#ofc if Munakata finds out that Shiro wants his Fushimi he'll get possessive
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Post-RoK and the different clans are no longer at war and even help each other when needed. Fushimi ends up one day being asked to help the Silvers out with something. He finds the other clan strange especially Shiro who he had to interact with a lot as he's the one needing help. Fushimi can't fully disklike the guy though as Shiro is smart and actually doing something with it and he finds they get along when it comes to academic stuff. He's spent a lot of time with them during this event that Shiro says he's practically an honorary member. (I just like the idea of Fushimi fitting in somewhat with any clan he could get into).
Fushimi being very certain that he can’t fit in anywhere while fitting in with every clan is something I enjoy about him XD Say post-ROK there’s some issue happening at the school island that the Silvers are handling, like they’re finally doing some proper remodeling to both fix the damage done in the past couple years and also maybe add some extra accommodations for the kids who still kept their powers after the Slate woke up. Shiro is spearheading the latter part of this in particular, and as part of getting everyone comfortable with each other in the school again they’re having a big school festival once things are complete. There’s a pretty tight deadline and it’s a lot of work for Shiro, especially since he only has two clansmen and Neko has classes of her own, so he sheepishly asks Munakata for anyone he can spare. Munakata happens to have the perfect assistance, sending Shiro just one person but assuring him that Fushimi-kun has the processing power of six people. 
At first I could see things being very awkward, since Fushimi isn’t exactly personable and I imagine he gets on everyone’s nerves right away. Neko doesn’t want to work with him because he’s mean while Kuroh keeps trying to ‘improve his mood and work ethic’ with well-timed haiku. Shiro plays peacemaker, reminding everyone that Fushimi is helping them here and please treat him as a guest. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he doesn’t care but then imagine everyone just slowly warming up to him. Kukuri brings everyone lunch one day and gives Fushimi a special bento because she noticed he doesn’t eat much, Fushimi manages to mumble out a ‘thanks’ in return. He starts picking out the vegetables immediately, much to Kuroh’s dismay and now he’s probably determined to give Fushimi some healthy food. Neko meanwhile is suddenly feeling very friendly because look someone else who just wants to eat meat and not veggies, like they have a common ground now.
Shiro’s also busy with his teaching work and at some point Fushimi ends up helping him grade tests, just to get it done so Shiro can get back to the other work. Shiro gives him an answer key and apologizes for the trouble, and then is all surprised when Fushimi’s just flying through the grading without even looking at the key because he knows all this stuff. Now Shiro’s intrigued and starts chatting with him about science stuff, he’s really impressed with Fushimi’s mind and he gets what Munakata was saying about this person’s abilities. The other kids at Ashinaka start taking Fushimi’s presence in stride too, half of them are treating him as if he’s a fellow student while Fushimi grumbles and clicks his tongue and Shiro laughs because it seems Fushimi fits right in. (Though then he makes a joke about Fushimi becoming an honorary member of the clan and somehow Munakata sends him a message an hour later politely but firmly asking for Fushimi-kun back because Munakata stole him fair and square thank you.)
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