shvdwscng · 4 months
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STATUS : OPEN ⟳ ;; @ofcourtfablesarchive
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𝐈𝐅  𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄  𝐖𝐀𝐒  𝐎𝐍𝐄  thing  that  alistair  could  appreciate  of  the  season  courts  and  it  was  these  seasonal  celebrations  that  was  so  synonymous  to  each.  the  solar  courts  had  their  festivities,  but  not  quite  in  this  spectacle,  though  he'd  imagine  if  this  was  in  the  spring  court  it  would  be  a  different  sort  of  celebration.  what  better  way  to  amuse  and  entertain  everyone  trapped  here  than  with  more  parties?  he  doubted  just  how  well  this  would  work,  specifically  for  how  long,  but  no  one  can  say  the  royals  do  not  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  soiree.  the  commander  of  the  day  court  had  adjusted  his  mask  for  the  third  time  that  evening,  while  he  wasn't  averse  to  the  dress  code,  the  mask  was  certainly  itchier  than  expected.  the  commander  was  known  to  enjoy  a  party  every  so  often,  frankly  after  the  way  the  way  the  high  rulers  and  their  inner  circles  were  occupied,  working  day  and  night  to  find  a  way  out,  he  was  pleased  with  the  distraction.  "so  we're  not  allowed  to  remove  our  masks,  at  all,  not  even  for  a  moment?"  he  inquires  when  he  sense's  another  presence  near  by.  don't  get  him  wrong,  alistair  could  enjoy  a  bit  of  mystery,  even  if  he  had  known  most,  the  masks  well  covered  enough,  those  familiar  to  one  would  be  easily  spotted.
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ofsvnshine · 4 months
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open starter - @ofcourtfablesarchive
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saira   approached   the   other   with   a   drink   in   her   hands   and   a   curious   arch   of   her   brow.   of   course   the   spymaster   seemed   to   just   appear   out   of   nowhere,   her   footsteps   incredibly   soft   and   making   her   move   much   like   an   apparition.   “   i   like   your   mask,”   she   mused   with   a   slight   smile.
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ofcourtfables · 4 months
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𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐗 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 . . . the mystical force that has kept all the inhabitants of gaea remains steadfast, showing no signs of waning. however, as days have turned into an entire week, and there still no answers to be found despite all the scholars in the capital working endlessly to uncover ways to combat this unknown entity, the guests in the palace have become restless. they were allowed to venture to the rest of the capital, but such sights certainly do loose their appeal when everyone realizes they do not know how long this mystical force intends to hold everyone in the capital.
spring was now in full motion, the floras and faunas in full bloom, and the time of the spring equinox was upon gaea as well as the spring court. in an effort to ease tensions, to lift spirits, and allow the spring court faes to celebrate their spring festivities without interruptions, the royal family have arranged the spring squinox celebration in the form of a masked ball . the royal family hope this was will serve as a way for their guests to forget the ordeal surrounding them for the time of the celebrations, to enjoy the coming of spring, and have some form of entertainment.
this masked ball will be held outside in the royal gardens, the expansive land of the gardens were entirely decorated to resemble a spring wonderland, canopies and gazebos were added for seating, refreshments and food in an never-ending supply, and fairy lights were hung to illuminate the space for when the sun set on the horizon. gaea's best musicians were present once more, as well as entertainers. the gardens looked like something out of a fairytale, the royals sparing no detail to transform the garden to resemble the ballroom. the royal family has made masks a requirement, and the attire must contain themes of spring
ooc information: this event will last from 5/16 - 5/23 ooc. but in in character it will last a night and well into the morning hours. please tag all event stuff with ofcourtfables:event02 <3
template/psd by: calisources
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second2onespring · 4 months
@stxrslisten 'Narcissa'
Preston was finding his way around the garden. It wasn't all terrible. The food was almost right. And while the drinks weren't close, they were still quite good. He had found himself having a few and relax a bit. He grabbed a pastry and made his way across the room, not really looking for anyone, but smiling when he saw Narcissa. "Lady Narcissa, don't you look lovely tonight." He said with a slight incline of his head.
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second2onespring · 4 months
@ofdieus 'Emilios'
Preston was making the rounds. He had found most of their court and most of their contingent that had come to the coronation. They all seemed to be having a good time. The only person he wanted to see and hadn't found yet, was Emilios. A goblet in hand, mostly for show, Preston finally saw the back of his best friend's head. He seemed to be stuck in a conversation with one of the younger lady's of the court in Gaea. Preston straightened his spine and took the few steps until he was standing next to him. "My lord, I am so sorry to interrupt, but I am afraid I need you for a moment. There is an urgent situation that has come up." He said emphasising the proper words before looking at the ladies. "I apologize ladies." He said turning to walk away from them Emilios at his side.
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