage with the rest of the cast, smiling and waving a bit after their final bow
His heart was soaring
The only thing that compared was when he finished performing one of his own choreographed dances and he got a standing ovation
That's when he realized that this was what he wanted to with his life
Fast forward to the last part of 2nd quarter, freshman year of college
He had just finished his homework for a history class and headed down to the theater department to grab audition material for the spring musical
Gotta start early
He gets outside the professor's office and sees someone else is in there
So he hangs around and waits, because he can be patient
He ends up dancing for like ten minutes, waiting, because this meeting is taking a really long time??
The door finally opens and a really happy girl exits
Rocky swears that the hallway gets a bit brighter
She turns around to thank the professor one last time but sees Rocky and almost has a heart attack
She totally didn't notice him there
Now flustered, she rushes away without giving Rocky a chance to see if she was okay
Slightly confused, Rocky just watches her go
The professor is in the exact same boat Rocky is
So they let it go and have a small talk about what the auditions require
For the rest of the quarter Rocky sees the girl in a lot of his classes and comes to the conclusion that she has the same major he does
However, before he gets the chance to approach her Christmas Break rolls around and he's off on the road back home
3 weeks, one memorized song and dance routine later, 2nd semester starts
Musical auditions are at the end of the first week back
and that first week couldn't have seemed slower
Lectures stretched on forever and homework seemed to take twice as long as it usually did
Finally, the last class on Friday was dismissed and Rocky was out of there like lightning
his class ended about halfway through the audition hours r.i.p
He ran as fast as his dancer legs would carry him over to the auditorium
Luckily the line is semi-long so he has time to catch his breath
The line shortens to about half the length it was when another person sprints in
The thudding of tennis shoes makes Rocky look up from the sample script
lo and behold the girl that ran away that one day is bent over a couple of feet away from him
"Are auditions over?" she asks fearfully
"No, I'm the end of the line" he replies
"Okay, good" she comes over to stand next to him in line
Rocky wonders if she recognizes him
she barely got five seconds in before she dashed away so he figures probably not
silence settles
until she curses
"I forgot my music in my room" she hisses to herself, smacking her head
Rocky's mouth runs before she can
"You can borrow mine, I have it memorized anyway"
she stares at him in surprise
"Yeah, here"
"Thank you so much!" Her gloomy mood brightens and Rocky's world does too
"No problem"
By this time the next person is called, and Rocky is torn away from a perfect opportunity to talk to her.... again
The audition goes by fast as always
Rocky stays for the girl's audition
Now or never am i right
She does a great job
Dancing needs a bit of work but that comes with practice
He's still standing in the doorway when she comes up the aisle
she gives him a "why are you still here" look but quickly replaces it with a smile
"You did awesome!" she compliments
"Same to you," Rocky nods
"Nah, I was just average... Thanks again for letting me use your music, uh... what's your name?"
"Minhyuk, but you can call me Rocky if you want to."
Cue the Zelda "object acquired" music because a new friend has just been made: (Y/N)
Rocky walked (Y/N) back to her dorm and got to know her a bit
She indeed has the same major as him
Her dream was to be on Broadway someday
but she's going through a slump rn so things aren't going so hot
Rocky understands; that happened with him and dancing around 7th grade
He promises himself that he'll check up on her and make sure everything's going okay
so he acquires her number before she takes the stairs up to her floor
and proceeds to do just that over the rest of the semester
checking up becomes full-blown conversations complete with memes
and they became best friends
they both got into the production that year
which made them even closer ofc
Summer Break rolls around and (Y/N) and Rocky swear to not let distance separate them
it doesn't
and this friendship continues until Junior year....
when (Y/N) drops out
her parents can't continue to support her financially and she doesn't have enough to support herself
Rocky, of course, is devastated
Where will (Y/N) go? Will she be safe? What about her dream??
He dies inside while helping her move her stuff out of the dorms and into her car
He goes back to cry in his room when her car is finally out of sight
The rest of the day is spent reflecting on every single memory
especially the one where she finally remembered that he scared her that one day Freshman year
"That was yOU??????"
and Rocky realizes that his world is no longer as bright
they continue to message each other
but it teeters out after a few months bc (Y/N)'s working two jobs to pay off her debt
soon Rocky has lost all contact with his former best friend, although he never forgets her
Fast forward a few more years
Now Rocky's graduated with a Bachelors' in the Performing Arts
He just auditioned for a role in Newsies
It fits his skill set perfectly
Acrobatics?? Yas
He's feeling pretty confident until he steps out of the building and someone runs smack-dab into him
He's dazed for a bit but when he asks the person if they're okay, his brain goes on over drive
(Y/N)'s there staring back at him in shock, an audition packet in hand
Rocky grins and immediately encases (Y/N) in a hug, questions falling out of his mouth at a million miles an hour
All (Y/N) does is hug him back at first, but Rocky notices her hesitation so he lets go
"I'm so sorry, it's just been a long time and I've been worried? How are you?"
(Y/N) finally smiles and replies, "I'm just fine now."
the two catch up while (Y/N) waits in line for the female auditions
(Y/N) was on vacation and she overheard someone mention auditions
she had never forgotten her dream
and a small little voice told her that something good would happen there
now she knew what the good thing was
*nervous and awkward blushing from both parties*
(Y/N) was called in before she could say anything else, so Rocky waited for her outside
fifteen minutes later she comes out smiling
She has a really good feeling about it
About three hours later
(Y/ N) has to go back to her hotel so she can pack and catch her flight
Rocky is determined to never lose (Y/ N) again
Bc he realized over lunch with her that his world was bright again and he never wants that to end
So he walks her to the airport, insisting that he see her off
(Y/ N) pretends to mind, but she really doesn't
She really missed Rocky the second she got into her car Junior year
The exchange of cell phone numbers happens once again at the terminal
It takes Rocky a couple of minutes more to enter his new number into (Y/N)'s phone
When (Y/N) looks at his contact, she blushes
it reads: Minhyukkie 😘
it doesn't seem special, but it is bc Rocky was insistent that only his girlfriend could call him that
(Y/N) makes a mental note to ask him about it the next time she sees him
fast forward one last time to the phone call
(Y/N) and Rocky were both super excited when Rocky picked up his phone
They had just gotten phone calls saying that they had been accepted into the production
Their first reaction was to call each other
In fact Rocky was just about to hit the call button when (Y/ N)'s contact popped up
The first five minutes was just screaming tbh
Eventually proper congratulations were exchanged
But it got lost in all the excitement
They would see each other for the rest of their Newsies career
And that was possibly the best thing ever
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