#ofc that doesnt mean hes incapable of caring or feeling genuine feelings.. probably
redstrewn · 1 year
Yes to be evil but i hope we cry w how much of a bitch leanders real personality is
#i want him to be nasty i want him to be vitriolic i want him to be extremely off putting#sorry#redstrewn talks#im all about that contrast that gap moe#i want him to break our hearts w the real him#i want him to actually be a horrible person actually#ofc that doesnt mean hes incapable of caring or feeling genuine feelings.. probably#just that as vere said: hes not as much of a nice guy as he lets on#i feel that EVERYTHING he does is strategic to him#i hope hes a nasty calculative person who sees people as opportunities more than anything. but ofc with capacity to...maybe somewhat care#bc that would ofc have more depth than just being a plain one dimensional asshole#its been discussed before but yeah: instead of a yandere—kind of reversed#him as a user instead. it would be a very fun misdirection w seeming like yandere#but its just greed for power. using you for power. but like others said: there has to be a romance aspect in there still somewhere somehow#basically the “new” idea ive tacked on is that his real thoughts and attitude are actually off putting. like his real demeanor#to lust for power to the extent he does: its likely he at least subconsciously views people in hierarchies. “superior” and “inferior.”#his savior complex with vere was already pointed out. and he seems to have one with the whole of lowtown too.#pushing boundaries of planes. “as above so below.” the vibes of playing god as others have pointed out.#its all giving narcissistic egotistical vain bastard
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gelatinbfb · 4 years
leafy character analysis i wrote in a quick brain explosion state, enjoy :)
(also pls dont think i hate leafy bcz i can sound mean here i love her a lot as a character and im just willing to point out how i think she is lol n i find her rly interesting)
under the cut !
leafy values others a LOT and its evident by her simply wanting to help her friends as much as possible in every way she can even if its not helpful for herself. she thrives on the help she gives to others because she cares THAT much. while that is a big deal she still can be very egotistical and sees her good deeds as very important and while she IS helpful she can end up being very not-humble about it. and she tends to get controlling and freaked out over others not accepting her help (because she can be VERY overbearing) since she expects a positive reaction ALL the time from others. she does have her limits when it comes to helping ofc like when she only accepted to help pen if he gave smthng in return
leafy cant process or comprehend how others could simply refuse her help anyways and since she is Very emotional she instantly gets pissy. and also bcz of her tendency to be a bit self absorbed and overly-proud of her "helpfullness" it makes it worse. you can also kinda see her control-freak attitude and high self image by her neverending niceness chart and putting everyone in boxes
when firey basically was friends with her in a STABLE manner unlike any other friendship leafy had, and when he ditched her for a silly misunderstanding it basically broke her and twisted her around making her show off her vengeful side entirely and turn more harmful and greedy rather than the always helpful jolly person she tries to be/ends up being like
its important for me to mention here that leafy sees others as beneath her imo, even if she doesnt like to admit it/doesnt realize it consciously. a lot of times her helping for others resembles somebody pitying somebody and underestimating their abilities or babying them basically, this kinda shows her controlling nature tbh ..
leafy has a tendency to be controlling probably bcz she freaks out upon any dis-order esp others disliking her or not accepting her help
after being chased and almost executed over being a thief and having everybody hate her she did kinda mellow down and lose it so ig thats where the wanting to stab and throw knives at everyone came from..
in bfdia (in general) she did end up being kinda annoyed and vengeful over people yet still w anting to be friends cuz she was lonely (obviously) and wanted to be on good terms with everyone again lol
in bfb.. shes more of a disaster
after experiencing all that shit she is still overly helping and all but the exact same controlling freaking out leafy
upon gaty just wanting some time to think and not blindly accept her friendship leafy jsut instantly gets angry and annoyed which shows her sheer impatience upon anyone rejecting her or her actions (yet again..)
she grabbed her team members for beep JUST by seeing who needed help the most in her eyes,, even if they were not in any need of help she decided on it herself. this just shows me more of her thinking that others cant take care of themselves and leafy thinking she is a deity or some shit to others just bcz she helps people she views as "incapable" lol
and while she IS still very friendly and willing to help her nasty side shows a lot upon anyone being an inconvenience, aka balloony lol,, , in times like these i rly wonder if leafy actually cares for others from a level deeper than exclusively the surface because she ends up being SO controlling. especially with how she has a loyalty chart and bossess around everyone in her team and uses them when its necessary for her
perhaps she tends to be overbearing and more controlling when shes under some sort of pressure, in this case the contests perhaps,, she can end up forgetting or not giving a fuck about others as long as they do as she says because she views them as mere tools in such cases
and since shes already discomforted by lack of order and lack of control, she tries to fit everyone into boxes to do as SHE tells them to do and not anything else
i do believe leafy has good in her and she genuinely tries to help others and be nice but she is unable to realize that not everyone is in need of help and not to mention that she undermines everybody by seeing them as lesser and so trying to control them since she thinks they wont be doing things right if it isnt what she tells them to do lol
i think leafy has a hard time comprehending everything around her so she relies on making charts and keeping track on others relationships with her and how much she trusts them etc etc but since thats not how people Work it ends up being harmful since she expects everyone to fit her views and how she comprehends them, she ends up believeing no one else but herself has free will and a mind of their own (which continues the cycle of her trying to help in a fit of pity and power hunger to keep her world/mental state together)
in the end leafy is very in need of more self realization and trying to care for others feelings and needs in a way that OTHERS have and not the way she views them as being, and her loving others deeply wont solve her issues with listening to what they actually want
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