#I have an unfinished fic in my drafts that was intended to be like little vignettes of different color Fushimis
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Post-RoK and the different clans are no longer at war and even help each other when needed. Fushimi ends up one day being asked to help the Silvers out with something. He finds the other clan strange especially Shiro who he had to interact with a lot as he's the one needing help. Fushimi can't fully disklike the guy though as Shiro is smart and actually doing something with it and he finds they get along when it comes to academic stuff. He's spent a lot of time with them during this event that Shiro says he's practically an honorary member. (I just like the idea of Fushimi fitting in somewhat with any clan he could get into).
Fushimi being very certain that he can’t fit in anywhere while fitting in with every clan is something I enjoy about him XD Say post-ROK there’s some issue happening at the school island that the Silvers are handling, like they’re finally doing some proper remodeling to both fix the damage done in the past couple years and also maybe add some extra accommodations for the kids who still kept their powers after the Slate woke up. Shiro is spearheading the latter part of this in particular, and as part of getting everyone comfortable with each other in the school again they’re having a big school festival once things are complete. There’s a pretty tight deadline and it’s a lot of work for Shiro, especially since he only has two clansmen and Neko has classes of her own, so he sheepishly asks Munakata for anyone he can spare. Munakata happens to have the perfect assistance, sending Shiro just one person but assuring him that Fushimi-kun has the processing power of six people. 
At first I could see things being very awkward, since Fushimi isn’t exactly personable and I imagine he gets on everyone’s nerves right away. Neko doesn’t want to work with him because he’s mean while Kuroh keeps trying to ‘improve his mood and work ethic’ with well-timed haiku. Shiro plays peacemaker, reminding everyone that Fushimi is helping them here and please treat him as a guest. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he doesn’t care but then imagine everyone just slowly warming up to him. Kukuri brings everyone lunch one day and gives Fushimi a special bento because she noticed he doesn’t eat much, Fushimi manages to mumble out a ‘thanks’ in return. He starts picking out the vegetables immediately, much to Kuroh’s dismay and now he’s probably determined to give Fushimi some healthy food. Neko meanwhile is suddenly feeling very friendly because look someone else who just wants to eat meat and not veggies, like they have a common ground now.
Shiro’s also busy with his teaching work and at some point Fushimi ends up helping him grade tests, just to get it done so Shiro can get back to the other work. Shiro gives him an answer key and apologizes for the trouble, and then is all surprised when Fushimi’s just flying through the grading without even looking at the key because he knows all this stuff. Now Shiro’s intrigued and starts chatting with him about science stuff, he’s really impressed with Fushimi’s mind and he gets what Munakata was saying about this person’s abilities. The other kids at Ashinaka start taking Fushimi’s presence in stride too, half of them are treating him as if he’s a fellow student while Fushimi grumbles and clicks his tongue and Shiro laughs because it seems Fushimi fits right in. (Though then he makes a joke about Fushimi becoming an honorary member of the clan and somehow Munakata sends him a message an hour later politely but firmly asking for Fushimi-kun back because Munakata stole him fair and square thank you.)
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jupitersrising · 2 months
The next chapter of Survival of the Fittest is taking forever so I thought I'd include some fun facts about how the fic has changed over time. Because I like to talk about it but it doesn't feel necessary to put in the end notes.
Spoilers for all chapters of Survival of the Fittest
Originally, Yasmina wasn't going to be in a coma-like state until far later in the fic. I had a comphet lesbian storyline planned (which you can see hints of in earlier chapters) before S5 came out. After it felt wrong to go through with since she was confirmed bi, so I moved the other storyline up and gave her another conflict that will affect her soon!
The fic only had 20 planned chapters for the first couple months and was going to end when Ben reunited with the others. But I got so, so much support and love for it that I decided to continue a full series rewrite.
I always knew I wanted a character to lose a limb. But it's changed so much since the beginning. Originally, Kenji was going to lose his leg but that storyline got replaced with his addiction. (A story that I personally think was better for his character.) Then I decided on Darius. Still, he was going to lose his arm at the shoulder, then the elbow, before I finally moved it down to just losing his hand.
Ben was only going to kill Toro in the first draft and never any other dinosaur but as the rewrite got darker I wanted to include the other dinosaurs.
A few things that haven't changed since the first draft of the outline:
Sammy always killed someone, it's a really big part of her character arc throughout the story.
Darius always nearly drowns (though the setting has changed twice since the first outline).
The Beach (tm) scenes between Kenji and Ben. That's been planned since the beginning and some of the sections were written months in advance.
There's more little things too but those ones are the most fun. Most of the mental health issues, family issues, disorders, and injuries were planned since the beginning too.
Ben was really estranged from everyone in the first few drafts and it took him twice as long to interact fully with the others. The introduction of Brooklynn's friendship actually had me switching up the group dynamics a lot.
I have an (short, unfinished) unreleased snippet of Kye and Kenji's relationship before camp. Basically what happened the night he might have died and the fallout of it right up until camp starts.
There's a throw away line about a controversy Brooklynn was in just before camp, if you can remember, this will come back later. I'm so excited about it!
In the worst version of this story, Bumpy was going to die and truly make Ben go feral. Then I decided against any main character death, so no, she won't die. But it was a thought for a while.
Despite spending the so little time together in the show, Brooklynn and Ben's friendship is one of my favorites to write. Along with Sammy and Ben getting closer since Yaz's illness. I intended for Ben and Darius to have the closest friendship but they haven't gotten there yet. There's a lot of stuff they have to work out. (Yaz is still is platonic soulmate tho, don't worry).
Sorry the next update may take a bit to get out but I hope you enjoyed reading some random notes I never included!
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byakuyacoochie · 28 days
I finally found something that helped motivate me to write, I put all my current wips and requests into a spinning wheel and let fate decide...and it landed on a Risotto fic which I thought I could 100% write a short cheeky Risotto fic...it's already way longer than intended cause I wanted to include the rest of La Squadra.
I'm now kinda spiralling in self doubt cause I see all these other smau writers write short little fics that do way better and now I'm wondering if people don't like the fact my fics are a bit long winded
I'm also gonna force myself a slight deadline for it or else it will stay in the drafts with every other unfinished fic. So I will post it on Friday, most likely at night.
Edit: Perhaps not on Friday night, people keep making plans for me which is a bit annoying when all I want to do after work is have a little nap, finish rewriting this fic then play the obey me event before bed 😭
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trademarkblue · 6 months
Fanfic Resurrection
Okay, so I feel like I am finally feeling this little tingle of wanting to return to fanfiction and to finish some of my stories. I haven't done what I usually do to get fully back into the mood, which is to skim a whole fic and then open the drafts of the rest of it to start typing. I figured, this time - since I have several stories in various stages of progress - I would see if anyone else has a particular fic they are really wanting to see finished first.
Here are my current, unfinished stories in the Osblaine (Nick Blaine/June Osborne of The Handmaid's Tale) fandom:
D R I V E After the events of the season 4 finale, Nick makes the most difficult decision of his life in an attempt to protect June and save Hannah.
This fic has about 6 chapters left to finish the story. I have a sequel planned, but it doesn't really need to be done right after the original is completed.
Mysterious Bruises After a series of tragedies, June and Nick cross paths in Boston. (June/Nick fake dating AU. Gilead does not exist.)
This fic has about 4 chapters left to finish the story.
H A U N T E D When a mysterious serial killer tries to murder June on Halloween, Nick curses himself to an alternate reality to save her, knowing he will forget her. (Nick & June meet in a distant future. Gilead does not exist.)
This fic has 1 chapter left to finish the story, but it's been a tough one and will be long.
S T A Y This is a bed sharing college AU. The plan is to write each chapter in only one sitting with basically no editing. It'll be shorter than my other fics.
This fic has about 3-4 chapters left to finish the story. I only ever posted one chapter, intending for it to be the beginning of a series of reference stories, based on my favorite fics in the two other fandoms I've been a part of over the years - Harry Potter and The X-Files.
Where You Are While touring Europe on a journalism internship, June Osborne meets Nick Blaine, the driver hired to chauffeur her group for the summer.
This is a super fluffy AU with maybe as many as 10-12 more chapters. The outline for this one is a lot more vague, so it's harder for me to know how long it will go.
S A V I O R When June learns of Nick's imprisonment, she puts together a plan to get him out of Gilead once and for all. Post-season 5.
This fic has about 5-7 chapters left to finish the story.
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raithwithwings57 · 20 days
First Draft Of Some Angsty Stucky Fanfic
I’ve been writing a lot of stucky fics for a while now, but I’ve not published any of them yet, so I figured I’d spit out a bit of what I wrote this evening onto y’all for consideration. Tell me if y’all want to see any more, but I’m probably gonna post some more bits and pieces of some of my unfinished fics over here in the next few days.
Context for this bit: this is a fic where Bucky has been freed from being the winter soldier before Steve was found and no one, not even Bucky really knows who he was and where he came from. They know that Bucky was a killer, and that he killed Tony’s parents, so the avengers don’t feel overly fond of him even though they work with him. Warning: Violent
James rubbed the back of his neck, took a deep breath, and then nodded to himself. He intentionally turned to look at Barton as though he was the only one that he was speaking to, as if the entire room wasn’t listening. “You’ve read my file haven’t you?” James didn’t wait for a reply, it wasn’t intended to actually be a question. “You know that I was a POW. I don’t remember exactly, it’s all pretty hazy, but I remember falling, and I remember how long it took. I remember holding on for dear life one second, and the wind was whipping me around and my hands were losing feeling because it was so cold and we were moving so goddamn fast through it, and the next moment I’m falling. I hit something, a rock face, pretty sure it was the side of a cliff on the way down, and took off my left arm.” He kept his face impassive as he demonstrated a place about halfway between his left elbow and shoulder. “I don’t remember actually hitting the ground, like those stupid falling dreams where you only ever fall, but never actually make nice with that sudden stop. I didn’t know that the experiments had been successful, or really that I’d been experimented on at all. I’d no idea that i had enough serum coursing through my veins to let me survive that fall, and i didn’t know that they—“ James paused, took stock of his features, schooled them studiously down, even quirked a little smile. It was a few seconds before he trusted his voice to betray nothing. “That was how I was captured. So they could— what did you say? Make me into a killer badass assassin who isn’t afraid of bullets.”
James laughed. “I got out a couple times in the early days, managed to read my own records even if I couldn’t escape, and the memories are almost all burned away, they wiped me and wiped me and wiped me, so many times since then so it’s really mostly gone, but I can vaguely remember seeing a bit about how half the bones in my body were broken, and the words multiple skull fractures stand out to me in my mind. And the notes— i don’t’ know how true this is, I don’t have a scar to show for it, but I’ve had my throat slit before and it didn’t leave any marks— it said I’d been guillotined by my own dog-tags— i think when i hit that cliff. It must have been too cold for me to bleed out properly, I think i landed face down, or maybe I rolled over and that staunched the flow of blood. That’s not the point, but it kind of is. I fell down to hell, and i crawled out a demon, is it any wonder I’m afraid of it still?”
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auroraknux · 4 months
If it is okay to ask a second time: 🤲, 🎉 and 🧠 for the fanfic game? (if not pls just ignore this ask ;) )
Oh that's totally fine! (Barely anyone is sending anything anyway.)
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
If it gets a decent amount of attention, I guess. Lots of views, comments, and/or bookmarks. (Warmth and Safety once got recommended twice in the same Twitter thread, so I'd definitely consider that a success lol.)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
You didn't give me a character, so I'll just pick the Bros lol. I love the really common idea that Mario protected Luigi from bullies growing up. (The movie even seems to support this!)
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Sure! I considered posting something from the eel scene rewrite (which I can still do if someone asks!). But instead, here's a snippet from the post-movie fic where Luigi and Peach bond over cake and trauma.
Please remember that this is part of an unfinished draft, and will get revisions when/if it's finished.
(For a bit of context: Peach has baked before, but it's been a long time since then, and she's very rusty.)
The timer dinged, shaking her out of her thoughts. She nearly forgot to use potholders when taking the cake out of the oven. Fortunately, she remembered before she could burn herself.
After the cake had a chance to cool, she tried a bite of it. It was crumbly, and fell apart at her touch. She frowned. What had she done wrong?
She whipped around, karate hands at the ready.
Luigi put his hands up. "Sorry, sorry! Didn't mean to startle you."
Peach relaxed. "It's fine." She smiled. "What brings you here? Where's Mario?"
"Mario's at his therapy appointment, so I'm by myself today." Luigi scratched his hand. "I'm…bored, I guess."
Peach figured it was more than that. She had noticed how the two were almost never apart. Apparently it had been this way since they were young, but they had become especially clingy after their adventure. Luigi was probably feeling anxious by himself. She could use the company anyway.
"I tried baking a cake today. It came out a bit…bad."
Luigi inspected it. "Hmmm…yeah, it looks a bit dry."
"A bit" was quite the understatement.
He stroked his mustache. "You might've used too much flour, or too little butter and eggs."
"Oh, was that the problem?" Peach smiled, an idea coming to her. "I have enough ingredients left to try again. Maybe you could help me this time?"
Luigi's face lit up. "Sure!"
Peach did genuinely want his advice, but that wasn't the main reason for doing this. She knew Luigi needed a distraction right now, and this seemed like the best way to do it.
The two set to work on the cake (after scraping the remains of the other one into the garbage). Luigi showed her how to properly measure the ingredients, and gave her other advice every now and then. Before long, they had another cake in the oven.
"Thanks for the help," said Peach. "Where'd you learn all of this?"
"My Ma. I've helped her out in the kitchen lots of times. I've always paid close attention to what she does. I want to be able to cook for me and Mario when we someday get our own place."
Peach smiled. She thought it was sweet how the brothers intended to stay together, even as adults. While she'd been raised alongside other children, she'd never had any siblings of her own. She wondered what it was like to have a bond like Mario and Luigi's. To have someone that had been by your side since birth, who understood you like nobody else. She was almost jealous of what they had.
"Thanks for letting me hang out," said Luigi.
“Of course. You're welcome here any time.”
The timer dinged.
Luigi grabbed the pot holders. "I'll get it!"
He opened the oven. His cheery face suddenly changed to one of terror. He screamed and scrambled backwards, bumping into the counter.
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bettsfic · 2 years
2023 WIP cleanout
a couple years ago i did a major WIP cleanout and it was very satisfying, and i've been bummed out lately so i'm doing it again to cheer myself up.
i have about 200k worth of unposted/unfinished fic, and i'd like to make a decent dent in that. when i listed out my WIPs i was surprised to find that most of them i'd written past the 50% mark and for whatever reason, the fic went an unanticipated direction. instead of fixing it, i moved on. the problem is that usually the unanticipated direction is something cool and that i want to pursue, but would make the fic longer and more complicated than i want it to be, and more work than i want to put into it. once i get enough distance from a fic, it's a lot easier to see how to get it back on track.
there are many things i set down and never think about again, but if it sticks in my head for longer than a couple months, then i know i need to come back to it eventually.
so this is my accountability thread! and i'm going to lay out the steps i took to triage these fics and get them posted, in case it helps anyone struggling with the same problem.
here are the things on my WIP cleanout list:
(Organic Chemistry isn't on this list because i'm actively working on it, albeit slowly)
Wind of the New World
Annie/Finnick, The Hunger Games (ASE epilogue)
started August 2020
this one is what inspired the cleanout, and as of yesterday it is DONE and POSTED. for the longest time it sat at about 7k when i knew it would be 10k, and i couldn't make myself write the last 3k because somehow it turned into a threesome fic with Gale and it took me a loooong time to let go of that idea. also, it required a lot of canon knowledge, which faded the longer i kept it on the backburner.
to finish it, i:
killed a few darlings (Finnick's crush on Gale)
down drafted the scenes i hadn't yet written
reread ASE while taking notes
rewatched Mockingjay 2 while taking notes
transcribed several scenes of Mockingjay 2
made a punch list of things i wanted to fix/rearrange/expand on
up drafted, dental drafted, and posted
completing it took about 15 hours across 3 days.
Lumine/Razor, Genshin Impact
started April 2021
this is an alternate beginning to genshin where the traveler finds Razor instead of Paimon. it stalled out at 5k because i wanted it to be rated M and i also wanted the characters to get all the way to Liyue, but both of those things were far more work than i wanted to put into it. so now it'll be rated G and end when they reach Mondstadt. i don't anticipate it will be more than 7k.
Before the Suns Rise
Anakin/Padme/Obi-Wan, Star Wars
started June 2022
this one is nearly 45k and about 95% done. i set it down because 1) i got to the threesome part and writing threesomes is hard, 2) i hadn't watched the Clone Wars or Rebels yet and so i was self-conscious about my knowledge of canon, and 3) i got distracted by Lemon.
another thing that a lot of these WIPs have in common is that they're very closely tied to canon and therefore have Plot and even though i can do Plot, i find it exhausting and a little tedious.
this is a post-Vader, alt-OWK timeline fic. in the 20+ star wars fics i've written, only 5 of them are in any way related to canon, and they're all one-shots. so this one is going to be hard.
i anticipate it'll only take 5k to finish, for a total of 50k and 14 chapters.
Seungho/Nakyum, Painter of the Night
started October 2021
this is my Patreon AU that's over 10k already. in it, Seungho is married to Jihwa (and cheating on him with Nakyum) and i wanted to write the whole thing through to their divorce (and Seungho Getting A Real Job), but that is just. a lot. so i'm going to write only to Seungho finally giving in to his feelings for Nakyum, with the knowledge that after season 4 is finished, i may want to continue it as a series and write the latter half as i'd intended.
i'll probably only add 1-2k, for a total of 12k.
In Water Falling
Ahsoka/Rex, Star Wars
started November 2022
this was the first rexsoka fic i started working on when i finished Clone Wars. i got about 10k in, scrapped it, wrote another 15k, scrapped it, and then started focusing on Organic Chemistry. also, i just got very frustrated with it. to fix this one, i think i need to lower my expectations of it, rearrange some plot points, and write the final 2-3 scenes.
maybe 3-4k more? hopefully it'll cap out under 20k.
There & Here
Chishiya/OFC, Alice in Borderland
started February 2023
in my defense, i set this one down, like. a week ago. there's nothing i'm stalled out on; i just have to finish it.
currently 25k, hopefully only 5k more, capping out under 30k. it's 4 chapters.
things i intend to finish later:
Good Bones - this is my Emergency Fic that i'm saving for when i'm too blocked to write anything else
Bomb Time - this is a BOSAS fix-it. i definitely want to finish it, but i'm going to wait until the film comes out in November, so i don't have to reread the book to remember what's going on
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jacepens · 6 months
An intro: this was another early fic that I worked pretty hard on, but I just never managed to write an ending. This was also my early attempts at writing smut. As it is just a draft there are also notes that are sitting at the top of the document that for the sake of reading, I'm going to move to the end of the doc
Fandoms/Tags: Hamilton, George Washington/Lafayette, unfinished, explicit
Explicit warning under the cut!
George’s demeanor was the product of years of painstaking work and dozens of mistakes. He had learned to hide his outbursts and passions from others. It always ended badly if he did. But when you spend years bottling up emotion after emotion, it sometimes decides it’s had enough of hiding.
George loathes these moments and he almost never sees them coming. The moments where he’s suddenly yelling at a foolish General, or weeping alone for hours on end. Those moments hurt George but the outbursts didn’t happen often and never had lasting effects. So he continued to use his strategy.
It worked perfectly every time - except for the time that it didn’t. When George was left confused because he hadn’t even known those thoughts existed in him. That time when, late one night, the Marquis de Lafayette pushed his luck.
George had called him in one night intending to simply talk to him as they always did. Talk for hours on end about every possible thing because George loved the sound of Lafayette’s voice.
When Lafayette walked into the General’s quarters, a small smile tugged on George’s lips. Lafayette ran over to greet him with two kisses on his cheek and George did the same for him. He fondly remembered the first time he met Lafayette and the boy greeted him in that same manner and George was so shocked and appalled he couldn’t speak for a moment. Now, he would’ve felt crestfallen if his Lafayette didn’t greet him in that manner.
“Hello mon general.” Lafayette blushed. George quickly realized he still had his hand on his neck after their initial exchange. He immediately shoved his hand into his pocket awkwardly.
“It’s nice to see you again, Lafayette.” George replied. Lafayette cocked his head in that innocent manner and said,
“Of course it is. I’m wonderful, aren’t I?” Lafayette laughed. George chuckled at the Frenchman’s ability to act so modest one second and be so full of himself the next. “But,” Lafayette continued, “is there something weighing on your mind this evening? You’ve seemed more tense than usual these past days.”
“I suppose it is nothing beyond my usual trepidations, Lafayette.” Lafayette frowned slightly. He didn’t like how this boy could see right through him - right through to pieces George didn’t even know existed. Lafayette seemed to contemplate for a moment, then returned to his easy-going manner.
“If that is all then, sir,” Lafayette gracefully hopped onto to George’s desk to sit. George had to step a few feet back to give him room so they weren’t uncomfortably close. “Maybe I can trouble you with my own thoughts.” Lafayette purred, smile dangerous and inviting.
“Why, of course, Lafayette.” George cleared his throat - a sign that he was a little uncomfortable with the tone in Lafayette’s voice and how quickly it seemed to shift from innocent to....well, something.
“You act like you’re afraid of something, George.” Lafayette stated frankly. “If you should like me to go I won’t be offended.”
“No, of course not, I invited you here and I should hate to see you leave so soon. Tell me my dear Lafayette, what burdens do you carry?” George asked.
“They shall only pale in comparison to your own, but I suppose if you asked for it you shall receive it.” Lafayette smiled. Cool, calm, and collected. “Actually I’ve been thinking about you and I as of late.”
“You and I? Have I done something to upset you, my dear?” Lafayette gave him a small smile before bashfully looking at the ground.
“Quite the opposite, mon general.” Lafayette uttered those words so lowly that it made George shudder. Then George thought he was on the verge of a heart attack when the boy so shyly opened his legs and put himself on display for George. Lafayette looked at him with a smirk on his lips and a question unsaid as he put his weight onto the hands holding him up on George’s desk. This was bad. But George simply couldn’t tear his gaze from the bulge in Lafayette’s trousers. He gulped. This was terrible. George’s clear distress and stare did not go unnoticed by Lafayette who so coyly said,
“See something you like, sir?” And the dazzling Frenchman smiled so deliciously that it took everything in George to hold himself back from the beautiful offering presented to him.
“It would be in your best interest to stop this, Gilbert. Before it gets out of hand.” George growled. Making himself as threatening as he could manage but it only seemed to stir Lafayette up more.
“What if I should like it to get out of hand, sir?” He purred. Never breaking eye contact. George couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t attracted to the offer. Couldn’t pretend he’d never had thoughts about Lafayette but, actions were an entirely different thing. It was true, George had occasionally gotten into trouble with a man or two during his first war, but he swore after his marriage he’d never be tempted by such things again. But it was so so difficult to resist the Marquis because Lafayette was exactly the type of man George would have loved getting into trouble with. “I don’t think you understand the effect you have on me.” Lafayette continued, he was breathing heavily now, waiting and staring at George, begging him with his eyes to touch him. “It is difficult not to beg you every single day to touch me like you do in my fantasies,” Lafayette paused and bit his lip, “Sir, please?” And George knew there simply was no possible way he could say no to Lafayette’s desperate plea.
He quickly closed the space between them but decided it would be more fun to drag Gilbert along for as long as possible. George put his finger under his chin and gazed at Lafayette. His pupils were dilated and George could hardly see the beautiful brown in them.
“My, how exquisite you are, my Marquis.” George teased, refusing to give Gilbert what he wanted. Lafayette just whined and pouted. “But I feel you simply aren’t ready for something like this.”
“But why not, sir?” Lafayette gasped, George’s hand still holding his chin so close to his face.
“Surely you know better than to tease your General.” George growled. Lafayette whimpered. Oh he was so glad he decided to do it this way.
“But, sir,” Lafayette bit his lip, “I have every intention of fulfilling your desires.”
“But how can you when you don’t know what I want from you? I don’t think you understand, it simply doesn’t work like this.” George removed the hand from Lafayette’s chin and started to walk away from him when Lafayette called out,
“Wait! Sir, please! I promise I’ll learn to be better.” Lafayette pleaded. George smirked and moved right back in between Lafayette’s legs.
“You really think you can?” He put his hands on the desk, capturing him there. Lafayette quickly nodded his head.
“Please, sir. What do you want from me?” Lafayette keened. George possessively ran his fingers through Lafayette’s hair and left them anchored there.
“Oh, my sweet, I wanna fuck you so hard on my bed until you can’t walk the next day.” He growled lowly into his ear, George could feel Lafayette shiver beneath him. “Does that sound good?”
“Yes, sir. Please do that to me.” Lafayette gasped as he was pulled into a passionate kiss. Oh and the sounds that came out of the young man’s mouth was enough to make George dizzy. The kiss was intense and passionate with wet lips kissing over and over while Lafayette clung to his jacket. George felt his skin burning and wished to remove his jacket. He gently pulled his lips away from Lafayette’s while he quickly shed his jacket and removed Lafayette’s, taking in Lafayette’s full beauty. He waited so very obediently for George to kiss him again and they were quickly together again with George quickly undoing the buttons on Lafayette’s vest and neck cloth, but then he stopped, a wicked idea coming into his mind. Lafayette looked at him quizzically, noticing that he had stopped.
“Is something wrong, sir?”
“Lafayette, I should like to see you strip for me. Does that sound like something you’d want to do?” Lafayette’s lips were parted in shock and he quickly nodded his head, so eager to please. George smirked and released Lafayette from his grip, moving backwards to sit on his chair facing Lafayette who looked disoriented. Lafayette slowly hopped off of his desk and made eye contact with George, never wanting to break it. His hands slowly moved to his neckcloth and he began to undo the small knots keeping it together. George watched intently, struggling to keep himself seated as the cloth fell to the floor and George was given a good look at the boys exposed neck. He wanted to possessively place kisses and bruises on the sensitive skin. Lafayette hands lingered on his neck as if imagining George there. The anticipation of wanting, needing to be on Lafayette was driving him crazy and the only thing exposed was his neck. Lafayette then busied himself with his buttons, being quicker than before. He seemed to want George as much as he wanted Lafayette. Lafayette’s shirt then fell to the ground and he looked up at him through those long lashes, panting with nothing but his pants and boots and George couldn’t resist the desire to touch himself.
“See something you like, sir?”
“It would be in your best interest to stop, Gilbert.” And Lafayette was exactly the type of man George would have loved getting into trouble with.
“Surely you must know better than to tease your general.”
His desperate touches pulling the most beautiful, wanton sounds from Lafayette’s mouth. “Sir...” he whimpered pathetically.
“My, what a terribly dirty mouth you have.”
“But my dear marquis I wish to know what burdens you carry.”
George was definitely worried about his sanity at that point.
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catalogercas · 1 year
Roy x Jamie x Keeley Nightmares Hurt/Comfort Fic Very Unfinished Draft
This is the intended plot summary:
Jamie and Roy are already being together when Jamie's dad gets out of rehab, and Jamie starts having nightmares all the time, and Roy and Jamie's sleep is both starting to suffer because Jamie wakes Roy up whether he means to or not and Roy stays up with him until he settles back down, which seems to keep taking longer. They both tell Keeley because Roy feels terrible for Jamie that he keeps having nightmares and Jamie feels terrible that Roy's not getting enough sleep because of him. Keeley offers to sleep with Jamie so he's not alone while Roy sleeps in a guest room so he can actually sleep. Roy just comes and gets back in bed with both of them in the middle of the night. Being between both of them when Jamie does have another nightmare helps him to calm down more quickly.
This is what I wrote so far (which I have mixed feelings about because I think I maybe started this before the nightmares happen instead of after ...and at this point, none have actually happened, but oh well ...)
It's a warm, surprisingly sunny afternoon in early October when Jamie gets the text -- the text that he didn't entirely realize he had been dreading until he read it under Roy's watchful gaze as they walked into the car park together on their way to meet Keeley for lunch.
He climbs into the front seat of the G-Wagon and frowns at it while he waits for Roy to start driving.
Once he does, Jamie fiddles aimlessly with the knobs on the dashboard before saying, "It's me dad. Said he's getting out of rehab at the end of the week. Which is good, yeah? Means he's doing good. Good enough to reenter society, all rehabilitated and shit, so that's ...that's good."
Roy hums but he doesn't say anything.
Which is fine. Jamie knows Roy doesn't understand why he was giving his dad a chance with the whole rehab thing in the first place. He's told Jamie as much. That Jamie would always deserve better than him.
And the thing is, he knows Roy's right. Wouldn't be so fraught with anxiety about what his dad might do now if he'd loved Jamie the way Jamie deserved to be loved. The way his mum loves him. Hell, even the way Simon loves him.
And he knows that, he does, but, there's a part of him that's always going to want that love from his dad. He can't help having that <i>want</i>. It's his dad, innit?
Not that that changes anything. Never has.
He stews on that quietly while Roy does the same, with Jamie focusing on his Twitter feed and Roy on the road.
They're not exactly arguing about this, but Jamie still feels like they are, as they both roil in their separate thoughts about how shit his dad is. And how Jamie still has hope that he can be, at least, less shit, while Roy thinks he's an idiot for having that hope. Not that Roy's going to say that. Not out loud, not to Jamie, But he's thinking it. Thinking it loudly.
So Jamie's more than a little relieved that, despite that, when they get out of the car, Roy still takes him by the hand to lead him to Keeley's office, like he usually does, and maybe squeezes his hand a bit more firmly than usual.
So, they're just not going to talk about it. Which is fine. For the best, really.
Once they're at her office, Keeley greets them both with quick pecks to the cheek before looking awkwardly between the two of them, wincing, "Sorry, boys, sorry! I shouldn't have done that. I don't want to get in between you two like that. Not after you finally pulled your heads out of your asses and worked yourselves out."
"It was a kiss on the cheek, Keels," Jamie says. "Roy's not going to have my head or yours over that, and watching you two snog is just sexy to me. Sort of disappointed it was only on the cheek, really."
Keeley and Roy both sort of laugh at that, but it seems uneasy, and Jamie hopes he didn't mess things up.
It's been so nice between the three of them since he and Roy came back from Brazil and showed up on Keeley's doorstep to apologize, for the second time, about trying to make her choose between them, since they'd more than realized the fight wasn't entirely about her to begin with, and she found them there, with their skin proper tan from the Rio de Janeiro sun, snogging under her trees and invited them in for tea, asking them not to leave out a single detail of how that had happened.
And ever since, they've been trying to have lunch with her at least once a week, whenever she can clear enough of her schedule and doesn't already have plans with Rebecca.
Now she's waving them into the break room/lounge area where she has take-away from an Indian place set out for the three of them, and once they start eating and chatting, it seems normal again.
Everything is great really until Jamie gets another text and flinches when he sees his phone light up with a new text notification.
He doesn't even look at it until Roy puts his hand on shoulder and squeezes it, "It's not your dad."
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celiastjamesoscar · 1 year
the way I GASPED when I saw the title. I had that song on repeat for a while after I started plotting for Let The Light In so I'm so happy to see somebody do a fic based off of it and the fact that it's a gf sam fic is a killer bonus (pun intended)
I got the modern family reference right away 💀 “You know, honey. There’s a gun in the footlocker in the garage. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to use it on me”
I thought about that one line in community: "I can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty" when Tara said she drew the line at Sam. Like okay, love you too little shit 🙄
Tara & Y/N 🤝 defending Sam and ready to throw hands for her even though they're pissed/upset at her
you've done amazing! per usual, can't wait to see what you've got next up your sleeve. I'm really tryna write for Sam, I have like three unfinished drafts for her 😭
Lana Del Rey>>>>
I love Modern Family so much, so of course I had to threw in a line from it! I’ve never seen Community, but that line plays throughout my head all day 😭
Tara and R bond over their protectiveness for Sam and they are definitely a force to be reckoned with
The next couple of Sam fics will be finishing up requests, even though I want to write a smutty one based off of ‘I Can See You’ and an enemies to lovers christmas one 😩
Good luck with your Sam fics!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
2, 8, 18, 30 and 37 for the fanfic ask game!!
2.) Where do you get your fic ideas?
A lot of places really.
I get a lot of fix fic ideas from rewatching or replaying games. (Or first watch through for particularly egregious problems. *glaring right at The Flash*)
Sometimes I'll just turn certain plot elements from the show around in my mind until I come up with a way to remix the plot some how. That's how I got things like Gideon Vs The Reverse Flash where I took the idea that Gideon was more than the show lets her be and really ran with it. Sometimes it's a bit of a silly idea. Sometimes it's more serious, like with Flash Back where Barry tells Eobard more about the future than intended. Or I just completely rearrange the plot like in Neighbors and Butterflies.
Prompts help a lot for coming up with post canon and alternate canon fics too. A Touch of Forgetfulness surprisingly did not come from an amnesia prompt, but from these three prompts: Established Relationship, Domestic Fic, and Getting Together. I wondered how I could have both the two of them in an established relationship and getting together at the same time. And I landed on the idea of the two of them being married but one of them had their memories messed with so they have to get together all over again.
And I get a lot of fusion fic ideas from watching other media or playing video games or the like.
But honestly, there's just no telling what's gonna spark a weird idea that turns into my next fanfic. :D
8.) Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Savitar sings songs that play on the radio in 2023 when he gets anxious. It is not currently 2023.
18.) Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
Yes and no? Sometimes reality gets in the way of a good fic idea. But sometimes I learn really interesting things that... don't make it into the fic after all. And sometimes the realism I can add thanks to research makes the fic better. It can be frustrating when I do research and it winds up not being useful for whatever reason, but it's nice when it does.
I'm not really sure which fic required the most research. Though off the top of my head, I remember doing a lot of research for Hello Hadley about the different types of power of attorney - media often throws the term around like it's one single thing but surprise! it can actually refer to several different things. I also looked a little into the process of adoption when two people are already legally related - but I also left a lot up to poetic license.
30.) How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
Um... sometimes what I post is the first draft. In fact... most often what I post is the first draft. Depends on how confident I feel about the fic on whether I do a second draft. I always edit for grammar and typos as best I can since I don't have anyone beta read for me. Since it's my favorite hobby, but still just a hobby, I aim more for fun than perfection. There are some cases where in retrospect i might wish I had spent a bit more time drafting, but I think maybe that just means I need to get more comfortable going back to edit fics later.
37.) What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
Any long (or long-ish) fic that's unfinished. I'm still struggling with not getting stuck in the middle of long fics. Complicated and Messy, Road Trip, The Day After the World Ended (It Continued to Spin On Its Axis Just Fine) ...
One of those days I'm finally gonna finish that last one, I swear. (It's been unfinished so long. *sniffle*)
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trickster-shi · 1 year
Trickster’s Fanfic Update
Hey guys *waves*. So, I have the time and a little extra brainpower today and wanted to give you an update on how the fics are coming along. Due to changes at work and just life in general, I haven’t had the energy or creativity to finish part three of Rabbit Come Home, episode two of Into the Black, or the final epilogue story for Home Across the Universe. I haven’t even had the wherewithal to reply to all the wonderful comments that have been left on the stories, and I really hate that.
But! There is hope on the horizon and no, I have not given up on any of the stories, they may just take a little longer to get finished and posted than they used to. Read below for specifics about what I’m working on.
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The first update you’ll get will likely be the third and final part of Rabbit Come Home since it’s the most put together. At present, the third installment is sitting at 14,500 words and I have the remaining scenes outlined, so I’m hoping to finish it by the end of next month. It will probably end up being around 20k-30k long. I got stuck with that one for a while but I figured out why and fixed it, so the writing has been coming along easier lately for it.
Episode Two of Into The Black is being rewritten. I lost the first draft and most of my notes for it, I’ll have to rebuild it from memory. So that’s been slow going and is on the back burner for now because I’m tired and irritated with it. Not enough to abandon it, though. I’m still excited for what I wanted to do with it.
The epilogue story for Home Across the Universe is a bit trickier. I’ve written around four half drafts for it and none worked, which has been supremely irritating. This one will require some in depth brainstorming and I’ll be able to tackle it better once Rabbit Come Home is finished. No idea how fast I’ll be able to get it on track. I think the main problem is that I have a bunch of different scenes I want to write but nothing that interconnects them at the moment. I am also on the fence about adding an antagonist/villain or keeping it as a fluffy slice of life and letting that poor version of Stiles enjoy his well earned happy ending. What would you guys like to see?
Beyond that, my central priority is getting the first draft of an original story I’m currently writing for July’s Camp NaNo that I hope to publish by the end of the year. So. Yeah, that’s a lot of pressure and the brain energy situation has not been helping with that. Also, having fics left unfinished nags at me like nothing else, so it’s been difficult to juggle everything.
I’m thinking I may try to do more regular updates like this on my fics if I can, including the original ones I intend to publish, brain energy willing. So keep an eye out for those. I figure, maybe once a week? Or more, if it happens to be a good brain week? I dunno, we’ll see.
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etherealbelphie · 2 years
More Than Just A Pretty Face (Ft. Asmodeus and GN!MC)
Warnings: Sick character, dizziness, lack of appetite, self depreciating thoughts, pain killers, romance is sort of implied.
Length: 1.8k words
Genre: Angst, hurt, fluff, comfort
Summary: Asmodeus comes down with something, leaving him less than glamorous. You stick around anyways.
A/N: I know I should probably be working on the 'Selfish' series of oneshots (that aren't really oneshots anymore) but this fic has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for so long, I figured I'd finally get it done and out. This is adding on to the 'When He Knew He Loved You' series, for which I've already written: Mammon's version.
Anyways, this is a sickfic, and I hoped I tagged all the right warnings. If you think I should add some, please let me know! I hope you enjoy!
-Ethereal (✿◡‿◡)
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
Asmodeus hadn’t looked in the mirror today, and he didn’t intend to any time soon.
His head hurt, his nose was running, and his throat was scratchy and dry. He was exhausted, even though he had just woken up, and his whole body ached.
He was pretty sure that if he had looked in a mirror, it would’ve shattered.
There was no way he was making it to RAD that day.
He had spent the morning in bed, whining to no one about how awful he felt, and part afternoon posting photos he’d taken earlier before immediately falling back asleep.  
You hadn’t been that concerned when Asmo missed breakfast that morning. In a household that large, people missing now and then wasn’t that unusual. You also didn’t have any classes with him that day, so you didn’t notice he wasn’t at RAD.
You did, however, notice that he wasn’t there to walk you home like the two of you had originally planned.
Asmodeus woke up to a string of messages from you.
You: Hey, where are you? 3:40pm
You: Did you leave without me? 3:45pm
You: Okay…well, Satan offered to walk me back, so I’m going to go with him. 4:00pm
You: Hope you’re alright. 4:00pm
He woke up the rest of the way pretty quickly and texted you back.
Asmodeus: I’m so sorry sweetie! 5:37pm seen
Asmodeus: I’ve been feeling a little under the weather today, I didn’t even make it to RAD. 5:37pm seen
Asmodeus: I’m so sorry, I should’ve arranged for someone else to walk you home. 5:38pm seen
He waited one, two, five minutes.
No reply.
He turned his phone face down, rolling over. He tugged the sheets over his head.
He already felt physically awful, and now he’d upset you. Even worse, he didn’t have the energy to try and fix it right now. Honestly, in the state he was in, he would probably end up making it worse.
Great. Now he was crying. As if his nose wasn’t stuffed up enough.
Groaning, he sat up. He reached for the tissue box, only to realize he’d already used the last one. He let out a frustrated whine, flopping back against the pillows.
Why was nothing going right today?
This is what I get for leaving them to fend for themselves, he thought.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” he said, wincing at both the pain and the raspiness of his voice.
A second later, the door swung open. It was the last person he’d expected to see: You.
“Hey,” you whispered, balancing a tray as you shut the door behind you. “How’re you feeling?”
He didn’t answer, opting to bury himself further into the sheets instead. He'd upset you enough without making you look at his ugly face.
“T-terrible,” he said, shivering as a chill ran through him.  
“Are you cold?” You asked him.
He nodded, then realized you probably couldn’t see him. “Freezing.”
“Hm.” He heard you come closer, then put something on his bedside table. The tray, most likely. “Do you mind if I check you for a fever?” You asked.
He laughed, regretting it when his throat started to burn. "Honey, you can't see me like this."
"I can't?" You asked genuinely. "I don't think I can catch whatever you have, so that can't be it."
"It's not that. It's that I look horrible right now," he said.
"Well, of course you do. No one looks good when they're sick," you said matter-of-factly. "So, can I check you for a fever?" You repeat.
"You..." he trailed off. You didn't care?
But everyone cared!
Asmodeus was the most beautiful being in the three realms, second to none! They didn't call him the Jewel of the Heavens for nothing.
"Huh?" was the only response he could come up with.
"I want to check you for a fever," you repeated for the third time. "Can you roll over please?"
Still unable to form a proper response, he obliged.
You pressed a hand to his forehead, your brow crinkling slightly. "You're really warm. We should try and get your fever down," you said, mostly to yourself.
"Now, have you eaten anything yet today?" You already knew the answer, but sighed anyways when he shook his head.
"Okay. I brought you some soup, do you want some?" You asked.
He shook his head. "No, I'm not hungry."
"You probably don't feel hungry," you said. "But you should still try and eat something. Can you have a few bites, please?"
"I don't wanna," he said, sounding more like a bratty toddler than one of the most powerful demons in Hell.
"Come on, please?" You asked. You weren't going to force him, but having nutrients in his body would help him fight off whatever he had. "I made it just for you."
He sighed, but he sat up. "A little. But only because you made it," he said.
"Alright, good." You grabbed the bowl off the tray and started to pass it to him.
He stopped you. "My hands are shaking." He held them out to prove his point. "I'm going to spill everywhere."
He paused a second, then a sly smile slid onto his face. "Would you be a dear and feed me?" He asked, batting his eyes.
He didn't really need to ask you twice; you were the one who wanted him to eat in the first place.
You nodded, taking a seat in the space beside him. You stirred the broth a second, holding your hand just over the surface,
"It won't be too hot," he assured you. "Demon, remember?"
"Oh, right." Even so, you stirred it another few seconds before you fed him a bite.
The soup was warm and delicious, and he wound up finishing the whole bowl. Turns out he was more hungry than he thought.
You smiled, placing the empty dish back on the tray. "Good job. I also brought you some painkillers, did you want to take them?"
He nodded quickly, holding his hand out for the two pills you had.
He popped them into his mouth, then glanced to the water glass on the table, then back to you expectantly.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, retrieving the glass and bringing it to his lips.
You slowly tilted the glass upwards until he gave you the signal to stop.
"Do you feel a little better?" You asked him.
He nodded, going to lay back down. This was the longest he'd been awake all day, and he was really starting to feel it. He allowed his eyes to flutter shut.
"That's good," you said. "Now, let's see what we can do about that fever, hm?"
You didn't wait for a response, heading into his lavish bathroom. It was easy to find a cloth --how many towels does one demon need, anyway?-- and didn't take long to soak it in cool water.
You wrung it out so it wasn't sopping wet, then headed back to him.
You gently laid it over his forehead. "Hopefully this will help a little...are you tired?"
"Mhm," he hummed.
"Okay, that's alright," you said. "Do you need anything else?"
His eyes flickered open, giving you a hopeful look. "Cuddles?"
You smiled but shook your head. "I'm sorry. Your fever is way too high for that."
He huffed, his lips pursed in a pout. "Fine."
"I'm going to leave you to rest for a while, did you want me to leave? Or stick around for a bit?"
At the mere suggestion of you leaving, he weakly reached to grab your wrist. "Don't go?"
"Okay, I won't." You adjusted to sit more comfortably on the bed. "Go to sleep, alright? I'll be here when you wake up."
He squeezed your hand, making you squeeze back. Then he fell silent, and you assumed he fell asleep.
A few minutes later, you were proved wrong when he said your name.
"Why did you stay?" He asked.
"Why did I...stay?" You repeated, confused. "What do you mean?"
He sniffled. "Here. With me. When I look like this." He vaguely gestured around himself with his free hand.
"Why did I stay with you while you're sick? And you look sick?" You asked, not sure if you were missing something.
He nodded.
"Well, you wanted me to stay, and I wanted to help you."
"Why would you want to help me when I look like this?" he pressed.
"Whether I want to help you has nothing to do with your looks." You sounded offended at the mere suggestion. "I don't care about you because you're pretty. You know that, don't you?" Your tone softened into genuine concern.
Blame his sleepy state, blame his fever, but he responded honestly. "That's usually why people do."
Your silence made him nervous, and your thumb had stopped caressing the back of his hand.
Any second now, you'd start laughing. Of course, being pretty was all he was good for.
"Oh, Asmo." Your heartbroken tone threw those thoughts out the window immediately. "You're so much more than being pretty," you whispered softly.
"I am?"
"Yes!" You exclaimed. He flinched at the sudden increase in volume. You resumed stroking the back of his hand as an apology, though no actions could've compared to what you said next.
"You're gorgeous. There's no denying that. But there's so much more to you than that. You're brilliant when it comes to fashion. You've had what, six of your fashion lines featured at Majolish?"
"Eight," he corrected, and you smiled.
"See? That's incredible! And you're so good with people too. You're great at making them like you, sure, but you're also just...good at being social. You've also got the most emotional intelligence I've ever seen. You always know how to tell when people are down, and you always know how to cheer them up. You've got the most beautiful voice I've ever heard, you give incredible cuddles and massages, and most importantly-!" You paused to take a breath.
"Most importantly, you're always you. Unapologetically yourself, no filter, no matter what anyone else thinks. You're not afraid to speak your mind, you're not afraid to laugh or cry. There's no filtering you, in the best way possible," you stressed, squeezing his hand tightly.
"You're not worth my time because you're pretty. You're worth my time because you're you."
He opened his mouth to speak, to say something, but he couldn't. All that escaped was a choked sob.
You recoiled, releasing his hand. "Did I say something? I-"
He cut you off, sitting up so quickly it made him dizzy, The wet cloth fell into his lap, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
He wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling into your shoulder.
"You said everything," he said, squeezing you as tight as he thought would be safe.
"Thank you."
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Fic Masterpost
So, in the spirit of full disclosure - all the X-Files fiction I’ve ever written, as memory serves. And some thoughts on how this fine fandom has taught me to write. 
Starbuck (circa 1998)
I’m not kidding, this is really embarrassing, absolute beginner stuff, but we all start somewhere and it’s interesting in an evolutionary sense. I found these on  Zuffy's X-Files Homepage.
Without The Bee  -  I couldn’t bring myself to look at this one. That title says it all. 
Agents of Change: Return from Antarctica  -  Obsessions—the Scott Expedition and the X-Files—collide. Rough early days, but probably with hints of potential. A legit turkey of a title! 
Penumbra 1998 - 2009
(I’m not going to bother with Gossamer links.) Learning the ropes as I went. Oblivious to so, oh so many things. Rickety, untrained writing, but mindlessly in love with creatively inspired by the churlish charms of our two razzle-dazzle creatures of the night. 
Contact High  -  The last line was plagiarized, pure and simple, from one of Gerald Durrell’s books about his childhood in Corfu. It’s bothered me ever since, so the big thing I took from this experience: by all means steal the rhythm of something, but at least change a word or two. 
Vespers  -  Very stoned ramblings. Inspired by John Leonard’s X-Files essay in The Nation that I’d managed to extract off a microfiche in a university library. I have a soft spot for this fic, probably because Khyber picked it very analytically apart, which was like having Jonathan Galassi or someone suddenly pay attention to you. He introduced me to 'show, don't tell', a paralyzing concept if ever there was one, which I yet only fitfully grasp.
Black Hole Season  -  Still breakin’ all the rules. This one was hugely popular, and amidst all the ballyhoo, Punk Maneuverability emailed me and quietly said: ‘Please pick a POV and a tense and stick with it’—vastly important advice that I was probably too full of myself to heed. This one won a Spooky award, one of the greatest moments of my life that I had to keep completely to myself (therein lies the painful crux of fanfiction.)
Parabiosis  -  I was eating cereal and flipping through the dictionary, and there it was: parabiosis. Who knows what it means. I didn’t have a computer, and was working in the mountains, so I wrote the whole thing out on paper several times, unimaginable now. It flowed through my brain as I scrambled through the woods in the evenings. Nothing will ever be that easy again.
Honeymoon Video  -  Promising title, not much there.
Blue-Sky Conjecture  -  unfinished Scully/Kresge
The Cretan Paradox  -  Americana. JET sent me an ear of corn from a corn maze, because she’s thoughtful like that. 
Free Beer Night at the Astrodome  -  Cut years ago in despair out of Heuvelmans’; I think part of it went back in. 
Fathoms Five  -  In one of Gerald Durrell’s books about his childhood in Corfu, his brother steps in a swamp and says that his shoe is ‘full of fathoms five’, so that’s where I got that Shakespearean misquote. I resisted writing this for a long time, but it would creep into my mind as I was falling asleep. I think this is a pretty good story, but it could have used one more draft, so since then, I’ve resolved never to rush to post. Events of this year kind of date this story now. However, it’s rather pleasant to read about a careless, joint-passing, COVID-free 2020.
Fathoms Five Outtakes and gag reels - Sorry about the glitchy old site and bad font.
A random smut biscuit  -  Uncharacteristic, I know!
Octopods  - I loved this one, but it never fit in anywhere.
Maundy Thursday  
Untitled Snippet 
World’s Tiniest Zombie Fic
∩dsᴉpɐᴉsᴉnɯ -  Very flawed, because it was written and posted under a fund-raiser time crunch. I really should overhaul it. The X-Files was ending and I was so depressed when I wrote it, and that’s an unfortunate tincture to saddle a story with. 
The Inscrutable Pair  -  How The X-Files taught me to embrace ambiguity. Goreyesque nonsense à la Gashlycrumb Tinies that also troubles itself to rip off Eliot and Homer. 
(7-Year Cold-Turkey Hiatus From the X-Files)
Gave away DVDs, got some perspective, did a little growing up, tried and failed to write a screenplay, two novels, etc. Then they put The X-Files on Netflix. One lonely night, I thought: what could it hurt to watch Darkness Falls? 44 minutes later, with shaking hands, going for the hard stuff—Redux II. Lol, the hard stuff of ancient philes. 
The Mythopoeic*  2016  - 
Heuvelmans’ On the Track - The nearly suicidal heartbreak that surrounds this story—it was the first X-Files fic I got bogged down in and couldn’t finish, and it left me with a huge mental stigma—sweetens its completion. Under its shadow I tried to become a Real Writer, without success. Give things time, I learned. Just keep working hard. The initial failure of this story taught me stuff that I now wouldn’t trade for anything. 
*I came back just intending to hang out with Philes, and didn’t want to make a big deal, and had no intention of posting fic, so I gave little thought to the name. But, characteristically ostentatious name, check. Still keepin’ it real, pure and self-taught, a bit closer to what Chuck Palahniuk calls a ‘kitchen-table MFA’. Check.
But what I really want to say is this. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to try writing if I hadn’t been in this marvelous fandom, having the method and the means demonstrated all around me by wonderfully competent and encouraging writers for whom I felt such reverence that having them reach out or comment on stuff was earth-shaking. They showed the way, and I followed. Hands on my heart, friends, I owe you everything.
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mkstrigidae · 3 years
Current WIPs and Fic Concepts
I promised I would do this yesterday, and then I forgot!!! (I was very sleep deprived). Anyways, here are a bunch of the WIP premises that I have in my 'unfinished drafts' folder. Most have at least a few pages written for them, but I love them all! ☺️💕
- A Santa Clarita Diet AU (Jonsa) Takes place in sunny southern California, where a shitty dinner at a mediocre restaurant turns into a huge problem for Jon and Sansa when Sansa's heart stops beating. Although she seems fine, Jon is flabbergasted several days later as he watches his wife- who alphabetizes their pantry and refuses to let anyone wear shoes in the house- rip the throat out of one of the sleazy new partners at their law firm, eating half of him before anyone processes what's going on. Hilarity ensues as Sansa's inhibitions and filter disappear, Arya ropes an extremely confused Gendry into helping figure out what the hell is going on just because he moderates the zombie forum on reddit, and Jon tries to deal with the fact that the woman he loves more than anything is now a humanitarian. He really could use a drink. (This one is actually mostly complete, but i need to refine a few things- i really love it. It's as gory and irreverent as the show, so viewer discretion advised, but it's a BLAST to write).
- A Thor/MCU AU (Jonsa, Steve Rogers/Sansa)- Asgardian prince Aegon is banished to Midgard after one too many arrogant decisions, and is promptly hit by a van containing Dr. Sansa Stark, Dr. Barristan Selmy, and Margaery Tyrell- two astrophysicists studying wormholes and Sansa's best friend and pseudo-intern. Marg yells at him, he yells back, Sansa tases him, and Barristan didn't sign up for the kind of heavy lifting that getting a 200+ pound slab of muscle into the back of a van takes. And then Aegon's younger brother, Jon, shows up, in the middle of an identity crisis because, apparently, he's adopted. He wasn't intending to stay, but he's rather drawn to Dr. Stark and her brilliance, and against her better judgement, she starts to trust him, and maybe even like him. This story is in about three parts so far- the first is based on 'Thor' and the second on 'The Avengers' and are fully Jonsa, and the third started as a family bonding story between the Stark kids and Tony (Ned and Tony are second cousins, and Ned was really supportive of Tony in rehab without expecting anything in return), and accidentally turned into a Steve Rogers/Sansa Stark story, which is a pairing i am HERE for. A lot of this one is written, but it needs some fill in before publishing, although it's one of my favorites that i've written to go back and actually read.
- A Star Wars AU (Jonsa) where Sansa and Arya are Alderaanian princesses who are off planet when Alderaan is destroyed- Sansa as a senator and Arya as a pilot, both working for the rebellion, and jon is a smuggler who does not know how all of these people got on his ship and why two princesses are sassing him. His copilot, Tormund (yes he's a wookie), thinks it is hilarious. I started this one just the other day, and it's already thirty pages long, most of them involving Sansa and Arya sassing people. Dany is a leader in the rebellion, Roose Bolton is the emperor, and Barbrey Dustin is a disgruntled former jedi trying to live in peace on a remote planet until another Stark crashes into her life and harangues her into teaching again.
- A witches/magic AU (Jonsa) where the Starks run an apothecary and spellcasting supplies shop. Jon had been completely in the dark about magic before his mother confessed to being born into a family of witches. He finds himself traveling to her hometown, trying to understand her world more clearly, and what it means for him. On the way, he develops something of a crush on the red-headed shop clerk who brews the best headache potions in town. Featuring lots of magical shenanigans, this is one of my favorites in the folder :)
- A 24 hour diner AU (Jonsa) where Jon is a local mob boss, and Sansa works the late shift at Seaworth's diner to buy textbooks for the PhD she's working on in botany. Sansa's running from memories, and Jon has a soft spot for the red-headed waitress who always remembers how he likes his coffee.
- An East of the Sun, West of the Moon AU!!! (Jonsa) This is one of my fav fairy tales, and of course i couldn't resist Jon as a direwolf striking a deal with the starks!
- A Roomates AU (Jonsa)- Arya, Jon, Tormund, and Sam have been renting the same house together off Winterfell's campus for years- but when Sam moves in with his girlfriend, they need one more person on the lease. Sansa, about to relocate to Winterfell for grad school, finds out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her and that her housing plans have fallen through, all on the same day. Needless to say, she's a bit upset when she calls Arya to relay the news. There's a simple solution here, if Arya and Tormund can stop teasing Jon about his crush for five minutes. (any excuse to write tormund and arya roasting jon, tbh).
- A Fae AU (Jonsa)- When Sansa, a baker living in the city, washes her face in an enchanted spring on a camping trip, she gains the sight as a result. Suddenly able to see the fae underworld all around her is disorienting and terrifying. Sansa tries to conceal it- afraid of what might happen if the fae around her know that she can see them- but slips up, and catches the attention of Jon Snow- one of the lords of the unseelie court.
- A nuclear winter wasteland AU (Jonsa)- (?? I don't even know how to describe this premise, haha) where the Starks are living and running the Free Winterfell settlement in Siberia after a worldwide nuclear meltdown. Before the fallout, Sansa was one of the world's preeminent researchers in plant genetics and pathology, and works at the settlement to create newer, disease and radiation resistant crops to distribute for free to other settlements, aiming to break up the monopoly that Lannister Corp has on the market. Jon is a scavenger, searching throughout Siberia for his sister Rhae who disappeared several years previously. When he runs across Arya Starkovna, helping her fight off another band of radiation ravaged scavengers is just instinct- he doesn't think twice about it. In thanks, she brings him to the Winterfell settlement, where her brother Robb offers Jon sanctuary and resources, in exchange for serving as a bodyguard for Sansa when she travels to other settlements. Sansa is not particularly thrilled by this arrangement, but given that multiple parties seem to want her dead, she doesn't have much of a choice but to accept his company.
- A reincarnation AU (Jonsa)- of sorts. Robb is an archaeologist who finds a strange set of runes at a site up north, and immediately calls in Jon Snow- a historian and expert in said ancient language, as well as an old university friend of Robb's. When he arrives though, Robb shows him their most valuable finds- two mysterious ice blocks, with what appear to be perfectly preserved bodies from over a thousand years ago. No one could ever have imagined that either of them were still alive, but when the ice melts, revealing two very alive girls, the entire crew is instantly buried in NDAs, and given an assignment from the Westerosi government to figure out what the hell was going on. Sansa and Arya wake up, extremely confused about the world they live in, trying to adapt and mourning all that they've lost, even as the people around them wear familiar faces.
- Soulmates AU (Jonsa)- (Yes, another one, I love this dumb trope) Trauma surgeon and medical resident Sansa Stark is having a very bad day, and ends up meeting her soulmate during what she thinks is a mugging gone wrong. Fortunately, he’s not the one mugging her, just an intervening bystander, but she ends up slightly shot nonetheless. Sansa’s fretting about bleeding on the upholstery in his car, but Jon is a bit more worried about her injuries than the blood stains. He’s a bit confused when she threatens him if he takes her to a specific hospital, nearly has a nervous breakdown when she insists on doing her own triage, and is very charmed when she insists on ice cream after taking pain meds at the hospital. On Sansa’s part, she’s a little less concerned about being shot, and a bit more concerned about whatever weird first impression she’s making to her soulmate while high as a kite on pain pills. (this one just needs some tweaking to be postable- I'm not sure if it's going to be a oneshot or a series, but i love what I have already)
- A Demon/Archivist AU (Jonsa)- where Sansa works in the university's historical archives in Oldtown, and is learning to restore old texts with her fellow student and friend, Alleras (Trans Sarella is an amazing concept). When Joffrey Baratheon shows up with a pile of old books from his family's library to donate, Sansa is eager to get away from his sleaze, and accidentally takes one of the books home with her in her rush to leave. Unbeknownst to her, it's more than it appears, and when she leaves it open overnight, she accidentally summons forth Jon- an ancient, powerful, and extremely annoyed demon who is under a curse, and now hers to command. As Jon and Sansa try to get used to this new normal, the Lannisters (unaware that Joffrey had donated the tome) try desperately to find the book and it's owner, wanting Jon's power for themselves, and putting Sansa in considerable danger unless she can figure out how to break Jon's curse. Fortunately, she's a pretty good researcher, even if Jon is initially a bit of a grump. (This is based on a total wish-fulfillment mary-sue type premise for something I wrote when I was thirteen, and I revisited it and wanted to see what it would look like if i took it very seriously, and i am really enjoying it so far. It's a love letter to the terrible, heartfelt writing i was doing in middle school that created the foundations for my writing today, and so much fun).
The one that I am MOST excited about though:
- A Pacific Rim AU!!!! (Ned/Cat, Gendrya, Braime, Sansa/Jon Umber)-Twins Sansa and Robb Stark have always been completely in tune with each other, and when your parents are Jaeger pilots and your mother invented the neural handshake, what option is there but the Jaeger academy? Sansa studies to be an engineer, but ends up copiloting the Jaeger 'Winter Wolf' with her twin brother, after they lose Ned Stark to cancer. When Robb is ripped out of the conn-pod and killed by a kaiju while he's still connected to Sansa, she barely manages to kill the creature before stumbling back to shore, traumatized, grieving, and swearing that she'll never pilot again.
Unfortunately, the Kaiju don't stop just because Sansa does, and when the end of the world is imminent, Marshall Catelyn Stark orders both her daughter and former pilot Jaime Lannister (who lost his twin and copilot, Cersei, several years previously) back to Hong Kong for one final stand. Forced to face both her demons and an irate Arya, furious that Sansa had abandoned the rest of them after Robb's death, Sansa and Arya have to figure out how to pilot Winter Wolf together before the apocalypse comes for them all.
Featuring Marshall Catelyn Stark (commander of the Hong Kong Shatterdome, inventor of the neural handshake, former Jaeger pilot, and BAMF), Sansa x Jon Umber (Yes i know it's a rare pair but i've always kind of loved the idea of them, even though we know so little about him), Kaiju parts dealer and smuggler Petyr Baelish, bickering kaiju biologist Dany and theoretical mathematician Jon Snow, LOCCENT officer Theon, lots of snark, lots of angst and heartfelt conversations, and a weird friendship between snarky-grieving-asshole Jaime Lannister and kind-quiet-grieving Sansa Stark, who are the only two people in the world who know what it's like to lose a copilot and a twin in the drift.
Thanks for reading guys!! There are more, but some of them I just don't know how to explain quite yet, haha. I'd love to hear what you guys think about these!
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leahazel · 2 years
Ask meme: #6 from the last three you posted and #4 from one more. I didn't look this up so gl hope the questions don't suck
The Happy Fic Writer Ask Game
Describe what you do and your feelings after posting a chapter. (For example: When do you usually post a fic/chapter update? How do you celebrate a posting? Are you the type to refresh constantly?, etc.)
It depends on the story, really. Usually, I will copy over the text of the chapter from whatever text editor I was using, and then hit preview and do a quick proofread, for formatting as well as typos. If I'm posting anonymously, e.g. to a DW meme, that's usually it. And then I try to distract myself from the nervous F5 dance. If I'm posting to AO3, I'll save as a draft and do at least one more read-through for small errors. Sometimes on my phone, which helps me catch more mistakes.
WIP-Centric Ask the Writer!
6) What is the most frequent emotion in this story?
Ah, for the readers or for the characters? I'll answer for BFS.
I think for readers I'd like the dominant emotion to be curiosity, and that seems to be working well for me. For the characters… tenderness, I suppose. Tenderess ahead of trust, because the relationship in BFS works in reverse. First comes marriage, then comes getting to know each other, heh.
Gemstone themed Writeblr asks
Emerald: Which of your characters is hardest to write?
I would say that I struggle more with characters that I write rarely, like Christabel and Periwinkle, both 7KPP OCs. Partly because I haven't written them as much, and so their backgrounds and their families aren't as well developed, and so that creates a kind of cycle. And partly because the narration of the game gives their backgrounds a very strong, very decided voice, which does not entirely agree with my vision of them. Christabel especially was written a little against type.
Fanfic Ask Game (the movie, the sequel)
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
Yikes. Well. Hmm.
I have daydreams about alternate universes for some of my OCs, ones that I don't intend to put to paper. And I have a folder of unfinished stories that won't ever reach posting status, like D&F stories that I wrote to flesh out certain background details, but which don't themselves make for very good reading.
I also have a little self-indulgent fic for someone else's work in progress, lol. But It doesn't really agree with what would eventually be "canon", and I don't think anyone would enjoy reading it but me. I do enjoy it a lot, though.
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